Obama Jobs plan highlights liberal IQ


Senior Member
Feb 17, 2011
1) if tax, borrow and spent could stimulate an economy, ours would be booming since liberals are spending a greater % of GDP than ever.

2) if deficit spending could stimulate an economy ours would be booming since deficit spending is at all time high

3) if tax and spend government jobs or tax and spend make-work jobs in the private sector could reduce unemployment, unemployment would be 0% since we are spending more than ever before.

4) government spending does not work because it merely creates bubbles that burst thus causing recession, and because taxing the private sector to pay for it actually harms the real, sustainable private economy thus deepening the recession.

This is all common sense that the liberal will lack the IQ to understand.
1) if tax, borrow and spent could stimulate an economy, ours would be booming since liberals are spending a greater % of GDP than ever.

2) if deficit spending could stimulate an economy ours would be booming since deficit spending is at all time high

3) if tax and spend government jobs or tax and spend make-work jobs in the private sector could reduce unemployment, unemployment would be 0% since we are spending more than ever before.

4) government spending does not work because it merely creates bubbles that burst thus causing recession, and because taxing the private sector to pay for it actually harms the real, sustainable private economy thus deepening the recession.

This is all common sense that the liberal will lack the IQ to understand.
"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
- Albert Einstein
1) if tax, borrow and spent could stimulate an economy, ours would be booming since liberals are spending a greater % of GDP than ever.

2) if deficit spending could stimulate an economy ours would be booming since deficit spending is at all time high

3) if tax and spend government jobs or tax and spend make-work jobs in the private sector could reduce unemployment, unemployment would be 0% since we are spending more than ever before.

4) government spending does not work because it merely creates bubbles that burst thus causing recession, and because taxing the private sector to pay for it actually harms the real, sustainable private economy thus deepening the recession.

This is all common sense that the liberal will lack the IQ to understand.
"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
- Albert Einstein

a low IQ liberal trying to change the subject because he can't respond to substance of OP
1) if tax, borrow and spent could stimulate an economy, ours would be booming since liberals are spending a greater % of GDP than ever.

2) if deficit spending could stimulate an economy ours would be booming since deficit spending is at all time high

3) if tax and spend government jobs or tax and spend make-work jobs in the private sector could reduce unemployment, unemployment would be 0% since we are spending more than ever before.

4) government spending does not work because it merely creates bubbles that burst thus causing recession, and because taxing the private sector to pay for it actually harms the real, sustainable private economy thus deepening the recession.

This is all common sense that the liberal will lack the IQ to understand.
"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
- Albert Einstein

a low IQ liberal trying to change the subject because he can't respond to substance of OP
If YOU even for an instant believed the OP had any "substance" at all, you would not have stooped to a condescending insult.
along with an inability to understand basic economics ,libbs also think they know better than the people that actually own business and create jobs ....this stems from a combination of elitism and ignorance that makes common sense anathema to their belief system !!
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"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen."
- Albert Einstein

a low IQ liberal trying to change the subject because he can't respond to substance of OP
If YOU even for an instant believed the OP had any "substance" at all, you would not have stooped to a condescending insult.

why change subject??
please tell us why OP lacks substance or admit as a liberal you can't.
1) if tax, borrow and spent could stimulate an economy, ours would be booming since liberals are spending a greater % of GDP than ever.

2) if deficit spending could stimulate an economy ours would be booming since deficit spending is at all time high

3) if tax and spend government jobs or tax and spend make-work jobs in the private sector could reduce unemployment, unemployment would be 0% since we are spending more than ever before.

4) government spending does not work because it merely creates bubbles that burst thus causing recession, and because taxing the private sector to pay for it actually harms the real, sustainable private economy thus deepening the recession.

This is all common sense that the liberal will lack the IQ to understand.
5) If regulatory and bureaucratic bloat were the source of all economic prosperity and bliss, the collapse of the real estate bubble wouldn't have even caused so much as an economic hiccup, if for nothing else more than by accident of the law of averages.
,libbs also think they know better than the people that actually own business and create jobs !

yes exactly, the liberal will lack the IQ to know that when the government creates a tax and spend job its a bubble job that will soon disappear, while when the private sector creates a job it is a real job.
If YOU even for an instant believed the OP had any "substance" at all, you would not have stooped to a condescending insult.
Don't you mean to say "¢onde$¢ending in$ult"? :lol:

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If regulatory and bureaucratic bloat were the source of all economic prosperity and bliss, the collapse of the real estate bubble wouldn't have even caused so much as an economic hiccup, if for nothing else more than by accident of the law of averages.

I for one have no idea what that means. Care to explain?
If regulatory and bureaucratic bloat were the source of all economic prosperity and bliss, the collapse of the real estate bubble wouldn't have even caused so much as an economic hiccup, if for nothing else more than by accident of the law of averages.

I for one have no idea what that means. Care to explain?
The Keynesian claim of "multiplier effect" of gubmint expropriation and redistribution is a big fat hoax.

Look at the size of gubmint, at all levels, prior to the collapse of the housing bubble...Never before had the people of this nation been laboring under such a burden of tax, regulatory and bureaucratic extravagance...If any of the garbage about the alleged "multiplier effect" held any water whatsoever, then the housing collapse would've been a little sneeze, rather than full-on pneumonia.
If regulatory and bureaucratic bloat were the source of all economic prosperity and bliss, the collapse of the real estate bubble wouldn't have even caused so much as an economic hiccup, if for nothing else more than by accident of the law of averages.

I for one have no idea what that means. Care to explain?

The Keynesian claim of "multiplier effect" of gubmint expropriation and redistribution is a big fat hoax.

yes for sure. They would have us believe that when the govt spends it is magic, but when the private sector spends or saves it is not. It is 100% backwards and liberal.

Not one liberal here has the IQ to even address it.

Look at the size of gubmint, at all levels, prior to the collapse of the housing bubble...Never before had the people of this nation been laboring under such a burden of tax, regulatory and bureaucratic extravagance...If any of the garbage about the alleged "multiplier effect" held any water whatsoever, then the housing collapse would've been a little sneeze, rather than full-on pneumonia.

you're saying the multiplier, if real, should have balanced off the housing collapse? Sure, at least in part according to Keynes liberal BS.

The liberal will be a complete retard feeling the current $500 million Jobs Bill is a new and wonderful stimulus while all the previous spending that got us $14 trillion in debt somehow does not teach us anything.

Liberalism is like a cancer on the soul of our country.
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Anyone can clearly see that when Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they destroyed the jobs in this country.

Anyone can clearly see that when Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they destroyed the jobs in this country....
--or how much worse things got with Obamania.

The press focuses on the unemployment rate so much that the bls has begun calling it 'headline unemployment'. It's a useful number but it's one the left can use to allege Obama's start-up is no worse than Reagan's--

--but when employment/population ratios are compared it's a lot easier to see what's happening:
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1) if tax, borrow and spent could stimulate an economy, ours would be booming since liberals are spending a greater % of GDP than ever.

2) if deficit spending could stimulate an economy ours would be booming since deficit spending is at all time high

3) if tax and spend government jobs or tax and spend make-work jobs in the private sector could reduce unemployment, unemployment would be 0% since we are spending more than ever before.

4) government spending does not work because it merely creates bubbles that burst thus causing recession, and because taxing the private sector to pay for it actually harms the real, sustainable private economy thus deepening the recession.

This is all common sense that the liberal will lack the IQ to understand.

I find it somewhat suspicious that you can understand the above, but somehow you still miss the obvious fact that reducing taxes on the UBERweatlhy has ALSO failed to keep the economy humming.

Tell me, Brutus, how is it that you can see the obvious in one case, but completely fail to see something equally obvious in another?
...you still miss the obvious fact that reducing taxes on the UBERweatlhy has ALSO failed to keep the economy humming...
I'll have to confess that I'm missing that one too. Please show us how much and when the uberwealthy taxes got cut, and the show us when and how much the un-humming started in the economy.

With that we can look into how one caused the other...
1) if tax, borrow and spent could stimulate an economy, ours would be booming since liberals are spending a greater % of GDP than ever.

2) if deficit spending could stimulate an economy ours would be booming since deficit spending is at all time high

3) if tax and spend government jobs or tax and spend make-work jobs in the private sector could reduce unemployment, unemployment would be 0% since we are spending more than ever before.

4) government spending does not work because it merely creates bubbles that burst thus causing recession, and because taxing the private sector to pay for it actually harms the real, sustainable private economy thus deepening the recession.

This is all common sense that the liberal will lack the IQ to understand.

From what I've seen, the jobs bill would definitely lower taxes for one group of people: Those who hire AMERICANS.

It's always interesting to observe people who claim "Liberals lack the IQ" or "Conservatives are Stupid" and then write something like this.
See, I'm one of those "job-creators" the GOP talks about, with the difference being, I actually create jobs here, in America - as opposed to the people whose money the GOP is protecting. So what would this bill do for us 100% AMERICAN Job Creators?

Lower taxes.

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