Obama Now Has the Power to Appoint 93 Federal Judges

good post

but wasting your time with this bozo

Obama has the power to appoint judges.

The Republicans in the Senate have the power to filibuster a bad appointment.

That's how the system works, stupid. Which part of that don't you understand.

You're ignorance of the U.S. government (mixed with you desire to be a lazy parasite who mooches off of his fellow citizen) does not change the fact that the Republican's have the power to filibuster.

Would you like to try again? Would you like to try a new narrative that actually holds up? :lol:

lol, they don't have that power now do they?

No, they don't. Like everything else, the Dumbocrats usurped power for their Nazi-like, dictatorial cravings.

But what's funny is that Candycorn is the only liberal on USMB who gets it. When the Republicans return to power in the Senate (be that in 2014, 2016, or 3020) - you bitches will be on the ground crying about how miserable your lives are.

Just remember - you not only did it to yourselves, you cheered while doing it :lmao:

So the fact that
Obama used the IRS to block Tea Party and other Conservative groups is ok with you? It's not rigging an election?

Simple truth: not a fact

Denying it doesn't mean you are right. Especially when the evidence is overwhelming

What evidence?

You do know why that whole thing fizzled out right?

The folks involved in those audits were leftovers from Bush.

Additionally it was found that those groups are actually BREAKING THE LAW.

Since the ACTUAL LAW prohibits them entirely from engaging in any political activity.

While the IRS rule merely states that it cannot be the majority of the activities they engage in.
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It is a fact.

Do tell....how did he "block" them?

[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] illustrating once again that he is one of the most uninformed individuals in the U.S. Ignorance is bliss, right RW? You'll just keep goose-stepping as the party tells you (right into the the showers and ovens even :lol:).

He instructed the IRS to hold up all requests for any non-profit status of a conservative organization. Without knowing their tax status (and thus whether or not they would have to pay taxes), they couldn't move forward with their organizations (if you accept $10 million in donations, use it all for your cause, then find out later you owe $4 million in taxes that you don't have - you go to prison, asshole).

Do tell....how the fuck are you this ignorant that you somehow manage to miss these national stories?!?!

Not exactly the truth, but understandable from someone who gets all their information from FoxNews

The IRS asked for more information from those organizations to verify their tax free status. Their status was ultimately approved. More liberal organizations had their status disapproved than right wing

Now.....explain how that equates to them being "blocked"?
Obama has the power to appoint judges.

The Republicans in the Senate have the power to filibuster a bad appointment.

That's how the system works, stupid. Which part of that don't you understand.

You're ignorance of the U.S. government (mixed with you desire to be a lazy parasite who mooches off of his fellow citizen) does not change the fact that the Republican's have the power to filibuster.

Would you like to try again? Would you like to try a new narrative that actually holds up? :lol:

lol, they don't have that power now do they?

No, they don't. Like everything else, the Dumbocrats usurped power for their Nazi-like, dictatorial cravings.

But what's funny is that Candycorn is the only liberal on USMB who gets it. When the Republicans return to power in the Senate (be that in 2014, 2016, or 3020) - you bitches will be on the ground crying about how miserable your lives are.

Just remember - you not only did it to yourselves, you cheered while doing it :lmao:

Who "usurped" what? And how?
Obama just committed an unprecedented tyranny.

This represents a ridiculous power grab from one of the most tyrannical administrations in US History.

Just deserts for the unprecedented obstructionism. Now if only the dems can take the House. Republican's are really gonna whine then.

except there is no tyranny, unprecedented or not

Let me rephrase. Taking away the filibuster option from judicial nominations is justified because of the unprecedented use of the filibuster to block them. It is not a power grab by the White House either. The charge that this is somehow Obama's tyranny is ludicrous.
Do tell....how did he "block" them?

[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] illustrating once again that he is one of the most uninformed individuals in the U.S. Ignorance is bliss, right RW? You'll just keep goose-stepping as the party tells you (right into the the showers and ovens even :lol:).

He instructed the IRS to hold up all requests for any non-profit status of a conservative organization. Without knowing their tax status (and thus whether or not they would have to pay taxes), they couldn't move forward with their organizations (if you accept $10 million in donations, use it all for your cause, then find out later you owe $4 million in taxes that you don't have - you go to prison, asshole).

Do tell....how the fuck are you this ignorant that you somehow manage to miss these national stories?!?!

Not exactly the truth, but understandable from someone who gets all their information from FoxNews

The IRS asked for more information from those organizations to verify their tax free status. Their status was ultimately approved. More liberal organizations had their status disapproved than right wing

Now.....explain how that equates to them being "blocked"?

Well of course they were "approved" - AFTER the elections.

Why did the IRS "ask for more information" from conservatives ONLY. Conservatives who - it has been proven - had already submitted ALL information and then some? So they had an excuse to hold up the requests until after the election (and in a few cases, until right before the election when it was too late).

Want to try again RW? I love watching you guys keep trying to think of a narrative that fits the situation and which will stick. :lol:
I'm shocked at you Democrats....If the Republicans had pulled this...YOU'D BE screaming bloody murder...

are you so into winning you don't see what abuse this is and is giving a Party and President total POWER over who they put in positions of POWER over you?

No wonder Obama sold you on Transforming our country...He saw with voters like you the time was ripe

Steffi dear, Republicans did pull this:


Do try to catch up dear.
It is a fact.

Do tell....how did he "block" them?

[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] illustrating once again that he is one of the most uninformed individuals in the U.S. Ignorance is bliss, right RW? You'll just keep goose-stepping as the party tells you (right into the the showers and ovens even :lol:).

He instructed the IRS to hold up all requests for any non-profit status of a conservative organization. Without knowing their tax status (and thus whether or not they would have to pay taxes), they couldn't move forward with their organizations (if you accept $10 million in donations, use it all for your cause, then find out later you owe $4 million in taxes that you don't have - you go to prison, asshole).

Do tell....how the fuck are you this ignorant that you somehow manage to miss these national stories?!?!

Say, you should try to impeach him then huh?
Elections have consequences. Obama has always had the power to apoint Federal Judges. It's given to them in the Constitution.

The Senate has the power to advise & consent for those nominees. How they do that is their discretion. Judicial Nominees were not fillibustered until recently. If you are worried about who gets placed in Federal Judicial spots, you need to elected good Senators and good Presidents. You do that by building up the local levels.

We need to stop ceding states over to the left. Let's rebuild parties in the big cities. Build grass roots in the party.

There is alot of work to do.

You don't see the irony in your idealism Avatar? If "elections have consequences", then why can't the Dumbocrats accept that they lost the election in each and every Senate seat held by a Republican who were exercising the responsibility and duty of their job and accept that that means filibusters? :cuckoo:
Do tell....how did he "block" them?

[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] illustrating once again that he is one of the most uninformed individuals in the U.S. Ignorance is bliss, right RW? You'll just keep goose-stepping as the party tells you (right into the the showers and ovens even :lol:).

He instructed the IRS to hold up all requests for any non-profit status of a conservative organization. Without knowing their tax status (and thus whether or not they would have to pay taxes), they couldn't move forward with their organizations (if you accept $10 million in donations, use it all for your cause, then find out later you owe $4 million in taxes that you don't have - you go to prison, asshole).

Do tell....how the fuck are you this ignorant that you somehow manage to miss these national stories?!?!

Say, you should try to impeach him then huh?

How? Because of rigged elections, the Dumbocrats have ensured they cannot be impeached (why do you think they pull this shit).

But hey, keep applauding asshole. When the Dumbocrats tell you that you do not produce enough and that as such, they will not be providing you care for you terminal illness under Obamacare, we'll see how much you love that whole "ends justify the communist means" :eek:
[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] illustrating once again that he is one of the most uninformed individuals in the U.S. Ignorance is bliss, right RW? You'll just keep goose-stepping as the party tells you (right into the the showers and ovens even :lol:).

He instructed the IRS to hold up all requests for any non-profit status of a conservative organization. Without knowing their tax status (and thus whether or not they would have to pay taxes), they couldn't move forward with their organizations (if you accept $10 million in donations, use it all for your cause, then find out later you owe $4 million in taxes that you don't have - you go to prison, asshole).

Do tell....how the fuck are you this ignorant that you somehow manage to miss these national stories?!?!

Not exactly the truth, but understandable from someone who gets all their information from FoxNews

The IRS asked for more information from those organizations to verify their tax free status. Their status was ultimately approved. More liberal organizations had their status disapproved than right wing

Now.....explain how that equates to them being "blocked"?

Well of course they were "approved" - AFTER the elections.

Why did the IRS "ask for more information" from conservatives ONLY. Conservatives who - it has been proven - had already submitted ALL information and then some? So they had an excuse to hold up the requests until after the election (and in a few cases, until right before the election when it was too late).

Want to try again RW? I love watching you guys keep trying to think of a narrative that fits the situation and which will stick. :lol:

No they didn't.

Liberal groups were targeted too.

But that didn't fall under the scope of Darrell (The firebug car thief) Issa's witch hunt.
Not exactly the truth, but understandable from someone who gets all their information from FoxNews

The IRS asked for more information from those organizations to verify their tax free status. Their status was ultimately approved. More liberal organizations had their status disapproved than right wing

Now.....explain how that equates to them being "blocked"?

Well of course they were "approved" - AFTER the elections.

Why did the IRS "ask for more information" from conservatives ONLY. Conservatives who - it has been proven - had already submitted ALL information and then some? So they had an excuse to hold up the requests until after the election (and in a few cases, until right before the election when it was too late).

Want to try again RW? I love watching you guys keep trying to think of a narrative that fits the situation and which will stick. :lol:

No they didn't.

Liberal groups were targeted too.

But that didn't fall under the scope of Darrell (The firebug car thief) Issa's witch hunt.

Liberal groups were not targeted. that's bunk.
[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] illustrating once again that he is one of the most uninformed individuals in the U.S. Ignorance is bliss, right RW? You'll just keep goose-stepping as the party tells you (right into the the showers and ovens even :lol:).

He instructed the IRS to hold up all requests for any non-profit status of a conservative organization. Without knowing their tax status (and thus whether or not they would have to pay taxes), they couldn't move forward with their organizations (if you accept $10 million in donations, use it all for your cause, then find out later you owe $4 million in taxes that you don't have - you go to prison, asshole).

Do tell....how the fuck are you this ignorant that you somehow manage to miss these national stories?!?!

Not exactly the truth, but understandable from someone who gets all their information from FoxNews

The IRS asked for more information from those organizations to verify their tax free status. Their status was ultimately approved. More liberal organizations had their status disapproved than right wing

Now.....explain how that equates to them being "blocked"?

Well of course they were "approved" - AFTER the elections.

Why did the IRS "ask for more information" from conservatives ONLY. Conservatives who - it has been proven - had already submitted ALL information and then some? So they had an excuse to hold up the requests until after the election (and in a few cases, until right before the election when it was too late).

Want to try again RW? I love watching you guys keep trying to think of a narrative that fits the situation and which will stick. :lol:

Once again you are making shit up.
All this happened well before the elections. And no, they did not only ask for more information from conservatives....only in their twisted minds
Another mountain being built from a conservative molehill
Not exactly the truth, but understandable from someone who gets all their information from FoxNews

The IRS asked for more information from those organizations to verify their tax free status. Their status was ultimately approved. More liberal organizations had their status disapproved than right wing

Now.....explain how that equates to them being "blocked"?

Well of course they were "approved" - AFTER the elections.

Why did the IRS "ask for more information" from conservatives ONLY. Conservatives who - it has been proven - had already submitted ALL information and then some? So they had an excuse to hold up the requests until after the election (and in a few cases, until right before the election when it was too late).

Want to try again RW? I love watching you guys keep trying to think of a narrative that fits the situation and which will stick. :lol:

Once again you are making shit up.
All this happened well before the elections. And no, they did not only ask for more information from conservatives....only in their twisted minds
Another mountain being built from a conservative molehill

Many of the far right cannot deal with reality, which is they are not in charge.

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