Obama Judge and Extremists Group Attempt to Steal Georgia Election

The useful idiots are already talking about how the 2020 election will be stolen.

They somehow feel like the least effective and laziest president ever has clearly earned a second term. There is no way he could lose. Just look at those rally crowds!
Care to quantify "laziest president ever" by comparing the accomplishments of Obama Bin Lying's first two years vs. President Trump's first two years?

Exactly how do you DemNazi Propagandists think you can get away with posting bold faced lies in here every day?

It is not even close. Your guy takes more days off, starts his day later and plays more golf than any of his predecessors.

Laziest ever. Period.
All of the various intelligence agencies agreed that Russia interfered with our elections, resulting in multiple indictments -- Trumpers say all of those agencies are lying, "we trust Russia more"

No law enforcement OR intelligence agency has said that there is even a shred of proof that "democrats" stole any election -- Trumpers say the police, election officials and anyone else grounded in reality is lying -- "we trust Trump more"

There will come a time in the coming years where these cult followers are going to try to pretend that they never did any of what they are doing now....and in the coming years, they will be pissed at people like me for having a memory.
Can you remember why they started the investigation?
How many people have been indicted for the reason they started the investigation?
And why is it okay for the same people to investigate Trump that ignored obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence in an investigation against Hillary?
You people are so hysterical that you can't see straight nor comprehend what you read. They are counting ballots and preserving ballots.

Wake up is right. Wake up from Trumpist coma you have placed yourselves in.
Provisional ballots are simply ballots cast by people that are either too stupid or too dishonest to show up at their assigned polling place.
The reason they aren't counted in the talley is because the voter wasn't registered.
You people are so hysterical that you can't see straight nor comprehend what you read. They are counting ballots and preserving ballots.

Wake up is right. Wake up from Trumpist idiocy.
Democrats don’t like democracy and free elections. They showed it after Gores loss in 2000, showed it again after Hillary loss in 2016 and will show it again in 2020 I’m sure. What they can’t win legit they will try to steal.

Ahhhh blow it out your ass. Nobody is stealing that election.
Of course they are. She’s black, fat, and a woman. According to Democrats she MUST win.

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