Obama-Lynch-Johnson-Veselnitskaya-Fusion GPS-Putin / Russian Connection

Meanwhile a lobbyist with ties to Russian intelligence has said he was in the meeting too with the 3 traitors.

The drip drip drip Gowdy talked about yesterday continues.
Meanwhile the only reason Putin's Negotiator in charge of getting sanctions lifted was ONLY in the United States because Barry did Vlad a solid by getting her denied access into the US lifted....

Obama knew all this time trump was going to beat Hillary and planted this Russian chick, knowing she would play the idiots on his team , and knowing his team would then lie about it, knowing they would later get caught lying !

Wow , obama really is a genius !
I would never go that far.
Did anyone do background checks on the people before the meeting?
Seriously? Barry didn't believe in those....

Remember, the 1st time Barry gave a foreign woman a Visa to get into the US she ended up killing 7 Americans in a terrorist attack in California....

You just can't stop lying can you . The San Bern shooter was an American born citizen .
No she wasn't. Wow, you don't know how to use the internet . Are you one of those turds with little brain function?
If I were planning to volume with Russia to bring Trump to his knees, I'd wait until after the election to make my shit public. Absolutely.
Meanwhile a lobbyist with ties to Russian intelligence has said he was in the meeting too with the 3 traitors.

The drip drip drip Gowdy talked about yesterday continues.
Meanwhile the only reason Putin's Negotiator in charge of getting sanctions lifted was ONLY in the United States because Barry did Vlad a solid by getting her denied access into the US lifted....

Obama knew all this time trump was going to beat Hillary and planted this Russian chick, knowing she would play the idiots on his team , and knowing his team would then lie about it, knowing they would later get caught lying !

Wow , obama really is a genius !
I would never go that far.


You always go too far.
Did anyone do background checks on the people before the meeting?
Seriously? Barry didn't believe in those....

Remember, the 1st time Barry gave a foreign woman a Visa to get into the US she ended up killing 7 Americans in a terrorist attack in California....

You just can't stop lying can you . The San Bern shooter was an American born citizen .

His wife, who assisted him to the end, wasn't

Oh yeah she ran the show ! We all know how Isis wannabe Muslim kooks respect their woman!

The same group adored by libturds. Still trying to figure how one can endorse ISIS and claim to be for women's rights hmmmm
Meanwhile a lobbyist with ties to Russian intelligence has said he was in the meeting too with the 3 traitors.

The drip drip drip Gowdy talked about yesterday continues.
Meanwhile the only reason Putin's Negotiator in charge of getting sanctions lifted was ONLY in the United States because Barry did Vlad a solid by getting her denied access into the US lifted....

Obama knew all this time trump was going to beat Hillary and planted this Russian chick, knowing she would play the idiots on his team , and knowing his team would then lie about it, knowing they would later get caught lying !

Wow , obama really is a genius !
I would never go that far.


You always go too far.
No, she ran a Secretary of State from her toilet and killed four Americans while taking a dump
so....now the Russians concern you? :rofl:

What's funny is how they don't concern YOU.
Oh they concern me very much.....and they have for a very long time. But thank you for taking the time to chime in with your incorrect comment.

Nah, that can't be true because if it were you would have been screaming about this, among other things.....but no, you were quiet as a church mouse...

so....now the Russians concern you? :rofl:

What concerns me is how hiLIARy and Podesta enabled Russia to take over 20% of the U.S. uranium supply.

Natasha Badenov? Not so much.
so....now the Russians concern you? :rofl:

What's funny is how they don't concern YOU.
Oh they concern me very much.....and they have for a very long time. But thank you for taking the time to chime in with your incorrect comment.
Yeah, you just love poking the most dangerous country in the world by faking stories about Their people. Nice that you feel like jeopardizing american lives to lie about a loss
More intriguing was how she was Vlad's Agent responsible for lobbying for the lifting of sanctions, who tried to meet with both Hillary and Trump.

Vlad's efforts to have the sanctions lifted was dead in the water because she could not enter the US...until Barry did Vlad a solid and reversed that.

WOW, That's hitting stupid territory by record margins. Letting in someobdy trying to get the sanctions liftd isn't going to have any effect on the people who imposed the sanctions. Obama was never going to lift the sanctions, Hillary was never going to lift the sanctions. So letting a lobbyist into the USA could only collude with Trump to get the sanctions lifted.

Trump; sent out a thousand signals that he wanted better relations with Russia. He filled his cabinet with people with russian ties. His associates reached out to the russians at every opportunity. And most importantly, everybody in Trumps circle kepts lying about any contacts they had with russians.

Q = Have you had contacts with the russians?

A = Nyet
So why did they let her in?

I ate Russian dressing
Nah, that can't be true because if it were you would have been screaming about this, among other things.....but no, you were quiet as a church mouse...

The president telling a foreign power he'd be more flexible after the election is over.

What president hasn't said that? Lincoln said that to the confederacy
You just can't stop lying can you . The San Bern shooter was an American born citizen .

"Tashfeen Malik, who with her husband carried out the massacre in San Bernardino, Calif., passed three background checks by American immigration officials as she moved to the United States from Pakistan. None uncovered what Ms. Malik had made little effort to hide — that she talked openly on social media about her views on violent jihad. She said she supported it. And she said she wanted to be a part of it."
-- The New York Times: U.S. Visa Process Missed San Bernardino Wife’s Zealotry on Social Media - InlandPolitics.com

Damn, it must be embarrassing to be a lying liberal snowflake who just has to lie your ass off to defend the fomer Islamic Extremist Sympathizing President....

You lie . "Sympathetizing president ".

You post about her getting her papers, implying the attack would Have never happened if she wasn't let into the country .
That's correct. Prove us wrong
So why did they let her in?


Justice Scalia, Opinion of the Court


on writ of certiorari to the united states court ofappeals for the eighth circuit
[June 26, 2006]

We must decide whether a trial court’s erroneous deprivation of a criminal defendant’s choice of counsel entitles him to a reversal of his conviction.

Respondent appealed, and the Eighth Circuit vacated the conviction. 399 F. 3d 924 (2005).

The judgment of the Court of Appeals is affirmed
It is so ordered.
Meanwhile a lobbyist with ties to Russian intelligence has said he was in the meeting too with the 3 traitors.

The drip drip drip Gowdy talked about yesterday continues.
with ties to Russian intelligence

He knows a guy, that knows a guy?
Nope, Jr lied again with how many people were in the room.
It's a family tradition: being pathological liars.

News flash:

Stalin and Bob Hope were also in the room.
And later Napoleon showed up.

And of course, Larry Storch, Artie Johnson and Danny Kaye, pretending to be Americans speaking with a Russian accent to make sure Trump gets elected.
I was there too
So why did they let her in?


Justice Scalia, Opinion of the Court


on writ of certiorari to the united states court ofappeals for the eighth circuit
[June 26, 2006]

We must decide whether a trial court’s erroneous deprivation of a criminal defendant’s choice of counsel entitles him to a reversal of his conviction.

Respondent appealed, and the Eighth Circuit vacated the conviction. 399 F. 3d 924 (2005).

The judgment of the Court of Appeals is affirmed
It is so ordered.
So that's why Scalia died? Gotcha

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