Obama not attending Nancy Reagan funeral what's your thoughts?

"Obama not attending Nancy Reagan funeral what's your thoughts?"

It's a non-issue.

Many on the right will of course attempt to contrive this non-issue into a 'controversy' for some perceived partisan gain, and fail.

Not me, I'm tickled he didn't appear and ruin a beautiful ceremony

You are a stupid stupid person.

Go drink your OJ.

The joy of Obama's going fund raising instead of showing respect is in that commenting upon that failing leads liberals into rage of the sort that, displayed in public, might get them a free night in a padded cell.
The joy of Obama's going fund raising instead of showing respect is in that commenting upon that failing leads liberals into rage of the sort that, displayed in public, might get them a free night in a padded cell.

You're dumb as dog shit.

Not one of you lying hypocrites actually believe that this president should change tradition by going to the old hag's funeral. You're just climbing on yet another bandwagon so you can lie about President Obama.

Look it it again.

Big moo, the first heifer obama was insulting to Reagan's memory enough. The attendance of the demon himself would have disgraced the entire event.
I would not call the presidential daughters pickaninnies. That would be racist. It would be correct, but racist. So I would not come out and refer to the girls as pickaninnies.
I would not call the presidential daughters pickaninnies. That would be racist. It would be correct, but racist. So I would not come out and refer to the girls as pickaninnies.

Because even though you are a racist- you don't want people calling you a racist- even though in your mind- you think like a racist.
I might wish somebody would spill a whole pot of coffee there in the public radio break room. That'd keep the char-person busy and give us all a rest from the hate-filled rants.

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