Obama: Islam Is A Religion Of Peace

Mebbe so but that small minority has the rest of Islam cowed.

There are some posters around here that think we are having war on Islam, or that we should be having a war on Islam. I'm gonna go out of a limb and say you're smarter than that, because, well, that would just be ridiculous. Plus, I've read some of your postings, and you're not half bad for a RWer. I may not agree, but at least you have a sense of humor.

I'd say some use the term "Islam" in describing "Islamism" and choose to fight them or not, Jihadists certainly are at war with us.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You wouldn't know a terrorist if one slapped you in the face.

Again you fool only yourself.

The Globalization of Jihad From Islamist Resistance to War Against the West
None of which proves that the CIA (or America, or the West) was instrumental in the founding or development of Islamism's latest round of vicious fundamentalism but rather that we used it to serve our interests ... a perfectly legit and commendable thing to do (unless viewed by some America-hatin' slug, of course).
Tell us when Islam's "latest round of vicious fundamentalism began," before or after 1980?

1928 with the birth of the Muslim Bro-hood. It morphed - as all Islamic Fundy movements seem to - into the vicious Islamist Movement we have witnessed over the past few decades. But you knew that when you posed your question, right GP?

Muslim Brotherhood - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So does this rabbi speak for all us Jews?

Your constant "us Jews" refrain fools no one, Guano, and your lame attempt at moral relativism is typical of those who try to defend the indefensible.
That rabbi doesn't lead millions of Jewish Jihadists into acts of barbarism as so many self-anointed imams, sheiks and ayatollahs try to do.
Yeah, that's a tough beak, when Militant Muslim Terrorist Scum hide amongst civilians, and when that state of affairs requires a precise targeted drone strike that also generates unintended collateral civilian casualties, or when an intelligence failure mis-directs an otherwise legitimate and necessary drone strike
Document the militant muslim terrorist scum hiding in the al-Majalah refugee camp and when the US declared war against Yemen.
Mebbe so but that small minority has the rest of Islam cowed.

There are some posters around here that think we are having war on Islam, or that we should be having a war on Islam. I'm gonna go out of a limb and say you're smarter than that, because, well, that would just be ridiculous. Plus, I've read some of your postings, and you're not half bad for a RWer. I may not agree, but at least you have a sense of humor.

I'd say some use the term "Islam" in describing "Islamism" and choose to fight them or not, Jihadists certainly are at war with us.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You wouldn't know a terrorist if one slapped you in the face.

How about Yassir Arafat....you know, the terrorist for whom Jimmie Carter wrote speeches.....

And speaking of face-slapping....I'd like to slap you senseless but I see someone already has.
Mebbe so but that small minority has the rest of Islam cowed.

There are some posters around here that think we are having war on Islam, or that we should be having a war on Islam. I'm gonna go out of a limb and say you're smarter than that, because, well, that would just be ridiculous. Plus, I've read some of your postings, and you're not half bad for a RWer. I may not agree, but at least you have a sense of humor.

I'd say some use the term "Islam" in describing "Islamism" and choose to fight them or not, Jihadists certainly are at war with us.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You wouldn't know a terrorist if one slapped you in the face.

How about Yassir Arafat....you know, the terrorist for whom Jimmie Carter wrote speeches.....

And speaking of face-slapping....I'd like to slap you senseless but I see someone already has.

Some memorable quotes by Sen. John Mcain

"I hate the gooks. I will hate them as long as I live."
1928 with the birth of the Muslim Bro-hood. It morphed - as all Islamic Fundy movements seem to - into the vicious Islamist Movement we have witnessed over the past few decades. But you knew that when you posed your question, right GP?
I knew you would be reluctant to connect the dots between a "vicious Islamic fundy movement" and western banks, oil companies, and intelligence agencies.

Just as you are unwilling to recognize the role Israel played in backing Hamas after the '67 war in Gaza, or perhaps you can explain why the Jews released Sheikh Ahmed Yassin from prison after taking over from Egypt?

Nothing much changes in your knee-jerk reactions to events like those.

Context of 1954-1970 CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood Ally to Oppose Egyptian President Nasser
Yeah, that's a tough beak, when Militant Muslim Terrorist Scum hide amongst civilians, and when that state of affairs requires a precise targeted drone strike that also generates unintended collateral civilian casualties, or when an intelligence failure mis-directs an otherwise legitimate and necessary drone strike
Document the militant muslim terrorist scum hiding in the al-Majalah refugee camp and when the US declared war against Yemen.
Happy to interpret the situation. Which US declaration of war was that again? Give us a date to latch onto.
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1928 with the birth of the Muslim Bro-hood. It morphed - as all Islamic Fundy movements seem to - into the vicious Islamist Movement we have witnessed over the past few decades. But you knew that when you posed your question, right GP?
I knew you would be reluctant to connect the dots between a "vicious Islamic fundy movement" and western banks, oil companies, and intelligence agencies.

Just as you are unwilling to recognize the role Israel played in backing Hamas after the '67 war in Gaza, or perhaps you can explain why the Jews released Sheikh Ahmed Yassin from prison after taking over from Egypt?

Nothing much changes in your knee-jerk reactions to events like those.

Context of 1954-1970 CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood Ally to Oppose Egyptian President Nasser

You asked only about the latest round of violent Islamic fundamentalism. I knew you would ignore the fact that those movements predate western banks, oil companies and intelligence agencies. The existence of modernity, democracy, peace and freedom, not the CIA, are and have for centuries been the enemies of Jihadists everywhere.
1928 with the birth of the Muslim Bro-hood. It morphed - as all Islamic Fundy movements seem to - into the vicious Islamist Movement we have witnessed over the past few decades. But you knew that when you posed your question, right GP?
I knew you would be reluctant to connect the dots between a "vicious Islamic fundy movement" and western banks, oil companies, and intelligence agencies.

Just as you are unwilling to recognize the role Israel played in backing Hamas after the '67 war in Gaza, or perhaps you can explain why the Jews released Sheikh Ahmed Yassin from prison after taking over from Egypt?

Nothing much changes in your knee-jerk reactions to events like those.

Context of 1954-1970 CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood Ally to Oppose Egyptian President Nasser

You asked only about the latest round of violent Islamic fundamentalism. I knew you would ignore the fact that those movements predate western banks, oil companies and intelligence agencies. The existence of modernity, democracy, peace and freedom, not the CIA, are and have for centuries been the enemies of Jihadists everywhere.
1928 with the birth of the Muslim Bro-hood. It morphed - as all Islamic Fundy movements seem to - into the vicious Islamist Movement we have witnessed over the past few decades. But you knew that when you posed your question, right GP?
I knew you would be reluctant to connect the dots between a "vicious Islamic fundy movement" and western banks, oil companies, and intelligence agencies.

Just as you are unwilling to recognize the role Israel played in backing Hamas after the '67 war in Gaza, or perhaps you can explain why the Jews released Sheikh Ahmed Yassin from prison after taking over from Egypt?

Nothing much changes in your knee-jerk reactions to events like those.

Context of 1954-1970 CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood Ally to Oppose Egyptian President Nasser

You asked only about the latest round of violent Islamic fundamentalism. I knew you would ignore the fact that those movements predate western banks, oil companies and intelligence agencies. The existence of modernity, democracy, peace and freedom, not the CIA, are and have for centuries been the enemies of Jihadists everywhere.
You mentioned violent Islamic movement over the past few decades which only came into existence because they served western corporate and intelligence interests. What ever crimes Islam committed centuries ago are no worse than those of western colonizers in Africa, the Americas, and, of course, Palestine. Is that why you deflect?
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Happy to interpret the situation. Which US declaration of war was that again? Give us a date to latch onto.
War on Yemen.
Sometime between 1776 and 2014
Give me a date to act upon, once your meds have thinned out later in the day.
Don't hurt yourself.
Georgie... YOU are the one who says that the US declared war upon Yemen - metaphorically, or literally - and I ask you for a date, for both the commencement of hostilities, and with respect to a particular drone-strike. You are the one who has spent so much time researching and trying to build a case for this, so you should have this at your fingertips, and, as a fellow poster, presisposed to serve-up a precise timeframe by which your colleagues may respond to your theory or suggestion. Stop stalling and serve up a date, fer Crissakes.
Mebbe so but that small minority has the rest of Islam cowed.

There are some posters around here that think we are having war on Islam, or that we should be having a war on Islam. I'm gonna go out of a limb and say you're smarter than that, because, well, that would just be ridiculous. Plus, I've read some of your postings, and you're not half bad for a RWer. I may not agree, but at least you have a sense of humor.

I'd say some use the term "Islam" in describing "Islamism" and choose to fight them or not, Jihadists certainly are at war with us.

Islamism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You wouldn't know a terrorist if one slapped you in the face.

How about Yassir Arafat....you know, the terrorist for whom Jimmie Carter wrote speeches.....

And speaking of face-slapping....I'd like to slap you senseless but I see someone already has.

Aren't you the one who put up a whiny "goodbye" thread, or was that another dingbat?

Of course, I began meeting with Hafez al-Assad, who is now deceased as you know, back when I was president. I think back in back in 1977 in May or June. I have forgotten exactly which, but I met with him, trying to get him to support a peace process. On one occasion he invited me to meet with him and his entire family, and I met all his children and got to know them. One of them was a college student who is now the president of Syria.

But when you recollect, for example, your 1990 meeting with him, at which you asked about the Golan Heights, how that dispute might be settled with Israel, were you working from your own notes?

Of course, from my own notes, and my wife takes notes when I'm there and we have been very careful to make sure that all those descriptions are accurate.

Jimmy Carter Defends Peace Not Apartheid NPR
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You mentioned violent Islamic movement over the past few decades which only came into existence because they served western corporate and intelligence interests...


You can't keep your own lies straight. It was you who claimed violent Islamism started in the 1980s. I SPECIFICALLY stated the following on this thread in post #121:
"As previously explained to you, ISIS is only the latest incarnation of the vicious Islamist fundy trend started by the Muslim Bro-hood in the 1920s. That trend itself is only the latest incarnation of vicious Islamism started centuries ago to spread the cancer. The trail of blood can still be seen as one traces the method and result of Islam's expansion across the Mideast and into South Asia: lotsa dead people.
That's what he keeps spouting on national TV.

Listen to Obama and you’d believe Islam is a religion of peace. Listen to liberal defenders of Islam and they’ll tell you Islam is nothing like what ISIS does.

However, if you look at the patterns of behavior demonstrated by countries that are Islamic, you’ll notice one thing: Islam is a religion of violence, pure and simple.

In a story covered by Iraqinews.com it was reported a woman shot a man with his own gun after he tried to rape her.

What ISIS Did to a Woman Who Fought Off a Rapist is Beyond Horrific

Yeah, you know if they have to keep claiming something IS , then it probably isnt. thats sort of a gerneral rule in life. If I have to keep telling everybody what a great golfer I am, Im probably NOT.

Problem is the government is run by attorneys and their #1 objective is controling the dialouge by controlling the definition of everything. To people who are normal it appears maddening.
That's what he keeps spouting on national TV.

Listen to Obama and you’d believe Islam is a religion of peace. Listen to liberal defenders of Islam and they’ll tell you Islam is nothing like what ISIS does.

However, if you look at the patterns of behavior demonstrated by countries that are Islamic, you’ll notice one thing: Islam is a religion of violence, pure and simple.

In a story covered by Iraqinews.com it was reported a woman shot a man with his own gun after he tried to rape her.

What ISIS Did to a Woman Who Fought Off a Rapist is Beyond Horrific

Yeah, you know if they have to keep claiming something IS , then it probably isnt. thats sort of a gerneral rule in life. If I have to keep telling everybody what a great golfer I am, Im probably NOT.

Problem is the government is run by attorneys and their #1 objective is controling the dialouge by controlling the definition of everything. To people who are normal it appears maddening.

"I'm a politician which means I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies I'm stealing their lollipops." - Jeff Pelt (Hunt for Red October)

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