Obama: Islam Is A Religion Of Peace

That's what he keeps spouting on national TV.

Listen to Obama and you’d believe Islam is a religion of peace. Listen to liberal defenders of Islam and they’ll tell you Islam is nothing like what ISIS does.

However, if you look at the patterns of behavior demonstrated by countries that are Islamic, you’ll notice one thing: Islam is a religion of violence, pure and simple.

In a story covered by Iraqinews.com it was reported a woman shot a man with his own gun after he tried to rape her.

What ISIS Did to a Woman Who Fought Off a Rapist is Beyond Horrific
Where did IS come from?
The same place as al-Qaeda in Libya and Ngo Dinh Diem in Vietnam, among many other CIA "success" stories?
Not relevant to the OP, George.
The CIA is at least as responsible for IS and Islam, Hossfly.
That seems relevant to your OP which implies Islam is inherently violent and IS only its latest manifestation.
Islam IS inherently violent - it is a warrior religion - and IS is, indeed, only its latest manifesation.
You claim:
"Islam IS inherently violent - it is a warrior religion - and IS is, indeed, only its latest manifesation."
Yet it's the US who has displaced millions of innocent Muslims on the opposite side of the planet from its (rich) homeland. IS comes from the same CIA swamp as al-Qaeda in Libya or Operation Cyclone in Afghanistan, and US support for the ideological center of radical Islam, Saudi Arabia, proves how much America values democracy as opposed to profits from arms sales and oil sales.
....but the USA isn't a religious cult, George. They're not on a mission to purify the world like the Islamic animals are doing.
[QUOTE="Hossfly, post: 10125894, member:
....but the USA isn't a religious cult, George. They're not on a mission to purify the world like the Islamic animals are doing.[/QUOTE]

IMPORTANT POINT-----a religious mandate-------since its inception----
1400 years ago and HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS murdered----a
religious mandate-------- In all cultures ---that which is valued
is adopted by the CREAM OF THE CROP------the Taliban consists
of Pakistan's most accomplished University Youth---the cream
of Pakistani muslims ---- Pakistanis I knew way back circa
1990 VERY PROUDLY told me of relatives and school mates who
In fact----more jews were murdered by Yemeni knife and gun wielding Yemeni drone
dogs IN YEMEN---in the past century than Yemeni dog terrorists have died
from American drones---TOO. The murdering dogs deserve even if only the jews
they have murdered in recent times are under consideration
"As other Yemenis excited by the prospect of a new future filled Change Square, Suleiman Habib sat on the steps of his sparse home on the outskirts of the capital. Watching fireworks burst over the city, he contemplated whether his people’s more-than-two-millennia-long history in the country was about to end forever.

"A gaunt silversmith in his mid-60s and one of the last members of an ancient community of Jews living in Yemen, Habib was fearful of a future without the autocrat he saw as a guardian. Almost two years after the nation’s rebellion against Saleh, he feels no enthusiasm for his country’s democratic awakening.

“'Saleh was a despot. He ran Yemen like a fiefdom, he neglected people and stole natural resources, but as a Jew my family and I were protected by him. Who will do that now that he is gone?' says Habib."

Bibi, maybe?

For Yemen 8217 s Few Remaining Jews Time Has Run Out TIME.com
....but the USA isn't a religious cult, George. They're not on a mission to purify the world like the Islamic animals are doing.
Capitalism is the most extreme of all religious cults, Hossfly. Maybe the first example of a blaming rather than repenting cult. Which might explain why so many christocapitalists blame Muslims for being the victims of wars of aggression designed to steal Arab land, water, and oil?
http://www.rae.com.pt/Caderno_wb_2010/Benjamin Capitalism-as-Religion.pdf
In fact----more jews were murdered by Yemeni knife and gun wielding Yemeni drone
dogs IN YEMEN---in the past century than Yemeni dog terrorists have died
from American drones---TOO. The murdering dogs deserve even if only the jews
they have murdered in recent times are under consideration
"As other Yemenis excited by the prospect of a new future filled Change Square, Suleiman Habib sat on the steps of his sparse home on the outskirts of the capital. Watching fireworks burst over the city, he contemplated whether his people’s more-than-two-millennia-long history in the country was about to end forever.

"A gaunt silversmith in his mid-60s and one of the last members of an ancient community of Jews living in Yemen, Habib was fearful of a future without the autocrat he saw as a guardian. Almost two years after the nation’s rebellion against Saleh, he feels no enthusiasm for his country’s democratic awakening.

“'Saleh was a despot. He ran Yemen like a fiefdom, he neglected people and stole natural resources, but as a Jew my family and I were protected by him. Who will do that now that he is gone?' says Habib."

Bibi, maybe?

For Yemen 8217 s Few Remaining Jews Time Has Run Out TIME.com

sometimes-----lots of people do not like the fact that I know too much----since 1949---
jewish silversmiths were not permitted to leave Yemen-----the silver smithing
was EXCLUSIVELY in the hands of Yemenite jews-----the deal struck with the
King of Yemen that allowed jews to leave included a provision that the silver
smiths would have to stay. Yemen is noted for its fine silver filagree jewelry----
the stuff only jews did------theoretically the remaining jews were supposed to teach
it to Yemenis------It is not clear to me if that worked out (Yemenis need the silver
decoration on their scimitars and daggers too-------I am not sure why------a kind
of dress up thing-----I have often wondered if they decorate their machine guns---
ie--if jews have to decorate their machine guns
....but the USA isn't a religious cult, George. They're not on a mission to purify the world like the Islamic animals are doing.
Capitalism is the most extreme of all religious cults, Hossfly. Maybe the first example of a blaming rather than repenting cult. Which might explain why so many christocapitalists blame Muslims for being the victims of wars of aggression designed to steal Arab land, water, and oil?
http://www.rae.com.pt/Caderno_wb_2010/Benjamin Capitalism-as-Religion.pdf

Yeah, it's because of "capitalism" that Mooooslems are behaving like savage animals.

What were we thinking? Perhaps if we all became Islamic Marxists, maybe Moooslems would lay off.
That's what he keeps spouting on national TV.

Listen to Obama and you’d believe Islam is a religion of peace. Listen to liberal defenders of Islam and they’ll tell you Islam is nothing like what ISIS does.

However, if you look at the patterns of behavior demonstrated by countries that are Islamic, you’ll notice one thing: Islam is a religion of violence, pure and simple.

In a story covered by Iraqinews.com it was reported a woman shot a man with his own gun after he tried to rape her.

What ISIS Did to a Woman Who Fought Off a Rapist is Beyond Horrific

Ya gotta wonder how many votes that blind spot cost the Dems on Tuesday, eh? Certainly it didn't win them any.
Woo. Rose's post caused me to check the present status of Yemen's Jews. Evidently they are doing waaay better in Israel

Ever wonder why?

You're a useful idiot, GP. Hopefully others will actually read the link to get a true sense about adherents of your "Religion of Peace."

Yup, he sure does represent the typical "man on the street" mindset, doesn't he? Always someone else to blame for Islamic savagery.
Muslims slaughtering other Muslims and ethnic tribes by the hundreds of thousands. What a bunch of savages.

Just for the record: German Christians;Catholics and Lutherans were far more violent under HItler than the Muslims can ever hope to be. BTW I am a Christian too...thats why i am appalled at the ease with which those German killers were seduced into committing genocide and how easily many of their pastors and priests became Nazified!.....Muslim violence pales by comparison.

Muslims slaughtering other Muslims and ethnic tribes by the hundreds of thousands. What a bunch of savages.

Just for the record: German Christians;Catholics and Lutherans were far more violent under HItler than the Muslims can ever hope to be. BTW I am a Christian too...thats why i am appalled at the ease with which those German killers were seduced into committing genocide and how easily many of their pastors and priests became Nazified!.....Muslim violence pales by comparison.


Yeah but Hitler didn't kill in the name of a G-d. Neither did Stalin or Pol Pot. You do understand that Muslims are behaving today as Crusaders did over 800 years ago? There is a no difference, except for weaponry that is being used.

And by what estimate do you claim that "Muslim violence pales in comparison?" If we're going back in the past, Islam is responsible for over 280 million deaths. In the Indian subcontinent alone, Islam killed over 90 million, until it conquered it. Check it out if you don't believe me. What Muslims did to India actually is like nothing humanity has ever witnessed before.

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