Obama-Lynch-Johnson-Veselnitskaya-Fusion GPS-Putin / Russian Connection

You got some facts that "Barry stepped in and bypassed the visa denial?"
Of course I do - there is an entire thread on this I began that has multiple links and articles. I have posted it here in this thread as well. And then there is Google, which lazy libtards and those who don't want to know the truth suddenly don't know how to use when it pertains to something begative about 'the messiah', Hillary, or Democrats.
You got some facts that "Barry stepped in and bypassed the visa denial?"
Of course I do - there is an entire thread on this I began that has multiple links and articles. I have posted it here in this thread as well. And then there is Google, which lazy libtards and those who don't want to know the truth suddenly don't know how to use when it pertains to something begative about 'the messiah', Hillary, or Democrats.
What did you call that thread? In Politics?
You got some facts that "Barry stepped in and bypassed the visa denial?"
Of course I do - there is an entire thread on this I began that has multiple links and articles. I have posted it here in this thread as well. And then there is Google, which lazy libtards and those who don't want to know the truth suddenly don't know how to use when it pertains to something begative about 'the messiah', Hillary, or Democrats.
What did you call that thread? In Politics?
I think a lib usmb staff member combined it with another 'like' thread that had some stupid name...bit I have posted the links in numerous threads of discussion about it. Check my posts under my profile...
so....now the Russians concern you? :rofl:

No, we should ignore the extraordinary efforts by the corrupt scum Lynch and only concentrate on a 10 minute meeting about nothing with Don Jr...

You are a truly dumb one, shortbus.
And....those indictments against Lynch for corruption are......? Share with the authorities your evidence.
You got some facts that "Barry stepped in and bypassed the visa denial?"
Of course I do - there is an entire thread on this I began that has multiple links and articles. I have posted it here in this thread as well. And then there is Google, which lazy libtards and those who don't want to know the truth suddenly don't know how to use when it pertains to something begative about 'the messiah', Hillary, or Democrats.
What did you call that thread? In Politics?
I think a lib usmb staff member combined it with another 'like' thread that had some stupid name...bit I have posted the links in numerous threads of discussion about it. Check my posts under my profile...
So mistreated....such a victim....
A counsel living in a foreign country who is unable to get a visa doesn't fit the bill.

Wrong. The courts, even the supreme court grants lawyers not admitted to the bar in the state / federal district, be allowed to practice to represent their client. It's how they protect 6th amendment rights. I can site case law if you want. But it will only make you look stupid.


A lawyer who is not a member of the Virginia State Bar, but is currently licensed and authorized to practice law in another state, territory, or possession of the United States of America (hereinafter called an “out-of-state lawyer”) may apply to appear as counsel pro hac vice in a particular case before any court, board or administrative agency


III. Admission of Foreign Lawyer in Pending Litigation Before a Court or Agency A. A foreign lawyer is a person admitted in a non-United States jurisdiction and who is a member of a recognized legal profession in that jurisdiction, the members of which are admitted to practice as lawyers or counselors at law or the equivalent and are subject to effective regulation and discipline by a duly constituted professional body or a public authority, and who is not disbarred, suspended or the equivalent thereof from practice in any jurisdiction.
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It's funny. Republicans normally hate lawyers. But now there are more lawyers in the white house than when Bill and Hillary occupied it.
A counsel living in a foreign country who is unable to get a visa doesn't fit the bill.

Wrong. The courts, even the supreme court grants lawyers not admitted to the bar in the state / federal district, be allowed to practice to represent their client. It's how they protect 6th amendment rights. I can site case law if you want. But it will only make you look stupid.


A lawyer who is not a member of the Virginia State Bar, but is currently licensed and authorized to practice law in another state, territory, or possession of the United States of America (hereinafter called an “out-of-state lawyer”) may apply to appear as counsel pro hac vice in a particular case before any court, board or administrative agency


III. Admission of Foreign Lawyer in Pending Litigation Before a Court or Agency A. A foreign lawyer is a person admitted in a non-United States jurisdiction and who is a member of a recognized legal profession in that jurisdiction, the members of which are admitted to practice as lawyers or counselors at law or the equivalent and are subject to effective regulation and discipline by a duly constituted professional body or a public authority, and who is not disbarred, suspended or the equivalent thereof from practice in any jurisdiction.
Just because some foreign lawyer can be allowed to practice law in the US, that doesn't require the government to allow that lawyer into the country.

You're trying the "baffle them with bullshit" argument because you haven't got a case.
Just because some foreign lawyer can be allowed to practice law in the US, that doesn't require the government to allow that lawyer into the country..

You're right. They don't have to let the clients lawyers into the country. But if they don't. the client files a 6th amendment appeal, which case law requires they grant, therefore all charges against the client would be dropped. Or in this case, all sanctions and fines, would be thrown out.

So , they don't have to let the lawyer in. But they do, if they want to sustain the case.
Just because some foreign lawyer can be allowed to practice law in the US, that doesn't require the government to allow that lawyer into the country..

You're right. They don't have to let the clients lawyers into the country. But if they don't. the client files a 6th amendment appeal, which case law requires they grant, therefore all charges against the client would be dropped. Or in this case, all sanctions and fines, would be thrown out.

So , they don't have to let the lawyer in. But they do, if they want to sustain the case.
You haven't show any case law the requires any such thing.
So , they don't have to let the lawyer in. But they do, if they want to sustain the case.
You haven't show any case law the requires any such thing.

O.K> for the case law


Justice Scalia, Opinion of the Court


on writ of certiorari to the united states court ofappeals for the eighth circuit
[June 26, 2006]

We must decide whether a trial court’s erroneous deprivation of a criminal defendant’s choice of counsel entitles him to a reversal of his conviction.

However broad a court’s discretion may be, the Government has conceded that the District Court here erred when it denied respondent his choice of counsel. Accepting that premise, we hold that the error violated respondent’s Sixth Amendment right to counsel of choice and that this violation is not subject to harmless-error analysis.

Respondent appealed, and the Eighth Circuit vacated the conviction. 399 F. 3d 924 (2005). The Court first held that the District Court erred in interpreting Rule 4–4.2 to prohibit Low’s conduct both in this case and in the separate matter on which the District Court based its denials of his admission motions.

The judgment of the Court of Appeals is affirmed, and the case is remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.

It is so ordered.

Fusion GPS contracted former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele to build a report on Trump's financial and social connections in Russia.

Fusion GPS had ties to Russian efforts to undermine U.S. sanctions that were led by attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya.

Barry, Obama US AG (DOJ) Loretta Lynch, and Obama DHS Chief Jeh Johnson worked in coordination to bypass Obama's US Immigration Department's DENIAL of a Visa to Veselnitskaya, which prevented her from coming into the country.

Obama ended up giving Veselnitskaya what the DOJ calls a 'Parole' Visa, a type of Visa rarely given out and then only under 'Humanitarian' emergency type circumstances.
-- "“Ms. Veselnitskaya was subsequently paroled into the U.S. several times between 2015 and 2016, ending in February 2016."
-- "The type of parole Veselnitskaya was granted is given “sparingly” and in “extraordinary circumstances,” including urgent humanitarian reasons, such as medical or family emergency. Broadly speaking, Christensen told Fox News that parole may be requested for a person who “believes his or her presence in the United States will be a significant public benefit,” and cited participation in a civil court case as an example"
---- Mystery solved? Timeline shows how Russian lawyer got into US for Trump Jr. meeting

('Investment manager Bill Browder has alleged that Simpson was retained by Veselnitskaya's client, Prevezon Holdings, as part of an effort to repeal the Magnitsky Act, named for Sergei Magnitsky — an attorney who was beaten to death in a Moscow prison after accusing Russian authorities of stealing hundreds of millions of dollars through tax refunds and then laundering the money through New York banks.'

Browder has also claimed that "Veselnitskaya probably tried 12 different angles to get to Trump and also to Clinton for that matter" and said she had "every possible incentive to get to both sides” since her goal was to get the Magnitsky Act repealed, and apparently not to influence the U.S. election.")

Co-founder of firm behind Trump-Russia dossier pressed to testify

It's just getting harder every day to deflect from what the POTUS and his son are up to, isn't it? Last I heard, Obama isn't in office anymore. Better catch up, you're getting left behind!

Yea, but Obama and his minions are trying to frame our POTUS

No they can't, the failure is hugely
So dumb. Obama let her in because he knew Trump would try to collude with her?

No, as the article points out and the connections show, Obama let her in despite her being denied entry as a favor to Putin, as she was his lead chief responsible for lobbying for the lifting of US sanctions....that's kind of hard to do when you're not allowed into the US. Obama remedied that so she could gain access into the US and every politician she could.

The article also explains she did not just try to get a meeting with Trump but ALSO TRIED TO GET A MEETING WITH HILLARY. Unlike Democrats, she did not believe Hillary would win in an 'avalanche' so she was trying to meet with both potential winners.
Obama imposed sanctions, dummy. Trump is the one who campaigned on getting rid of them. And the Trump campaign is on record meeting with her to collect some dirt on Hillary, not the other way around.
But...but...Obama! :crybaby:
If the crime fits, snowflake..... At least you were smart enough not to deny the facts / evidence.

Yes, I am sure they will be prosecuted any day now. If it's all so obvious, why hasn't Sessions filed charges or appointed a special prosecutor? He could do so this very second. Must be hard deflecting and blowing Trump at the same time.
Why hasn't mueller or the congress on trump after thirteen months? Let me laugh at your derp
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