Obama, Kerry, Hagel.....Israel is gonna start feeling the heat!!!

but do enlighten us.....how is appointing an anti-semitic Defense minister going to put America 'first' in the Middle East....?
Many misguided people think that opposing some of Israel's policies somehow = anti-semitism.

This is totally absurd.

Taking issue with the Israeli government has nothing to do with liking or disliking the jewish people.

Just basic common sense.......... :cool:
There not democraces so there not really our allies.
Both Egypt and Turkey are democracies that have democratically elected leaders who were put into office by the vote of their citizens. :cool:
but do enlighten us.....how is appointing an anti-semitic Defense minister going to put America 'first' in the Middle East....?
Many misguided people think that opposing some of Israel's policies somehow = anti-semitism.

This is totally absurd.

Taking issue with the Israeli government has nothing to do with liking or disliking the jewish people.

Just basic common sense.......... :cool:

how does a Defense minister taking issue with the Israeli government put America "first" in the Middle East......?

Obama is the Dhimmiewit leader......
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Turkey isn't part of the middle east, they are trying to join the EU not the GCC.

Egypt isn't our ally once the terrorists took control of their country.

The others less Jordan are our friends only because they want their oil protected and they fear Iran.

Jordan is our #2 ally in the region behind Israel because Jordan works with Israel outside our influence to rid the region of islamic terrorists and to maintain the peace. Both Jordan and Israel don't like what is going on inside Syria because they are the 2 most peaceful countries in the region.

Israel is an ally. Our only ally in the middle east. Obama likes to shaft friends of the United States because those who are allies of the country are absolutely not allies of his.
Saudia Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, and several others are also our allies in the ME

True story..........:cool:

Lebanon used to be an ally. Lebanon used to be a Christian country not an islamic country. We see how that goes. obama supports islam over all else because he believes that islam could destroy what obama really hates, the United States. Destruction if Israel is just sweetening the pot.
Israel is an ally. Our only ally in the middle east. Obama likes to shaft friends of the United States because those who are allies of the country are absolutely not allies of his.
Saudia Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt, and several others are also our allies in the ME

True story..........:cool:

Beat me to it.

They're not democraces so they're not really our allies.
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Maybe the people of the world could chip in and find the Israelis a new place to live.

Because the last place they picked didn't work out so good for anybody.
but do enlighten us.....how is appointing an anti-semitic Defense minister going to put America 'first' in the Middle East....?
Many misguided people think that opposing some of Israel's policies somehow = anti-semitism.

This is totally absurd.

Taking issue with the Israeli government has nothing to do with liking or disliking the jewish people.

Just basic common sense.......... :cool:
It's not that either, it's just common knowledge that all you filthy muslims hate jews, so you think you've got real good cover to bash them now.

Fuck off pig dick.
Dumbfuck....that was their land for centuries.

Just because many Jews moved to Europe for a modern life and to escape the muslims doesn't mean they aren't allowed to move back once the Europeans in Germany decided to kill millions of Jews for being in Europe....

Maybe the people of the world could chip in and find the Israelis a new place to live.

Because the last place they picked didn't work out so good for anybody.
O has no logical, practical, idea of how the ME works nor that of the US.
Although I hate to dredge up the past; but Bush jr. was far more clueless about the ME than Obama on his worst day in office.........:cool:
Maybe the people of the world could chip in and find the Israelis a new place to live.

Because the last place they picked didn't work out so good for anybody.

why don't the Muslims...? they've got megabucks....

...oh wait.....they just want to annilate them.....
Dumbfuck....that was their land for centuries.

Just because many Jews moved to Europe for a modern life and to escape the muslims doesn't mean they aren't allowed to move back once the Europeans in Germany decided to kill millions of Jews for being in Europe....

Maybe the people of the world could chip in and find the Israelis a new place to live.

Because the last place they picked didn't work out so good for anybody.

This asshole just can't stop himself with the insults.

Hey, Berzerk, go fuck yourself.
Because you are a stupid fuck, I tell you that.

So the "Jews" should leave Israel because the muslims don't like them. The "Jews" left Europe because of WWII.

So where do they go now??? China? South America? Iceland?

Dumbfuck....that was their land for centuries.

Just because many Jews moved to Europe for a modern life and to escape the muslims doesn't mean they aren't allowed to move back once the Europeans in Germany decided to kill millions of Jews for being in Europe....

Maybe the people of the world could chip in and find the Israelis a new place to live.

Because the last place they picked didn't work out so good for anybody.

This asshole just can't stop himself with the insults.

Hey, Berzerk, go fuck yourself.
It's not about fighting any religious wars.

It's about putting America "first" when it comes to foreign policy and national defense. :cool:

liar....we know a jew-hater when we see one....
So wanting American politicians to put our nation "first" over Israel's interests somehow equals jew hatred?

I also think we should put America "first" over China's interests.

Does that make me a chinese people hater?? :confused:

From the so called Troofer! The guy that lies about serving in the US military. The same guy that wants Sharia Law in America! Yep a scum-bag like you really puts the US interests first!
Maybe the people of the world could chip in and find the Israelis a new place to live.

Because the last place they picked didn't work out so good for anybody.

Really didn't work out? They have been the fastest country in history to go from rebirth to first world industrialized capitalistic democracy. They are the MOST stable country in the entire middle east or even Africa if you want to toss them there. They are WORLD leaders in computer software and hardware, medical care and devices, water conservation, agriculture, solar power, diamond cutting, military hardware, pharmaceuticals, finance and banking etc. They have a relatively low unemployment rate (lower than Europe and America's), one of the highest GDP's per capita in the world. Colleges ranked in the tops in the world and their murder rate is one of the lowest in the industrialized world. Not to mention they have a thriving tourism industry.

Israel is a country that should be studied and copied, but worthless antisemites like you say it's a failed state when everything points the opposite direction!

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