Obama notified the Gang of Eight before the Osama mission


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
live with it Trumpstetters'
Congressional Notification1

The chairmen of the House and Senate intelligence committees have stated that they were briefed

on OBL’s whereabouts during the past few months including, according to Representative Mike

Rogers, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, some details regarding the Abbottabad

compound. The Senate Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid, has also indicated that he had been

briefed on the plans to confirm OBL’s location and take action. Chariman Rogers indicated that

the entire “Gang of Eight” had been briefed on the plans although not all were briefed at the same

time. The Gang of Eight refers to the eight Members of Congress (the Speaker, House Minority

Leader, the Senate Majority and Minority Leaders, and the chairmen and ranking members of the

two intelligence committees) who, by statute, must be advised of Presidential Findings of covert

actions (
The house leaks like a sieve...you can't notify them of anything without it getting out to our enemies...does anyone think if Obama and Kerry caught wind of their Iranian General friend being targeted they would have stayed silent?....no way...they would have gotten a hold of Iran and spilled the beans to harm Trump's efforts....
Does the President need a hall pass to take a dump? Clearly another excuse to waste millions of dollars on a special prosecutor and congressional investigation.Poor Dims have truly lost it when they protect terrorists.
I suppose the issue is leaking.

There are many in the Trump administration that are weary of the politics due to leaks. Fairly or not, that is the justification for not sharing. You can decide if you think it was the right decision or not.
Why? What lie did I tell in that thread?

Also, your thread is about he OBL 'ASSASSINATION' only. My thread was about over 500 drone strikes by Barry Hussein.


But I'm glad that thread triggered you so much.:5_1_12024:
Oh of course you did not mean to assert Obama didn't notify congress …. u so honest. fuck off bitch


It looks like Democrat’s never need to notify Republicans again

See how it works?

Now STFU about Trump not telling the terrorist loving party in Congress.

Love how Trump says Fuk You to everything
Conservatives celebrate his brashness

But, what goes around, comes around
As future Democratic Presidents will now do the same
I'm not so sure. I never understood McConnell's deep dislike of ALL things Obama. Obama was an ass, but …. W was not exactly a deep guy, even if he was not a horrid person.

Perhaps McConnell just fears an America where a majority sees nothing wrong with social programs paid for by the 1% pay for what unions once bargained for.

And the gop was going to impeach Hillary. That was foregone.

But maybe we can move back to compromise and actually passing normal legislation in the Senate with at least close to 60.
well it's my understanding that the GOP in congress knew of Trump's? so....
it means that before Trump, a president couldn't do shit like this without getting support of the Jt. Chiefs. Now if a pet SoD and the Potus say "go" his party can cheer.
so you don't think the Jt. Chiefs didn't know? hahaahhahahahahaa
live with it Trumpstetters'
Congressional Notification1

The chairmen of the House and Senate intelligence committees have stated that they were briefed

on OBL’s whereabouts during the past few months including, according to Representative Mike

Rogers, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, some details regarding the Abbottabad

compound. The Senate Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid, has also indicated that he had been

briefed on the plans to confirm OBL’s location and take action. Chariman Rogers indicated that

the entire “Gang of Eight” had been briefed on the plans although not all were briefed at the same

time. The Gang of Eight refers to the eight Members of Congress (the Speaker, House Minority

Leader, the Senate Majority and Minority Leaders, and the chairmen and ranking members of the

two intelligence committees) who, by statute, must be advised of Presidential Findings of covert

actions (
Too many leakers in this gang of 8, obviously.
well it's my understanding that the GOP in congress knew of Trump's? so....
it means that before Trump, a president couldn't do shit like this without getting support of the Jt. Chiefs. Now if a pet SoD and the Potus say "go" his party can cheer.
so you don't think the Jt. Chiefs didn't know? hahaahhahahahahaa
I think the Jt Chief salute and follow orders. And the Gop owns the fallout from this. Which is why generally presidents have notified the Gang of 8 and had the military tell the pols why this is a good idea.

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