Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

In what way are they religious? Because they shout slogans?

Yet you argue Timothy McVeigh is a Christian because he said he believes in a non-specific to any religion deity. Yet a group calling themselves the "Islamic State" isn't religion. Care to work up one standard?
I claim he's a Christian because he claimed he was a Christian. He was born and raised Roman Catholic - as I showed.

He also stated that he still maintained the core beliefs of Catholicism.

And before his execution he took the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

So why are you lying?

If you claim to be a midget, but I observe you are not, am I to believe you or my own eyes?

Seriously synth, you are better then that.

He didn't even say he was a Christian, he said he had some catholic core values. He also bombed a pre-school and killed a bunch of children...

Kinda stupid in the first place.

McVeigh is an individual.

The crusaders, ISIS, Christians and Muslims are groups.

Deflection is deflection.
Kaz brought up McVeigh in an act of desperation.
And where does Obama get off blaming Christianity for slavery without mentioning how many good Christian men and women were against slavery.

It was Christians who led the fight to abolish it. And maybe someone should let the President in on what's happening with slavery today in the here and now and who the hell is practicing it.

Some one show him Mauritana on a map. Glaring example of slavery in the present.

He's the one that needs to get down off his freaking high horse lecturing Christians as if we are living in a never never land and don't know our very own darker periods of time.

My heavens he's such an asshole.
You know the left loves to bring up the Crusades. Notice they always leave out why they happened?

That little thing a ma jig about Muslims slaughtering Christians in their conquest of the Middle East

Oh and that other thing a ma bob about Muslim armies invading Jerusalem.
And conquering Spain, Portugal and Sicily but hey who cares right?
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Fox News' Eric Bolling Says Only Muslims Kill In The Name Of Religion

Forget the Inquisition or the Crusades, religious fanatics only kill in the name of Islam -- at least according to Fox News' Eric Bolling.

During a segment Saturday on "Cashin’ In," Bolling accused President Barack Obama of lumping "Christians and murderous Islamic terrorists together" at the National Prayer Breakfast last week. In his speech, Obama warned Americans of forgetting the atrocities made in the name of Christianity when condemning Islam.

"Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," Obama said during his speech. "In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."

Bolling claimed the president's "egregious" comments would "follow him for the rest of his presidency and legacy," and pushed back on the idea that people murder in the names of other religions.

More: Fox News Eric Bolling Says Only Muslims Kill In The Name Of Religion

Is Eric Bolling really that fucking stupid? It appears that he is...

When were the Crusades. shitting bull?

Were they yesterday?
Attacking him because he's Native American is hitting below the belt. So am I. If you can make your argument without the racist remarks it would be appreciated.

Lakhota is just a name a poster uses on the internet. It doesn't mean that person is real.

How would you know that, psycho?
Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic - The Washington Post
By Sudarsan Raghavan February 7, 2014

BANGUI, Central African Republic – Tens of thousands of Muslims are fleeing to neighboring countries by plane and truck as Christian militias stage brutal attacks, shattering the social fabric of this war-ravaged nation.

In towns and villages as well as here in the capital, Christian vigilantes wielding machetes have killed scores of Muslims, who are a minority here, and burned and looted their houses and mosques in recent days, according to witnesses, aid agencies and peacekeepers. Tens of thousands of Muslims have fled their homes.
Fox News' Eric Bolling Says Only Muslims Kill In The Name Of Religion

Forget the Inquisition or the Crusades, religious fanatics only kill in the name of Islam -- at least according to Fox News' Eric Bolling.

During a segment Saturday on "Cashin’ In," Bolling accused President Barack Obama of lumping "Christians and murderous Islamic terrorists together" at the National Prayer Breakfast last week. In his speech, Obama warned Americans of forgetting the atrocities made in the name of Christianity when condemning Islam.

"Lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ," Obama said during his speech. "In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ."

Bolling claimed the president's "egregious" comments would "follow him for the rest of his presidency and legacy," and pushed back on the idea that people murder in the names of other religions.

More: Fox News Eric Bolling Says Only Muslims Kill In The Name Of Religion

Is Eric Bolling really that fucking stupid? It appears that he is...

When were the Crusades. shitting bull?

Were they yesterday?
Attacking him because he's Native American is hitting below the belt. So am I. If you can make your argument without the racist remarks it would be appreciated.

Lakhota is just a name a poster uses on the internet. It doesn't mean that person is real.

How would you know that, psycho?

That a log in handle doesn't necessarily represent the individual posting?


I'm not tinydancer. And I sure as hell hope posters with handles like Lumpy really aren't.
You know the left loves to bring up the Crusades. Notice they always leave out why they happened?

That little thing a ma jig about Muslims slaughtering Christians in their conquest of the Middle East

Oh and that other thing a ma bob about Muslim armies invading Jerusalem.

Like other religions you justify your bloody history.

Jews Muslims and christians all gave citizens 3 choices. Leave convert or die.

And don't forget every head cut off by Isis is another kill for people who believe in gods. See how irrational it is?
Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic - The Washington Post
By Sudarsan Raghavan February 7, 2014

BANGUI, Central African Republic – Tens of thousands of Muslims are fleeing to neighboring countries by plane and truck as Christian militias stage brutal attacks, shattering the social fabric of this war-ravaged nation.

In towns and villages as well as here in the capital, Christian vigilantes wielding machetes have killed scores of Muslims, who are a minority here, and burned and looted their houses and mosques in recent days, according to witnesses, aid agencies and peacekeepers. Tens of thousands of Muslims have fled their homes.

Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic - The Washington Post
By Sudarsan Raghavan February 7, 2014

BANGUI, Central African Republic – Tens of thousands of Muslims are fleeing to neighboring countries by plane and truck as Christian militias stage brutal attacks, shattering the social fabric of this war-ravaged nation.

In towns and villages as well as here in the capital, Christian vigilantes wielding machetes have killed scores of Muslims, who are a minority here, and burned and looted their houses and mosques in recent days, according to witnesses, aid agencies and peacekeepers. Tens of thousands of Muslims have fled their homes.

Yes it is............as they have been going house to house slaughtering non believers in Islam's name...........So some are tired of it, and giving them some payback.............

Did the RADICAL ISLAMIST there think that they would not eventually have people stand up and say ENOUGH and fight back.

Paybacks a BITCH.........correct.
Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic - The Washington Post
By Sudarsan Raghavan February 7, 2014

BANGUI, Central African Republic – Tens of thousands of Muslims are fleeing to neighboring countries by plane and truck as Christian militias stage brutal attacks, shattering the social fabric of this war-ravaged nation.

In towns and villages as well as here in the capital, Christian vigilantes wielding machetes have killed scores of Muslims, who are a minority here, and burned and looted their houses and mosques in recent days, according to witnesses, aid agencies and peacekeepers. Tens of thousands of Muslims have fled their homes.

Payback's a freaking bitch eh? I believe in reading whole articles not just headlines.

"Christians have also been victims of violence, targeted by Muslims in this complex communal conflict that U.N. and humanitarian officials fear could implode into genocide.

Several hundred thousand Christians remain in crowded, squalid camps, unable or too afraid to return home."

Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic - The Washington Post
And where does Obama get off blaming Christianity for slavery without mentioning how many good Christian men and women were against slavery.

It was Christians who led the fight to abolish it. And maybe someone should let the President in on what's happening with slavery today in the here and now and who the hell is practicing it.

Some one show him Mauritana on a map. Glaring example of slavery in the present.

He's the one that needs to get down off his freaking high horse lecturing Christians as if we are living in a never never land and don't know our very own darker periods of time.

My heavens he's such an asshole.

Some Christians, sure. But Scripture is clearly pro-slavery, and so those Christians were essentially radicals. And please - no one is more eager to forget their darker periods of time than Christians. You can bring it up pretty much in passing at breakfast and stir up the hornet's nest...
Ignorant leftist and Obama refuse to recognize that the 1st Crusade was taken to protect Christians from being killed by Muslim armies attempting to dominate the region. Constantinople requested help and the Church condoned the Crusades because they knew Christians would join up knowing that Christians were being denied entry into Jerusalem for Pilgrimages and that Christians were being killed for being Christian.................

Not to mention the fact they had been fighting the Muslims for a couple Hundred years already to drive them out of Spain, Sicily, and other areas that had been taken under a Caliphate from hundreds of years before............

To be FRANK................The CRUSADES happened because the WEST WAS TIRED OF THE ARAB SHIT..........
And where does Obama get off blaming Christianity for slavery without mentioning how many good Christian men and women were against slavery.

It was Christians who led the fight to abolish it. And maybe someone should let the President in on what's happening with slavery today in the here and now and who the hell is practicing it.

Some one show him Mauritana on a map. Glaring example of slavery in the present.

He's the one that needs to get down off his freaking high horse lecturing Christians as if we are living in a never never land and don't know our very own darker periods of time.

My heavens he's such an asshole.
He isn't a Christian, that much is sure. I grow weary of being told that Christianity is anything people want it to be, so a pro baby killing Lefist who promotes immoral behavior, covetousness, and every other abomination can be just as Christian as me? I guess Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and B. Hussein are just part of the fam.

I say that Jesus was speaking precisely about these types as tares growing up among the wheat, but on the day of harvest will be separated from the wheat, bundled into faggots (ha!) and burned with unquenchable fire. God knows who are his, and he is not fooled by the unrighteous.
Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic - The Washington Post
By Sudarsan Raghavan February 7, 2014

BANGUI, Central African Republic – Tens of thousands of Muslims are fleeing to neighboring countries by plane and truck as Christian militias stage brutal attacks, shattering the social fabric of this war-ravaged nation.

In towns and villages as well as here in the capital, Christian vigilantes wielding machetes have killed scores of Muslims, who are a minority here, and burned and looted their houses and mosques in recent days, according to witnesses, aid agencies and peacekeepers. Tens of thousands of Muslims have fled their homes.

Isn't it a coincidence wherever muslims are in large numbers there are conflicts like this? Poor misunderstood victims they are. Curious thing is that war was started by Muslims in the first place. War is hell and there are atrocities on both sides i condemn but don't act like muslims didn't start it. Also those militias aren't exclusively christian. They have animists as well who fear Muslim persecution
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You know the left loves to bring up the Crusades. Notice they always leave out why they happened?

That little thing a ma jig about Muslims slaughtering Christians in their conquest of the Middle East

Oh and that other thing a ma bob about Muslim armies invading Jerusalem.

Like other religions you justify your bloody history.

Jews Muslims and christians all gave citizens 3 choices. Leave convert or die.

And don't forget every head cut off by Isis is another kill for people who believe in gods. See how irrational it is?

I'm not justifying jack shit. History is just that. History. But I don't like it when people start to do a "revisionist" dance.

I'm cut from the same cloth as Paul Harvey was. I've always loved to hear the "rest of the story".

To witness the President of the USA deciding to bitch slap Christians and Christianity at a Prayer breakfast has been a most remarkable experience.


Oh the legacy this man is going to leave behind.
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Tens of thousands of Muslims flee Christian militias in Central African Republic - The Washington Post
By Sudarsan Raghavan February 7, 2014

BANGUI, Central African Republic – Tens of thousands of Muslims are fleeing to neighboring countries by plane and truck as Christian militias stage brutal attacks, shattering the social fabric of this war-ravaged nation.

In towns and villages as well as here in the capital, Christian vigilantes wielding machetes have killed scores of Muslims, who are a minority here, and burned and looted their houses and mosques in recent days, according to witnesses, aid agencies and peacekeepers. Tens of thousands of Muslims have fled their homes.

Yes it is............as they have been going house to house slaughtering non believers in Islam's name...........So some are tired of it, and giving them some payback.............

Did the RADICAL ISLAMIST there think that they would not eventually have people stand up and say ENOUGH and fight back.

Paybacks a BITCH.........correct.
Yea another holy war!
Obama plans his speeches..............He planned the HIGH HORSE COMMENT...............

He knew there would be blowback over that comment, and wanted it................

It's BS to state the Christians in nearly the same sentence as ISIS..................as other posters have already stated............we grew up and have taken care of our problems like in the final Crusades............

ISIS and other RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR groups have not............they are stuck in the 7th Century doing basically the same dang thing Mohamed did back then.
They are religious, they are radical islamists. You aren't going to seriously deny this are you?
In what way are they religious? Because they shout slogans?

Yet you argue Timothy McVeigh is a Christian because he said he believes in a non-specific to any religion deity. Yet a group calling themselves the "Islamic State" isn't religion. Care to work up one standard?
I claim he's a Christian because he claimed he was a Christian. He was born and raised Roman Catholic - as I showed.

He also stated that he still maintained the core beliefs of Catholicism.

And before his execution he took the Catholic sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

So why are you lying?

If you claim to be a midget, but I observe you are not, am I to believe you or my own eyes?

Seriously synth, you are better then that.
Being a midget is a physical characteristic that is provable.

Saying you are a Christian is a spiritual characterization that is unprovable.
Until a "Christian" commits a terrorist act, then the title sticks to him like an epoxy.

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