OBama must act now!

As Trump's inauguration day approaches, the vindictive puerile manifestations that marked his campaign are all the more troublesome. Trump; is mentally unbalanced. something is wrong with him. I don't want to him to be given the nuclear access codes.

An appeal to Obama and the NSA:

In the interest of National Security, the president has the authority and wide latitude in protecting this nation against all enemies , foreign and domestic. I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him. Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets made public by Trump.Adding to all of this is his public disdain for the US intelligence community and his megalomaniacal insistence that he knows everything better than the experts who have been foremost in their respective fields for decades.

Act now Mr. President. Stop this mad man before it is too late. Sacrifice yourself in the political arena to save America if you must. For if you fail, your retirement may end with the glow of a nuclear blast reflecting off your face.


As Trump's inauguration day approaches, the vindictive puerile manifestations that marked his campaign are all the more troublesome. Trump; is mentally unbalanced. something is wrong with him. I don't want to him to be given the nuclear access codes.

An appeal to Obama and the NSA:

In the interest of National Security, the president has the authority and wide latitude in protecting this nation against all enemies , foreign and domestic. I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him. Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets made public by Trump.Adding to all of this is his public disdain for the US intelligence community and his megalomaniacal insistence that he knows everything better than the experts who have been foremost in their respective fields for decades.

Act now Mr. President. Stop this mad man before it is too late. Sacrifice yourself in the political arena to save America if you must. For if you fail, your retirement may end with the glow of a nuclear blast reflecting off your face.
Get used to saying "President Trump," douche bag.
President Douche Bag Trump? Sounds about right.
I say we all just kick back, relax, and enjoy the first season of reality america.
Naw, you better get off your ass and write to Obama and the NSA. Help me!

That party had better figure out how to be different from the other party before that has a snowball's chance in Key West of transpiring.
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.

Hillary has already been proven to be EXREMELY CARELESS with national security and you didn't call for a mental evaluation. I smell disingenuous partisan BS hyperbole.
True. Perhaps they both should have been pushed on this during the election, but the media machine wanted a tight race, that's why we went nowhere near any real issues at all. Still, I say fuck it, the people were lazy, Trump is in, enjoy the show.
You mean illegal immigration isn't a real issue? International trade deals aren't a real issue? Excessive immigration isn't a real issue? Repealing Obamacare isn't a real issue?

In what universe do you live? Apparently you just spout random thoughts that have no connection with this universe.
As Trump's inauguration day approaches, the vindictive puerile manifestations that marked his campaign are all the more troublesome. Trump; is mentally unbalanced. something is wrong with him. I don't want to him to be given the nuclear access codes.

An appeal to Obama and the NSA:

In the interest of National Security, the president has the authority and wide latitude in protecting this nation against all enemies , foreign and domestic. I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him. Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets made public by Trump.Adding to all of this is his public disdain for the US intelligence community and his megalomaniacal insistence that he knows everything better than the experts who have been foremost in their respective fields for decades.

Act now Mr. President. Stop this mad man before it is too late. Sacrifice yourself in the political arena to save America if you must. For if you fail, your retirement may end with the glow of a nuclear blast reflecting off your face.
Get used to saying "President Trump," douche bag.
President Douche Bag Trump? Sounds about right.
Apparently you don't understand the meaning of the comma.
As Trump's inauguration day approaches, the vindictive puerile manifestations that marked his campaign are all the more troublesome. Trump; is mentally unbalanced. something is wrong with him. I don't want to him to be given the nuclear access codes.

An appeal to Obama and the NSA:

In the interest of National Security, the president has the authority and wide latitude in protecting this nation against all enemies , foreign and domestic. I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him. Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets made public by Trump.Adding to all of this is his public disdain for the US intelligence community and his megalomaniacal insistence that he knows everything better than the experts who have been foremost in their respective fields for decades.

Act now Mr. President. Stop this mad man before it is too late. Sacrifice yourself in the political arena to save America if you must. For if you fail, your retirement may end with the glow of a nuclear blast reflecting off your face.

I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him.

Order him? LOL!

Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets

Where does the Constitution mention tweets and psychological evaluations?
You had better start looking in the right places before yo open your trap. Read up on the NSA and the powers granted to the sitting/standing president to do what is necessary to maintain the security of the nation. Trump is still a citizen who is subject to US law and all the rules regarding sedition. Moreover, his mental state is questionable. therefore it is incumbent upon Obama to address that risk. Indeed it would be criminal for him to ignore it. Giving Trump the codes would be like giving a mad man a loaded weapon to play with! Only the end result could be far more disastrous..like the end of the world.

Read up on the NSA and the powers granted to the sitting/standing president to do what is necessary to maintain the security of the nation.

That's an excellent idea. Post these powers you feel they have and we can discuss if they actually exist in the law, or if they are a silly figment of your imagination.

Maybe start with the bill passed by Congress and signed by the President?

Trump is still a citizen who is subject to US law and all the rules regarding sedition.


conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.


Only the end result could be far more disastrous..like the end of the world.

Someone needs to adjust your meds....before you harm someone.

You are not nice. I ain't telling YOU shit. But for your information, the Constitution can be suspended by the President in times of crises like during WW2 when US citizens of Japanese heritage were locked in concentration camps in the interest of national security. I suggest you look at the Constitutional or legal precedence for THAT.


I'm sure the NSA is moving to take action, even now. DERP!
Naw, you better get off your ass and write to Obama and the NSA. Help me!

That party had better figure out how to be different from the other party before that has a snowball's chance in Key West of transpiring.
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.
I realize you are just jerking people around to blow off steam but that's how dictatorships start. The best thing that could possibly happen to Republicans is an attempt at something like that. That would guarantee 8 years of Trump and even more losses to the Democrat's feeble hold on power.

Oh we're not all that bothered by dictatorship, just depends upon who the dictator will be.
View attachment 105614
Well THANK YOU. It is about time someone noticed Obamas intestinal fortitude! It is refreshing to see a RW American extending that kind of respect to an American president any more. More often Putin has been the RW role model for sublime Dickery!
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.

You leftists don't give a shit about national security.

The only thing you care about is to stuff your pockets with someone else earnings.
As Trump's inauguration day approaches, the vindictive puerile manifestations that marked his campaign are all the more troublesome. Trump; is mentally unbalanced. something is wrong with him. I don't want to him to be given the nuclear access codes.

An appeal to Obama and the NSA:

In the interest of National Security, the president has the authority and wide latitude in protecting this nation against all enemies , foreign and domestic. I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him. Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets made public by Trump.Adding to all of this is his public disdain for the US intelligence community and his megalomaniacal insistence that he knows everything better than the experts who have been foremost in their respective fields for decades.

Act now Mr. President. Stop this mad man before it is too late. Sacrifice yourself in the political arena to save America if you must. For if you fail, your retirement may end with the glow of a nuclear blast reflecting off your face.

I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him.

Order him? LOL!

Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets

Where does the Constitution mention tweets and psychological evaluations?
You had better start looking in the right places before yo open your trap. Read up on the NSA and the powers granted to the sitting/standing president to do what is necessary to maintain the security of the nation. Trump is still a citizen who is subject to US law and all the rules regarding sedition. Moreover, his mental state is questionable. therefore it is incumbent upon Obama to address that risk. Indeed it would be criminal for him to ignore it. Giving Trump the codes would be like giving a mad man a loaded weapon to play with! Only the end result could be far more disastrous..like the end of the world.

Read up on the NSA and the powers granted to the sitting/standing president to do what is necessary to maintain the security of the nation.

That's an excellent idea. Post these powers you feel they have and we can discuss if they actually exist in the law, or if they are a silly figment of your imagination.

Maybe start with the bill passed by Congress and signed by the President?

Trump is still a citizen who is subject to US law and all the rules regarding sedition.


conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.


Only the end result could be far more disastrous..like the end of the world.

Someone needs to adjust your meds....before you harm someone.

You are not nice. I ain't telling YOU shit. But for your information, the Constitution can be suspended by the President in times of crises like during WW2 when US citizens of Japanese heritage were locked in concentration camps in the interest of national security. I suggest you look at the Constitutional or legal precedence for THAT.


I'm sure the NSA is moving to take action, even now. DERP!
That just might be the next step... Pence may be your next president...now that ain't so bad, is it?
I beseech you, mr. President to do your duty and order the president -elect, one Donald Trump,...to undergo a thorough psychological evaluation by two independent and competent psychiatrists before turning the nuclear codes over to him.

Order him? LOL!

Justification rests in the near treasonous outbursts and tweets

Where does the Constitution mention tweets and psychological evaluations?
You had better start looking in the right places before yo open your trap. Read up on the NSA and the powers granted to the sitting/standing president to do what is necessary to maintain the security of the nation. Trump is still a citizen who is subject to US law and all the rules regarding sedition. Moreover, his mental state is questionable. therefore it is incumbent upon Obama to address that risk. Indeed it would be criminal for him to ignore it. Giving Trump the codes would be like giving a mad man a loaded weapon to play with! Only the end result could be far more disastrous..like the end of the world.

Read up on the NSA and the powers granted to the sitting/standing president to do what is necessary to maintain the security of the nation.

That's an excellent idea. Post these powers you feel they have and we can discuss if they actually exist in the law, or if they are a silly figment of your imagination.

Maybe start with the bill passed by Congress and signed by the President?

Trump is still a citizen who is subject to US law and all the rules regarding sedition.


conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch.


Only the end result could be far more disastrous..like the end of the world.

Someone needs to adjust your meds....before you harm someone.

You are not nice. I ain't telling YOU shit. But for your information, the Constitution can be suspended by the President in times of crises like during WW2 when US citizens of Japanese heritage were locked in concentration camps in the interest of national security. I suggest you look at the Constitutional or legal precedence for THAT.


I'm sure the NSA is moving to take action, even now. DERP!
That just might be the next step... Pence may be your next president...now that ain't so bad, is it?

Better than Hillary and her crazy Joker VP.
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.

You leftists don't give a shit about national security.

The only thing you care about is to stuff your pockets with someone else earnings.
We conservatives do care about national security, and like the capitalist I am I would like to be around to work and make money from any legal source I can. Trump could be a threat to that i ways you don't even suspect.
That party had better figure out how to be different from the other party before that has a snowball's chance in Key West of transpiring.
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.
I realize you are just jerking people around to blow off steam but that's how dictatorships start. The best thing that could possibly happen to Republicans is an attempt at something like that. That would guarantee 8 years of Trump and even more losses to the Democrat's feeble hold on power.

Oh we're not all that bothered by dictatorship, just depends upon who the dictator will be.
View attachment 105614
Well THANK YOU. It is about time someone noticed Obamas intestinal fortitude! It is refreshing to see a RW American extending that kind of respect to an American president any more. More often Putin has been the RW role model for sublime Dickery!
Uh huh....:lol:

I think the establishment Republicans are nervous too about Trump's mental state. I suspect, secretly, they would welcome a psychological examination of Trump just so they could sleep at night!
Sounds like you could use some sleep yourself.
Sleep? Heck,I am just waking up in the nick of time to sound an alarm.. I am now trying to wake everyone else !
Ah, you're been sleepwalking. Color me surprised.
I say we all just kick back, relax, and enjoy the first season of reality america.
Naw, you better get off your ass and write to Obama and the NSA. Help me!

That party had better figure out how to be different from the other party before that has a snowball's chance in Key West of transpiring.
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.

Hillary has already been proven to be EXREMELY CARELESS with national security and you didn't call for a mental evaluation. I smell disingenuous partisan BS hyperbole.
True. Perhaps they both should have been pushed on this during the election, but the media machine wanted a tight race, that's why we went nowhere near any real issues at all. Still, I say fuck it, the people were lazy, Trump is in, enjoy the show.

I was never pro Trump. I was "anyone but Hillary."
Naw, you better get off your ass and write to Obama and the NSA. Help me!

That party had better figure out how to be different from the other party before that has a snowball's chance in Key West of transpiring.
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.

Hillary has already been proven to be EXREMELY CARELESS with national security and you didn't call for a mental evaluation. I smell disingenuous partisan BS hyperbole.
True. Perhaps they both should have been pushed on this during the election, but the media machine wanted a tight race, that's why we went nowhere near any real issues at all. Still, I say fuck it, the people were lazy, Trump is in, enjoy the show.

I was never pro Trump. I was "anyone but Hillary."
It got the job done....
Being careless is one thing but being a megalomaniacal mad man is another. The former can be corrected but madness requires treatment.
That's what happens when you visualize him in the rebuilt Bush/Chaney rape rooms with a fresh load of Mexican children warmly fondling the nuke button. There's a pill for that.
I say we all just kick back, relax, and enjoy the first season of reality america.
Naw, you better get off your ass and write to Obama and the NSA. Help me!

That party had better figure out how to be different from the other party before that has a snowball's chance in Key West of transpiring.
In matters of national security the National Security Council headed by the standing president can exact extreme measures in the interest of protecting the nation. The rise of a mad man to the presidency is cause enough to invoke those extreme measures with due deliberation and haste.

Hillary has already been proven to be EXREMELY CARELESS with national security and you didn't call for a mental evaluation. I smell disingenuous partisan BS hyperbole.
Being careless is one thing but being a megalomaniacal mad man is another. The former can be corrected but madness requires treatment.

She is definitely mad. She never admitted to wrongdoing even after proven extremely careless. She had no intention of following security protocol if elected because she believes she did nothing wrong. She is delusional which is mental.

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