Obama: Islam Is A Religion Of Peace

Then why do you keep farting garbage propoganda sounds from your mouth?
Conducting war from hospitals and schools is a surefire way to get them wreaked and you avoid the obvious truth in all this: Quality medcare, & education are rarities throughout the Arab Muslim World. Why do you suppose that is?
Too many Arab billionaires and US puppets, probably.
Why don't you explain how Israel can legally declare war on a civilian population under its military occupation?

"Hospitals across the Gaza Strip are also suffering from fuel and power shortages, inadequate water supply, and shortages of essential drugs and medical equipment.

"Such shortages, already prevalent due to Israel’s seven-year blockade, have been made much worse during the current hostilities. "

Mounting evidence of deliberate attacks on Gaza health workers by Israeli army Amnesty International
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Then why do you keep farting garbage propoganda sounds from your mouth?
Conducting war from hospitals and schools is a surefire way to get them wreaked and you avoid the obvious truth in all this: Quality medcare, & education are rarities throughout the Arab Muslim World. Why do you suppose that is?

Too many Arab billionaires and US puppets, probably...

Ah yes!
Too many Arab billionaires are the reason the Arab/Muslim World is such a mess and it's America's fault!
It couldn't possibly be the cold, inhumane culture of that "Religion of Peace" (and it's apologists) now could it, JihadGeorgie?
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Perhaps if the Palestinians used money to build good hospitals instead of using the money for weapons to kill the Israelis they could attract top doctors in different fields to work in them.

Why would Palestinians waste their money building "good hospitals" when greedy Jews will simply bomb and shell them into extinction, Ha$bara $al?

Conducting war from hospitals and schools is a surefire way to get them wreaked and you avoid the obvious truth in all this: Quality medcare, & education are rarities throughout the Arab Muslim World. Why do you suppose that is?

Very true.

1. Most Muslim countries lack public pension or health care systems. (see http://www.adb.org/Documents/Brochu...riefs/PAK-Proj-Brief-on-Pension-Insurance.pdf and http://siteresources.worldbank.org/...ces/SP-Discussion-papers/Pensions-DP/0014.pdf for example) and rely on children.

2. "Perhaps not unexpected, as the West offers freedoms unheard of in Islamic countries, 70% of the world's refugees are Muslims fleeing from places where their religion is the official doctrine. They flee to the West, for opportunity, and personal safety, as well as said freedom.:
Scruton, "The West and the Rest."
Then why do you keep farting garbage propoganda sounds from your mouth?
Conducting war from hospitals and schools is a surefire way to get them wreaked and you avoid the obvious truth in all this: Quality medcare, & education are rarities throughout the Arab Muslim World. Why do you suppose that is?
Too many Arab billionaires and US puppets, probably.
Why don't you explain how Israel can legally declare war on a civilian population under its military occupation?

"Hospitals across the Gaza Strip are also suffering from fuel and power shortages, inadequate water supply, and shortages of essential drugs and medical equipment.

"Such shortages, already prevalent due to Israel’s seven-year blockade, have been made much worse during the current hostilities. "

Mounting evidence of deliberate attacks on Gaza health workers by Israeli army Amnesty International

the shortages in gazan hospitals are due to the fact that there are shortages in hospitals in any and
all pleces run by muslims-------even Saudi Arabia-----In Saudi Arabia there is so much a shortage
of decent doctors -----that they import and "sneak" Israeli doctors in when important Saudis get sick,
A just evaluation of gazan hospitals would be-----compare them with hospitals in muslim countries
not "occupied" by Israel------like Yemen
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Then why do you keep farting garbage propoganda sounds from your mouth?
Because I like making pathic bitches like you squeal like a rancid racist whore with Bibi's dick in his punk ass?

If you are telling us in a roundabout way, Gaza George, from your vulgarity that you miss the action, I am sure someone will give you a lift to West Hollywood if you stick out your thumb. The hilarious thing about Gaza George is that he thinks that everyone reading this forum actually believes he cares about the Arabs when he is just using them in his fight against his favorite scapegoats, the Jews.
Perhaps if the Palestinians used money to build good hospitals instead of using the money for weapons to kill the Israelis they could attract top doctors in different fields to work in them.

Why would Palestinians waste their money building "good hospitals" when greedy Jews will simply bomb and shell them into extinction, Ha$bara $al?

Conducting war from hospitals and schools is a surefire way to get them wreaked and you avoid the obvious truth in all this: Quality medcare, & education are rarities throughout the Arab Muslim World. Why do you suppose that is?

Notice, Sayit, that he is back with his "greedy Jews" once again. He must really recent the Jews in Los Angeles who have worked hard and can enjoy their retirement while he just sits in his tiny apartment passing the time away on forums. Meanwhile, Gaza George is certainly lucky that those "greedy Jews" and other hardworking Angelenos paid their property taxes to enable him to go and get treated in the County Hospital for nothing when he had a health problem..
the shortages in gazan hospitals are due to the fact that there are shortages in hospitals in any and
all pleces run by muslims-----
You're a racist tool who's showing signs of Alzheimer's. Jews want all the land of Palestine for themselves, and you make a bigger and bigger fool of yourself with your pathetic apologies for ethnic cleansing.
"The recent conflict in Gaza severely impacted on the health and wellbeing of the entire population.
Large-scale population displacement, shortages of water and electricity, environmental health
hazards, loss of income and many more factors increased drastically the vulnerability of the majority
of the population at a time when the siege on Gaza and the financial crisis of the government had
already left the system on the brink of collapse. The chronic situation of the health sector therefore
is a major underlying cause for the impact of the conflict on the health system in Gaza today and
unless addressed systematically a recovery of the health sector to a stronger and more resilient
health system is highly unlikely.

"The direct impact of the conflict led to the loss of life, disabilities, decompensation of chronic
illnesses and severe negative effect on the mental well being of the population.

"Security issues and the destruction of vital health infrastructure were and are large contributors to the reduced availability of health services during and after the conflict. "

the shortages in gazan hospitals are due to the fact that there are shortages in hospitals in any and
all pleces run by muslims-----
You're a racist tool who's showing signs of Alzheimer's. Jews want all the land of Palestine for themselves, and you make a bigger and bigger fool of yourself with your pathetic apologies for ethnic cleansing.
"The recent conflict in Gaza severely impacted on the health and wellbeing of the entire population.
Large-scale population displacement, shortages of water and electricity, environmental health
hazards, loss of income and many more factors increased drastically the vulnerability of the majority
of the population at a time when the siege on Gaza and the financial crisis of the government had
already left the system on the brink of collapse. The chronic situation of the health sector therefore
is a major underlying cause for the impact of the conflict on the health system in Gaza today and
unless addressed systematically a recovery of the health sector to a stronger and more resilient
health system is highly unlikely.

"The direct impact of the conflict led to the loss of life, disabilities, decompensation of chronic
illnesses and severe negative effect on the mental well being of the population.

"Security issues and the destruction of vital health infrastructure were and are large contributors to the reduced availability of health services during and after the conflict. "


I got really bad news for you Georgie-----the general health and well being of the gazans is actually
far better than that of the average muslim in the world ------in fact infant survival is just about the
best ------when compared to all of the other muslim lands of Africa and Asia ---------If I were demented, it
would be impossible for me to read the medical literature
the shortages in gazan hospitals are due to the fact that there are shortages in hospitals in any and
all pleces run by muslims-----
You're a racist tool who's showing signs of Alzheimer's. Jews want all the land of Palestine for themselves, and you make a bigger and bigger fool of yourself with your pathetic apologies for ethnic cleansing.
"The recent conflict in Gaza severely impacted on the health and wellbeing of the entire population.
Large-scale population displacement, shortages of water and electricity, environmental health
hazards, loss of income and many more factors increased drastically the vulnerability of the majority
of the population at a time when the siege on Gaza and the financial crisis of the government had
already left the system on the brink of collapse. The chronic situation of the health sector therefore
is a major underlying cause for the impact of the conflict on the health system in Gaza today and
unless addressed systematically a recovery of the health sector to a stronger and more resilient
health system is highly unlikely.

"The direct impact of the conflict led to the loss of life, disabilities, decompensation of chronic
illnesses and severe negative effect on the mental well being of the population.

"Security issues and the destruction of vital health infrastructure were and are large contributors to the reduced availability of health services during and after the conflict. "


Why not tell us of all the wonderful medical facilities the Egyptians built for the Gazans when they were administering that area? Surely you must have some good pictures of the hospitals of that time. Meanwhile, you still are not fooling anyone that you actually care about the Arabs. If it had been the Hindus or the Buddhists instead of the Jews in the Middle East, Gaza George would have no interest in that area of the world at all. However, since his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, are the ones involved, he puts on this great dramatic act like he really cares about the Arabs. So much blood is running in Iraq and Syria at the moment, and Gaza George could care less.
Quality of life in Gaza IMPROVED by leaps and bounds after
1967-----including medical care and infant survival
Quality of life in Gaza IMPROVED by leaps and bounds after
1967-----including medical care and infant survival
For Jews.

there are no jews living in Gaza-----quality of life ----ESPECIALLY medical care and RUNNING WATER and the
availability of electricity------VASTLY IMPROVED FOR GAZAN MUSLIMS------ie arabs. Check the real medical literature and try to pry your nose out of the islamo Nazi propaganda
PUHLEEEEZE doggie----the islamo Nazis will not admit that
there have been jews living in Gaza for centuries

No, of course not. It's like trying to get Coyote to ever say anything honest -- it just ain't gonna happen.

The fact that ancient Jewish artifacts place them in Gaza a thousand years before there were any Arabs and three thousand before the people called Palestinian were invented will not sway these haters from the chosen course, since truth has no bearing on their hatred.
PUHLEEEEZE doggie----the islamo Nazis will not admit that
there have been jews living in Gaza for centuries

No, of course not. It's like trying to get Coyote to ever say anything honest -- it just ain't gonna happen.

The fact that ancient Jewish artifacts place them in Gaza a thousand years before there were any Arabs and three thousand before the people called Palestinian were invented will not sway these haters from the chosen course, since truth has no bearing on their hatred.

Truth has no effect on their creed, nor does decency----
I did learn about islam from muslims----one of the most
important issues "MUSLIM LAND" ----any land upon which a muslim raped, murdered, pillaged or defecated is

furthermore----muslims have the right to POSTHUMOUSLY declare historic persons to have been MUSLIMS------adam---the guy with the apple----was a MUSLIM-----as was
Moses (the guy with the two tablets) as was Jesus---
(the walk on water guy) -------of course the MOST important player in history was MUHUMMAD----who between rape and pillage and murder----INVENTED THE WHEEL AND SLICED BREAD
Jews have been ethnically clensed from Gaza

Tell Samson to bring back the gates.
there are no jews living in Gaza-----quality of life ----ESPECIALLY medical care and RUNNING WATER and the
availability of electricity------VASTLY IMPROVED FOR GAZAN MUSLIMS------ie arabs. Check the real medical literature and try to pry your nose out of the islamo Nazi propaganda
More hasbara from rosie the rancid racist:
"The siege that Israel has imposed on the Gaza Strip since Hamas took over control of the security apparatus there in June 2007 has greatly harmed Gaza's health system, which had not functioned well beforehand.

"Many services and specialist and life-saving treatments are not available to Palestinians inside Gaza, and since the siege began, access to medical care in hospitals outside Gaza has decreased.

"In addition, as clashes between the army and armed Palestinians escalate, treatment of chronic patients, among them cancer and heart patients, is postponed, and the supply of medicines and medical equipment to Gaza is delayed.

"Furthermore, Palestinian internal disputes following Hamas's intention to replace the heads of the health system and of the hospitals have led to labor strikes."
Health situation in the Gaza Strip B Tselem
there are no jews living in Gaza-----quality of life ----ESPECIALLY medical care and RUNNING WATER and the
availability of electricity------VASTLY IMPROVED FOR GAZAN MUSLIMS------ie arabs. Check the real medical literature and try to pry your nose out of the islamo Nazi propaganda
More hasbara from rosie the rancid racist:
"The siege that Israel has imposed on the Gaza Strip since Hamas took over control of the security apparatus there in June 2007 has greatly harmed Gaza's health system, which had not functioned well beforehand.

"Many services and specialist and life-saving treatments are not available to Palestinians inside Gaza, and since the siege began, access to medical care in hospitals outside Gaza has decreased.

"In addition, as clashes between the army and armed Palestinians escalate, treatment of chronic patients, among them cancer and heart patients, is postponed, and the supply of medicines and medical equipment to Gaza is delayed.

"Furthermore, Palestinian internal disputes following Hamas's intention to replace the heads of the health system and of the hospitals have led to labor strikes."
Health situation in the Gaza Strip B Tselem

B'tselem is a dissident activist group-----I trust their reports
to the same extent that I used to trust the many reports of the SDS in the 1960s ----they also embellished and lied a lot --------FURTHERMORE----you answer did not address my comment----I commented on the VAST IMPROVEMENT in medical care afforded the gazans -----pre 1967 vs post
1967. My evaluation is not only verified by the medical
literature----but by accounts of educated gazans as wall and
by personal interaction with Gazan patients and their relatives-----no respond to that Nazi-pig

my all time fave was the gazan father who came to the hospital in which I worked to take his son BACK HOME_--
where he could get him into HADASSAH HOSPITAL---
that was some time ago-----like circa 1990----since then the
activities of sluts with bombs on their asses pretending to
be pregnant and planning to blow up Israeli hospitals has put a damper on things.

Despite all the troubles that actual infant survival rate
(that means how many children live to grow up) is far
better in Gaza than it is as compared to MOST of the
muslim populations of the world------why not compare
Gaza with EGYPT------who is bothering Egypt?

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