Obama not attending Nancy Reagan funeral what's your thoughts?

Obama doesn't owe the Reagans anything. Her lame "Just say no" was a slice of just how out of touch she was with reality. Many folks were suckered by Reagan's handlers and I get that. Who better to play a scripted part than an actor.

Nancy wasn't elected to anything. She wasn't a hero. She was part of a front team for the GOP. She was a useful tool spoon feeding Ronnie's lines to him as his mind was turning to mush right before our eyes. I think half staffing our flags was going overboard. She wasn't an evil person...just clueless about the lives of average Americans. She also was a pampered movie star. That doesn't make her a bipartisan national treasure.
You know, several people have already pointed out how this is a non issue.

I guess you conservatives can generate outrage from anything. Must suck to live life constantly scared and pissed off.
to be fair, I wouldn't want either of them there nor any rep from the admin

NR loved the country and you couldn't find anyone that could manage a complement for America in this admin
Hillary was there...smiling as if she understood the relationship....
Lol Obama doesn't go, demonize him. Hillary does go, demonize her. Republicans always find a reason to be butthurt.
I didn't criticize her for going...just for pretending that has been her marriage experience as well. When will she release Bubba's love notes.....to her.

You are not satisfied with actual problems in Hillary Clinton's personality....so you imagine them and then work off of your imagination as though it has some basis in reality.
Obama doesn't owe the Reagans anything. Her lame "Just say no" was a slice of just how out of touch she was with reality. Many folks were suckered by Reagan's handlers and I get that. Who better to play a scripted part than an actor.

Nancy wasn't elected to anything. She wasn't a hero. She was part of a front team for the GOP. She was a useful tool spoon feeding Ronnie's lines to him as his mind was turning to mush right before our eyes. I think half staffing our flags was going overboard. She wasn't an evil person...just clueless about the lives of average Americans. She also was a pampered movie star. That doesn't make her a bipartisan national treasure.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Maybe if the mortician burned a cork and rubbed it Ms. Reagan's face....then posted a photo to his Facebook account.....

That screaming sound you'd hear would be Air Farce One scrambling.......
Presidents have never ever attended the funerals of former first ladies.

Find another lie.

Moochelle was sitting there thinking..."and I got stuck with that asshole?...."
moochelle was thinking before the funeral something like,,,God Dammit!!#@^&*$$#!ker,,,,i dun no wanna go to some lilly witey funeral! Ize got betta tings to do!

No she didn't think that but if she had, she would be correct.

Reagan was corrupt, crooked, a liar and poison to this country.

Nancy was a bitch who spent tax payer's money like it was her own pretty cash fund.

One of our worst presidents, especially since she was running the country based on the advice of an astrologer.

Anyone wanna bet that not even one of the usual RWNJ traitors will admit they are wrong?

Yeah, I know - its a sucker bet.

Instead, they will just continue to repeat this stupid lie.
but its ok for Obama to go golfing with that cheater Tiger Woods? well at least the bimbo nailed his SUV with a driver

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