Obama Leaks Info On Israel’s Nuke Program To Iran

Not to mention, there's nothing in this "classified report" that the whole world didn't know already.

Having nukes is pointless if no one knows you have them.

Who gives a rat's ass about the documents?!

The problem is USA releasing them in the first place!

This is the same USA who got so pissed off last week when hearing Israel evesdroped on Iran's plans!

Now we know why.

Obama doesn't want anyone to see any details of any agreement. He'll take it to the security council in an attempt to bypass congress. Is it any wonder why Israel would want to know whats in it?

If you acknowledge that Iran has been dodging inspections and trying to develop nuclear weapons for years, then why are supporting Obama's plan to let them have underground bombproof nuclear facilities?

And since Iran has been dodging nuclear inspections (and that has been documented by the IAEA), what makes you think they will play nice for Obama? They best friends or something?
Let me know when you're prepared to argue without a strawman....

It's not a strawman, it's reality. Even the Democrats admit that.

BTW, since you won't acknowledge something that even the Democrats admit, where are you posting from? Teheran?
"Pretty nice nuclear program ya got there. Be a real shame, ya know, if something happened to it....."

The Israelis are now finding out what happens if you do something a U.S. leftist fanatic doesn't like. The leftist fanatic will use his official position to bring govt power to bear on you, damaging and wrecking whatever he can, and leaving you vulnerable to attack from your (other) enemies.

In a move reminiscent of a revenge-obsessed 3rd-world dictatorship, the Obama administration has gotten back at Benjamin Netanyahu for casting doubt on Obama's capitulation to Iran's nuclear demands.

Apparently when Israel has "friends" like the U.S., they don't need enemies.


In Shocking Breach U.S. Declassifies Document Revealing Some of Israel s Nuclear Capabilities The Weekly Standard

In Shocking Breach, U.S. Declassifies Document Revealing Some of Israel's Nuclear Capabilities

4:25 PM, Mar 26, 2015

On February 12, the Pentagon quietly declassified a top-secret 386-page Department of Defense document from 1987 detailing Israel's nuclear program – the first time Israel’s alleged nuclear program has ever been officially and publically referenced by the U.S. authorities.

In the declassified document, the Pentagon reveals supposed details about Israel’s deterrence capabilities, but it kept sections on France, Germany, and Italy classified. Those sections are blacked out in the document.

The two main exceptions in the international media that wrote about the declassification at the time were the state-funded Iranian regime station Press TV and the state-funded Russian station RT.

Both these media were rumored to have been tipped off about this obscure report at the time by persons in Washington. (Both the RT and PressTV stories falsely claim that the U.S. gave Israel help in building a hydrogen bomb. This is incorrect.)

The declassification is a serious breach of decades’ old understandings concerning this issue between Israel and its north American and certain European allies.
OMG I knew Israel had 300 + nukes..the whole world new this means nothing

It means USA did now a record in betraying and pissing off every possible ally in the MidEast.

US's only friend is now Iran, since Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel cannot trust it anymore.

Nice going, idiots.
What are they gonna do? Arrest us? Ostracize us? Gang up on us? Let them fuckin' try; we are America and we will fuck them up! If they ever fuck with us, we will just shake it off and use it as an excuse to fuck them up some more.
Somewhere it must be written that ONLY Israel may have nukes in the region.......This "trusted ally" spies on us, bombs our ship and gets involved in our internal politics.....Indeed, with friends like these who does need enemies....

Maybe Israel-lovers (aka, Obama-haters) are a bit embarrassed about a handful of new people finding out that that country has a huge stockpile of nukes.

USA proves once and again to be a walking disaster in the MidEast.

Why not, befriend Iran, then fight with Iran, let the world see it all and then try finding some new allys in the region.

Don't be surprised if you become the neighborhood's joke by then

Obama's been a joke. He's destabilized the entire region with his incompetence
"Pretty nice nuclear program ya got there. Be a real shame, ya know, if something happened to it....."

The Israelis are now finding out what happens if you do something a U.S. leftist fanatic doesn't like. The leftist fanatic will use his official position to bring govt power to bear on you, damaging and wrecking whatever he can, and leaving you vulnerable to attack from your (other) enemies.

In a move reminiscent of a revenge-obsessed 3rd-world dictatorship, the Obama administration has gotten back at Benjamin Netanyahu for casting doubt on Obama's capitulation to Iran's nuclear demands.

Apparently when Israel has "friends" like the U.S., they don't need enemies.


In Shocking Breach U.S. Declassifies Document Revealing Some of Israel s Nuclear Capabilities The Weekly Standard

In Shocking Breach, U.S. Declassifies Document Revealing Some of Israel's Nuclear Capabilities

4:25 PM, Mar 26, 2015

On February 12, the Pentagon quietly declassified a top-secret 386-page Department of Defense document from 1987 detailing Israel's nuclear program – the first time Israel’s alleged nuclear program has ever been officially and publically referenced by the U.S. authorities.

In the declassified document, the Pentagon reveals supposed details about Israel’s deterrence capabilities, but it kept sections on France, Germany, and Italy classified. Those sections are blacked out in the document.

The two main exceptions in the international media that wrote about the declassification at the time were the state-funded Iranian regime station Press TV and the state-funded Russian station RT.

Both these media were rumored to have been tipped off about this obscure report at the time by persons in Washington. (Both the RT and PressTV stories falsely claim that the U.S. gave Israel help in building a hydrogen bomb. This is incorrect.)

The declassification is a serious breach of decades’ old understandings concerning this issue between Israel and its north American and certain European allies.
OMG I knew Israel had 300 + nukes..the whole world new this means nothing

It means USA did now a record in betraying and pissing off every possible ally in the MidEast.

US's only friend is now Iran, since Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel cannot trust it anymore.

Nice going, idiots.
What are they gonna do? Arrest us? Ostracize us? Gang up on us? Let them fuckin' try; we are America and we will fuck them up! If they ever fuck with us, we will just shake it off and use it as an excuse to fuck them up some more.

You are talking about America of yesteryear. America under Obama draws a red line in the sand and then ignores it, remember? We can't fuck up a wet dream.
Muslims are fighting Muslims. That`s a good thing don`t you think? No flag draped caskets being unloaded at Dover is a good thing. No?
Somewhere it must be written that ONLY Israel may have nukes in the region.......This "trusted ally" spies on us, bombs our ship and gets involved in our internal politics.....Indeed, with friends like these who does need enemies....

Maybe Israel-lovers (aka, Obama-haters) are a bit embarrassed about a handful of new people finding out that that country has a huge stockpile of nukes.

USA proves once and again to be a walking disaster in the MidEast.

Why not, befriend Iran, then fight with Iran, let the world see it all and then try finding some new allys in the region.

Don't be surprised if you become the neighborhood's joke by then

Obama's been a joke. He's destabilized the entire region with his incompetence

When Hussein said change.....what he meant of course, among other things, was to destroy America balance of power all over the world and replace old allies with new ones.

Since way back Hussein Obama has hated Israel, even before he was elected President...he and the Iranian Valerie Jarrett who is Obama's "Rasputin" ... have made this clear from day one.
Muslims are fighting Muslims. That`s a good thing don`t you think? No flag draped caskets being unloaded at Dover is a good thing. No?
The bad thing is America is fighting on both sides. obastard may just order American units to attack other American units before his insanity is finally removed.

No the destabilization of the entire middle east and a regional war is not a good thing at all.
It must suck to be a right wing, hate-filled, bigoted nitwit (as amply shown by many on this thread)........and the amazing part is that they just wallow in their own bile waiting for Obama's SECOND term to end............The Kaopectate cadre.,
So it's the U.S. and Iran trying to convince the rest to make the "bad deal" Obama,Kerry and the mullahs.:uhh:

Iranian Defector: 'U.S. Negotiating Team Mainly There to Speak on Iran’s Behalf'

An Iranian journalist writing about the nuclear negotiations between the United States and Iran has defected. In an interview Amir Hossein Motaghi, has some harsh words for his native Iran. He also has a damning indictment of America's role in the nuclear negotiations.

“The U.S. negotiating team are mainly there to speak on Iran’s behalf with other members of the 5+1 countries and convince them of a deal," Motaghi told a TV station after just defecting from the Iranian delegation while abroad for the nuclear talks. The P 5 + 1 is made up of United States, United Kingdom, Russia, China, France, plus Germany.

Iranian Defector U.S. Negotiating Team Mainly There to Speak on Iran s Behalf The Weekly Standard
U.S. Caves to Key Iranian Demands as Nuke Deal Comes Together Washington Free Beacon

How about obammy the muslim getting the hell out of Israels way and they'll take care of it?
Funny how the rightie spin on it doesn't even mention how Obama's deal gets Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany to commit to military intervention should Iran be caught trying to develop nuclear weapons.

Why is that?

And again, what is the Republican plan to prevent Iran from doing that?

So how long before Iran kicks out the nuke inspectors?
At which point obammy will cave yet again and nothing will happen.
If they do, they're in violation of the agreement and could face a military invasion from a coalition of the U.S., Great Britain, China, Russia, France & Germany.

Again, what is the Republican plan??

:eusa_doh:"China, Russia, France, Germany" ...What a moron.
And again ... the Republican plan is ..... ?

The last time I checked we had a dem in the whitehouse.
And you can bet the plan wouldnt give iran the bomb like obammy is doing.
And like the letter said...things are going to change in 2017.
Sure, right wingers.....keep reading and believing all that the Weekly Standard wants you to.....heck, its better than "taxing" too much that half brain of yours.

If you acknowledge that Iran has been dodging inspections and trying to develop nuclear weapons for years, then why are supporting Obama's plan to let them have underground bombproof nuclear facilities?

And since Iran has been dodging nuclear inspections (and that has been documented by the IAEA), what makes you think they will play nice for Obama? They best friends or something?
Let me know when you're prepared to argue without a strawman....

This little bitch Faun can't answer a tough question to save his life...just like the rest of his group of pinhead clowns.
The documents are 28 years old. Since everyone already knows Israel has nukes, there is no point in keeping them classified. There is no real news here, just right wing whining, and that is never news.

Can you enlighten me my friend? I think I missed CNN ABC MSNBC YAHOO etc. This is a very old news. It's shocking to me are these people here acting SURPRISE or wet dreaming.
The documents are 28 years old. Since everyone already knows Israel has nukes, there is no point in keeping them classified. There is no real news here, just right wing whining, and that is never news.

Can you enlighten me my friend? I think I missed CNN ABC MSNBC YAHOO etc. This is a very old news. It's shocking to me are these people here acting SURPRISE or wet dreaming.

Indeed it is old news, as I said. Nothing more to say about it.
If an American had revealed such detailed info about U.S. nuclear arms, say at the height of the Cold War, there's a pretty good chance he'd be tried and convicted of treason, and shot.
So be it. I want to see obama perp- walked to Leavenworth by orders od President Cruz.
The scum, Jew hater Obama leaks info to the Iranian Mullahs


Officials from the Islamic Republic of Iran claim they have documents that prove the United States assisted Israel in its development of a hydrogen bomb, which they claim is a crime according to international laws, according to the Iranian news media. And there is suspicion that President Barack Obama declassified the documents and released them to a left-wing think-tank to hurt Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Iranians published a copy of a 129-page memorandum they claim is one of about 100 copies distributed by the Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) while under contract with the Pentagon in 1987. The Iranian press reported that Israeli nuclear facilities that were built independently were similar in structure to U.S. nuclear facilities such as Los Alamos and Oak Ridge National Laboratories which are key facilities for creating and testing nuclear weaponry, Iranian-controlled news agencies reported.

But according to Veterans Today, there are rumors in the Pentagon that President Barack Obama was the person who ordered his minions to release the documents claiming the United States had allowed Israel to conduct not only nuclear espionage and openly sell nuclear weapons technology, but they received illegal American financial aid to build the nuclear weapon. VT claims that Obama’s release of the documents was in reaction to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the U.S. Congress in March. Not surprising is the fact that few, if any, American news media outlets covered the story.

“What we see here is a possibility that Obama and the Iranians conspired to hurt Netanyahu and Israel since they oppose a U.S.-Iran nuclear agreement.

Obama Leaks Info On Israel s Nuke Program To Iran JEWSNEWS

It amazes me how Jroc presented this topic and everybody just went out of wack. The document was declassified sometime last month. Month later it LEAK came from Iran. WHAT fucking leak? Your brain less dick? You made it sound that Obama just handed Iran a classified documents. This is very old. Don't you think Iran and other countries knew this already? If Obama reveal the locations of these arsenals then that's a different story. If this a real leak don't you think news media like ABC NBC CNN etc. picked this up before Iran? A month later a big news for you. That's just wonderful.

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