Obama lie now fully exposed: Benghazi

typical the truth comes out again.....and libtards with egg on their face. They are so reactionary and dont think, they really thought a movie caused this? really?
It will be interesting to see the cover the media spits out to cover the fuckups ass.
Of course it was a planned attack.

My guess is the Ambassador and his "guards" were looking for weapons Obama supplied to the rebels (in Benghazi) something went wrong. They tried to retreat to the consulate and were hit after that.
It will be interesting to see the cover the media spits out to cover the fuckups ass.

They won't even cover it.

Obama's lies and deceptions are simply ignored.

Exactly .. Like yesterday and that hack Andrea Mitchell who announced from her show on MSLSD, viewership of 4..."We refuse to air the clip of Obama, ie redistribution, as we cannot verify it's authenticity." Bwhahahaha.. But yet, Morning Schmoe spends the last two days, the entire 3 hours of running the CLIPPED Romney video...

The good news is, more Americans are on to this charade.
So we're left with one of two possibilities:
1) The Administration is intentionally covering up for Muslims.
2) The Administration is so incompetent they cannot gather reliable information and make intelligent statements about it consistent with US policy.

Neither one is particularly complimentary but I'd have to go with incompetent,which has been the hallmark of the Obama Administration since Day One.
So we're left with one of two possibilities:
1) The Administration is intentionally covering up for Muslims.
2) The Administration is so incompetent they cannot gather reliable information and make intelligent statements about it consistent with US policy.

Neither one is particularly complimentary but I'd have to go with incompetent,which has been the hallmark of the Obama Administration since Day One.

There is a third option, the Administration is intentionally covering their own a**es. They screwed up big time, right here before the election. They aren't covering up for muslims.
That's the most disturbing thing about liberals, a lie means nothing to them. The American people deserve the truth, we deserve better than we're getting.
The film that supposedly sparked this unrest was a lie to begin with. The whole thing has state department written all over it.
Obama must be trying to get the Islamists to destroy all our Embassies and Israel, nothing else makes sense
Tapper: Who Decided There'd Be No Marines to Protect Libya Posts? Carney: Ask State Dept. | CNSNews.com

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters at the White House press briefing on Wednesday that they should ask the State Department if they wanted to find out who decided not to station Marines at U.S. diplomatic posts in Libya, where the U.S. ambassador and three others were killed at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

ABC White House Correspondent Jake Tapper asked Carney: “In the wake of the attacks on Benghazi, the Pentagon and the State Department both made statements that they then had to correct, the Pentagon involving whether or not there were Marines at the embassy in Tripoli--there were not--and the State Department regarding the presence of security firms at the Benghazi compound. Why was there such confusion and is the White House conducting any sort of internal investigation as to what went wrong”?

Carney answered, “Well, there is an ongoing investigation as to what happened in Benghazi that’s being led by the FBI. “I’m not talking about the criminal act,” said Tapper. “I’m talking about the--obviously there wasn’t adequate security along the lines of what went wrong--about what the administration could have done better.” The burned and ransacked U.S. consulate in Banghazi, Libya, which was attacked by radical Islamists on Sept. 11 and where the U.S. ambassador and three other embassy personnel were killed. (AP Photo)

Carney said, “I think I would refer you for questions about security at the Benghazi diplomatic facility and broadly speaking at diplomatic facilities, consulates, and embassies around the world to the State Department.”

Tapper followed up: “Who made the decision that there should not be any Marines at our diplomatic posts in Libya? More than half of our diplomatic posts have Marines. I understand they’re not there to protect people. They’re there to protect classified data but it doesn’t hurt to have them there. Who made the decision?”

Carney responded: “I think security at diplomatic facilities is overseen by and run by the State Department, so I’d refer you to them about how decisions are made and what the allocation of resources was in Benghazi and elsewhere. I think they’re the best people to answer that question.”
So we're left with one of two possibilities:
1) The Administration is intentionally covering up for Muslims.
2) The Administration is so incompetent they cannot gather reliable information and make intelligent statements about it consistent with US policy.

Neither one is particularly complimentary but I'd have to go with incompetent,which has been the hallmark of the Obama Administration since Day One.

There is a third option, the Administration is intentionally covering their own a**es. They screwed up big time, right here before the election. They aren't covering up for muslims.

I tend to agree with option three as well. They are covering themselves. Which is one of the reasons I am curious whether they were all killed with weapons Obama supplied the rebels.
Tapper: Who Decided There'd Be No Marines to Protect Libya Posts? Carney: Ask State Dept. | CNSNews.com

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters at the White House press briefing on Wednesday that they should ask the State Department if they wanted to find out who decided not to station Marines at U.S. diplomatic posts in Libya, where the U.S. ambassador and three others were killed at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

ABC White House Correspondent Jake Tapper asked Carney: “In the wake of the attacks on Benghazi, the Pentagon and the State Department both made statements that they then had to correct, the Pentagon involving whether or not there were Marines at the embassy in Tripoli--there were not--and the State Department regarding the presence of security firms at the Benghazi compound. Why was there such confusion and is the White House conducting any sort of internal investigation as to what went wrong”?

Carney answered, “Well, there is an ongoing investigation as to what happened in Benghazi that’s being led by the FBI. “I’m not talking about the criminal act,” said Tapper. “I’m talking about the--obviously there wasn’t adequate security along the lines of what went wrong--about what the administration could have done better.” The burned and ransacked U.S. consulate in Banghazi, Libya, which was attacked by radical Islamists on Sept. 11 and where the U.S. ambassador and three other embassy personnel were killed. (AP Photo)

Carney said, “I think I would refer you for questions about security at the Benghazi diplomatic facility and broadly speaking at diplomatic facilities, consulates, and embassies around the world to the State Department.”

Tapper followed up: “Who made the decision that there should not be any Marines at our diplomatic posts in Libya? More than half of our diplomatic posts have Marines. I understand they’re not there to protect people. They’re there to protect classified data but it doesn’t hurt to have them there. Who made the decision?”

Carney responded: “I think security at diplomatic facilities is overseen by and run by the State Department, so I’d refer you to them about how decisions are made and what the allocation of resources was in Benghazi and elsewhere. I think they’re the best people to answer that question.”


Obama tossed Hillary under the bus!
Obama must be trying to get the Islamists to destroy all our Embassies and Israel, nothing else makes sense

What makes sense is that the muslims could be in such an uproar that we release the blind shiek as a gesture of goodwill and humanitarianism. Which was the whole point of inflaming the muslim world to begin with.
Tapper: Who Decided There'd Be No Marines to Protect Libya Posts? Carney: Ask State Dept. | CNSNews.com

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters at the White House press briefing on Wednesday that they should ask the State Department if they wanted to find out who decided not to station Marines at U.S. diplomatic posts in Libya, where the U.S. ambassador and three others were killed at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

ABC White House Correspondent Jake Tapper asked Carney: “In the wake of the attacks on Benghazi, the Pentagon and the State Department both made statements that they then had to correct, the Pentagon involving whether or not there were Marines at the embassy in Tripoli--there were not--and the State Department regarding the presence of security firms at the Benghazi compound. Why was there such confusion and is the White House conducting any sort of internal investigation as to what went wrong”?

Carney answered, “Well, there is an ongoing investigation as to what happened in Benghazi that’s being led by the FBI. “I’m not talking about the criminal act,” said Tapper. “I’m talking about the--obviously there wasn’t adequate security along the lines of what went wrong--about what the administration could have done better.” The burned and ransacked U.S. consulate in Banghazi, Libya, which was attacked by radical Islamists on Sept. 11 and where the U.S. ambassador and three other embassy personnel were killed. (AP Photo)

Carney said, “I think I would refer you for questions about security at the Benghazi diplomatic facility and broadly speaking at diplomatic facilities, consulates, and embassies around the world to the State Department.”

Tapper followed up: “Who made the decision that there should not be any Marines at our diplomatic posts in Libya? More than half of our diplomatic posts have Marines. I understand they’re not there to protect people. They’re there to protect classified data but it doesn’t hurt to have them there. Who made the decision?”

Carney responded: “I think security at diplomatic facilities is overseen by and run by the State Department, so I’d refer you to them about how decisions are made and what the allocation of resources was in Benghazi and elsewhere. I think they’re the best people to answer that question.”


Obama tossed Hillary under the bus!
This surprise you?
Tapper: Who Decided There'd Be No Marines to Protect Libya Posts? Carney: Ask State Dept. | CNSNews.com

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters at the White House press briefing on Wednesday that they should ask the State Department if they wanted to find out who decided not to station Marines at U.S. diplomatic posts in Libya, where the U.S. ambassador and three others were killed at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi on the eleventh anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

ABC White House Correspondent Jake Tapper asked Carney: “In the wake of the attacks on Benghazi, the Pentagon and the State Department both made statements that they then had to correct, the Pentagon involving whether or not there were Marines at the embassy in Tripoli--there were not--and the State Department regarding the presence of security firms at the Benghazi compound. Why was there such confusion and is the White House conducting any sort of internal investigation as to what went wrong”?

Carney answered, “Well, there is an ongoing investigation as to what happened in Benghazi that’s being led by the FBI. “I’m not talking about the criminal act,” said Tapper. “I’m talking about the--obviously there wasn’t adequate security along the lines of what went wrong--about what the administration could have done better.” The burned and ransacked U.S. consulate in Banghazi, Libya, which was attacked by radical Islamists on Sept. 11 and where the U.S. ambassador and three other embassy personnel were killed. (AP Photo)

Carney said, “I think I would refer you for questions about security at the Benghazi diplomatic facility and broadly speaking at diplomatic facilities, consulates, and embassies around the world to the State Department.”

Tapper followed up: “Who made the decision that there should not be any Marines at our diplomatic posts in Libya? More than half of our diplomatic posts have Marines. I understand they’re not there to protect people. They’re there to protect classified data but it doesn’t hurt to have them there. Who made the decision?”

Carney responded: “I think security at diplomatic facilities is overseen by and run by the State Department, so I’d refer you to them about how decisions are made and what the allocation of resources was in Benghazi and elsewhere. I think they’re the best people to answer that question.”


Obama tossed Hillary under the bus!

lmfao A big ole FUCK YOU to Bubba and his wife whose chances of being President just got shot down.. SEALS and Americans died under her watch.. the woman who FAILED to protect them.. The same woman who claimed to have been fired at by the enemy when in Iraq and had to walk it back..

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