Obama nominates openly gay man to lead Army

obama did this for one reason only, it's yet another in your face gesture to anything traditional. The most qualified guy happens to be gay? Like the most qualified top picks for cabinet positions are all leftist/socialist/blacks? If you believe that you will believe anything.
Have you researched his qualifications?
Have you?
I didn't think so.
Wrong answer.

It's incumbent upon you to do so, given you're the one questioning his qualifications.

Of course, if he were heterosexual, you wouldn't be questioning his qualifications; as is the case with heterosexuals, a gay person's sexuality is but an insignificant part of who he is, having nothing to do with his qualifications.
Obama nominates openly gay man to lead Army

Is this for "show"? Or is he the most qualified person?

why do you care?

why do you care why I care?
I'm interested and curious - what people's thoughts are - is that a foreign concept to you?

because you're ranting and raving and angsting over something that is none of your business, to wit: someone else's sexuality.

and you bigots amuse me.

now go pretend that christianity demands you be a bigot.
obama did this for one reason only, it's yet another in your face gesture to anything traditional. The most qualified guy happens to be gay? Like the most qualified top picks for cabinet positions are all leftist/socialist/blacks? If you believe that you will believe anything.
Have you researched his qualifications?
Have you?
I didn't think so.

Yes I have.

Mr. Fanning has been the acting under secretary of the Army as the current secretary, John McHugh, prepares to leave his post. Mr. Fanning’s Defense Department jobs have spanned the services: He has served as Air Force under secretary, deputy under secretary of the Navy and deputy chief management officer of the Navy.

“I can’t think of any civilian with more experience with the services, having served in senior positions in all three,” said Derek Chollet, a former assistant defense secretary. “He understands all of their unique cultures and processes.”

Wow, a one second google search after the fact. LOL

Obama nominates openly gay man to lead Army
Gay rights groups heralded the news of the nomination and urged Congress to confirm him swiftly.

"Eric is well qualified to fill this important role," said Matt Thorn, interim executive director of OutServe-SLDN. "Eric undoubtedly has a masterful grasp on military policy and strategic defense initiatives that will serve the Army and the Department of Defense well during his tenure."

"Further, having an openly gay individual in high level positions within the Department of Defense helps to set the tone at the top and provides an opportunity to bring better understanding about both the shared and the unique needs of LGBT individuals in the military and their families," he said.

Fanning's nomination is one of a series of actions the administration has taken to advance the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender people throughout the federal government. Some of those actions include providing benefits to same-sex partners, including in the military, where he ended an 18-year ban on gays serving openly.
obama did this for one reason only, it's yet another in your face gesture to anything traditional. The most qualified guy happens to be gay? Like the most qualified top picks for cabinet positions are all leftist/socialist/blacks? If you believe that you will believe anything.
Have you researched his qualifications?
Have you?
I didn't think so.
Wrong answer.

It's incumbent upon you to do so, given you're the one questioning his qualifications.

Of course, if he were heterosexual, you wouldn't be questioning his qualifications; as is the case with heterosexuals, a gay person's sexuality is but an insignificant part of who he is, having nothing to do with his qualifications.
See above.
Why is this an issue?

It's not an issue but something others might want to talk about.
I posed the question whether the was truly the most qualified, or, if he was chosen over the others BECAUSE he is Gay (in light of recent events in the country, where gays and transsexuals are all being glorified) -

I'm not say he's NOT qualified, I'm just asking if we believe he's truly the MOST qualified and/or best choice.

Why don't you research his qualifications before you start a thread? Can you give your bigotry a ten minute rest, or is that too much?

Because I don't have to....
I'm not a bigot either- you don't even know me......

You are the bigot (defined: person who is intolerant of others who hold a differing opinion)

I'm just asking the question, you are on the attack.

lol, you don't have to research his qualifications, that's your admission of not knowing them?

That's also your admission of not reading your own link, because his qualifications are in it.

I read it myself. Am saying you don't have to know a topic inside and out to ask the question or start a topic.
I'm not saying (AGAIN!) that he is not qualified. (I've said this 3 times now at least...)
I'm asking if he was the MOST qualified.
Maybe there is no way to tell - but either way I obviously know his qualifications from the article. You are more interested in trashing me then discussing the topic, so you have no room to talk....
It's not an issue but something others might want to talk about.
I posed the question whether the was truly the most qualified, or, if he was chosen over the others BECAUSE he is Gay (in light of recent events in the country, where gays and transsexuals are all being glorified) -

I'm not say he's NOT qualified, I'm just asking if we believe he's truly the MOST qualified and/or best choice.

Why don't you research his qualifications before you start a thread? Can you give your bigotry a ten minute rest, or is that too much?

Because I don't have to....
I'm not a bigot either- you don't even know me......

You are the bigot (defined: person who is intolerant of others who hold a differing opinion)

I'm just asking the question, you are on the attack.

You don't have to know anything about the guy to engage in a discussion about him? lol,good one.

People can also engage in conversation to learn. So, no, you don't have to know...

You could have learned from reading your own link.

Like I said, I did read the link, I was just countering your comment that someone has to do research on any topic before starting a thread.... reading 1 article is not research (in my mind...)
Fanning has served as the deputy undersecretary and deputy chief management officer for the Department of the Navy, deputy director of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, undersecretary of the Air Force, and later as the acting U.S. secretary of the Air Force. Most recently he served as chief of staff to the secretary of Defense and acting undersecretary of the Army.

He does not sound like he is totally without a clue how things work.
It would appear that he does have at least minimal qualifications to do the job.
Now providing he does the job as required and with the best interest of the country in mind, what difference does it make who he chooses to commit himself to in a personal relationship.
because you're ranting and raving and angsting over something that is none of your business, to wit: someone else's sexuality.

and you bigots amuse me.

now go pretend that christianity demands you be a bigot.
Your attempt to silence someone by name calling does not amuse me anymore, that's the only resort you have when unable to respond intelligently..
The OP was totally legit by attempting to induce examination regarding political decisions and discussing it in a civil manner.
The obama agenda for fundamentally transforming america--------------------gays and muslims in high positions in government. Rainbow Fritos, destruction of monuments (anyone remember how the radical muslims destroyed Buddhist monuments that were thousands of years old?)
Fanning has served as the deputy undersecretary and deputy chief management officer for the Department of the Navy, deputy director of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, undersecretary of the Air Force, and later as the acting U.S. secretary of the Air Force. Most recently he served as chief of staff to the secretary of Defense and acting undersecretary of the Army.

He does not sound like he is totally without a clue how things work.
It would appear that he does have at least minimal qualifications to do the job.
Now providing he does the job as required and with the best interest of the country in mind, what difference does it make who he chooses to commit himself to in a personal relationship.

If he keeps his sexuality out of his job, fine. Do you really think he will do that?
because you're ranting and raving and angsting over something that is none of your business, to wit: someone else's sexuality.

and you bigots amuse me.

now go pretend that christianity demands you be a bigot.
Your attempt to silence someone by name calling does not amuse me anymore, that's the only resort you have when unable to respond intelligently..
The OP was totally legit by attempting to induce examination regarding political decisions and discussing it in a civil manner.

its a standard liberal tactic, they all do it, up to and including HRC.
Why is this an issue?

It's not an issue but something others might want to talk about.
I posed the question whether the was truly the most qualified, or, if he was chosen over the others BECAUSE he is Gay (in light of recent events in the country, where gays and transsexuals are all being glorified) -

I'm not say he's NOT qualified, I'm just asking if we believe he's truly the MOST qualified and/or best choice.

Why don't you research his qualifications before you start a thread? Can you give your bigotry a ten minute rest, or is that too much?

Because I don't have to....
I'm not a bigot either- you don't even know me......

You are the bigot (defined: person who is intolerant of others who hold a differing opinion)

I'm just asking the question, you are on the attack.

lol, you don't have to research his qualifications, that's your admission of not knowing them?

That's also your admission of not reading your own link, because his qualifications are in it.

I read it myself. Am saying you don't have to know a topic inside and out to ask the question or start a topic.
I'm not saying (AGAIN!) that he is not qualified. (I've said this 3 times now at least...)
I'm asking if he was the MOST qualified.
Maybe there is no way to tell - but either way I obviously know his qualifications from the article. You are more interested in trashing me then discussing the topic, so you have no room to talk....
You miss the point.

If he were heterosexual you wouldn't be 'asking' at all, the notion of someone 'more qualified' wouldn't be in play.
It's not an issue but something others might want to talk about.
I posed the question whether the was truly the most qualified, or, if he was chosen over the others BECAUSE he is Gay (in light of recent events in the country, where gays and transsexuals are all being glorified) -

I'm not say he's NOT qualified, I'm just asking if we believe he's truly the MOST qualified and/or best choice.

Why don't you research his qualifications before you start a thread? Can you give your bigotry a ten minute rest, or is that too much?

Because I don't have to....
I'm not a bigot either- you don't even know me......

You are the bigot (defined: person who is intolerant of others who hold a differing opinion)

I'm just asking the question, you are on the attack.

lol, you don't have to research his qualifications, that's your admission of not knowing them?

That's also your admission of not reading your own link, because his qualifications are in it.

I read it myself. Am saying you don't have to know a topic inside and out to ask the question or start a topic.
I'm not saying (AGAIN!) that he is not qualified. (I've said this 3 times now at least...)
I'm asking if he was the MOST qualified.
Maybe there is no way to tell - but either way I obviously know his qualifications from the article. You are more interested in trashing me then discussing the topic, so you have no room to talk....
You miss the point.

If he were heterosexual you wouldn't be 'asking' at all, the notion of someone 'more qualified' wouldn't be in play.

So you would not ever attack Huckabee for his strong religious beliefs???? hypocrite!
Fanning has served as the deputy undersecretary and deputy chief management officer for the Department of the Navy, deputy director of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, undersecretary of the Air Force, and later as the acting U.S. secretary of the Air Force. Most recently he served as chief of staff to the secretary of Defense and acting undersecretary of the Army.

He does not sound like he is totally without a clue how things work.
It would appear that he does have at least minimal qualifications to do the job.
Now providing he does the job as required and with the best interest of the country in mind, what difference does it make who he chooses to commit himself to in a personal relationship.

If he keeps his sexuality out of his job, fine. Do you really think he will do that?
I think he is no more of a threat than anyone else when it comes to keeping his homosexuality out of his job.
Do you worry about a straight guy leading by his sexual preference alone?
The nomination reveals that a certain portion of the right in America resist change, any change that conflicts with their view of what they believe what America should be. The world changes inevitably, and people change with it.
Why don't you research his qualifications before you start a thread? Can you give your bigotry a ten minute rest, or is that too much?

Because I don't have to....
I'm not a bigot either- you don't even know me......

You are the bigot (defined: person who is intolerant of others who hold a differing opinion)

I'm just asking the question, you are on the attack.

You don't have to know anything about the guy to engage in a discussion about him? lol,good one.

People can also engage in conversation to learn. So, no, you don't have to know...

You could have learned from reading your own link.

Like I said, I did read the link, I was just countering your comment that someone has to do research on any topic before starting a thread.... reading 1 article is not research (in my mind...)
No, one is at liberty to start a thread absent any research at all.

Of course, the thread author has only himself to blame when the premise of his thread is completely destroyed as a consequence of his ignorance of the topic – indeed, it happens quite often, this thread being one of many examples.
Fanning has served as the deputy undersecretary and deputy chief management officer for the Department of the Navy, deputy director of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, undersecretary of the Air Force, and later as the acting U.S. secretary of the Air Force. Most recently he served as chief of staff to the secretary of Defense and acting undersecretary of the Army.

He does not sound like he is totally without a clue how things work.
It would appear that he does have at least minimal qualifications to do the job.
Now providing he does the job as required and with the best interest of the country in mind, what difference does it make who he chooses to commit himself to in a personal relationship.

If he keeps his sexuality out of his job, fine. Do you really think he will do that?
I think he is no more of a threat than anyone else when it comes to keeping his homosexuality out of his job.
Do you worry about a straight guy leading by his sexual preference alone?

The difference is that being straight is a normal human condition. Homosexuality is an aberation, a mental unbalance, a hormonal deficiency.
Fanning has served as the deputy undersecretary and deputy chief management officer for the Department of the Navy, deputy director of the Commission on the Prevention of Weapons of Mass Destruction Proliferation and Terrorism, undersecretary of the Air Force, and later as the acting U.S. secretary of the Air Force. Most recently he served as chief of staff to the secretary of Defense and acting undersecretary of the Army.

He does not sound like he is totally without a clue how things work.
It would appear that he does have at least minimal qualifications to do the job.
Now providing he does the job as required and with the best interest of the country in mind, what difference does it make who he chooses to commit himself to in a personal relationship.

If he keeps his sexuality out of his job, fine. Do you really think he will do that?

Like what? Not showing up with his partner at a social gathering of his co-workers, where most of them are accompanied by their opposite sex spouses and significant others?
The nomination reveals that a certain portion of the right in America resist change, any change that conflicts with their view of what they believe what America should be. The world changes inevitably, and people change with it.

Not all change is good, snakewinger.
Because I don't have to....
I'm not a bigot either- you don't even know me......

You are the bigot (defined: person who is intolerant of others who hold a differing opinion)

I'm just asking the question, you are on the attack.

You don't have to know anything about the guy to engage in a discussion about him? lol,good one.

People can also engage in conversation to learn. So, no, you don't have to know...

You could have learned from reading your own link.

Like I said, I did read the link, I was just countering your comment that someone has to do research on any topic before starting a thread.... reading 1 article is not research (in my mind...)
No, one is at liberty to start a thread absent any research at all.

Of course, the thread author has only himself to blame when the premise of his thread is completely destroyed as a consequence of his ignorance of the topic – indeed, it happens quite often, this thread being one of many examples.
What was destroyed? And why do liberals act like God and make declarations from the mountain tops?
Because I don't have to....
I'm not a bigot either- you don't even know me......

You are the bigot (defined: person who is intolerant of others who hold a differing opinion)

I'm just asking the question, you are on the attack.

You don't have to know anything about the guy to engage in a discussion about him? lol,good one.

People can also engage in conversation to learn. So, no, you don't have to know...

You could have learned from reading your own link.

Like I said, I did read the link, I was just countering your comment that someone has to do research on any topic before starting a thread.... reading 1 article is not research (in my mind...)
No, one is at liberty to start a thread absent any research at all.

Of course, the thread author has only himself to blame when the premise of his thread is completely destroyed as a consequence of his ignorance of the topic – indeed, it happens quite often, this thread being one of many examples.

Opinions vary.

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