Obama losing the black votes over gay marriage "flip flop"

Civil Rights

You clearly know Nothing. The Civil Rights act Only passed because of Republican Support that helped Over Come the Opposition put up by southern DEMOCRATS.

What is it with you fucking liberals that think History started the Day you were Born.

Read a Fucking Book

no fucking kidding, do liberals know ANYTHING... I mean my God, they have the aggreagate IQ of a stalk of corn.

I'd agree with you, if what was said hadn't been twisted to suit you bias. Everyone knows the real story and you just look like a fool.
How do you account for the black vote overwhelmingly voting Democratic in every election?

Civil Rights and the very attitude we hear on places like this where RWrs and Republicans go on and on about "brainwashed blacks", "dependent blacks", "welfare mothers", etc. Part attraction, part repelled by the RNC message. If they talked about me and mine like that all the time, I'd be repelled too.

Instead of being repelled, maybe you or anyone else with half a brain should want to be self reliant... being dependant on gov't should make one want to pull up their boot straps and change thier situation.

See...there you go ASSUMING people AS A GROUP are dependent on government.

I simply do not understand why black voters don't FLOCK to the Republicans with thoughts like yours abounding.
I don't...I DO find it interesting when others go on that assumption that blacks are dependent. I'm sure black people "appreciate" that assumption too.

How do you account for the black vote overwhelmingly voting Democratic in every election?

Civil Rights and the very attitude we hear on places like this where RWrs and Republicans go on and on about "brainwashed blacks", "dependent blacks", "welfare mothers", etc. Part attraction, part repelled by the RNC message. If they talked about me and mine like that all the time, I'd be repelled too.

No. I don't accept that. I have never thought of all blacks being dependent, just some people regardless of color...until the last few years. I think it began with Rev. Wright.

1. Then this administration and how the scales of justice has been so blinded through Holder and (Black Panther case...Voting Rights was intended against white voters, not blacks...Holder going to churches to get out the black vote)

2. and executive orders (Africaan American Education Office - ignoring other disadvantaged kids; Disciplining white and blacks equally regardless of who is committing the infractions in schools);

3. Obama singling out minorities for entitlements and amnesty regardless of laws on the books.

I never put color to any of this before Obama came into office. But his blatant raccist attitudes or ploy for votes has changed my mind. And I am so sad that has happened. I don't like my eyes opened this wide.
Times 247 | Black pastors threaten Obama over gay marriage

The Coalition of African American Pastors demanded on Monday that President Obama meet with the group to address his stance on same-sex marriage.So far, the White House has refused to acknowledge the group's request but leaders say they plan to "turn up the heat" by asking black Christians to sit on the sidelines for the time being."We have requested a meeting with President Obama and until he meets with us, we are going to ask black Christians to withhold their support until he personally hears our concerns," the group's spokesperson, the Rev. Bill Owens, told The Christian Post on Tuesday after Monday's press conference in Nashville."More than anything, this is an issue of biblical principles and President Obama is carrying our nation down a dangerous road. Many African Americans were once proud of our president but now many are ashamed of his actions."

Obama has done what he thinks is right, even though he knows it may cost him votes.
I cannot believe that these people, who had to fight for equal rights for years, are daring to try and deny others equal rights.
Times 247 | Black pastors threaten Obama over gay marriage

The Coalition of African American Pastors demanded on Monday that President Obama meet with the group to address his stance on same-sex marriage.So far, the White House has refused to acknowledge the group's request but leaders say they plan to "turn up the heat" by asking black Christians to sit on the sidelines for the time being."We have requested a meeting with President Obama and until he meets with us, we are going to ask black Christians to withhold their support until he personally hears our concerns," the group's spokesperson, the Rev. Bill Owens, told The Christian Post on Tuesday after Monday's press conference in Nashville."More than anything, this is an issue of biblical principles and President Obama is carrying our nation down a dangerous road. Many African Americans were once proud of our president but now many are ashamed of his actions."

Obama has done what he thinks is right, even though he knows it may cost him votes.
I cannot believe that these people, who had to fight for equal rights for years, are daring to try and deny others equal rights.

Marriage is not a civil right. It a highly regulated state sanctioned privilege.
Times 247 | Black pastors threaten Obama over gay marriage

The Coalition of African American Pastors demanded on Monday that President Obama meet with the group to address his stance on same-sex marriage.So far, the White House has refused to acknowledge the group's request but leaders say they plan to "turn up the heat" by asking black Christians to sit on the sidelines for the time being."We have requested a meeting with President Obama and until he meets with us, we are going to ask black Christians to withhold their support until he personally hears our concerns," the group's spokesperson, the Rev. Bill Owens, told The Christian Post on Tuesday after Monday's press conference in Nashville."More than anything, this is an issue of biblical principles and President Obama is carrying our nation down a dangerous road. Many African Americans were once proud of our president but now many are ashamed of his actions."

Are you surprised church officials don't support Obama being pro-gay marriage?
Times 247 | Black pastors threaten Obama over gay marriage

The Coalition of African American Pastors demanded on Monday that President Obama meet with the group to address his stance on same-sex marriage.So far, the White House has refused to acknowledge the group's request but leaders say they plan to "turn up the heat" by asking black Christians to sit on the sidelines for the time being."We have requested a meeting with President Obama and until he meets with us, we are going to ask black Christians to withhold their support until he personally hears our concerns," the group's spokesperson, the Rev. Bill Owens, told The Christian Post on Tuesday after Monday's press conference in Nashville."More than anything, this is an issue of biblical principles and President Obama is carrying our nation down a dangerous road. Many African Americans were once proud of our president but now many are ashamed of his actions."

Obama has done what he thinks is right, even though he knows it may cost him votes.
I cannot believe that these people, who had to fight for equal rights for years, are daring to try and deny others equal rights.

Marriage is not a civil right. It a highly regulated state sanctioned privilege.
In other words all marriages are highly regulated state sanctioned privilege, that includes heterosexual marriage. Why should marriage exist at all if you are to argue that a type of marriage should not exist because it is state sanctioned privilege.

Indeed, why should we have any state mandated rights at all...stealing, rape and fraud should be all fine to you; as mandating rights is 'evil state privilege' and society has no right to declare what is 'right' and 'wrong' because some how overnight these magic 'social contracts' will make gangs stop stealing, and build a utopia with chocolate rivers and a garden of Eden. :tongue:
Crazee Guy! :cuckoo:
First, your understanding of Paul's admonishment is remarkably retarded. Second, you should also shame the homos and OWS parasites for their " equal rights are only for us" attitude. They have no intention of promoting marriage equality for polygamists and incestuous partners, even when the arguments used by homos to promote their desire for legal marital recognition are exactly the same as other deviants.

You're the one that seems retarded. The quote is quite straight forward. If I've made a mistake, tell me how. Don't just act as if you know it all and are above us. What does the Bible say about pride?

Who's to say who the "homos" would also include in their quest for equal rights? I don't see you as having the answer. You're just making things up to fit your bias. That's readily apparent by your including OWS in your post, a total non sequitur.

The terms " dem", "liberal", "progressive", "lefty", and "OWS parasite", are interchangeable. "OWS parasite" is my preferred way to describe the loser class, and so it was not a non-sequitur. It was merely a descriptive term. And it fits.

If you are unable to understand the meaning behind Paul's admonishment, I really don't care to educate you. That is not my purpose in life. And even if it was, I am 100% certain that OWS parasites are incapable of learning. So why bother.

Finally, it is the homos, and those pushing for their inaccurately termed " marriage equality" that are to say what relationships they would include in their quest for "marriage equality". And so far, that quest has only included redefining marriage to include homo relationships. Anything else?
Why do you feel that blacks are dependant, and want to be?

Why would what Pho said be contiversial in "the black community"....? According to you anyway.

I don't...I DO find it interesting when others go on that assumption that blacks are dependent. I'm sure black people "appreciate" that assumption too.

How do you account for the black vote overwhelmingly voting Democratic in every election?

Message maybe? Or is it more likely that all blacks are stupid? Which is more likely?
The blacks feel their needs as a community are better addressed by the Democratic Party.
Obama has done what he thinks is right, even though he knows it may cost him votes.
I cannot believe that these people, who had to fight for equal rights for years, are daring to try and deny others equal rights.

Marriage is not a civil right. It a highly regulated state sanctioned privilege.
In other words all marriages are highly regulated state sanctioned privilege, that includes heterosexual marriage. Why should marriage exist at all if you are to argue that a type of marriage should not exist because it is state sanctioned privilege.

Indeed, why should we have any state mandated rights at all...stealing, rape and fraud should be all fine to you; as mandating rights is 'evil state privilege' and society has no right to declare what is 'right' and 'wrong' because some how overnight these magic 'social contracts' will make gangs stop stealing, and build a utopia with chocolate rivers and a garden of Eden. :tongue:

I should neg you for being so blatantly stupid but I don't know you so a simple fuck off will have to suffice
Times 247 | Black pastors threaten Obama over gay marriage

The Coalition of African American Pastors demanded on Monday that President Obama meet with the group to address his stance on same-sex marriage.So far, the White House has refused to acknowledge the group's request but leaders say they plan to "turn up the heat" by asking black Christians to sit on the sidelines for the time being."We have requested a meeting with President Obama and until he meets with us, we are going to ask black Christians to withhold their support until he personally hears our concerns," the group's spokesperson, the Rev. Bill Owens, told The Christian Post on Tuesday after Monday's press conference in Nashville."More than anything, this is an issue of biblical principles and President Obama is carrying our nation down a dangerous road. Many African Americans were once proud of our president but now many are ashamed of his actions."

You guys need to make up your mind on this.

Who do you mean by "you guys" and make up their minds on what exactly? Gay marriage? The way Obama has handled it? The way pastors are responding toward him negatively over it?

What do you mean?

I just saw a pastor on the news encouraging his church to not go vote for obama this year over the gay marriage thing...he didn't say to vote for Romney he just said "Dont go vote for obama" This pastor, upon first glance, would appear to be a black american.

C'mon Bodecca I don't bite and I actually support gay couples having the same rights as married straight couples. I asked you 6 pages ago to answer the questions and you just flat out ignored both the first time I asked and the 2nd.
You are a sad little Pho_Thing in that you are unhappy a party takes care of its constituency. :lol:

The blacks feel their needs as a community are better addressed by the Democratic Party.

That's what us normal folks have been sayin, fakejaketheshitrake.

I'm not unhappy about it. It's the way things are. Dems promise that government help is on its way if you just vote for them, and that resounds with voters that ant that help.

Republicans promise government will quit fuckin with your life so much, and that resounds with people that want government to quit fuckin with their lives so much.
The blacks feel their needs as a community are better addressed by the Democratic Party.

That's what us normal folks have been sayin, fakejaketheshitrake.

You're not normal. You're a hater. If that's considered normal by the right, it's just one more reason to vote for Obama. :cool:

I am quite sure that the promise of some obamabucks to pay your mortgage, and the cessation of the rising of the seas are far more important reasons for you.
Republicans, of which I am one, mess with citizens' lives all the time.

Follow Texas, Utah, and Louisiana GOP politics.

The fact is that both the Dems and the Pubs are big government, statist, progressive parties. Nothing will change that.

Nothing. We won't go socialist any more than we will go libertarian.

You are a sad little Pho_Thing in that you are unhappy a party takes care of its constituency. :lol:

That's what us normal folks have been sayin, fakejaketheshitrake.

I'm not unhappy about it. It's the way things are. Dems promise that government help is on its way if you just vote for them, and that resounds with voters that ant that help.

Republicans promise government will quit fuckin with your life so much, and that resounds with people that want government to quit fuckin with their lives so much.

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