Obama Mocks 'Fear of Widows and Orphans'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
On June 6th 2015 Obama told reporters that his foreign policy regarding ISIS is 'incomplete'.

The day before the Paris attacks Obama declared, "The truth is that our goal from the very start was to 'CONTAIN' ISIS, and WE HAVE DONE THAT."

AFTER the Paris attacks Obama called the attacks a 'Set-Back'.

Obama then declared rather than 10,000 Syrian 'Refugees' he wants to bring in close to 100,000 'refuges'...by the end of the year.

This morning Obama reportedly stated it takes 12 to 18 months to thoroughly vette a 'refugee'...but he wants to bring in nearly 100,000 by the end of 2015?!

After being humiliated by ISIS, who obviously did not get Obama's memo about being 'contained', after ISIS vowed to infiltrate refugees and carry out attacks then proved they could do it, AFTER over 150 Parisians were just killed and another 100+ were severely injured, Obama just openly MOCKED the valid concerns of Americans over the national security threat bringing in these Syrian Refugees.


"Once again, reality has intruded on President Obama’s divisive, his anti-science talking points. Just hours after the president used the term “widows and orphans” to taunt the GOP over their opposition to flooding America with Syrian refugees ISIS has promised to seed with terrorists, a female suicide bomber in Paris blew herself up as police closed in.

OBAMA: “Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America,” Obama said of the GOP. “At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three year old orphans. That doesn’t seem so tough to me.”


Obama arrogantly called ISIS a 'JV Team'.
- He was WRONG!

Obama declared, ignorantly and naively before the Paris attacks, that ISIS was NOT getting stronger and was 'CONTAINED'.
- He was WRONG! ISIS didn't get the memo and humiliated Obama, exposing him (even more) as an ignorant dumbmass by handing Paris / France the worst attack it has faced since WWII.

AFTER the attacks Obama called this horrific tragedy in France a 'SET-BACK'.

NOW, after seeing what damage Syrian 'Refugees' can do, Obama blindly demands the US take in close to 100,000 by the end of the year...without appropriately vetting them. He says there is no reason to fear refugees... Yeah, tell that to France, asshole!

He mocks Americans' valid concerns, claiming they fear 'widows' and 'orphans'.
So Paris was attacked by widows and orphans? Funny how when you see footage of these 'refugees' you almost only see your men, of military age, and very few women and children.

Barry refuses to recognize / acknowledge the actual risk of bringing in so many without properly vetting them, how a 'Paris' could happen right here at home. He doesn't care.

Obama believes that screeching emotional blackmail in the form of suicidal political correctness is his real job.

Benghazi is Obama's Legacy.

Al Qaeida taking over Libya is Obama's Legacy.

The Fort Hood Attack is Obama's Legacy.

The Boston Marathon Bombing is Obama's Legacy.

ISIS is Obama’s legacy.

Paris is Obama’s legacy, especially declaring his policy of 'Containment' had worked just hours before the attacks.

The terrorist attacks yet to come in the US will be Obama's Legacy.

LINK: Hours After Obama Taunts GOP With 'Widows' Female Suicide Bomber Explodes In Paris - Breitbart
If Barry wants to let 'Widows and Orphans' into the U.S. then let's do it.

EVERY Syrian male from 18 - 40yo, however, should be rounded up and taken right back to Syria! To hell with sending US troops to Syria to fight for them, the young, able-bodied MEN who should be fighting for their own country! Take 'em all back and tell them to fight to clean up their own country. We don't have the time, money, or desire to 'adopt' a bunch of foreign 'welfare babies'...

And if you want to carry ak-47s and/or feel the need to strap on a suicide belt, go do it in Syria...kill all the Syrians, terrorists, and / or Assad soldiers you want!
And those mean ole debate questions. Don't forget that.

What he said is true.

We need to continue to go after TERRORISTS - just as Obama has done.

But RWNJs want to kill innocent people.
Listening to The Huckster Huckabee (the phony christian and lover of child molesters) lying about Obama now.

Obama has led more than 7000 strikes against ISIL.
More than 60 countries have followed his lead.
Even Pooting is now saying he will join the fight.

Huckster is lying.

There have been four reported suicide attacks by women in Afghanistan.[1]
Israel/Palestine Conflict[edit]

The Islamic State’s West African Province has adopted suicide bombings as a common war tactic deploying 52 female suicide bombers since 2014."
Female suicide bomber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"According to the Israel Defense Forces, 29 suicide attacks were carried out by youth under the age of 18 in 2000–2003. From May 2001, 22 shootings attacks and attacks using explosive devices were carried out by youth under the age of 18, and more than 40 youths under the age of 18 were involved in attempted suicide bombings that were thwarted (three in 2004)."
Child suicide bombers in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

each incident detailed above.

""We measure the success of a mission by two things: was it successful and how few civilians did we hurt. They measure success by how many. . . . You're talking to me about international laws. The laws of nature don't even apply here! I've been a soldier for 38 years and I've found an enemy I can kill."
- "The West Wing"
And those mean ole debate questions. Don't forget that.

What he said is true.

We need to continue to go after TERRORISTS - just as Obama has done.

But RWNJs want to kill innocent people.

Obama has NOT 'gone after' ISIS...he said it himself, "Our goal from day 1 has been to CONTAIN ISIS...and we have done that."

If you read the papers / watch the news today, France, Russia, and several other countries are pissing Barry off because they have finally totally IGNORED the Obama / US-mandated Rules of Engagement regarding attacking ISIS - they are going after major targets the US has declared 'off limits', such as all those oil trucks ISIS has been using to ship their oil they have been selling to make millions / fund their terrorist attacks. Barry has been PROTECTING ISIS's ability to fund its operations, protecting HQs, and other targets, NOT going after them.
LINK: France, Russia pummel ISIS stronghold as critics blast US rules of engagement

France, Russia, and others have had enough and understand you can't 'contain' ISIS and is finally taking it to ISIS!
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And those mean ole debate questions. Don't forget that.

What he said is true.

We need to continue to go after TERRORISTS - just as Obama has done.

But RWNJs want to kill innocent people.
Is that why Obama likes to kill innocent civilians with drones?
Is it really too much to ask for the President to put away childishness and stop mocking people who have valid concerns?

If he thinks his position is correct, why not try to persuade the American people by showing them how the government will stop Isis members from slipping through with the refugees? Wouldn't that be the mature response?
And those mean ole debate questions. Don't forget that.

What he said is true.

We need to continue to go after TERRORISTS - just as Obama has done.

But RWNJs want to kill innocent people.
Is that why Obama likes to kill innocent civilians with drones?
Listen to your nonsense. On one hand, Obama is not tough enough and should be following the lead of Putin and his policy of indiscriminate bombing and creating high civilian casualties, but on but on another hand you want him to make the rules of engagement for drone attacks even more restrictive. No matter what position he takes or what rules of engagement the US military follows people like you will whine and complain, criticize and disparage.
And those mean ole debate questions. Don't forget that.

What he said is true.

We need to continue to go after TERRORISTS - just as Obama has done.

But RWNJs want to kill innocent people.
Is that why Obama likes to kill innocent civilians with drones?
Listen to your nonsense. On one hand, Obama is not tough enough and should be following the lead of Putin and his policy of indiscriminate bombing and creating high civilian casualties, but on but on another hand you want him to make the rules of engagement for drone attacks even more restrictive. No matter what position he takes or what rules of engagement the US military follows people like you will whine and complain, criticize and disparage.
Obviously you missed the post I was commenting on :
"But RWNJs want to kill innocent people"
GFY :thup:
NO, that's Mr. 'Lie of the Year' / 'ISIS is contained' Obama...

...most transparent administration evuh
...cut deficit in half by end of 1st term
...Benghazi was the result over a protest about a video
...Ft. Hood was a case of 'workplace violence'
...The ACA will not cost a dime
...The ACA will pay for itself
...The ACA will lower the cost of health care
...The ACA will NOT cause people to lose their insurance of jobs
...If you like your plan / doctor you can KEEP your plan / doctor (LIE OF THE YEAR)

Yeah, Obama is a world-class LIAR, but he doesn't lie EVERY time his lips move. Sometimes when that happens he is kissing the Muslim Brotherhood's, ISIS', or Putin's ass....
Listen to your nonsense. On one hand, Obama is not tough enough and should be following the lead of Putin and his policy of indiscriminate bombing and creating high civilian casualties....

B$ - provide the Link to prove that!

Putin has been targeting the rebels Obama has been aiding in his proxy war against Assad. He has just recently joined France in increased bombings on important ISIS targets that Obama / the US has deemed 'Off Limits' in their Rules of Engagement that had limited anti-ISIS forces regarding what targets they could bomb.

FOR INSTANCE, ISIS has been making its fortune shipping ill-gotten/plundered oil in hundreds of tanker trucks and selling it to nations, many of those nations attending the G-20 Summit Obama is / was at. Those tanker trucks have been deemed off-limits by Obama...but in the last 2 days France and Russia have reportedly destroyed several HUNDRED trucks and oil-related infrastructure to bring ISIS ability to make money that way to a screeching halt!

And if you consider the oil tanker truck driver to be an 'innocent civilian', forget it. If you are driving a truck for ISIS, YOU ARE PART OF ISIS. You made your decision, and decisions have consequences.
And those mean ole debate questions. Don't forget that.

What he said is true.

We need to continue to go after TERRORISTS - just as Obama has done.

But RWNJs want to kill innocent people.
Is that why Obama likes to kill innocent civilians with drones?
I am touched by your concern for innocent civilians in the Middle East.
And those mean ole debate questions. Don't forget that.

What he said is true.

We need to continue to go after TERRORISTS - just as Obama has done.

But RWNJs want to kill innocent people.
Is that why Obama likes to kill innocent civilians with drones?
I am touched by your concern for innocent civilians in the Middle East.
It is not you surprising you dumbfucks dont understand why I said that..
Listen to your nonsense. No matter what position he takes or what rules of engagement the US military follows people like you will whine and complain, criticize and disparage.

Obama himself sad he has no 'complete' foreign policy against ISIS...since 2012...BUT his policy has always been to CONTAIN, not defeat / destroy ISIS...which he claimed to have done the day before the ISIS attack demonstrated THAT policy has been and is a big ol' failure!

France and Russia have had enough, after a Russian Plane was taken out and the Paris bombings, and said 'the hell with stupid, restrictive US / Obama Rules of Engagement that has PROTECTED ISIS. They are now targeting and destroying critical ISIS targets designed to DESTROY ISIS, not contain them. Good for them!

If Obama doesn't want to lead, then he should get the hell out of the way, which is what these strikes by France and Russia are telling him. If he doesn't want to WIN, if he doesn't want to DESTROY ISIS, then he needs to shut down the entire military operation and bring the troops home. The US did not really want to win in Viet Nam, either, and it just got Americans killed.

Fight to WIN, NOT 'Contain', or don't fight at all!

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