Obama-Lynch-Johnson-Veselnitskaya-Fusion GPS-Putin / Russian Connection

Like everyone else, no one knew the terrorists that came in under Bush were going to perpetrate 9/11/01.

Dozens of people knew.
Binladen knew, Atta knew, KSM knew, 15 hijackers knew,
You should not say that no one knew, that's obviously false.
How did she have a meeting with junior supposedly about dirt on Hillary, if she hadn't entered the country yet?

Most of the 9-11 hijackers entered the USA under visas granted under a Bush 43 program, to give Saudi Arabia express access. Why did Bush let the hijackers into the USA just months before september 2001?
What does that have to do with the topic?

Your claim Lynch let the russian lawyer into the country to meet with trump, but she was let in in 2015, and the meeting happened in 2016.

Bush let the saudi hijackers into the USA in june july 2001, and the hijacking happened in September 2001.

One is seperated by a year, the other separated by a few months.

Which has nothing to do with this posters obvious stupidity.

You're lost in the world of fake news. President Obama had nothing to do with Natalia Veselnitskaya's entry into the US, she entered on Trump's watch.

Do try to keep up.
You're lost in the world of fake news. President Obama had nothing to do with Natalia Veselnitskaya's entry into the US, she entered on Trump's watch.
You're either an idiot who can't read, a liar, or both...

If you had bothered to read the artcles and the testimony / reports you would have learned BARRY, LORETTA LYNCH (DOJ), & JEH JOHNSON (DHS) went around the Immigration Dept's denial of her Via request and denied access into the US, gave her a 'Parole' Visa - a rare access usually reserved for 'Humanitarian Emergency' situations, and let Putin's lawyer into the US.

Like with every other illegal in this country who came here initially with a visa, she remained in the US after her Visa expired.

This means she is a criminal and should be picked up and held/charged for over-staying her 'special access visa' she received thanks to Barry....

I know you reallly WANT Barry to have nothing to do with Putin and his lead lawyer in charge of getting sanctions lifted, but that's just not reality, snowflake.
Like everyone else, no one knew the terrorists that came in under Bush were going to perpetrate 9/11/01.

Dozens of people knew.
Binladen knew, Atta knew, KSM knew, 15 hijackers knew,
You should not say that no one knew, that's obviously false.
All records show that NO ONE thought planes would be used as weapons at the time. Airline policy for hijacks at the time were to gully comply with hijacker demands.

Snowflakes also need to pull thrir heads out of their ass about how 9/11/01 was allowed to go down. The PLANNING for 9/11/01 occurred on Clinton's watch.

While he was getting a hummer in the WH tertorists were planning to kill Americans...unless snowflakes believe a bunch of terrorists in different locations woke up one morning with the same exact idea by coincidence and carried it out...

(...and some snowflakes are stupid enough to believe that...)
Your claim Lynch let the russian lawyer into the country to meet with trump, but she was let in in 2015, and the meeting happened in 2016.

Bush let the saudi hijackers into the USA in june july 2001, and the hijacking happened in September 2001.

One is seperated by a year, the other separated by a few months.
Which has nothing to do with this posters obvious stupidity.

Cause an effect. One linked by months, the other separated by a year.

Why can't you even respond with an explanation how these are different. That separation by a year is a link in your mind, but when separated by a month they're unrelated..
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If you had bothered to read the artcles and the testimony / reports you would have learned BARRY, LORETTA LYNCH (DOJ), & JEH JOHNSON (DHS) went around the Immigration Dept's denial of her Via request and denied access into the US, gave her a 'Parole' Visa - a rare access usually reserved for 'Humanitarian Emergency' situations, and let Putin's lawyer into the US..

Actually she was let in as her clients lawyer, who was fighting a multi million dollar penalty from the justice department. If we denied them counsel, it would have been a 5th amendment violation to the penalties the DOJ wished to impose.

To put it simply. They could have the case thrown out, because they weren't allowed to have the lawyer of their choice. US Const 5th amendment.
Your claim Lynch let the russian lawyer into the country to meet with trump, but she was let in in 2015, and the meeting happened in 2016.

Bush let the saudi hijackers into the USA in june july 2001, and the hijacking happened in September 2001.

One is seperated by a year, the other separated by a few months.
Which has nothing to do with this posters obvious stupidity.

Cause an effect. One linked by months, the other separated by a year.

Why can't you even respond with an explanation how these are different. That separation by a year is a link in your mind, but when separated by a month they're unrelated..

Why can't you read my post, and respond to it, instead of going off on a rant about Bush?

(which, of course, has NOTHING to do with Natalia Veselnitskaya)
Your claim Lynch let the russian lawyer into the country to meet with trump, but she was let in in 2015, and the meeting happened in 2016.

Bush let the saudi hijackers into the USA in june july 2001, and the hijacking happened in September 2001.

One is seperated by a year, the other separated by a few months.
Which has nothing to do with this posters obvious stupidity.

Cause an effect. One linked by months, the other separated by a year.

Why can't you even respond with an explanation how these are different. That separation by a year is a link in your mind, but when separated by a month they're unrelated..
I never said Barry let Putin's lawyer into the US TO MEET WITH TRUMP. YOU said that.

Putin's lawyer was initially here for 2 reasons:
1. To lead Putin's lobbying effort to get sanctions removed.
- She met with as many politicians she could and tried to set up meetings with both Trump AND HILLARY. She met Hillary's lawyer (if not Hillary, too) and Trump Jr.

2. To help a Tussian money launderer win a case against Lynch's DOJ...

The woman was denied access into the country, denied a Visa....wanting to come to the US for those 2 reasons, WHY WOULD BARRY & LYNCH DO A FAVOR FOR PUTIN TO GET HIS LAWYER INTO THE COUNTRY?
All records show that NO ONE thought planes would be used as weapons at the time.

Wrong again. They had just months prior held an exercise based on an american jetliner being used as a weapon against a US target. Condi Rice had to do a Jackie Gleason "hummana hummsnsa hummana" over that very point, when she testified in f ront of the 9-11 commission.
If you had bothered to read the artcles and the testimony / reports you would have learned BARRY, LORETTA LYNCH (DOJ), & JEH JOHNSON (DHS) went around the Immigration Dept's denial of her Via request and denied access into the US, gave her a 'Parole' Visa - a rare access usually reserved for 'Humanitarian Emergency' situations, and let Putin's lawyer into the US..

Actually she was let in as her clients lawyer, who was fighting a multi million dollar penalty from the justice department. If we denied them counsel, it would have been a 5th amendment violation to the penalties the DOJ wished to impose.

To put it simply. They could have the case thrown out, because they weren't allowed to have the lawyer of their choice. US Const 5th amendment.
He could have gotten other counsel....

Why did the counsel Obama and Lynch go out of their way for, to let into the US, coincidently be Putin's lead govt lawyer in charge of getting sanctions removed...who also was representing a money launderer who had screwed US businesses?

During his Presidency Obama went out of his way to help a lot of the US' enemies:
Muslim Brotherhood
Al Qaeda
Mexican Drug Cartels
Violent Illegals
Human Traffockers
Sanctuary Cities
(which, of course, has NOTHING to do with Natalia Veselnitskaya)

Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team

was granted special immigration parole by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch for the limited purpose of helping a company owned by Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, her client, defend itself against a Justice Department asset forfeiture case in federal court in New York City.
Absurd. The man could easily find an American lawyer. That was just an excuse to get her into the country.
Actually she was let in as her clients lawyer, who was fighting a multi million dollar penalty from the justice department. If we denied them counsel, it would have been a 5th amendment violation to the penalties the DOJ wished to impose.

To put it simply. They could have the case thrown out, because they weren't allowed to have the lawyer of their choice. US Const 5th amendment.
He could have gotten other counsel....

Not without raising a 5th amendment argument to have the case thrown out.
(which, of course, has NOTHING to do with Natalia Veselnitskaya)

Exclusive: DOJ let Russian lawyer into US before she met with Trump team

was granted special immigration parole by then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch for the limited purpose of helping a company owned by Russian businessman Denis Katsyv, her client, defend itself against a Justice Department asset forfeiture case in federal court in New York City.

Hey. MORON!!

What does that have to do with this idiots statement?

"President Obama had nothing to do with Natalia Veselnitskaya's entry into the US, she entered on Trump's watch."

Trumps watch?

Absurd. The man could easily find an American lawyer. That was just an excuse to get her into the country.

They could raise a valid 5th amendment defense if the government denies them their lawyer, and instead tries to chose their lawyer for them.
What does that have to do with this idiots statement?

"President Obama had nothing to do with Natalia Veselnitskaya's entry into the US, she entered on Trump's watch."

Trumps watch?

Lynches waiver covered 2015 to early 2016
, after that it was on TRUMPS WATCH if she overstayed her visa.
All records show that NO ONE thought planes would be used as weapons at the time.

Wrong again. They had just months prior held an exercise based on an american jetliner being used as a weapon against a US target. Condi Rice had to do a Jackie Gleason "hummana hummsnsa hummana" over that very point, when she testified in f ront of the 9-11 commission.
Please provide the link to support your claim.

Investigations showed both the CIA and FBI had bits of information that could have helped come up with a warning, BUT the agencies were not allowed to share info due to a law / restriction Janet Reno, under Clinton, had instituted.

Hind site is a wonderful thing, and snowflakes always seem to be the masters of it when it comes to holding the GOP accountable for things that could not have been predicted in advance...

At the same time, with their brilliant talent for hindsite, they still insist there was no way for Sect of State Hillary Clinton to see what was coming on 9/11/12 in time to save lives ... despite:
- A warning received about Middle East-wide terrorist attacks coming on 9/11/12
- An acknowledged Al Qaeda call for Steven's assassination on 9/11/2
- Rising terrorist acts / numbers in the weeks prior to 9/11/12 in Benghazi
- Every other nation pulling their people out prior to 9/11/12 because of the rising threats and violence
- Threat activity warning from Stevens in advance
- More than 50 requests for additional security from Stevens, all of them denied
- 2 terrorist attacks on the compound in the weeks just before 9/11/12

Stevie f*ing Wonder could have seen the signs it was time to pull Americans out of Benghazi before 9/11/12...but somehow Hillary and Barry couldn't see it coming....

Oh, but they are experts on 9/11/01.

What does that have to do with this idiots statement?

"President Obama had nothing to do with Natalia Veselnitskaya's entry into the US, she entered on Trump's watch."

Trumps watch?

Lynches waiver covered 2015 to early 2016
, after that it was on TRUMPS WATCH that she overstayed her visa.


that wasnt' the comment...

Your idiot buddy claimed she ENTERED on Trumps watch.

Do you have reading problems, or are you just plain stupid?

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