Obama-Lynch-Johnson-Veselnitskaya-Fusion GPS-Putin / Russian Connection

What does that have to do with this idiots statement?

"President Obama had nothing to do with Natalia Veselnitskaya's entry into the US, she entered on Trump's watch."

Trumps watch?

Lynches waiver covered 2015 to early 2016
, after that it was on TRUMPS WATCH that she overstayed her visa.


that wasnt' the comment...

Your idiot buddy claimed she ENTERED on Trumps watch.

Do you have reading problems, or are you just plain stupid?
Barry stepped in and bypassed the visa denial and denial into the US.

It's spelled out in the articles / links. Are YOU retarded or just acting like it?
What does that have to do with this idiots statement?

"President Obama had nothing to do with Natalia Veselnitskaya's entry into the US, she entered on Trump's watch."

Trumps watch?

Lynches waiver covered 2015 to early 2016
, after that it was on TRUMPS WATCH that she overstayed her visa.


that wasnt' the comment...

Your idiot buddy claimed she ENTERED on Trumps watch.

Do you have reading problems, or are you just plain stupid?
Barry stepped in and bypassed the visa denial and denial into the US.

It's spelled out in the articles / links. Are YOU retarded or just acting like it?

easy, the only reason I am in this thread, is because an idiot, that seems to have left right after my original post, claimed that lawyer entered the country on Trumps watch.

5 months before Trump won the election
so....now the Russians concern you? :rofl:

No, we should ignore the extraordinary efforts by the corrupt scum Lynch and only concentrate on a 10 minute meeting about nothing with Don Jr...

You are a truly dumb one, shortbus.
Actually she was let in as her clients lawyer, who was fighting a multi million dollar penalty from the justice department. If we denied them counsel, it would have been a 5th amendment violation to the penalties the DOJ wished to impose.

To put it simply. They could have the case thrown out, because they weren't allowed to have the lawyer of their choice. US Const 5th amendment.
He could have gotten other counsel....

Not without raising a 5th amendment argument to have the case thrown out.
How does the 5th amendment apply?
Please provide the link to support your claim.

"In the two years before the September 11 attacks, the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted exercises simulating what the White House says was unimaginable at the time: hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets and cause mass casualties.

The Joint Inquiry of 2002 confirmed that the Intelligence Community had received at least twelve reports over a seven-year period suggesting that terrorists might use planes as weapons. After briefly discussing each of them, it says that "The CIA disseminated several of these reports to the FBI and to agencies responsible for preventive actions. They included the FAA...

In April 2001, NORAD ran a war game in which the Pentagon was to become incapacitated; a NORAD planner proposed the simulated crash of a hijacked foreign commercial airliner into the Pentagon,

In July 2001 at the G8 summit in Genoa, anti-aircraft missile batteries were installed following a report that terrorists would try to crash a plane to kill George Bush and other world leaders
So dumb. Obama let her in because he knew Trump would try to collude with her? And he wanted to use that against Trump AFTER the election?! :rofl:

Lynch let her in because of her ties to Clinton, that isn't a question.

What angle she was playing in offering evidence of bribes paid to Hillary is unknown, as is the reason she failed to deliver.

We KNOW the Clinton mob is tied to Moscow:

{According to the Times, during Russia’s gradual takeover of the mines between 2009 and 2013, Canadian records showed that Uranium One chairman’s family foundation donated a total of $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Shortly after the deal, Hillary’s husband, former US President Bill Clinton, gave a speech in Russia for a hefty $500,000 paid by a Russian investment bank that promoted Uranium One stock at the time, the daily noted.}

PressTV-Clintons ‘colluded’ with Russia: White House
Attention: Correction

It's the 6th amendment, not the 5th amendment - apologiies for the error.

Carry on.
Please provide the link to support your claim.

"In the two years before the September 11 attacks, the North American Aerospace Defense Command conducted exercises simulating what the White House says was unimaginable at the time: hijacked airliners used as weapons to crash into targets and cause mass casualties.

The Joint Inquiry of 2002 confirmed that the Intelligence Community had received at least twelve reports over a seven-year period suggesting that terrorists might use planes as weapons. After briefly discussing each of them, it says that "The CIA disseminated several of these reports to the FBI and to agencies responsible for preventive actions. They included the FAA...

In April 2001, NORAD ran a war game in which the Pentagon was to become incapacitated; a NORAD planner proposed the simulated crash of a hijacked foreign commercial airliner into the Pentagon,

In July 2001 at the G8 summit in Genoa, anti-aircraft missile batteries were installed following a report that terrorists would try to crash a plane to kill George Bush and other world leaders
There is a difference between something COULD potentially happen one day and actually thinking it is going to happen. It is evident NO ONE thought the 9/11/01 scenario would actually happen. If so the govt would have advised the airline agencies to change their policies, the govt would not have been caught so completely off guard.

During Clinton's Presidency not one of his agencies thougjt it was strange that middle eastern men attended airline flight training to learn to FLY but did not bother to attempt to learn how to LAND. SERIOUSLY?
In a recent New Jersey decision, State v. Kates (A-3907-10T1), the Appellate Division held that a defendant was denied his Sixth Amendment right to counsel of his choice when the trial court improperly denied him a continuance to hire a private attorney.
In a recent New Jersey decision, State v. Kates (A-3907-10T1), the Appellate Division held that a defendant was denied his Sixth Amendment right to counsel of his choice when the trial court improperly denied him a continuance to hire a private attorney.
That's hardly the same thing.
Protection of the Right to Retained Counsel

Protection of the Right to Retained Counsel.—The Sixth Amendment has also been held to protect absolutely the right of a defendant to retain counsel of his choice and to be represented in the fullest measure by the person of his choice.

Where the right to be assisted by counsel of one’s choice is wrongly denied, a Sixth Amendment violation occurs regardless of whether the alternate counsel retained was effective, or whether the denial caused prejudice to the defendant.59 Further, because such a denial is not a “trial error” (a constitutional error that occurs during presentation of a case to the jury), but a “structural defect” (a constitutional error that affects the framework of the trial),60 the Court had held that the decision is not subject to a “harmless error” analysis
He has the right to counsel, not any counsel he demands.

Protection of the Right to Retained Counsel

Protection of the Right to Retained Counsel.—The Sixth Amendment has also been held to protect absolutely the right of a defendant to retain counsel of his choice and to be represented in the fullest measure by the person of his choice.

Where the right to be assisted by counsel of one’s choice is wrongly denied, a Sixth Amendment violation occurs regardless of whether the alternate counsel retained was effective, or whether the denial caused prejudice to the defendant.59 Further, because such a denial is not a “trial error” (a constitutional error that occurs during presentation of a case to the jury), but a “structural defect” (a constitutional error that affects the framework of the trial),60 the Court had held that the decision is not subject to a “harmless error” analysis
Protection of the Right to Retained Counsel

Protection of the Right to Retained Counsel.—The Sixth Amendment has also been held to protect absolutely the right of a defendant to retain counsel of his choice and to be represented in the fullest measure by the person of his choice.

Where the right to be assisted by counsel of one’s choice is wrongly denied, a Sixth Amendment violation occurs regardless of whether the alternate counsel retained was effective, or whether the denial caused prejudice to the defendant.59 Further, because such a denial is not a “trial error” (a constitutional error that occurs during presentation of a case to the jury), but a “structural defect” (a constitutional error that affects the framework of the trial),60 the Court had held that the decision is not subject to a “harmless error” analysis
Sorry, turd, not when it's out of the court's control. There's no right to a counsel living in another country.

WE obviously don't have to the right to any counsel we want because everyone would demand the best lawyer in the country, and he couldn't possibly have that many clients. We have a right to counsel of our choice within reason. A counsel living in a foreign country who is unable to get a visa doesn't fit the bill.
It's now taking pages and pages of convoluted word vomits for any defense of Trump to have a chance :laugh:
I just read a really long Who is Fusion GPS thing by Heavy (5 Things you need to Know) and if possible I think I know less now than I did when I began.
The tie between Fusion and the Russians is completely unclear to me. Fusion had a huge list of clients of every stripe and did varied research. I think they might be implying that because one of those clients was in favor of repealing the Maginsky Act that somehow that means Fusion GPS was working for the Russians?
So dumb. Obama let her in because he knew Trump would try to collude with her? And he wanted to use that against Trump AFTER the election?! :rofl:

Lynch let her in because of her ties to Clinton, that isn't a question.

What angle she was playing in offering evidence of bribes paid to Hillary is unknown, as is the reason she failed to deliver.

We KNOW the Clinton mob is tied to Moscow:

{According to the Times, during Russia’s gradual takeover of the mines between 2009 and 2013, Canadian records showed that Uranium One chairman’s family foundation donated a total of $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Shortly after the deal, Hillary’s husband, former US President Bill Clinton, gave a speech in Russia for a hefty $500,000 paid by a Russian investment bank that promoted Uranium One stock at the time, the daily noted.}

PressTV-Clintons ‘colluded’ with Russia: White House
Lol Trump Jr. openly admits to collusion with the Russians and rubes respond with the uranium lie. How much of our uranium did Russia get again?
What does that have to do with this idiots statement?

"President Obama had nothing to do with Natalia Veselnitskaya's entry into the US, she entered on Trump's watch."

Trumps watch?

Lynches waiver covered 2015 to early 2016
, after that it was on TRUMPS WATCH that she overstayed her visa.


that wasnt' the comment...

Your idiot buddy claimed she ENTERED on Trumps watch.

Do you have reading problems, or are you just plain stupid?
Barry stepped in and bypassed the visa denial and denial into the US.

It's spelled out in the articles / links. Are YOU retarded or just acting like it?
You got some facts that "Barry stepped in and bypassed the visa denial?" Or was Lynch just doing her job as head of the DOJ in regard to counsel for an active DOJ case being defended by an attorney whose visa had expired?
I can't blame them for wanting to keep her out, and now they can. The NEW DOJ headed by Sessions ala Trump abruptly settled the case for beans -- for such a low figure even the Russians were surprised -- after firing the lead prosecutor a couple months ago for no apparent reason. The case had to do with money laundering in Manhattan, and if I were you, bud, I wouldn't be bringing any of that into it. It smells to the high heaven.
So dumb. Obama let her in because he knew Trump would try to collude with her? And he wanted to use that against Trump AFTER the election?! :rofl:

Lynch let her in because of her ties to Clinton, that isn't a question.

What angle she was playing in offering evidence of bribes paid to Hillary is unknown, as is the reason she failed to deliver.

We KNOW the Clinton mob is tied to Moscow:

{According to the Times, during Russia’s gradual takeover of the mines between 2009 and 2013, Canadian records showed that Uranium One chairman’s family foundation donated a total of $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Shortly after the deal, Hillary’s husband, former US President Bill Clinton, gave a speech in Russia for a hefty $500,000 paid by a Russian investment bank that promoted Uranium One stock at the time, the daily noted.}

PressTV-Clintons ‘colluded’ with Russia: White House
Lynch let her in because of her ties to Clinton, that isn't a question.
You're right--it isn't a question; it's a lie.

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