Obama just said America was "exceptional" in his Selma speech


Good Speech Mr. President!
Obviously he is a Commie, Kenyan, Muslim, mom-jean wearing, feckless DICTATOR.


Every USMB conservative.

I use to really think America was plain then we elected Obama, our super master God-being, it was at that point America became exceptional. Obama made us good and holy again. I'm just waiting for him to pull a Lazarus and revive our dead economy. I know if we believe hard enough we can make it happen.
America is not exceptional.

Pride goeth before the fall.

To an extent, I believe we once were the exception. Now we aren't even the norm compared to other developed nations.

But hey, we consume entertainment like no other!
One teleprompter operator now looking for work.

Please don't ask to see references from previous employer.
Obama and the Democrats are the exception, to our exceptional-ism.
America is exceptional in many ways: Exceptionally good, exceptionally bad, and exceptionally ugly.

Exceptionally the greatest Nation ever created.

It's true, this country was created as an experiment of late 18th century existentialism and building off the works of others that people had rights that were inherent to their being and that government was established to ensure those rights.
Great speech by our President

The guy could shit on a dying child and you would say he took a great shit as long as the child were white. You're opinion has lost all relevance to any political conversation you welfare leach.

To the OP, didn't Obama only sum years back say America was not exceptional? Can that man ever tell the truth?
That is a ridiculous post

You need to try harder
He is actually telling the truth. The man lies to you on a daily basis, and you still polish his knob daily.

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