Obama & Michelle TOLD us they were going to change our traditions...

Yet the far right is still infected with racism, ageism, sexism, homophobia.

No, weirdoes, we are not going back to the 1950s.

Once you can walk the walk as well as talk the talk, the rest of the GOP will pay serious attention to you.
Oh I didn't say it DIDN'T exist...try reading I said we've moved on because you will never change human nature..look at yourself for an example
you people on left/Democrats proved all that with Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, and anyone who is Republican and from a state like Texas...now you're dismissed

Of course your 1 inch deep understanding of criticism is your defense.

Palin couldn't name one newspaper or magazine she read (22:43 mark).

She was called stupid because she is stupid. If she were male, she'd be called stupid as well and rightly so. The time since 2008 where she has done nothing except stack paper and reality television has bore out the facts that she's a political light weight; quitting 1/2 way through her term is another FACT.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u3PteRPLys]obama thinks there are 57 states[/ame]

LMAO...your great "constitutional lawyer" thinks the Constitution was written 2000 years ago.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iTPLC5OpJA]obama has no clue about the constitution or this nation's history[/ame]

But go ahead and deflect..let's talk about palin or bush or tea party..ANYTHING except obama incompetence...:doubt:

poor candy, she got burned on that one
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Oh I didn't say it DIDN'T exist...try reading I said we've moved on because you will never change human nature..look at yourself for an example
you people on left/Democrats proved all that with Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, and anyone who is Republican and from a state like Texas...now you're dismissed

Of course your 1 inch deep understanding of criticism is your defense.

Palin couldn't name one newspaper or magazine she read (22:43 mark).

She was called stupid because she is stupid. If she were male, she'd be called stupid as well and rightly so. The time since 2008 where she has done nothing except stack paper and reality television has bore out the facts that she's a political light weight; quitting 1/2 way through her term is another FACT.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u3PteRPLys]obama thinks there are 57 states[/ame]

LMAO...your great "constitutional lawyer" thinks the Constitution was written 2000 years ago.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iTPLC5OpJA]obama has no clue about the constitution or this nation's history[/ame]

But go ahead and deflect..let's talk about palin or bush or tea party..ANYTHING except obama incompetence...:doubt:

Sure...the two were just the same.
When Obama has a reality television series, I'll agree with you about his being a political lightweight but current the facts are this:


Quit as governor
Has made no attempt to get ANY government seat since then
Has done reality television

Sought higher office
Elected to two terms as your President
Had not done reality TV

Deflect? You're the one who is deflecting. So please detail Sarah's towering accomplishments.... your move loser. :popcorn:
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Yet the far right is still infected with racism, ageism, sexism, homophobia.

No, weirdoes, we are not going back to the 1950s.

Once you can walk the walk as well as talk the talk, the rest of the GOP will pay serious attention to you.

oh brother, jakie speaketh, do we need to all bow:eusa_shifty:
Of course your 1 inch deep understanding of criticism is your defense.

Palin couldn't name one newspaper or magazine she read (22:43 mark).

She was called stupid because she is stupid. If she were male, she'd be called stupid as well and rightly so. The time since 2008 where she has done nothing except stack paper and reality television has bore out the facts that she's a political light weight; quitting 1/2 way through her term is another FACT.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4u3PteRPLys]obama thinks there are 57 states[/ame]

LMAO...your great "constitutional lawyer" thinks the Constitution was written 2000 years ago.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iTPLC5OpJA]obama has no clue about the constitution or this nation's history[/ame]

But go ahead and deflect..let's talk about palin or bush or tea party..ANYTHING except obama incompetence...:doubt:

poor candy, she got burned on that one

You're dumber than I tell people. Palin is an idiot and you sound incredibly dense for continuing to support her.

Feel free to list her towering accomplishments...stop deflecting...list them beeotch!
Yet the far right is still infected with racism, ageism, sexism, homophobia.

Either you're a DNC paid operative or you've been so duped that you can't think straight..
Those are natural human emotions that even the "left" have. Humans are flawed. Always have been, always will be. No government/president will ever change that.

No, weirdoes, we are not going back to the 1950s.

Hey..slipped in another insult.how clever, unique and original. :lol:
I don't see where anyone said they wanted to go back to the 1950's? Link to that quote?

Oh..I see...no one actually said that. You just made up a strawman so you could knock it down...again...That's a great debate tactic...You never lose when you can just make up anything you want..LMAO...

Once you can walk the walk as well as talk the talk, the rest of the GOP will pay serious attention to you.

Yes..since you're such an expert on the GOP :doubt: ....and how other americans need to conduct themselves so they will be acceptable to you... :doubt:
Yet the far right is still infected with racism, ageism, sexism, homophobia.

No, weirdoes, we are not going back to the 1950s.

Once you can walk the walk as well as talk the talk, the rest of the GOP will pay serious attention to you.

oh brother, jakie speaketh, do we need to all bow:eusa_shifty:

While you are bowing you better be changing for the better if our GOP is going to win nationally again.
Rota reveals the brain washed mind from the echo chamber.

Everyone is flawed, yes, but ageism, sexism, racism, and homophobia are associated today overwhelmingly with the far right.

Not going back to the cultural norms of the 1950s is not insult but simply fact.

Rota, either the far right deals with these issues or it drags down the GOP.

The far right cost us the Senate in 2010 and 2012, the presidency in 2012, and may cost us the Senate and the House in 2014. These were campaigns we should have but did not win.

The far right is not mainstream America.

Since mainstream America will not change for the far right, either the reactionaries change or are washed away and become a historical footnote.
Yet the far right is still infected with racism, ageism, sexism, homophobia.

Either you're a DNC paid operative or you've been so duped that you can't think straight..
Those are natural human emotions that even the "left" have. Humans are flawed. Always have been, always will be. No government/president will ever change that.

No, weirdoes, we are not going back to the 1950s.

Hey..slipped in another insult.how clever, unique and original. :lol:
I don't see where anyone said they wanted to go back to the 1950's? Link to that quote?

Oh..I see...no one actually said that. You just made up a strawman so you could knock it down...again...That's a great debate tactic...You never lose when you can just make up anything you want..LMAO...

Once you can walk the walk as well as talk the talk, the rest of the GOP will pay serious attention to you.

Yes..since you're such an expert on the GOP :doubt: ....and how other americans need to conduct themselves so they will be acceptable to you... :doubt:

Just so you know who you are dealing with...

JakeStarkey JakeStarkey is offline
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Member #20412
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I voted for McCain and Obama.

Your industry is getting what it earned, Antares.

Tuff dat.

That a person of color now can say that they can become President of the United States of America. That we now see clearly how bigoted some people in our nation are. That the extreme conservatives have actually shown that they are willing to be treasonous to the US in order to spite someone of color...


What the hell are you talking about? Are you really doing the "anyone opposed to obama politically, ideologically, or according to his public behavior is racist" thing? Seriously?
Since he doesn't have facts and logic on his side, all he's left with is attempting to shame those he disagrees with into silence with spurious charges of racism.
If you disagree with Obama when he's continuing Bush's policies, but you still defend Bush, then you're just a fucking moron.

If you praise Obama for actions you condemned Bush for doing, then you're just a fucking moron.
If you disagree with Obama when he's continuing Bush's policies, but you still defend Bush, then you're just a fucking moron.

How about people who reflexively demonize President Bush but defend obama with hysterical levels of emotion when he does many of the exact same things President Bush did? I seem to recall obama and his media minions having a nice, self-important chortle at some of the things McCain said during the campaign, and then hearing obama say the same things, almost verbatim, shortly after the election.

You can't be a hypocrite and self-righteous at the same time, champ.
Rota reveals the brain washed mind from the echo chamber.

Gotta get in an insult as soon as possible.."brainwashed". The compulsion is strong.

Everyone is flawed,

I already said that.

yes, but ageism, sexism, racism, and homophobia are associated today overwhelmingly with the far right.

According to you. You have a link that proves that, right?
Of course you don't..You're making things up...again...

It doesn't matter. Every human on earth has one/some/all of those "isms"...except homophobia.

That is a contrived word that implies people are "afraid" of homosexuals and liberals like to use insulting, inflammatory, loaded words like that... they think that if they get to frame the debate they can't lose. Smart people see through all that.

Not going back to the cultural norms of the 1950s is not insult but simply fact.
Never said it was an insult. I pointed out that no one ever said they wanted to return to...blah..blah..the 1950's" See..again you purposely distort and invent things that weren't said..That's dishonest..but VERY revealing.

Rota, either the far right deals with these issues or it drags down the GOP.

racism, sexism, and whatever else you said can never be removed from humanity. You're tilting at windmills.

The far right cost us the Senate in 2010 and 2012, the presidency in 2012, and may cost us the Senate and the House in 2014. These were campaigns we should have but did not win.

According to you.

The far right is not mainstream America.

"far right"....just vague enough to be meaningless, yet direct enough to display your left leaning bias.

Since mainstream America will not change for the far right, either the reactionaries change or are washed away and become a historical footnote.

That's fascinating. Did you make that up, too?
Rota reveals the brain washed mind from the echo chamber.

Gotta get in an insult as soon as possible.."brainwashed". The compulsion is strong.

Everyone is flawed,

I already said that.

According to you. You have a link that proves that, right?
Of course you don't..You're making things up...again...

It doesn't matter. Every human on earth has one/some/all of those "isms"...except homophobia.

That is a contrived word that implies people are "afraid" of homosexuals and liberals like to use insulting, inflammatory, loaded words like that... they think that if they get to frame the debate they can't lose. Smart people see through all that.

Never said it was an insult. I pointed out that no one ever said they wanted to return to...blah..blah..the 1950's" See..again you purposely distort and invent things that weren't said..That's dishonest..but VERY revealing.

racism, sexism, and whatever else you said can never be removed from humanity. You're tilting at windmills.

According to you.

The far right is not mainstream America.

"far right"....just vague enough to be meaningless, yet direct enough to display your left leaning bias.

Since mainstream America will not change for the far right, either the reactionaries change or are washed away and become a historical footnote.

That's fascinating. Did you make that up, too?

Rota, what is wrong with what I aaid?

The mainstream GOP will not change for you.

If the very small and increasingly insignificant TP does not change, it will be washed away.

You disagree: so did the Feds and the Whigs. :lol:
If you disagree with Obama when he's continuing Bush's policies, but you still defend Bush, then you're just a fucking moron.
How about people who reflexively demonize President Bush but defend obama with hysterical levels of emotion when he does many of the exact same things President Bush did? I seem to recall obama and his media minions having a nice, self-important chortle at some of the things McCain said during the campaign, and then hearing obama say the same things, almost verbatim, shortly after the election.

You can't be a hypocrite and self-righteous at the same time, champ.
Are you fucking kidding? How many god-damned fucking times do I have to say that I am not a Democrat and did not vote for Barack Obama? How many more fucking times until ANY one of you comprehends those words? How many more times? When the fuck have I defended Obama? Saying that Bush was a fucking failure is not a defense of anything that Obama has done.

I am not a Democrat, I didn't vote for Obama, and both Bush and Obama, and Bush Sr. and Clinton and Reagan and Carter and Nixon and all of Congress and the Supreme Court and Wall Street and billionaires and industrialists and international banker fucks are all to blame for the shit that has happened.

Yes, Obama is a piece of shit, and that's because he didn't change from Bush's terrible policies. Just because Obama is a piece of shit doesn't mean that Bush should go free to fingerpaint in the bathtub. He should die in prison for war crimes just like Obama, Clinton and Bush Sr. Why can't you see the fucking pattern? It isn't about Democrat vs. Republican. It's about the international wealthy elite vs. everyone else, you included.

Bush is a fucking war criminal because he lied to start an unwinnable war. Obama is a fucking war criminal because he escalated Bush's unwinnable war. You've been killing civilians and writing them off as "collateral damage" for over ten years, breeding resentment and hatred toward the US. And the US was torturing POWs just to really make the Middle East love us and greet us as liberators.

How the fuck do you ever expect to win?
The mainstream GOP will not change for you.

I wouldn't expect any political group to "change for me".

Once again you try to frame things and then set up a strawman to knock down.

If the very small and increasingly insignificant TP does not change, it will be washed away.
That could be said about any small political group trying to reform a larger corrupt system. Your choice of negative words to describe them is noted. Once again you're trying to frame the discussion with your language.

You disagree: so did the Feds and the Whigs. :lol:

In your mind this desperate attempt to link me with the "Feds" (whoever they are) and the extinct "Whigs" proves something?

See? Again you're trying to frame the conversation and set the terms.

No one is fooled by this jr high school debate "tactic", no matter how often you try it.
The mainstream GOP will not change for you.

I wouldn't expect any political group to "change for me".

Once again you try to frame things and then set up a strawman to knock down.

If the very small and increasingly insignificant TP does not change, it will be washed away.
That could be said about any small political group trying to reform a larger corrupt system. Your choice of negative words to describe them is noted. Once again you're trying to frame the discussion with your language.

You disagree: so did the Feds and the Whigs. :lol:

In your mind this desperate attempt to link me with the "Feds" (whoever they are) and the extinct "Whigs" proves something?

See? Again you're trying to frame the conversation and set the terms.

No one is fooled by this jr high school debate "tactic", no matter how often you try it.

You catch on quick, it is all Jake does.

If you disagree with him you are a "far right" whack job.

His biggest problem though is that he doesn't disagree with anything Obama does.
If you disagree with Obama when he's continuing Bush's policies, but you still defend Bush, then you're just a fucking moron.
How about people who reflexively demonize President Bush but defend obama with hysterical levels of emotion when he does many of the exact same things President Bush did? I seem to recall obama and his media minions having a nice, self-important chortle at some of the things McCain said during the campaign, and then hearing obama say the same things, almost verbatim, shortly after the election.

You can't be a hypocrite and self-righteous at the same time, champ.
Are you fucking kidding? How many god-damned fucking times do I have to say that I am not a Democrat and did not vote for Barack Obama? ...

How many fucking times are you going to quack like a duck and then bitch and moan when you are called a fucking duck?

If you are just some anarchist freak show who is opposed to everyone and everything for the sake of opposing everyone and everything, then shut the fuck up and go fuck yourself. There is no point in the likes of you 'discussing' anything.

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