Obama: Islam Is A Religion Of Peace

...72 Virgins Dating Service...
But we can't keep this up all day...

Order now...

Or, better yet...

Come on down to Krazy Khalid's after Friday Prayers, and we'll get you squared away, with your first, second or third set of 72 Virgins...


(1) Due to high demand, some cross-species 'interaction' may be necessary.

(2) Please ignore the funny-looking aerial vehicles orbiting over our spacious parking lot - we are remodeling, and need precise geographic measurements.
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....no appointment necessary. First come, first "serve".

Walk-Ins welcome !

We "aim" to please...
"Money back gauranteed if not completely satisfied!"

Half price off second set of 72 virgins. Get yours now before inventories run out!

*subject to availability.
But we can't keep this up all day...

Order now...

Or, better yet...

Come on down to Krazy Khalid's after Friday Prayers, and we'll get you squared away, with your first, second or third set of 72 Virgins...


(1) Due to high demand, some cross-species 'interaction' may be necessary.

(2) Please ignore the funny-looking aerial vehicles orbiting over our spacious parking lot - we are remodeling, and need precise geographic measurements.

*Some of the virgins are male homosexuals. Free parking in the "rear".
Walk-Ins welcome !

We "aim" to please...
"Money back gauranteed if not completely satisfied!"

Half price off second set of 72 virgins. Get yours now before inventories run out!

*subject to availability.
But we can't keep this up all day...

Order now...

Or, better yet...

Come on down to Krazy Khalid's after Friday Prayers, and we'll get you squared away, with your first, second or third set of 72 Virgins...


(1) Due to high demand, some cross-species 'interaction' may be necessary.

(2) Please ignore the funny-looking aerial vehicles orbiting over our spacious parking lot - we are remodeling, and need precise geographic measurements.

*Some of the virgins are male homosexuals. Free parking in the "rear".
Dude !!!
Woo. Rose's post caused me to check the present status of Yemen's Jews. Evidently they are doing waaay better in Israel

Ever wonder why?

You're a useful idiot, GP. Hopefully others will actually read the link to get a true sense about adherents of your "Religion of Peace."

Yup, he sure does represent the typical "man on the street" mindset, doesn't he? Always someone else to blame for Islamic savagery.

I'm guessing you are being facetious. He is, however, a typical "Arab Street and their Useful Idiots" poster
Money back gauranteed if not completely satisfied!"
Your money or your (kid's) life:

"In December 2009 villagers in al-Majala noticed a spotter plane (unmanned drone) hovering in the sky. They paid no concern since it had been years that there was a drone strike in Yemen. On December 17th 2009 a U.S. naval ship launched a missile that killed entire families. Photo from Al Jazeera."
Photos of Victims of US Drone Wars in Pakistan and Yemen
Bush said it multiple times throughout his presidency, so I don't buy that as an excuse.
I just don't think sweeping generalizations are ever very smart. Islam is the dominant religion of Turkey with 99.8% of the population being registered as Muslim, according to Wiki. The majority of Muslims are not radical.
Are there radical Islamist who want to chop our heads...? Certainly, but they are a minority.

The point of this thread seems to be those radicals perpetrate their vicious agenda with the aid, support and approval of many Muslims and the acquiescence of many more. Here in the West we find their useful sycophants posting apologies on Internet message boards.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

They are a small minority.
Mebbe so but that small minority has the rest of Islam cowed.

There are some posters around here that think we are having war on Islam, or that we should be having a war on Islam. I'm gonna go out of a limb and say you're smarter than that, because, well, that would just be ridiculous. Plus, I've read some of your postings, and you're not half bad for a RWer. I may not agree, but at least you have a sense of humor.

You're not only a lame apologist for that "Religion of Peace" you're an outright liar for their barbaric "cause." As previously explained to you, ISIS is only the latest incarnation of the vicious Islamist fundy trend started by the Muslim Bro-hood in the 1920s.
And what role did the CIA play in the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood thirty years later?
"In 1954, Egyptian President Gamal Abddul Nasser’s nationalist policies in Egypt come to be viewed as completely unacceptable by Britain and the US. MI6 and the CIA jointly hatch plans for his assassination.

"According to Miles Copeland, a CIA operative based in Egypt, the opposition to Nasser is driven by the commercial community—the oil companies and the banks.

"At the same time, the Muslim Brotherhood’s resentment of Nasser’s secular government also comes to a head.

"In one incident, Islamist militants attack pro-Nasser students at Cairo University. Following an attempt on his own life by the Brotherhood, Nasser responds immediately by outlawing the group, which he denounces as a tool of Britain.

"The following years see a long and complex struggle pitting Nasser against the Muslim Brotherhood, the US, and Britain.

"The CIA funnels support to the Muslim Brotherhood because of 'the Brotherhood’s commendable capability to overthrow Nasser.'"
Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World, remember?
The CIA functions as its death squad.
Context of 1954-1970 CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood Ally to Oppose Egyptian President Nasser

None of which proves that the CIA (or America, or the West) was instrumental in the founding or development of Islamism's latest round of vicious fundamentalism but rather that we used it to serve our interests ... a perfectly legit and commendable thing to do (unless viewed by some America-hatin' slug, of course).
You're not only a lame apologist for that "Religion of Peace" you're an outright liar for their barbaric "cause." As previously explained to you, ISIS is only the latest incarnation of the vicious Islamist fundy trend started by the Muslim Bro-hood in the 1920s.
And what role did the CIA play in the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood thirty years later?
"In 1954, Egyptian President Gamal Abddul Nasser’s nationalist policies in Egypt come to be viewed as completely unacceptable by Britain and the US. MI6 and the CIA jointly hatch plans for his assassination.

"According to Miles Copeland, a CIA operative based in Egypt, the opposition to Nasser is driven by the commercial community—the oil companies and the banks.

"At the same time, the Muslim Brotherhood’s resentment of Nasser’s secular government also comes to a head.

"In one incident, Islamist militants attack pro-Nasser students at Cairo University. Following an attempt on his own life by the Brotherhood, Nasser responds immediately by outlawing the group, which he denounces as a tool of Britain.

"The following years see a long and complex struggle pitting Nasser against the Muslim Brotherhood, the US, and Britain.

"The CIA funnels support to the Muslim Brotherhood because of 'the Brotherhood’s commendable capability to overthrow Nasser.'"
Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World, remember?
The CIA functions as its death squad.
Context of 1954-1970 CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood Ally to Oppose Egyptian President Nasser

Georgie, they should open-up a 'Special' Forum here on USMB, for America-Haters, and make you the Senior Mod within that universe, so that you can vomit-up America-Hatred to your little heart's content...

Clearly he already does so eagerly.
Bush said it multiple times throughout his presidency, so I don't buy that as an excuse.
I just don't think sweeping generalizations are ever very smart. Islam is the dominant religion of Turkey with 99.8% of the population being registered as Muslim, according to Wiki. The majority of Muslims are not radical.
Are there radical Islamist who want to chop our heads...? Certainly, but they are a minority.

The point of this thread seems to be those radicals perpetrate their vicious agenda with the aid, support and approval of many Muslims and the acquiescence of many more. Here in the West we find their useful sycophants posting apologies on Internet message boards.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

They are a small minority.

If you mean the vicious Islamists, you are kidding yourself. As already stated, they perpetrate their vicious agenda with the aid, support and approval of many Muslims and the acquiescence of many more.
If you mean their Western sycophants, you are correct.
Money back gauranteed if not completely satisfied!"
Your money or your (kid's) life:

"In December 2009 villagers in al-Majala noticed a spotter plane (unmanned drone) hovering in the sky. They paid no concern since it had been years that there was a drone strike in Yemen. On December 17th 2009 a U.S. naval ship launched a missile that killed entire families. Photo from Al Jazeera."
Photos of Victims of US Drone Wars in Pakistan and Yemen
Yeah, that's a tough beak, when Militant Muslim Terrorist Scum hide amongst civilians, and when that state of affairs requires a precise targeted drone strike that also generates unintended collateral civilian casualties, or when an intelligence failure mis-directs an otherwise legitimate and necessary drone strike.

Then again, if those countries which permit such terrorists and activity upon their soil, would act effectively to end that terrorist presence, and effectively neutralize the threat that they represent, rather than tolerating or even encouraging or openly or tacitly supporting them, then such drone strikes would not be necessary.

In the end, better them than us, I'm afraid, but, on a sympathetic note...

God help the occasional innocent child who suffers or dies as a result of such necessary military targeting operations, and God help the parents and other family that suffer so greatly, when a little one is lost due to such heartless, thoughtless terrorist presence, hiding behind the skirts of the innocent.

And God damn the cowardly terrorists themselves, and the governments that fail to act, to eliminate the need for such drone strikes.
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Mebbe so but that small minority has the rest of Islam cowed.

There are some posters around here that think we are having war on Islam, or that we should be having a war on Islam. I'm gonna go out of a limb and say you're smarter than that, because, well, that would just be ridiculous. Plus, I've read some of your postings, and you're not half bad for a RWer. I may not agree, but at least you have a sense of humor.

I'd say some use the term "Islam" in describing "Islamism" but choose to fight them or not, Jihadists certainly are at war with us.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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Mebbe so but that small minority has the rest of Islam cowed.

There are some posters around here that think we are having war on Islam, or that we should be having a war on Islam. I'm gonna go out of a limb and say you're smarter than that, because, well, that would just be ridiculous. Plus, I've read some of your postings, and you're not half bad for a RWer. I may not agree, but at least you have a sense of humor.

I'd say some use the term "Islam" in describing "Islamism" and choose to fight them or not, Jihadists certainly are at war with us.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You wouldn't know a terrorist if one slapped you in the face.
None of which proves that the CIA (or America, or the West) was instrumental in the founding or development of Islamism's latest round of vicious fundamentalism but rather that we used it to serve our interests ... a perfectly legit and commendable thing to do (unless viewed by some America-hatin' slug, of course).
Tell us when Islam's "latest round of vicious fundamentalism began," before or after 1980?

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