Obama: Islam Is A Religion Of Peace

Mebbe so but that small minority has the rest of Islam cowed.

There are some posters around here that think we are having war on Islam, or that we should be having a war on Islam. I'm gonna go out of a limb and say you're smarter than that, because, well, that would just be ridiculous. Plus, I've read some of your postings, and you're not half bad for a RWer. I may not agree, but at least you have a sense of humor.

I'd say some use the term "Islam" in describing "Islamism" and choose to fight them or not, Jihadists certainly are at war with us.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You wouldn't know a terrorist if one slapped you in the face.

How about Yassir Arafat....you know, the terrorist for whom Jimmie Carter wrote speeches.....

And speaking of face-slapping....I'd like to slap you senseless but I see someone already has.

Aren't you the one who put up a whiny "goodbye" thread, or was that another dingbat?

Of course, I began meeting with Hafez al-Assad, who is now deceased as you know, back when I was president. I think back in back in 1977 in May or June. I have forgotten exactly which, but I met with him, trying to get him to support a peace process. On one occasion he invited me to meet with him and his entire family, and I met all his children and got to know them. One of them was a college student who is now the president of Syria.

But when you recollect, for example, your 1990 meeting with him, at which you asked about the Golan Heights, how that dispute might be settled with Israel, were you working from your own notes?

Of course, from my own notes, and my wife takes notes when I'm there and we have been very careful to make sure that all those descriptions are accurate.

Jimmy Carter Defends Peace Not Apartheid NPR

1. "Aren't you the one blah blah blah..."

2. One would have imagined that you know what quotation marks were for.

Certainly there must be something you are able to do?

3. This is how it is done:
"Since the book was published, Carter says he has been branded an anti-Semite and a bigot."

And, of course, he is exactly that.

4. "Last month, Carter penned a remarkable op-ed piece for the New York Times, entitled "America Can Persuade Israel to Make a Just Peace." In it, he let it all hang out as an apologist for Arafat and a bulldog against Sharon. Before getting to that piece, however, we should be clear about just how attached to Arafat and his cause the ex-president is. As Brinkley writes in his book The Unfinished Presidency — about Carter's celebrated post-White House years — "there was no world leader Jimmy Carter was more eager to know than Yasir Arafat." The former president "felt certain affinities with the Palestinian: a tendency toward hyperactivity and a workaholic disposition...."
Jay Nordlinger on Jimmy Carter on National Review Online


5. "In their first meeting — held in 1990 — Carter boasted of his sternness toward Israel. For example, he said, "When I bring up the [PLO] charter, you should not be concerned that I am biased. I am much more harsh with the Israelis."
Later on, the parties exchanged gifts. "When Arafat presented Rosalynn with a dress for daughter Amy, decorated with Palestinian embroidery, he mentioned that he had followed Amy's political activities with great interest, especially her anti-CIA stance in Nicaragua and antiapartheid activities in South Africa."
....Carter actually acted as PR adviser and speechwriter to Arafat. As Brinkley says, he "drafted on his home computer the strategy and wording for a generic speech Arafat was to deliver soon for Western ears . . ." The entire composition is nauseating, but its flavor can be captured in a single line: "Our people, who face Israeli bullets, have no weapons: only a few stones remaining when our homes are destroyed by Israeli bulldozers."

I'm certain you'll be thanking me for educating you.

Quite welcome.
There are some posters around here that think we are having war on Islam, or that we should be having a war on Islam. I'm gonna go out of a limb and say you're smarter than that, because, well, that would just be ridiculous. Plus, I've read some of your postings, and you're not half bad for a RWer. I may not agree, but at least you have a sense of humor.

I'd say some use the term "Islam" in describing "Islamism" and choose to fight them or not, Jihadists certainly are at war with us.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You wouldn't know a terrorist if one slapped you in the face.

How about Yassir Arafat....you know, the terrorist for whom Jimmie Carter wrote speeches.....

And speaking of face-slapping....I'd like to slap you senseless but I see someone already has.

Aren't you the one who put up a whiny "goodbye" thread, or was that another dingbat?

Of course, I began meeting with Hafez al-Assad, who is now deceased as you know, back when I was president. I think back in back in 1977 in May or June. I have forgotten exactly which, but I met with him, trying to get him to support a peace process. On one occasion he invited me to meet with him and his entire family, and I met all his children and got to know them. One of them was a college student who is now the president of Syria.

But when you recollect, for example, your 1990 meeting with him, at which you asked about the Golan Heights, how that dispute might be settled with Israel, were you working from your own notes?

Of course, from my own notes, and my wife takes notes when I'm there and we have been very careful to make sure that all those descriptions are accurate.

Jimmy Carter Defends Peace Not Apartheid NPR

1. "Aren't you the one blah blah blah..."

2. One would have imagined that you know what quotation marks were for.

Certainly there must be something you are able to do?

3. This is how it is done:
"Since the book was published, Carter says he has been branded an anti-Semite and a bigot."

And, of course, he is exactly that.

4. "Last month, Carter penned a remarkable op-ed piece for the New York Times, entitled "America Can Persuade Israel to Make a Just Peace." In it, he let it all hang out as an apologist for Arafat and a bulldog against Sharon. Before getting to that piece, however, we should be clear about just how attached to Arafat and his cause the ex-president is. As Brinkley writes in his book The Unfinished Presidency — about Carter's celebrated post-White House years — "there was no world leader Jimmy Carter was more eager to know than Yasir Arafat." The former president "felt certain affinities with the Palestinian: a tendency toward hyperactivity and a workaholic disposition...."
Jay Nordlinger on Jimmy Carter on National Review Online


5. "In their first meeting — held in 1990 — Carter boasted of his sternness toward Israel. For example, he said, "When I bring up the [PLO] charter, you should not be concerned that I am biased. I am much more harsh with the Israelis."
Later on, the parties exchanged gifts. "When Arafat presented Rosalynn with a dress for daughter Amy, decorated with Palestinian embroidery, he mentioned that he had followed Amy's political activities with great interest, especially her anti-CIA stance in Nicaragua and antiapartheid activities in South Africa."
....Carter actually acted as PR adviser and speechwriter to Arafat. As Brinkley says, he "drafted on his home computer the strategy and wording for a generic speech Arafat was to deliver soon for Western ears . . ." The entire composition is nauseating, but its flavor can be captured in a single line: "Our people, who face Israeli bullets, have no weapons: only a few stones remaining when our homes are destroyed by Israeli bulldozers."

I'm certain you'll be thanking me for educating you.

Quite welcome.

I think I'll go with Jimmy Carter and his 33 years of expertise, vs your biased Little Green Footballs blog posting.
I think I'll go with Jimmy Carter and his 33 years of expertise, vs your biased Little Green Footballs blog posting.
Jimmah Abdul Carter is about as relevant as a cocker spaniel...

Jimmy is right on the money!

Jimmy Carter Offers A Peace Plan That Will Work NPR
Jimmah Abdul ("There are Too Many Jews on the National Holocaust Memorial Committee") Carter lost his credibility with the Jews eons ago.

And, like Neville Chamberlain, he believes the lies of the enemy - Hamas - about not wanting anything more, and about being willing to live in peace.

Like Neville Chamberlain, he is a well-intentioned, naive, honest but gullible soul, and should stick nowadays to building houses for poor people.
Jimmy is right on the money!
"The first development was the election of Barack Obama as president, he tells NPR's Renee Montagne. For the Middle East, Carter said, that should mean 'a balanced and aggressive commitment to bring peace. That's quite a change.'

"The former president also cited progress in his meetings with members of the Palestinian parties, Hamas and Fatah, in April and December of 2008.

"'For the first time, the Hamas leaders pledged that they would accept any peace agreement negotiated between the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and Israel,' Carter said — as long as Palestinians approve the agreement in a referendum."

Carter made this observations in 2009. Maybe the kindest interpretation would be he's too optimistic in his hopes Obama would bring Israel to heel in Palestine?

Jimmy Carter Offers A Peace Plan That Will Work NPR
That's what he keeps spouting on national TV.

Listen to Obama and you’d believe Islam is a religion of peace. Listen to liberal defenders of Islam and they’ll tell you Islam is nothing like what ISIS does.

However, if you look at the patterns of behavior demonstrated by countries that are Islamic, you’ll notice one thing: Islam is a religion of violence, pure and simple.

In a story covered by Iraqinews.com it was reported a woman shot a man with his own gun after he tried to rape her.

What ISIS Did to a Woman Who Fought Off a Rapist is Beyond Horrific
Hossfly, these countries are war torn and fighting for peace as your country and Europe was in the similar situation in the past many time. Just check the crime record of USA and what happening with women, even though USA world #1 civilization at the moment. Please be real man.
Jimmy is right on the money!
"The first development was the election of Barack Obama as president, he tells NPR's Renee Montagne. For the Middle East, Carter said, that should mean 'a balanced and aggressive commitment to bring peace. That's quite a change.'

"The former president also cited progress in his meetings with members of the Palestinian parties, Hamas and Fatah, in April and December of 2008.

"'For the first time, the Hamas leaders pledged that they would accept any peace agreement negotiated between the Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and Israel,' Carter said — as long as Palestinians approve the agreement in a referendum."

Carter made this observations in 2009. Maybe the kindest interpretation would be he's too optimistic in his hopes Obama would bring Israel to heel in Palestine?

Jimmy Carter Offers A Peace Plan That Will Work NPR
Jimmah is a doddering old fool who is just kissing up to Hamas and Fatah. He burned his bridge to Israel. Obama would have to walk on water to get back to Israel now after his chickenshit maneuver.
That's what he keeps spouting on national TV.

Listen to Obama and you’d believe Islam is a religion of peace. Listen to liberal defenders of Islam and they’ll tell you Islam is nothing like what ISIS does.

However, if you look at the patterns of behavior demonstrated by countries that are Islamic, you’ll notice one thing: Islam is a religion of violence, pure and simple.

In a story covered by Iraqinews.com it was reported a woman shot a man with his own gun after he tried to rape her.

What ISIS Did to a Woman Who Fought Off a Rapist is Beyond Horrific
Hossfly, these countries are war torn and fighting for peace as your country and Europe was in the similar situation in the past many time. Just check the crime record of USA and what happening with women, even though USA world #1 civilization at the moment. Please be real man.
O.K., Doc.
The reality is that Obama is hostile to every religion BUT Islam. What does that tell you?

It tells me that his second name is not Hussein for nothing.

Wakey! wakey americans!
Islam is peace full religion but unfortunately Islamic countries are fighting for peace and they will win by the Grace of God, but if some people are fighting, its not mean all muslim are trouble maker and religion is not peace full. And why Hussein what about Bush,Clinton,Kennedy and more... there are line of USA Presidents who gave similar comments.
It does not surprise me in the least..... Hussein already has said this:

“The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”

That is the man we dealing with.
As I said before Mr. Obama in not the only President, there are line of USA presidents who gave similar comments about Islam and Muslim.
It does not surprise me in the least..... Hussein already has said this:

“The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”

That is the man we dealing with.
As I said before Mr. Obama in not the only President, there are line of USA presidents who gave similar comments about Islam and Muslim.
Thomas Jefferson too?
Sir Winston Churchill: :clap2:

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!
Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia
in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many
countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods
of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the
Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and
refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan
law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as
a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the
faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion
paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde
force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant
and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising
fearless warriors at every step, and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the
strong arms of science, the science against which it (Islam) has vainly struggled,
the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”
It does not surprise me in the least..... Hussein already has said this:

“The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”

That is the man we dealing with.
As I said before Mr. Obama in not the only President, there are line of USA presidents who gave similar comments about Islam and Muslim.
Thomas Jefferson too?

This is a quote from Thomas Jefferson's ambassador to Tripoli:

“The Ambassador [of Tripoli] answered us that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in battle was sure to go to Paradise.”
I'd say some use the term "Islam" in describing "Islamism" and choose to fight them or not, Jihadists certainly are at war with us.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You wouldn't know a terrorist if one slapped you in the face.

How about Yassir Arafat....you know, the terrorist for whom Jimmie Carter wrote speeches.....

And speaking of face-slapping....I'd like to slap you senseless but I see someone already has.

Aren't you the one who put up a whiny "goodbye" thread, or was that another dingbat?

Of course, I began meeting with Hafez al-Assad, who is now deceased as you know, back when I was president. I think back in back in 1977 in May or June. I have forgotten exactly which, but I met with him, trying to get him to support a peace process. On one occasion he invited me to meet with him and his entire family, and I met all his children and got to know them. One of them was a college student who is now the president of Syria.

But when you recollect, for example, your 1990 meeting with him, at which you asked about the Golan Heights, how that dispute might be settled with Israel, were you working from your own notes?

Of course, from my own notes, and my wife takes notes when I'm there and we have been very careful to make sure that all those descriptions are accurate.

Jimmy Carter Defends Peace Not Apartheid NPR

1. "Aren't you the one blah blah blah..."

2. One would have imagined that you know what quotation marks were for.

Certainly there must be something you are able to do?

3. This is how it is done:
"Since the book was published, Carter says he has been branded an anti-Semite and a bigot."

And, of course, he is exactly that.

4. "Last month, Carter penned a remarkable op-ed piece for the New York Times, entitled "America Can Persuade Israel to Make a Just Peace." In it, he let it all hang out as an apologist for Arafat and a bulldog against Sharon. Before getting to that piece, however, we should be clear about just how attached to Arafat and his cause the ex-president is. As Brinkley writes in his book The Unfinished Presidency — about Carter's celebrated post-White House years — "there was no world leader Jimmy Carter was more eager to know than Yasir Arafat." The former president "felt certain affinities with the Palestinian: a tendency toward hyperactivity and a workaholic disposition...."
Jay Nordlinger on Jimmy Carter on National Review Online


5. "In their first meeting — held in 1990 — Carter boasted of his sternness toward Israel. For example, he said, "When I bring up the [PLO] charter, you should not be concerned that I am biased. I am much more harsh with the Israelis."
Later on, the parties exchanged gifts. "When Arafat presented Rosalynn with a dress for daughter Amy, decorated with Palestinian embroidery, he mentioned that he had followed Amy's political activities with great interest, especially her anti-CIA stance in Nicaragua and antiapartheid activities in South Africa."
....Carter actually acted as PR adviser and speechwriter to Arafat. As Brinkley says, he "drafted on his home computer the strategy and wording for a generic speech Arafat was to deliver soon for Western ears . . ." The entire composition is nauseating, but its flavor can be captured in a single line: "Our people, who face Israeli bullets, have no weapons: only a few stones remaining when our homes are destroyed by Israeli bulldozers."

I'm certain you'll be thanking me for educating you.

Quite welcome.

I think I'll go with Jimmy Carter and his 33 years of expertise, vs your biased Little Green Footballs blog posting.

Of course you would.
And that is what identifies you as a dope.
Jimmah is a doddering old fool who is just kissing up to Hamas and Fatah. He burned his bridge to Israel. Obama would have to walk on water to get back to Israel now after his chickenshit maneuver.
Why would Obama turn on AIPAC and put his retirement in jeopardy over a baby killing bitch like Bibi?


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