Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

Leave it to a community organizing neanderthal to dust off slavery and the crusades to soothe jihadist and communists need for moral equivalecy...
Just when you think this shitstain cant get more odorous......
Here's the problem...we, as Westerners, don't get why saying "Crusades" to the Middle East is like saying "Nazis" to European Jews. 100, 200, 300 + years is NOTHING to their culture. And we. don't. get. it.
Or Condererates to blacks one supposes....
The Crusades were a response to Islamic conquest. Too bad they failed. There might be a civilisation in the middle east .
Christian Terrorism: It still lives among us...

Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who cite motivations or goals that they interpret to be Christian, or within a more basic context of sectarian violence and/or prejudices such as religious intolerance. As with other forms ofreligious terrorism, they have cited interpretations of the tenets of faith – in this case interpretations of the Old Testament, as their inspiration to justify violence and killing.[1]

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

See also: Anti-abortion violence, Christian Patriot movement and Christian Identity movement
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Christian Terrorism: It still lives among us...

Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who cite motivations or goals that they interpret to be Christian, or within a more basic context of sectarian violence and/or prejudices such as religious intolerance. As with other forms ofreligious terrorism, they have cited interpretations of the tenets of faith – in this case interpretations of the Old Testament, as their inspiration to justify violence and killing.[1]

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The jackass was comparing the Muslim killing of today with so many yesterdays. You are grasping at straws, the man is a menace.
Christian Terrorism: It still lives among us...

Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who cite motivations or goals that they interpret to be Christian, or within a more basic context of sectarian violence and/or prejudices such as religious intolerance. As with other forms ofreligious terrorism, they have cited interpretations of the tenets of faith – in this case interpretations of the Old Testament, as their inspiration to justify violence and killing.[1]

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Really? Most of the 'modern' examples are persecuted Christians pushing back and losing to Islamacists.
Christian Terrorism: It still lives among us...

Christian terrorism comprises terrorist acts by groups or individuals who cite motivations or goals that they interpret to be Christian, or within a more basic context of sectarian violence and/or prejudices such as religious intolerance. As with other forms ofreligious terrorism, they have cited interpretations of the tenets of faith – in this case interpretations of the Old Testament, as their inspiration to justify violence and killing.[1]

Christian terrorism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Attack Christians for the atrocities of RADICAL ISLAM.............Lame as Liberal response for the animals butchering people in the present day....................

and again the Crusades were in response to invasion by the Muslims of the time trying to rule the world and trying to impose their religion on the world. Either way that was a long time ago, and we are addressing current events.

Post your BS in the History Channels.
Indeed many have committed atrocities in the name of Christ.

Many more have committed atrocities in the name of Obama.

The Christians are just easier about admitting it.

Who has committed atrocities in the name of Obama?

The men who kill innocent men, women and children on Obama's orders to assassinate a "suspected" terrorist.
President Obama still has not learned that there is no place for the truth or facts in US politics because the right wing won't allow it.

Theres truth in the fact that Christianity has had a violent past, but when it comes to the current state of the world, Obama can Never criticize Islam radicals without also criticizing Christians at the same time. Whenever Muslim Clerics denounce terrorists, they do th esame thing. Its really just a defense of islam that is rather misplaced. If the Muslim Brotherhood was firing RPGs on the Whitehouse and Obama was hiding under his desk, h'ed bring up the relevant evils of Christianity.
One of the big differences between Islam and Christianity, is that Islam is an Athoritarian religion. Dissent is not allowed, unless you want a fatwa on yourself, In Christianity you can slam the church all day long. Christians are easy and you know it.

A religion that does not allow dissent or criticism without resorting to violence can never reform itself or really be negotiated with substantially.
Indeed many have committed atrocities in the name of Christ.

Many more have committed atrocities in the name of Obama.

The Christians are just easier about admitting it.

Who has committed atrocities in the name of Obama?
People acting in the name your messiah's "son," Trayvon.

And the Congress, 2009 and 2010 especially.
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In his comments at the National Prayer Breakfast on Thursday, President Obama condemned violence in the name of religion and pointed to religious groups other than the Islamic State that have perpetrated acts of terror in human history.

Thank you, President Obama, for speaking the inconvenient truth.

Is this another lame 'Islamic State is not Islamic' thread or just an 'Others have done it so it's OK for ISIS to do it also' thread? How about the Taliban? Boko Haram? Al Qaeda? Hezbollah? Muslim Bro-hood?
Yes Lakkie, most people know the history and in most of today's civilized society, recognize it as the atrocity it was.
Comparing current atrocities to those in the past hold no comparison.

Let's not bring up the atrocities that native Americans committed.........

Wait for it

Against other native Americans!!!!!
Atrocities again by today's standards, not their standards. Perhaps the reason we fail to learn from history is our inability to deal with what were the norms of their times.

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