Obama Makes it Official

When you say 'pile of shit he stepped into', are you referring to when he said that the use of Chemical weapons is crossing the red line ?
He spent a lot of time setting up this false flag operation for the purpose of helping Al Qaeda. Drawing the red line, threatening to use military force if they crossed it, then CLAIMING they crossed it when in all likelihood they did not. Now he's finding out he doesn't have any support for attacking them. That's the pile of shit, his OWN shit.

I'm pretty sure the only reason that he said that using chemical weapons would be crossing the red line and would mean U.S military intervention is because he really thought that it would never happen.
Then when he heard about the chemical attack, he must have said something like "Oh fuck, why did I open my big mouth!"
Could be, but I think you may be giving him too much credit.
A debate in Congress may be quite enlightening. Hopefully we get to hear all about Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar supporting the rebels.

The SNC is recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people by a host of countries, including USA.
National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In this perspective the "rebels" (as the sole legitimate representative of Syria) are fighting a small gang of Syrians who are occupying Syria's state institutions with their own men (untested by free & fair elections), and who are attacking Syrian settlements & cities with missiles, artillery and chemical weapons.

There's no reason why "the rebels" shouldn't be supported.
I'm watching CNN Live. He said he has decided to take military action after seeking the OKAY from the congress
So not only is Obama spineless he also has no balls. The makings of a perfect politician.
A debate in Congress may be quite enlightening. Hopefully we get to hear all about Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar supporting the rebels.

The SNC is recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people by a host of countries, including USA.
National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In this perspective the "rebels" (as the sole legitimate representative of Syria) are fighting a small gang of Syrians who are occupying Syria's state institutions with their own men (untested by free & fair elections), and who are attacking Syrian settlements & cities with missiles, artillery and chemical weapons.

There's no reason why "the rebels" shouldn't be supported.
Hey here's a novel idea: why don't Muslims or the Arab League or World Muslim Association or whatever unite and solve this internal Muslim on Muslim daily massacre? After all, they seem to be so voiciferous every time a poor Palestinian looses a hair follicle because of Israel.

And...why does the US have to always step in and save Muslim ass, just to get spat on and terrorised by the same people it just saved?

Just another of the many $64,000.00 questions.

A. They don't give a hoot.
I guess he thinks he has a no-lose situation. If Congress approves a strike, and it turns out to be a disaster, he can blame the Republicans for it. If they say NO, he can keep claiming Syria is slaughtering people with nerve gas and blame the Republicans for that too. And of course, the dumbass sycophants on this board will be more than happy to climb right on board.
A debate in Congress may be quite enlightening. Hopefully we get to hear all about Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar supporting the rebels.

The SNC is recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people by a host of countries, including USA.
National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In this perspective the "rebels" (as the sole legitimate representative of Syria) are fighting a small gang of Syrians who are occupying Syria's state institutions with their own men (untested by free & fair elections), and who are attacking Syrian settlements & cities with missiles, artillery and chemical weapons.

There's no reason why "the rebels" shouldn't be supported.

Why are Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey overthrowing a sovereign regime ?
I guess he thinks he has a no-lose situation. If Congress approves a strike, and it turns out to be a disaster, he can blame the Republicans for it. If they say NO, he can keep claiming Syria is slaughtering people with nerve gas and blame the Republicans for that too. And of course, the dumbass sycophants on this board will be more than happy to climb right on board.
In other words there is no strike coming. Michael Moore told Obama that in no uncertain terms that he doesn't have any permission. By the time all the bickering and squabbling is over in congress over this issue, a strke will effectively be ruled out and Obama will issue yet another tough warning for the tenth time that "this should be a good lesson that the next time a strike is surely coming". And Iran and all the pariah nations will take note and conclude that we are back to Jimmy Carter's USA being the paper tiger, where America has zero credibility and respect in the world stage.

Like I always say, Obama is Jimmy Carter on Steroids.
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Notice he made the announcement on Saturday afternoon on Labor Day weekend when 99% of the country is paying absolutely no attention. Given the attention span of Americans it will all be forgotten by Wednesday when Justin Bieber gets caught pooping in a punch bowl.
A debate in Congress may be quite enlightening. Hopefully we get to hear all about Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar supporting the rebels.

The SNC is recognized as the sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people by a host of countries, including USA.
National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In this perspective the "rebels" (as the sole legitimate representative of Syria) are fighting a small gang of Syrians who are occupying Syria's state institutions with their own men (untested by free & fair elections), and who are attacking Syrian settlements & cities with missiles, artillery and chemical weapons.

There's no reason why "the rebels" shouldn't be supported.

President Obama won't recognize Syrian rebels - Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON -- President Obama drew a careful limit around the U.S. role in the civil war in Syria, saying he would not recognize the opposition as a “government in exile,” or yield to mounting international pressure to begin arming militias battling President Bashar Assad.
Then fuck Obama and congress both

Honestly don't believe Congress will give it? Know what I find ironic? EVERYTHING George Bush did he condemned starting with Guantanamo Bay . This guy is more aggressive then Bush ever was. Not defending the War in Iraq but I do believe they did have weapons of mass destruction We gave them enough " warnings" and UN vetoes for them to have time to get them out
President Obama won't recognize Syrian rebels - Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON -- President Obama drew a careful limit around the U.S. role in the civil war in Syria, saying he would not recognize the opposition as a “government in exile,” or yield to mounting international pressure to begin arming militias battling President Bashar Assad.

That's a statement from November 2012.
In December 2012 the USA recognized the SNC as sole legitimate representative of Syria.
And the USA is not alone in this decision.

WASHINGTON — President Obama announced Tuesday that he was recognizing the new Syrian opposition council as the sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people, tightening U.S. ties to the group as Syrian President Bashar Assad's grip on power appears to be slipping.
Obama, who announced the move in an interview with ABC News, made the decision ahead of an international conference on the crisis scheduled to start on Wednesday in Morocco.
Obama says U.S. will recognize Syrian opposition
Why are Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey overthrowing a sovereign regime ?

Not sovereign.
Assad had always a weak legitimacy in governing Syria.
People appeared to accept his rule (by force), and not by free and fair election. As long as Syria was stable no one gave a shit about "legitimacy"-questions.

Now, there's a situation where millions of Syrians are either dead or refugees, howitzers and aircraft involved in operations against cities, chemical-weapons.

Someone who is not democratically legitimized and who is one of the main actors in this mess (amount of killed people) can't have any claim to continue to govern the country. And he shouldn't be allowed to, it is either death or Den Haag.
Why are Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey overthrowing a sovereign regime ?

Not sovereign.
Assad had always a weak legitimacy in governing Syria.
People appeared to accept his rule (by force), and not by free and fair election. As long as Syria was stable no one gave a shit about "legitimacy"-questions.

Now, there's a situation where millions of Syrians are either dead or refugees, howitzers and aircraft involved in operations against cities, chemical-weapons.

Someone who is not democratically legitimized and who is one of the main actors in this mess (amount of killed people) can't have any claim to continue to govern the country. And he shouldn't be allowed to, it is either death or Den Haag.

Could it be that the civilians are dead because someone started a war to depose Assad. Did the rebel countries really think he was going to go peacefully? This is more than a civil war. It's an entire coalition of countries wanting to see him go.
A sovereign state is a nonphysical juridical entity of the international legal system that is represented by a centralized government that has supreme independent authority over a geographic area. International law defines sovereign states as having a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other sovereign states.[1] It is also normally understood to be a state which is neither dependent on nor subject to any other power or state.[2] The existence or disappearance of a state is a question of fact.[3] While according to the declarative theory of state recognition a sovereign state can exist without being recognised by other sovereign states, unrecognised states will often find it hard to exercise full treaty-making powers and engage in diplomatic relations with other sovereign states

Sovereign state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

bold is mine
Why are Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey overthrowing a sovereign regime ?

Not sovereign.
Assad had always a weak legitimacy in governing Syria.
People appeared to accept his rule (by force), and not by free and fair election. As long as Syria was stable no one gave a shit about "legitimacy"-questions.

Now, there's a situation where millions of Syrians are either dead or refugees, howitzers and aircraft involved in operations against cities, chemical-weapons.

Someone who is not democratically legitimized and who is one of the main actors in this mess (amount of killed people) can't have any claim to continue to govern the country. And he shouldn't be allowed to, it is either death or Den Haag.

Could it be that the civilians are dead because someone started a war to depose Assad. Did the rebel countries really think he was going to go peacefully? This is more than a civil war. It's an entire coalition of countries wanting to see him go.

I'm pretty sure the war started when Assad's forces started killing protestors who were opposing him.
If you don;t give your people freedom of speech to voice their opinion about you (and other issues of course) , then it is just a matter of time before they rise up. It's just like a natural reaction.
Not sovereign.
Assad had always a weak legitimacy in governing Syria.
People appeared to accept his rule (by force), and not by free and fair election. As long as Syria was stable no one gave a shit about "legitimacy"-questions.

Now, there's a situation where millions of Syrians are either dead or refugees, howitzers and aircraft involved in operations against cities, chemical-weapons.

Someone who is not democratically legitimized and who is one of the main actors in this mess (amount of killed people) can't have any claim to continue to govern the country. And he shouldn't be allowed to, it is either death or Den Haag.

Could it be that the civilians are dead because someone started a war to depose Assad. Did the rebel countries really think he was going to go peacefully? This is more than a civil war. It's an entire coalition of countries wanting to see him go.

I'm pretty sure the war started when Assad's forces started killing protestors who were opposing him.
If you don;t give your people freedom of speech to voice their opinion about you (and other issues of course) , then it is just a matter of time before they rise up. It's just like a natural reaction.

It's not just the Syrians who rose up. It's an entire coalition of countries that are sending troops and supplies in. If you can stand the boredom check out this youtube clip and see how vague Bassma Kodmani is . ( former member of the SNC and current member of the Bilderbergs and the CFR )
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGv15FL12tw]Bassma Kodmani on the Syrian Uprising - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks for the link, I'll watch some of it now
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Obama is flexing; he talks a lot, but knows he has to work within the parameters of the law. His rhetoric says he is chomping at the bit to directly order the strike. Should he do so with this issue, or some other conflict, he needs to be held accountable.
Could it be that the civilians are dead because someone started a war to depose Assad. Did the rebel countries really think he was going to go peacefully? This is more than a civil war. It's an entire coalition of countries wanting to see him go.

When Turkey recognized the SNC as the sole legitimate representative of Syria in December 2012 the Syrian refugee numbers in Turkey stood somewhere at 135.000.
Today it is about 459.000 officially registered within Turkey.

Assad has escalated his response to the protests from police-tactics to Army to Airforce to scud-missiles to chemical weapons.
Somewhere on that route a decision was made to not only provide refuge to Syrians, but also giving them the means to protect themselves after economic sanctions didn't result in Assad stopping the refugee-flow.
It's amazing. Obama's itching to take sides WITH Al Qaeda yet again. First Benghazi, now this

Did he order Osama killed so he could lead AQ when this whole "President" thing is over?

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