Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

President Obama still has not learned that there is no place for the truth or facts in US politics because the right wing won't allow it.

How many Christians have denied the past? How many still carry out violence? Aside from a rare nut job who does something in the name of Christianity, there hasn't been any problem in hundreds of years.

How many Muslims have committed terrorist acts recently? Too fucking many.

And we are supposed to feel bad about condemning them for this violence because of something that happened centuries ago?

Get real. It's the left that can't face facts and admit that there is a problem.
When was the last time Christians beheaded someone or locked them in a cage and burned them alive? What we have here is President Obama using morale equivalence to try and justify his almost non existent response to ISIS and their actions.
The problem is doing crazy shit in the name of some religion. It's all bullshit. Only weak, cult-ready minds buy into it.
The problem is doing crazy shit in the name of some religion. It's all bullshit. Only weak, cult-ready minds buy into it.

Crazy shit like going after a group that tortures, rapes and sells 12 year old girls to ISIS thugs

Yeah, crazy shit indeed
Damn I'm wondering how many of you libs would French kiss Obama if given half the chance. The guy could eat a live kitten on national tv and you people would defend him.
Damn I'm wondering how many of you libs would French kiss Obama if given half the chance. The guy could eat a live kitten on national tv and you people would defend him.

What did Obama say that wasn't true?
The problem is doing crazy shit in the name of some religion. It's all bullshit. Only weak, cult-ready minds buy into it.

Crazy shit like going after a group that tortures, rapes and sells 12 year old girls to ISIS thugs

Yeah, crazy shit indeed

Isn't it about time for lights out in your nut house?

Lakohta doesn't seem to see the irony of bitching about atrocities, while seemingly supporting a group actively committing them.

The problem is doing crazy shit in the name of some religion. It's all bullshit. Only weak, cult-ready minds buy into it.

Crazy shit like going after a group that tortures, rapes and sells 12 year old girls to ISIS thugs

Yeah, crazy shit indeed

Isn't it about time for lights out in your nut house?

Lakohta doesn't seem to see the irony of bitching about atrocities, while seemingly supporting a group actively committing them.


Please show where I have "supported" them?
The problem is doing crazy shit in the name of some religion. It's all bullshit. Only weak, cult-ready minds buy into it.

There are a LOT of cult-ready minds willing to kill in the name of Allah. They are extremely well-funded and there are enough of them that they can kill thousands of Christians and other innocents. JV, my ass!!

Obama should follow King Abdullah's lead, but he doesn't possess the courage or conviction to actually do something. He prefers to talk in hopes he'll bore them to death.
When the President and his supporters continually attempt to minimize the breadth and scope of the power of radical Islam, the people that are truly injured the most are moderate Muslims.

It's wrong to not speak honestly, forcefully and to not act against all of radical Islam.

Hundreds of Muslims die daily at the hands of the lunatic fanatics in their midst.

It's insane to keep trying to point out that "oooh other religions do bad things too". For crying out loud Muslims already know that. They aren't stupid.

I have no idea who or why Obama and his progressives are trying to convince that "we've been bad too don't feel so bad". That's nuts.

Muslims know they have whack jobs among them. Give them some freaking credit libs.
Islam is not the problem, the mentality of religious people is. And all the faiths have blood on their hands so it's polite to mention that.
When the President and his supporters continually attempt to minimize the breadth and scope of the power of radical Islam, the people that are truly injured the most are moderate Muslims.

It's wrong to not speak honestly, forcefully and to not act against all of radical Islam.

Hundreds of Muslims die daily at the hands of the lunatic fanatics in their midst.

It's insane to keep trying to point out that "oooh other religions do bad things too". For crying out loud Muslims already know that. They aren't stupid.

I have no idea who or why Obama and his progressives are trying to convince that "we've been bad too don't feel so bad". That's nuts.

Muslims know they have whack jobs among them. Give them some freaking credit libs.
Indeed. As a Catholic I was truly disturbed at the height of the pedophile priests scandals, mostly by the obvious cover ups. I still am. I still have cognitive dissonance over it, likely always will.

As someone who wants equality, the issues pertaining to slavery, post Civil War, and the 1800's dealings with Native Americans wants to right the wrongs. The pragmatist in me though realizes there is nothing that can right the wrongs. The best any of us can do is deal with this point forward.

But heh, I come from a background of the West, where we admit things done in the past are not what we'd do now. While we can perhaps do somethings to 'level the field' we recognize when the bridge has been too far crossed.

It's time for those that practice the 'true Islam' to say the same to their compatriots.
Islam is not the problem, the mentality of religious people is. And all the faiths have blood on their hands so it's polite to mention that.

What we need to focus on is what is happening now, not what happened centuries ago. People are being slaughtered in the name of Islam and it needs to stop. Bringing up the past isn't going to stop more brutal killings so it's a huge waste of time and serves no purpose other than to vilify another group of people who no longer exist. The Christians of today do not need to answer for the sins of the past. They are not to blame. Only those who continue the tradition of killing in the name of religion must answer and we know who those people are.

It seems like Obama is trying to excuse the radicals by saying they aren't the only ones in history to commit such atrocities. What Obama should be doing is simply condemning their violence and actively doing something to stop it or giving full support to those willing to stop it. Instead he is more worried about PR for the Muslim world and tries to minimize the number of Muslim radicals. Muslims are the only ones who can identity the radicals among them, but I don't see them stepping up to the plate. Enough silence. Enough of Obama bashing Christians to take heat off what is going on right now. Time for action because people are being slaughtered daily. I don't give a shit what happened hundreds of years ago because that doesn't excuse or justify what is happening now.

Also, the treatment of women continues to be a problem with all Muslims since it's widely accepted to deny rights to women. Why is it politically incorrect to say it's wrong?

Now The End Begins The Magazine of Record for the End Times ^ |
Original Title:NASCAR LEGEND AT NATIONAL PRAYER BREAKFAST TELLS OBAMA “IF YOU DON’T KNOW JESUS, YOU’RE GOING TO HELL.” SITTING JUST FEET AWAY FROM THE PRESIDENT, FORMER NASCAR DRIVER AND HALL-OF-FAMER, DARRELL WALTRIP, GAVE HIS CHRISTIAN TESTIMONY TO AN AUDIENCE THAT INCLUDED THE DALAI LAMA “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 (KJV) Waltrip said “If you don’t know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior … you are going to hell.” Waltrip spoke about how Jesus transformed his life. He...
Islam is not the problem, the mentality of religious people is. And all the faiths have blood on their hands so it's polite to mention that.
ROFL! Trying to paint Islam as morally equivalent to Christianity is a propaganda meme invented by Islamic terrorists.
Obama needs to get his head in the game and focus on what is going on now. People are being slaughtered and he's more worried about things done long ago that have no bearing on current events. It's only to divert attention from Muslims. It's a shame the crusaders weren't more successful because then maybe we wouldn't have so much bloodshed at the hands of radical Muslims. There are countless radicals who are well organized and funded. There are no JV terrorists. This has been going on like this forever. Why does Obama feel the need to protect them against criticism when he never does the same for any other religion? More terrorists have sprung from Muslim countries than any other in history. It means something. And every damn one of those terrorists cry Allah's name and shout out their hate for infidels. There must be something about the book or the Imams that radicalize so many of them.

"In a nutshell, Obama is completely wrong. The crusades were completely defensive, reactionary response to CENTURIES of a Muslim onslaught by jihadists. The purpose of the crusades were to free Christians. The purpose of jihad (Islam’s march) was to conquer and kill the kaffir (non-muslims)."

Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

And, what's stuck in your bonnet this time?

What the president said is factually correct.

Is the National Prayer Breakfast only for Christians, or what?

I have absolutely not love of Islam at all, but I see nothing wrong or inappropriate in what he said. Then again, unlike you, I don't walk through life enternally butthurt.

He's comparing Christians to the radical nutjobs we're supposed to be fighting?. He's suppose to be a leader rallying the world to defeat the nutjobs. what's the point? He refused to say these people are muslims but he throws stuff out there about Christians 100s of years ago?:cuckoo:

No. You completely lack discernment and take everything far too personally. This is your downfall in every single debate.

Pres. Obama compared the PAST actions of some of Christianity, using PAST TENSE, to the present actions of some of Islam. This is historically correct in every possible way and by doing this, he is boxing in the terrorists, for at least islamic nations who do want to make a charge against ISIS will know that the most powerful man in the world is not condemning them just because they are muslims.

Now, I have some very heavy criticisms of the Kuran itself, which I consider to be a totally flawed book. And I hate terrorists to the core. But I do not assume that every muslim is a terrorist. That's the difference between you and me. I discern. You don't.

And while you are engaging in a bellyache worthy of a 1st grader, our President, through his actions and orders, has killed more terrorists than Bush did - FAR MORE.

So, you can stuff that in your bonnet.
Channeling his Rev Wright..


"And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ."

Both the crusades and the Inquisition happened in the 13th Century or earlier, many hundreds of years before the establishment of the United States.

"In our own country, slavery, Jim crow, so often was justified in the name of Christ," Obama continued. And he mentioned the collision of faiths in India.

"So it's not unique to one group or one religion. There is a tendency in us -- a sinful tendency -- that can pervert and distort our faith."

Obama People Committed Terrible Deeds in the Name of Christ CNS News

And, what's stuck in your bonnet this time?

What the president said is factually correct.

Is the National Prayer Breakfast only for Christians, or what?

I have absolutely not love of Islam at all, but I see nothing wrong or inappropriate in what he said. Then again, unlike you, I don't walk through life enternally butthurt.

He's comparing Christians to the radical nutjobs we're supposed to be fighting?. He's suppose to be a leader rallying the world to defeat the nutjobs. what's the point? He refused to say these people are muslims but he throws stuff out there about Christians 100s of years ago?:cuckoo:

No. You completely lack discernment and take everything far too personally. This is your downfall in every single debate.

Pres. Obama compared the PAST actions of some of Christianity, using PAST TENSE, to the present actions of some of Islam. This is historically correct in every possible way and by doing this, he is boxing in the terrorists, for at least islamic nations who do want to make a charge against ISIS will know that the most powerful man in the world is not condemning them just because they are muslims.

Now, I have some very heavy criticisms of the Kuran itself, which I consider to be a totally flawed book. And I hate terrorists to the core. But I do not assume that every muslim is a terrorist. That's the difference between you and me. I discern. You don't.

And while you are engaging in a bellyache worthy of a 1st grader, our President, through his actions and orders, has killed more terrorists than Bush did - FAR MORE.

So, you can stuff that in your bonnet.

No one is saying that 'every' Muslim is a terrorist, that is on you. What folks are saying, rational folks, is that the religion as practiced, interpreted by the extremists has led to what is a cause for war. If that doesn't wake you up, nothing will.

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