Obama not just Importing 'Possible' ISIS - he's bringing in 1,500 ADMITTED TERRORISTS


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
As long as the KNOWN TERRORISTS claim they supported, gave shelter / assistance to, armed, and facilitated terrorists and their acts of terror claim they had no idea who they were helping / joining and / or were coerced into doing so, Obama is giving his head Homeland Security the authority to bring them here to the United States.

"The Obama administration allowed 1,519 terror-stained foreign refugees into the U.S. last year because their crimes were allegedly committed “while under duress.”

The administration last year eased federal restrictions against terrorist activity for refugees and asylum seekers. Under the old rules, these 1,519 foreign nationals would have been banned from entering the country because they supported terrorist causes.

But under the new rules for vetting refugees, the secretary of Homeland Security has “discretionary authority” to waive certain cases of inadmissibility relating to terrorist activity. A person could have provided shelter or sold a weapon to a terrorist, for instance, then claimed he did not know that the person being helped was a terrorist or that he was forced to provide the aid under duress.

LINK: http://www.wnd.com/2015/09/obama-brings-1500-terrorists-to-u-s/#8gp5D861gO3OufTC.99

So DESPITE ISIS threatening to infiltrate 'Refugees' to bring terrorism to our allies and this country....DESPITE them carrying that threat out in Paris...Obama still insists on bringing in NOT ONLY THOUSANDS of Syrian 'Refugees' but also wants to bring in approx. 1,500 ADMITTED terrorists / terrorist supporters and facilitators...

it's his pathological hatred for white, western civilization...he knows EXACTLY what he's doing.
"5 wealthiest Gulf Nations have refused to take a single Syrian"
LINK: Five wealthiest Gulf Nations have not taken in a single Syrian refugee

When the 5 biggest/richest neighbors refuse to take any of them in that's a sign that no one else should either.

ISIS just told you they were going to infiltrate the 'Refugees' with their terrorists. It carried out it's promise in France on Friday. Now your God-given common sense should tell anyone / everyone that the Syrian 'Refugee' Re-Settlement Plan to the US should be halted immediately, at least temporarily, if not permanently.

Instead, Obama stated he wants to bring MORE now and to do so more expeditiously...

WHEN the terrorist attacks begin in the US, I don't want to see Obama 'Impeached' for importing terrorism and death to this country - I want his ass sent to GITMO, not on Air Force One but instead shackled and under military guard aboard a C-130!
LOL, and here is the part the OP didn't provide up front:

From the actual DHS document:

"...provided, however, that the alien satisfies the relevant agency authority that the alien:

(a) Is seeking a benefit or protection under the INA and has been determined to be otherwise eligible for the benefit or protection;

(b) Has undergone and passed all relevant background and security checks;

(c) Has fully disclosed, in all relevant applications and/or interviews with U.S. government representatives and agents, the nature and circumstances of any material support provided and any other activity or association falling within the scope of section 212(a)(3)(B) of the INA,8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(B), as well as all contact with a terrorist organization and its members;

(d) Has not provided the material support with any intent or desire to assist any terrorist organization or terrorist activity;

(e) Has not provided material support (1) that the alien knew or reasonably should have known could directly be used to engage in terrorist or violent activity or (2) to any individual who the alien knew or reasonably should have known had committed or planned to commit a terrorist activity on behalf of a designated terrorist organization, as described in section 212(a)(3)(B)(vi)(I) or (II) of the INA,8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(B)(vi)(I) or (II);

(f) Has not provided material support to terrorist activities that he or she knew or reasonably should have known targeted noncombatant persons, U.S. citizens, or U.S. interests;

(g) Has not provided material support that the alien knew or reasonably should have known involved providing weapons, ammunition, explosives, or components thereof, or the transportation or concealment of such items;

(h) Has not provided material support in the form of military-type training (as defined in section 2339D(c)(1) of title 18, United States Code);Show citation box

(i) Has not engaged in any other terrorist activity, including but not limited to providing material support to a designated terrorist organization, as described in section 212(a)(3)(B)(vi)(I) or (II) of the INA,8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(B)(vi)(I) or (II), to which no other exemption applies;

(j) Poses no danger to the safety and security of the United States; and

(k) Warrants an exemption from the relevant inadmissibility provision in the totality of the circumstances."

IOW, as usual the OP is full of shit.

Federal Register | Exercise of Authority Under Section 212(d)(3)(B)(i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act
WE THE PEOPLE need to demand he be removed from office and his whole administration put on lock down. these people are going to get us killed. I've never seen anything like this in my 60 years.

call your Representatives
The pathological idjit far right melt down continues. They think that the world buys the nonsense of the OP. These people are being vetted.
NYC, The FBI has already stated that there are NO In-Depth Background checks being conducted on the 'Refugees already here and who are coming. The established process fails miserably to adequately ensure they are not threats.

Furthermore, Obama doesn't just want to bring "Refugees' to the U.S. - he just authorized Homeland Security Chief with the authority to bring in known, admitted terrorist supporters, facilitators, and those who arm them! HE IS IMPORTING ADMITTED TERRORISTS!

I am sure Paris did background checks and precautions before they allowed the 2 'Refugees' who participated in the attacks in Paris, and they failed to protect their people. You honestly think Obama's lame-ass security checks will stop 'Refugees' from attacking the US as they did in Paris? Based on WHAT (if your answer is 'yes')? Because Obama - the guy who said 'we have ISIS contained hours before the worst attack on Paris since WWII, Mr. 'Lie of The Year' who has been lying about ISIS since 2012 - said so?!
NYC, The FBI has already stated that there are NO In-Depth Background checks being conducted on the 'Refugees already here and who are coming. The established process fails miserably to adequately ensure they are not threats.

Furthermore, Obama doesn't just want to bring "Refugees' to the U.S. - he just authorized Homeland Security Chief with the authority to bring in known, admitted terrorist supporters, facilitators, and those who arm them! HE IS IMPORTING ADMITTED TERRORISTS!

I am sure Paris did background checks and precautions before they allowed the 2 'Refugees' who participated in the attacks in Paris, and they failed to protect their people. You honestly think Obama's lame-ass security checks will stop 'Refugees' from attacking the US as they did in Paris? Based on WHAT (if your answer is 'yes')? Because Obama - the guy who said 'we have ISIS contained hours before the worst attack on Paris since WWII, Mr. 'Lie of The Year' who has been lying about ISIS since 2012 - said so?!

U.S. Gives 1,519 Engaged in Terrorism “While Under Duress” Residency, Asylum
LINK: U.S. Gives 1,519 Engaged in Terrorism “While Under Duress” Residency, Asylum - Judicial Watch

Obama’s Deputies Invite 1,500 Foreigners With Known Terror Links Into U.S.
LINK: Obama's Deputies Invite 1,500 With Terror Ties Into U.S.

World Net Daily also claimed soy sauce causes homosexuality. Best to avoid Asian cuisine altogether b/c one drop will transform you into a cock/twat gobbling homo. You've been warned breeders! lol.
Poll: 13% Of Syrian Refugees Support IS

"A first-of-its-kind survey of the hordes of Syrian refugees entering Europe found 13% support the Islamic State. The poll should raise alarms about the risks posed by the resettlement of 10,000 refugees in the U.S.

The poll of 900 Syrian refugees by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies also found that another 10% of the displaced Syrians have a lukewarm, but not entirely negative, view of the terror group. That means 23% — or almost 1 in 4 — could be susceptible to ISIS recruitment.

It also means as many 2,500 of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the Obama administration is resettling inside American cities are potential terrorist."

LINK: Poll: 13% Of Syrian Refugees Support IS

World Net Daily also claimed soy sauce causes homosexuality. Best to avoid Asian cuisine altogether b/c one drop will transform you into a cock/twat gobbling homo. You've been warned breeders! lol.
dimocraps are scum --


ALL of them
Intent, desire, reasonably known. So, in other words, take their word for it, 'no I didn't mean to, didn't know, they made me'.
Get real. Lying is permissible in Islam if helps them obtain their goal.

(c) Has fully disclosed, in all relevant applications and/or interviews with U.S. government representatives and agents, the nature and circumstances of any material support provided and any other activity or association falling within the scope of section 212(a)(3)(B) of the INA,8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(B), as well as all contact with a terrorist organization and its members;

(d) Has not provided the material support with any intent or desire to assist any terrorist organization or terrorist activity;

(e) Has not provided material support (1) that the alien knew or reasonably should have known could directly be used to engage in terrorist or violent activity or (2) to any individual who the alien knew or reasonably should have known had committed or planned to commit a terrorist activity on behalf of a designated terrorist organization, as described in section 212(a)(3)(B)(vi)(I) or (II) of the INA,8 U.S.C. 1182(a)(3)(B)(vi)(I) or (II);

(f) Has not provided material support to terrorist activities that he or she knew or reasonably should have known targeted noncombatant persons, U.S. citizens, or U.S. interests;

(g) Has not provided material support that the alien knew or reasonably should have known involved providing weapons, ammunition, explosives, or components thereof, or the transportation or concealment of suchitems;
dimocraps are scum --


ALL of them

YEP, but they still put him in office OVER all that he showed he was either a Muslim or for sure a Muslim sympathizer. and then he has the Iranian Jarrett as his close advisor.

on top of every American hating Radical he could put in office starting with Holder, who was involved in an armed takeover of a ROTC building back in the 60's ...and it's goes on and on .

dear gawd we are so up a shit creek. and it was done by our own citizens.

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