Obama Mocks 'Fear of Widows and Orphans'

And those mean ole debate questions. Don't forget that.

What he said is true.

We need to continue to go after TERRORISTS - just as Obama has done.

But RWNJs want to kill innocent people.
Is that why Obama likes to kill innocent civilians with drones?
I am touched by your concern for innocent civilians in the Middle East.
It is not you surprising you dumbfucks dont understand why I said that..
Oh dear...now I've made you upset enough that you go foul-mouthed.
Listen to your nonsense. On one hand, Obama is not tough enough and should be following the lead of Putin and his policy of indiscriminate bombing and creating high civilian casualties....

B$ - provide the Link to prove that!

Putin has been targeting the rebels Obama has been aiding in his proxy war against Assad. He has just recently joined France in increased bombings on important ISIS targets that Obama / the US has deemed 'Off Limits' in their Rules of Engagement that had limited anti-ISIS forces regarding what targets they could bomb.

FOR INSTANCE, ISIS has been making its fortune shipping ill-gotten/plundered oil in hundreds of tanker trucks and selling it to nations, many of those nations attending the G-20 Summit Obama is / was at. Those tanker trucks have been deemed off-limits by Obama...but in the last 2 days France and Russia have reportedly destroyed several HUNDRED trucks and oil-related infrastructure to bring ISIS ability to make money that way to a screeching halt!

And if you consider the oil tanker truck driver to be an 'innocent civilian', forget it. If you are driving a truck for ISIS, YOU ARE PART OF ISIS. You made your decision, and decisions have consequences.
Bombing oil tankers were begun by US A-10's after flyers were dropped by F-15's warning the drivers of the upcoming attacks The drivers have now been warned after the flyers were dropped and the actual attack took place.
Can't help it if I find giving credit to Russians for the brave missions performed by American forces a disgusting betrayal while cheering for others and bashing our own.

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He was wrong....as were a lot of people. Being wrong isn't lying. Huckabee is a laughable liar. Feel free to defend him.....it suits you.


You design a new health care system and dictate that EVERY policy must contain coverage that YOU design, coverage that every plan does NOT have. Therefore, you KNOW you are lying when you tell people that if they like their plan they have, that does NOT contain the coverage you are mandating, they can keep it.

You are also either LYING...or 100% STUPID...to tell people that your new law / program will NOT COST A DIME AND WILL PAY FOR ITSELF...because there has NEVER been such a government benefits program in ANY government EVER that has done that.

C'mon, Bodecea, I am surprised even YOU could make that statement, that Obama was just 'wrong', not 'lying'. As I pointed out, either Obama was lying OR he is the most STUPID President to ever sit in the WH. Which is it?
Barry Hussein is good at mocking the opposition because he can count on the support of the left wing media that does the same thing. He mocked people who believed in the 2nd Amendment and he mocked Christians and he even mocked Down's Syndrome kids during his tenure that sometimes included stand up comedy. It's easy to pose an admitted amateur psychological profile of Barry Hussein. The liberal media calls for a sanity test for Dr. Ben Carson but they won't touch Hussein. The title of Barry Hussein's auto bio (allegedly ghost written by domestic terrorist Bill Ayers) says it all, "Dreams of My Father". The reason Barry cozies up to jihad muslem terrorists is because his father was an African nationalist muslem who hated the U.S. The dream of Barry's father was to destroy the United States.
Bombing oil tankers were... NON-WORKING LINK PROVIDED

"Page Not Found - We’re sorry, we seem to have lost this page,
but we don’t want to lose you."

Got another one?


France, Russia pummel terror stronghold as critics blast US Rules of Engagement...
LINK: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CBwQtwIwAGoVChMIqu2RvrKayQIVweomCh3icA8M&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2U4LV0pd8o&usg=AFQjCNGnR6KvwW60fPX15vPAz-EOTEUCGA&bvm=bv.107763241,d.eWE


U.S. Caution in Strikes Gives ISIS an Edge
LINK: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/27/w...-us-holds-back-to-protect-civilians.html?_r=0

"American intelligence analysts have identified seven buildings in downtown Raqqa in eastern Syria as the main headquarters of the Islamic State. But the buildings have gone untouched during the 10-month allied air campaign.'

“The U.S. airstrikes in Anbar didn’t enable our security forces to resist and confront the ISIS attacks,” he added. “We lost large territories in Anbar because of the inefficiency of the U.S.-led coalition airstrikes.”

"After Obama had changed the rules of engagement (ROE) in Afghanistan in 2011, immediately US combat troop deaths tripled" .... Allies and critics alike now credit Obama ROE with protecting ISIS, making the war on ISIS harder...

AMERICA'S (And Allies') HANDS TIED? Critics blast US 'rules of engagement' in ISIS fight

"Our air campaign in Syria and Iraq has never been what it should be," said Gen. Jack Keane, former vice chief of staff of the U.S. Army and a Fox News contributor. "We've had incredible restrictions on what we call rules of engagement so, as a result, it takes layers to get approval for a target, it takes too much time, the enemy gets away on us, we’re not really going after the right targets."

- His 'hamstringing' ROE reflects his desire NOT to defeat ISIS
Bombing oil tankers were... NON-WORKING LINK PROVIDED

"Page Not Found - We’re sorry, we seem to have lost this page,
but we don’t want to lose you."

Got another one?

Fixed the one in the original post. Try this.


So, without deflecting and changing the subject, where is the link you use to take credit away from US pilots and aircrews and hand credit over to the Russians and French.
The heads of major U.S. security agencies have all said that they really have no way to vet the people coming in... and considering ISIS has PROMISED attacks within the U.S., it's foolish to think they aren't going to get a bunch of operatives in. Why give them an open door?

Sorry, I'm not a fan of national suicide. They're are already probably a bunch here due to our open borders policy, why let even more in?
So, without deflecting and changing the subject, where is the link you use to take credit away from US pilots and aircrews and hand credit over to the Russians and French.

I'm not trying to take credit away from ANYONE, 'Hillary'. I am just pointing out what OUR OWN military leaders and our allies have been and are saying, all of which is found in the multiple links I have already posted. Multiple ISIS HQs is Syria capable of being struck with pin-point precision munitions gone un-touched, critical targets gone un-bombed because there is a park next door (and bombing at night, which we do most, would ensure almost no casualties, if any), etc...

Obama is refusing to let American pilots, and allied pilots, bomb critical targets because they might kill one or two civilians...while allowing ISIS to kill more than 150 and would almost as many more.

War is NOT pretty - it is ugly. Innocent people die in war, and sometimes it is more important to take out a target with the least amount of civilian casualties as possible to prevent the slaughter of dozens / hundreds. If the Commander and Chief is too squeamish to run a war, to do what must be done in war maybe he needs to step down. Even if he doesn't step down he should at least GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY.

France and Russia just gave Obama and his restrictive ROE the proverbial finger and began hammering the Shi'ite out of ISIS! Good for them! We have no right to tell France what they can and can NOT target and bomb after ISIS just inflicted the worst attack on them since WWII!

And as you saw (if you read the link I posted) Obama changed the ROE on the ground and in regards to air strikes in support of ground troops in 2009 / 2010...and US troop casualties immediately TRIPLED! Here's a lesson he should have learned from Viet Nam and other conflicts: Once the government decides to go to war, identify the objective for the military then get the hell out of the way. Let the professionals do their job, because when politicians try to run the war from the oval office AMERICANS NEEDLESSLY DIE!

France has identified ISIS as animals who offer no socially redeeming value, who must be put down like a rabid dog, not 'contained', and they have sworn 'NO MERCY'. Good for them! HUAH! He understands...he gets it....You do not fight a war against someone who will do ANYTHING to kill and defeat you by trying to 'contain them'. This is a war of 'survival'...you fight to kill them, you fight to defeat them, and you fight to WIN! Barry hasn't made the decision to do that yet!
easy, You actually know you are lying but you keep at it... You have serious ODS....

Let's see. Let's compare me to Obama...

WHO was it that said he would have the most transparent administration evuh...and hasn't?

WHO said Benghazi was about a video?

- WHO said the ACA would not cost a dime, would pay for itself?

WHO won the 'Lie of the Year' Award for telling Americans if they liked their health care plan they could KEEP their health care plan?

Ted, get on your horse, with its tail between its legs, and ride away! YOU LOSE!
Some people know the difference. Whose fault is it that you don't?
Actually Obama has proven he has a hard time telling the difference between good guys and bad guys, determining what is and what is not terrorism. I mean, the moron called the Fort hood terrorist attack a case of 'workplace violence' at 1st.

Last night a WOMAN detonated her suicide vest in Paris wounding 2 police officers as they raided an apartment.
So you want Mom and kids to come over? How naive.

So you want
Last night a WOMAN detonated her suicide vest in Paris wounding 2 police officers as they raided an apartment.
So you Mom and kids to come over? How naive.
Learn to comprehend what you read twit. I was pointing out that women are not the dainty little helpless creatures the left thinks they all are
I know you were. That was to go along with what you said.
Face the facts, this President has and is preforming below his pay grade. The fact that we as tax payers actually pay this fool is beyond comprehension. No wonder he couldn't hold a job down in the real world.
Face the facts, this President has and is preforming below his pay grade. The fact that we as tax payers actually pay this fool is beyond comprehension. No wonder he couldn't hold a job down in the real world.
Way to go - you just offended Communist-tutored, Alynski-studying, racist hate-spewing Anti-American 'pastor'-mentored Community Organizers everywhere! Better apologize before the call you a racist and sick the 'PC' Mafia after you!
OBAMA: “Apparently they are scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America,” Obama said of the GOP. “At first, they were too scared of the press being too tough on them in the debates. Now they are scared of three year old orphans. That doesn’t seem so tough to me.”
Really disappointing to see him say that.

That's so nasty it could backfire. Any reasonably intelligent adult would hear that and know that he's specifically avoiding what we all know the real issue is.


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