Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Yes Lakkie, most people know the history and in most of today's civilized society, recognize it as the atrocity it was.
Comparing current atrocities to those in the past hold no comparison.

Nor does the practice possess any empirical authority. It's called "counterfactualism." It's when historians apply social mores of the current century to centuries past. It's worthless as history, hoodoo history very popular with the pansy left and Marxist academics.
The Crusades were unquestionably just as bad as what is going on now.
However, I'll in a way side with conservatives on this one- the crusades and Inquisition, while barbaric, are a thing of the distant past, and refusing to put any of the blame on Islam is stupid. It is true only a minority of Muslims support terrorism, but it is a sizable minority and just not failing to address this is not a way to move forward.
I guess Obama's message is....
We all should just shut the fuck up with our bitching about Islam and Christians were far worse...

That basically was it. Christians conducted the Crusades a thousand years ago, so in 2015 how dare they bitch and moan about the murderous Islamists.
It's a true statement. But irrelevant. Does that somehow excuse the terrorism that Muslims are doing right now? Why even talk about it?
no matter how many times you post factual evidence that ISIS is NOT Islam, the RW idiots refuse to accept it , and NO amount of pounding can get it through their THICK skulls.

end of story

Why don't you try explaining that to members of ISIS, or Al Queda, or the Taliban ? Tell them that they are not true to the word of their book. See how far that gets you.
The Crusades were unquestionably just as bad as what is going on now.
However, I'll in a way side with conservatives on this one- the crusades and Inquisition, while barbaric, are a thing of the distant past, and refusing to put any of the blame on Islam is stupid. It is true only a minority of Muslims support terrorism, but it is a sizable minority and just not failing to address this is not a way to move forward.

Muslim countries have been fucked with for centuries by outsiders. In reality, it's pretty ingenious that they have devised clever, inexpensive low tech ways to fight superior forces.
The Crusades were unquestionably just as bad as what is going on now.
However, I'll in a way side with conservatives on this one- the crusades and Inquisition, while barbaric, are a thing of the distant past, and refusing to put any of the blame on Islam is stupid. It is true only a minority of Muslims support terrorism, but it is a sizable minority and just not failing to address this is not a way to move forward.

Muslim countries have been fucked with for centuries by outsiders. In reality, it's pretty ingenious that they have devised clever, inexpensive low tech ways to fight superior forces.
I'm failing to see the logic here. 100 years ago the British ruled over Palestine so that makes it OK for ISIS to burn Jordanian POWs to death? WTF?
In his comments at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, President Obama condemned violence in the name of religion and pointed to religious groups other than the Islamic State that have perpetrated acts of terror in human history.

"Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place," the president said, "remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”

The president criticized those who resort to “twisting and distorting” religion, noting incidents of sectarian war and violence in Syria, Nigeria, the Central African Republic, as well as "a rising tide of anti-Semitism and hate crimes in Europe." He also mentioned his and the First Lady's trip to India in January, saying that country has experienced "acts of intolerance" in recent years that would have shocked Mahatma Gandhi.

"In today's world, when hate groups have their own Twitter accounts and bigotry can fester in hidden places in cyberspace, it can be even harder to counteract such intolerance," Obama said. "But God compels us to try."

The president's comments angered some who felt that comparing the atrocities of the Islamic State to other acts of violence was out of line. The Catholic League's Bill Donohue called it "an attempt to deflect guilt from Muslim madmen," and argued that Christian crusaders were merely defending themselves against hostile Muslim neighbors.

Some expressed their anger on Twitter, seeming to defend the Crusades when pitted against the Islamic State. Conservative commentator Michelle Malkin wrote: "ISIS chops off heads, incinerates hostages, kills gays, enslaves girls. Obama: Blame the Crusades."

More: President Obama: 'People Committed Terrible Deeds In The Name Of Christ'

Thank you, President Obama, for speaking the inconvenient truth.

Why are you people on the left such FUCKING morons !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?



You people are beyond help in your complete and utter stupidity !!!!!!!!!!!!!
The difference is that Christians speak out against those who commit crimes in the name of Jesus. Muslims don't do speak out against Islamic terrorists. So the few on the top of your graphic are indeed an extremely small minority who are NOT supported by other Christians. The ones on the bottom are just a drop in the bucket of all the millions of extremists who kill in the name of Islam. Your comparison is laughable.
I don't blame Islam for ISIS - I simply blame barbaric terrorists with deranged tribal mentalities.
The Crusades were unquestionably just as bad as what is going on now.
However, I'll in a way side with conservatives on this one- the crusades and Inquisition, while barbaric, are a thing of the distant past, and refusing to put any of the blame on Islam is stupid. It is true only a minority of Muslims support terrorism, but it is a sizable minority and just not failing to address this is not a way to move forward.

Muslim countries have been fucked with for centuries by outsiders. In reality, it's pretty ingenious that they have devised clever, inexpensive low tech ways to fight superior forces.

Islam grew in the first place by fucking with other people's land and indigenous religion, I would think you could appreciate that
Yes Lakkie, most people know the history and in most of today's civilized society, recognize it as the atrocity it was.
Comparing current atrocities to those in the past hold no comparison.

Let's not bring up the atrocities that native Americans committed.........

Wait for it

Against other native Americans!!!!!

Like the 1870 Battle of Belly River in Southern Alberta. Have you ever heard of it? Of course you haven't. Has Hollywood ever glorified the bloodiest native Indian battle in Post- Columbian history? Of course they haven't. What are the odds of any Marxist academic in the US or Canada even knowing the battle ever happened? Probably about one in a thousand. Yet it did happen, fought between at least 2000 warriors from the Blackfoot/Peigan confederacy and the plains Cree confederacy. At least 700 Indians died in the two-day battle and hundreds more were wounded. Legendary Canadian tracker Jerry Potts was there. He described the carnage as horrible while the Belly River flowed pink with blood. Divide and conquer was easy with the Plains Indians. They already hated each other more than they hated the white invaders.

Battle of the Belly River - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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The Crusades were unquestionably just as bad as what is going on now.
However, I'll in a way side with conservatives on this one- the crusades and Inquisition, while barbaric, are a thing of the distant past, and refusing to put any of the blame on Islam is stupid. It is true only a minority of Muslims support terrorism, but it is a sizable minority and just not failing to address this is not a way to move forward.

Muslim countries have been fucked with for centuries by outsiders. In reality, it's pretty ingenious that they have devised clever, inexpensive low tech ways to fight superior forces.

Their clever ways are how they took over countries that were not Islamic to begin with. Thanks for pointing that out.

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