Obama: Islam Is A Religion Of Peace

That's what he keeps spouting on national TV.

Listen to Obama and you’d believe Islam is a religion of peace. Listen to liberal defenders of Islam and they’ll tell you Islam is nothing like what ISIS does.

However, if you look at the patterns of behavior demonstrated by countries that are Islamic, you’ll notice one thing: Islam is a religion of violence, pure and simple.

In a story covered by Iraqinews.com it was reported a woman shot a man with his own gun after he tried to rape her.

What ISIS Did to a Woman Who Fought Off a Rapist is Beyond Horrific
Where did IS come from?
The same place as al-Qaeda in Libya and Ngo Dinh Diem in Vietnam, among many other CIA "success" stories?
Not relevant to the OP, George.
The CIA is at least as responsible for IS and Islam, Hossfly.
That seems relevant to your OP which implies Islam is inherently violent and IS only its latest manifestation.

You're not only a lame apologist for that "Religion of Peace" you're an outright liar for their barbaric "cause." As previously explained to you, ISIS is only the latest incarnation of the vicious Islamist fundy trend started by the Muslim Bro-hood in the 1920s. That trend itself is only the latest incarnation of vicious Islamism started centuries ago to spread the cancer. The trail of blood can still be seen as one traces the method and result of Islam's expansion across the Mideast and into South Asia: lotsa dead people.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
It amazes me how you can criticize a world leader being open to other countries' culture as though it were treason. God forbid that the President showed he knew and admired different sets of religious practices and didn't act all arrogant. Because that makes you look... weak? With the biggest military in the world. Hater dupes!
It's not Obama. It's about bloodthirsty animals. However Obama admires them greatly.

Obama Admits He Is A Muslim - YouTube
Do you actually believe that each and every Muslim is a blood thirsty animal? Based on what? Terrorism?

Terrorism is not a religion. Terrorism is a tactic.

Had you asked any non white living in Mississippi in 1889, they would tell you that, based on their experiences, Christianity is a religion of hate, fear and terror. Why? Because Christian fundamentalists, under the guise of the Ku Klux Klan burned a Christian symbol; a cross on their front lawn.

Engaging in a bit of moral equivocation? Are you saying vicious Islamists are on solid ground because KKK bigots, under the guise of Christian fundamentalism, used some of the same tactics? We still have the Christian Identity Movement (Christian in name only) here but they are virtually toothless. We have defanged and marginalized them. On the other hand vicious Islamists continue their centuries old way of doing business.
That's what he keeps spouting on national TV.

Listen to Obama and you’d believe Islam is a religion of peace. Listen to liberal defenders of Islam and they’ll tell you Islam is nothing like what ISIS does.

However, if you look at the patterns of behavior demonstrated by countries that are Islamic, you’ll notice one thing: Islam is a religion of violence, pure and simple.

In a story covered by Iraqinews.com it was reported a woman shot a man with his own gun after he tried to rape her.

What ISIS Did to a Woman Who Fought Off a Rapist is Beyond Horrific
Where did IS come from?
The same place as al-Qaeda in Libya and Ngo Dinh Diem in Vietnam, among many other CIA "success" stories?
Not relevant to the OP, George.
The CIA is at least as responsible for IS and Islam, Hossfly.
That seems relevant to your OP which implies Islam is inherently violent and IS only its latest manifestation.

You're not only a lame apologist for that "Religion of Peace" you're an outright liar for their barbaric "cause." As previously explained to you, ISIS is only the latest incarnation of the vicious Islamist fundy trend started by the Muslim Bro-hood in the 1920s. That trend itself is only the latest incarnation of vicious Islamism started centuries ago to spread the cancer. The trail of blood can still be seen as one traces the method and result of Islam's expansion across the Mideast and into South Asia: lotsa dead people.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Or, in other words all of this can be traced back to the Nazi Palestinian Mufti, who was also the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Amin Al Husseini Nazi Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
That's what he keeps spouting on national TV.

Listen to Obama and you’d believe Islam is a religion of peace. Listen to liberal defenders of Islam and they’ll tell you Islam is nothing like what ISIS does.

However, if you look at the patterns of behavior demonstrated by countries that are Islamic, you’ll notice one thing: Islam is a religion of violence, pure and simple.

In a story covered by Iraqinews.com it was reported a woman shot a man with his own gun after he tried to rape her.

What ISIS Did to a Woman Who Fought Off a Rapist is Beyond Horrific
Where did IS come from?
The same place as al-Qaeda in Libya and Ngo Dinh Diem in Vietnam, among many other CIA "success" stories?
Not relevant to the OP, George.
The CIA is at least as responsible for IS and Islam, Hossfly.
That seems relevant to your OP which implies Islam is inherently violent and IS only its latest manifestation.
Islam IS inherently violent - it is a warrior religion - and IS is, indeed, only its latest manifesation.
You claim:
"Islam IS inherently violent - it is a warrior religion - and IS is, indeed, only its latest manifesation."
Yet it's the US who has displaced millions of innocent Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from its (rich) homeland. IS comes from the same CIA swamp as al-Qaeda in Libya or Operation Cyclone in Afghanistan, and US support for the ideological center of radical Islam, Saudi Arabia, proves how much America values democracy as opposed to profits from arms sales and oil sales.

Uh-huh ... it's easy (and convenient) to blame America or the West for all the Mideast's problems but to do so one must ignore the effect of backwards, misogynistic, vicious, ignorant, tribal, modernity-rejecting Islamic culture that violently enslaves the people there.
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---the discourse was in English.-------the byword amongst Muslims even way back then----when as far as I understood----nothing was happening
-----***DEFEND ISLAAAAAAM***----sheesh, I thought-----from what?
I was young-----later on I began to understand-----it's an adversarial "culture"

When did you begin to understand the adversarial nature of Zia-ul-Haq, who carried out the radical Islamization of Pakistan in the 1980s with help from CIA and Saudi funding?

You just couldn't wait to prove Rosie's point --- DEFEND ISLAM---at all costs!!!
In this post you pretend that America (and not the Islamists) is responsible for the cesspool we call Pakistan and that Islamism started in the 1980s. You have much to learn, GP, and much camel crap to atone for.
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Bush said it multiple times throughout his presidency, so I don't buy that as an excuse.
I just don't think sweeping generalizations are ever very smart. Islam is the dominant religion of Turkey with 99.8% of the population being registered as Muslim, according to Wiki. The majority of Muslims are not radical.
Are there radical Islamist who want to chop our heads...? Certainly, but they are a minority.

The point of this thread seems to be those radicals perpetrate their vicious agenda with the aid, support and approval of many Muslims and the acquiescence of many more. Here in the West we find their useful sycophants posting apologies on Internet message boards.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ever wonder why?

The 72 Virgins Dating Service...


....no appointment necessary. First come, first "serve".

Walk-Ins welcome !
Where did IS come from?
The same place as al-Qaeda in Libya and Ngo Dinh Diem in Vietnam, among many other CIA "success" stories?
Not relevant to the OP, George.
The CIA is at least as responsible for IS and Islam, Hossfly.
That seems relevant to your OP which implies Islam is inherently violent and IS only its latest manifestation.
Islam IS inherently violent - it is a warrior religion - and IS is, indeed, only its latest manifesation.
You claim:
"Islam IS inherently violent - it is a warrior religion - and IS is, indeed, only its latest manifesation."
Yet it's the US who has displaced millions of innocent Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from its (rich) homeland. IS comes from the same CIA swamp as al-Qaeda in Libya or Operation Cyclone in Afghanistan, and US support for the ideological center of radical Islam, Saudi Arabia, proves how much America values democracy as opposed to profits from arms sales and oil sales.

Uh-huh ... it's easy (and convenient) to blame America or the West for all the Mideast's problems but to do so one must ignore the effect of backwards, misogynistic, vicious, ignorant, tribal, modernity-rejecting Islamic culture that violently enslaves the people there.
Of course, it's always easier to blame outsiders for one's own problems and failures.
You're not only a lame apologist for that "Religion of Peace" you're an outright liar for their barbaric "cause." As previously explained to you, ISIS is only the latest incarnation of the vicious Islamist fundy trend started by the Muslim Bro-hood in the 1920s.
And what role did the CIA play in the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood thirty years later?
"In 1954, Egyptian President Gamal Abddul Nasser’s nationalist policies in Egypt come to be viewed as completely unacceptable by Britain and the US. MI6 and the CIA jointly hatch plans for his assassination.

"According to Miles Copeland, a CIA operative based in Egypt, the opposition to Nasser is driven by the commercial community—the oil companies and the banks.

"At the same time, the Muslim Brotherhood’s resentment of Nasser’s secular government also comes to a head.

"In one incident, Islamist militants attack pro-Nasser students at Cairo University. Following an attempt on his own life by the Brotherhood, Nasser responds immediately by outlawing the group, which he denounces as a tool of Britain.

"The following years see a long and complex struggle pitting Nasser against the Muslim Brotherhood, the US, and Britain.

"The CIA funnels support to the Muslim Brotherhood because of 'the Brotherhood’s commendable capability to overthrow Nasser.'"
Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World, remember?
The CIA functions as its death squad.
Context of 1954-1970 CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood Ally to Oppose Egyptian President Nasser
You're not only a lame apologist for that "Religion of Peace" you're an outright liar for their barbaric "cause." As previously explained to you, ISIS is only the latest incarnation of the vicious Islamist fundy trend started by the Muslim Bro-hood in the 1920s.
And what role did the CIA play in the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood thirty years later?
"In 1954, Egyptian President Gamal Abddul Nasser’s nationalist policies in Egypt come to be viewed as completely unacceptable by Britain and the US. MI6 and the CIA jointly hatch plans for his assassination.

"According to Miles Copeland, a CIA operative based in Egypt, the opposition to Nasser is driven by the commercial community—the oil companies and the banks.

"At the same time, the Muslim Brotherhood’s resentment of Nasser’s secular government also comes to a head.

"In one incident, Islamist militants attack pro-Nasser students at Cairo University. Following an attempt on his own life by the Brotherhood, Nasser responds immediately by outlawing the group, which he denounces as a tool of Britain.

"The following years see a long and complex struggle pitting Nasser against the Muslim Brotherhood, the US, and Britain.

"The CIA funnels support to the Muslim Brotherhood because of 'the Brotherhood’s commendable capability to overthrow Nasser.'"
Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World, remember?
The CIA functions as its death squad.
Context of 1954-1970 CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood Ally to Oppose Egyptian President Nasser
Georgie, they should open-up a 'Special' Forum here on USMB, for America-Haters, and make you the Senior Mod within that universe, so that you can vomit-up America-Hatred to your little heart's content, and control the message, and the reactions, and invite some of your fellow Militant Muslim Apologists and propaganda shills to join your little Circle of Power America Haters.
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Bush said it multiple times throughout his presidency, so I don't buy that as an excuse.
I just don't think sweeping generalizations are ever very smart. Islam is the dominant religion of Turkey with 99.8% of the population being registered as Muslim, according to Wiki. The majority of Muslims are not radical.
Are there radical Islamist who want to chop our heads...? Certainly, but they are a minority.

The point of this thread seems to be those radicals perpetrate their vicious agenda with the aid, support and approval of many Muslims and the acquiescence of many more. Here in the West we find their useful sycophants posting apologies on Internet message boards.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

They are a small minority.
Bush said it multiple times throughout his presidency, so I don't buy that as an excuse.
I just don't think sweeping generalizations are ever very smart. Islam is the dominant religion of Turkey with 99.8% of the population being registered as Muslim, according to Wiki. The majority of Muslims are not radical.
Are there radical Islamist who want to chop our heads...? Certainly, but they are a minority.

The point of this thread seems to be those radicals perpetrate their vicious agenda with the aid, support and approval of many Muslims and the acquiescence of many more. Here in the West we find their useful sycophants posting apologies on Internet message boards.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

They are a small minority.
Mebbe so but that small minority has the rest of Islam cowed.

Ever wonder why?

The 72 Virgins Dating Service...


....no appointment necessary. First come, first "serve".

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