Obama Now Has the Power to Appoint 93 Federal Judges

Well of course they were "approved" - AFTER the elections.

Why did the IRS "ask for more information" from conservatives ONLY. Conservatives who - it has been proven - had already submitted ALL information and then some? So they had an excuse to hold up the requests until after the election (and in a few cases, until right before the election when it was too late).

Want to try again RW? I love watching you guys keep trying to think of a narrative that fits the situation and which will stick. :lol:

Once again you are making shit up.
All this happened well before the elections. And no, they did not only ask for more information from conservatives....only in their twisted minds
Another mountain being built from a conservative molehill

Many of the far right cannot deal with reality, which is they are not in charge.

Does this mean you asswads will start taking blame for your screw ups?
Just deserts for the unprecedented obstructionism. Now if only the dems can take the House. Republican's are really gonna whine then.

except there is no tyranny, unprecedented or not

Let me rephrase. Taking away the filibuster option from judicial nominations is justified because of the unprecedented use of the filibuster to block them. It is not a power grab by the White House either. The charge that this is somehow Obama's tyranny is ludicrous.

thank you
except there is no tyranny, unprecedented or not

Let me rephrase. Taking away the filibuster option from judicial nominations is justified because of the unprecedented use of the filibuster to block them. It is not a power grab by the White House either. The charge that this is somehow Obama's tyranny is ludicrous.

thank you

The use of the fillibuster was also unprecedented during the 108th congress regarding judicial appointment. But back then Reid was staunchly against the nuclear option. So what changed? It certainly wasn't the precedent set on fillibusters, since that was done under the 108th and has escalated since.

So, while we're being hypocritical as a daily routine, can we try being honest for a change?
During the 108th Congress in which the Republicans regained control of the Senate by a 51-49 margin, the nominees that[B] the Senate Democrats had blocked in the 107th Congress began to be moved through the now Republican Senate Judiciary Committee.[10] Subsequently Senate Democrats started to filibuster judicial nominees. On February 12, 2003, Miguel Estrada, a nominee for the D.C. Circuit, became the first court of appeals nominee ever to be successfully filibustered.[citation needed] Later, nine other conservative court of appeals nominees were also filibustered. [/B]These nine were Priscilla Owen, Charles W. Pickering, Carolyn Kuhl, David W. McKeague, Henry Saad, Richard Allen Griffin, William H. Pryor, William Gerry Myers III and Janice Rogers Brown.[11] Three of the nominees (Estrada, Pickering and Kuhl) withdrew their nominations before the end of the 108th Congress.

The only way the difference consitutes precedent is based on the arbitrarily designated judgment on the use of the fillibuster. And Democrats, in the end, look like complete and total hypocrites. not that such a lack of credibility and integrity bothers them in anyway. It's SOP.
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making things easier...

a public service brought to usmb by Dante Inc., leveler of playing fields :cool:

Late 60w, early into Nixon's first term, Abe Fortas vacancy

Richard Nixon throws away precedent for nominating qualified candidates for SCOTUS and brings ideological nominees starting with Clement Haynsworth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eventually a few GOP leaders and members follow Ted Kennedy's lead and vote against this shithead tactic (Kennedy later led charged against the ideologue's ideologue" Bork)

Haynsworth's nomination was defeated by a vote of 55 to 45 on November 21, 1969. 19 Democrats and 26 Republicans voted for Haynsworth while 38 Democrats and 17 Republicans voted against the nomination. Haynsworth was the first Supreme Court nominee to be defeated by the Senate since the rejection of Judge John J. Parker (also of the Fourth Circuit) in 1930. - Clement Haynsworth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

most of the rightwingers here and many of the others have no sense of history or current events

Advise and Consent and how it works

poor stepback is deluded into thinking it is irrelevant to the op
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no large obnoxious font

Let me rephrase. Taking away the filibuster option from judicial nominations is justified because of the unprecedented use of the filibuster to block them. It is not a power grab by the White House either. The charge that this is somehow Obama's tyranny is ludicrous.

thank you

The use of the fillibuster was also unprecedented during the 108th congress regarding judicial appointment. But back then Reid was staunchly against the nuclear option. So what changed? It certainly wasn't the precedent set on fillibusters, since that was done under the 108th and has escalated since.

So, while we're being hypocritical as a daily routine, can we try being honest for a change?

see post (with info) directly below this one of yours.........................................you may have to go back and actually read things, sorry :eusa_whistle:
post #265 isn't even relevant to procedent in this case, Dante. Not that the obfuscation is shocking.
226, sorry. And yet still, it is completely irrelevant to the current discussion.

making things easier...

a public service brought to usmb by Dante Inc., leveler of playing fields :cool:

Late 60w, early into Nixon's first term, Abe Fortas vacancy

Richard Nixon throws away precedent for nominating qualified candidates for SCOTUS and brings ideological nominees starting with Clement Haynsworth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eventually a few GOP leaders and members follow Ted Kennedy's lead and vote against this shithead tactic (Kennedy later led charged against the ideologue's ideologue" Bork)

Haynsworth's nomination was defeated by a vote of 55 to 45 on November 21, 1969. 19 Democrats and 26 Republicans voted for Haynsworth while 38 Democrats and 17 Republicans voted against the nomination. Haynsworth was the first Supreme Court nominee to be defeated by the Senate since the rejection of Judge John J. Parker (also of the Fourth Circuit) in 1930. - Clement Haynsworth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

most of the rightwingers here and many of the others have no sense of history or current events

Advise and Consent and how it works

poor stepback is deluded into thinking it is irrelevant to the op

good post

but wasting your time with this bozo

Obama has the power to appoint judges.

The Republicans in the Senate have the power to filibuster a bad appointment.

That's how the system works, stupid. Which part of that don't you understand.

You're ignorance of the U.S. government (mixed with you desire to be a lazy parasite who mooches off of his fellow citizen) does not change the fact that the Republican's have the power to filibuster.

Would you like to try again? Would you like to try a new narrative that actually holds up? :lol:

lol, they don't have that power now do they?
Repetition doesn't create relevance, Dante. And i never asked about its relevance to the OP, I you offered that irrelevance off from my post. And since you're one of the biggest trolls here, i'm not going to entertain this any longer.
Repetition doesn't create relevance, Dante. And i never asked about its relevance to the OP, I you offered that irrelevance off from my post. And since you're one of the biggest trolls here, i'm not going to entertain this any longer.

Poor rightwingers can't fight so they revert to attempts at marginalization :lol:

The roles of two branches of government. How they historically worked and what led to them clashing as they do now. Oh, it's nothing but trollish spam? :lol:

poor stepback, ought to look at IT's own posts and then decide who is a troll...might find a mirror in there somewhere:eusa_whistle:
2015 will be a bloodbath. Look for some really nasty rules changes by the newly elected Republican Senate majority. And liberals will have no choice but to suck it up or admit their recent insanity.
Not exactly the truth, but understandable from someone who gets all their information from FoxNews

The IRS asked for more information from those organizations to verify their tax free status. Their status was ultimately approved. More liberal organizations had their status disapproved than right wing

Now.....explain how that equates to them being "blocked"?

Well of course they were "approved" - AFTER the elections.

Why did the IRS "ask for more information" from conservatives ONLY. Conservatives who - it has been proven - had already submitted ALL information and then some? So they had an excuse to hold up the requests until after the election (and in a few cases, until right before the election when it was too late).

Want to try again RW? I love watching you guys keep trying to think of a narrative that fits the situation and which will stick. :lol:

Once again you are making shit up.
All this happened well before the elections. And no, they did not only ask for more information from conservatives....only in their twisted minds
Another mountain being built from a conservative molehill

Wait a minute - a "molehill"? So now you're admitting that Obama did this? But now you just want to attempt to mitigate the effect it had?

Game. Set. Match.
Not exactly the truth, but understandable from someone who gets all their information from FoxNews

The IRS asked for more information from those organizations to verify their tax free status. Their status was ultimately approved. More liberal organizations had their status disapproved than right wing

Now.....explain how that equates to them being "blocked"?

Well of course they were "approved" - AFTER the elections.

Why did the IRS "ask for more information" from conservatives ONLY. Conservatives who - it has been proven - had already submitted ALL information and then some? So they had an excuse to hold up the requests until after the election (and in a few cases, until right before the election when it was too late).

Want to try again RW? I love watching you guys keep trying to think of a narrative that fits the situation and which will stick. :lol:

Another mountain being built from a conservative molehill

Funny thing RW - it's the dirt-bag, Chicago-style, corrupt politics by the Dumbocrats which keeps creating the "molehills" that us conservatives are (according to you) "turning into mountains".

You know the solution to that problem RW? If you party would show some integrity for once in their entire miserable existance and stop with the thuggery, there would be no molehill and thus, no mountain to create out of it! Imagine that!

But hey - you guys never were one's to employ personal responsibility! So why start now, right? So much easier to cause the problem (like you Dumbocrats always do) and then blame the other guy for the problem you caused.
Well of course they were "approved" - AFTER the elections.

Why did the IRS "ask for more information" from conservatives ONLY. Conservatives who - it has been proven - had already submitted ALL information and then some? So they had an excuse to hold up the requests until after the election (and in a few cases, until right before the election when it was too late).

Want to try again RW? I love watching you guys keep trying to think of a narrative that fits the situation and which will stick. :lol:

No they didn't.

Liberal groups were targeted too.

But that didn't fall under the scope of Darrell (The firebug car thief) Issa's witch hunt.

Liberal groups were not targeted. that's bunk.

Why believe the press?

2015 will be a bloodbath. Look for some really nasty rules changes by the newly elected Republican Senate majority. And liberals will have no choice but to suck it up or admit their recent insanity.

Your side makes dire threats of retribution pretty much daily. After the hundredth repetition or so, people stopped paying attention. Yeah, whatever. Bring it on, crybabies. You'll notice the Democrats are totally unconcerned. Moderates have that luxury, since we can peel off votes from the other side and get a majority that way. Extremists like you can't do that, hence your meltdowns.

Of course, if you keep blubbering like this, you'll won't win any elections. After all, the whinysasstittybaby demographic isn't very large.
2015 will be a bloodbath. Look for some really nasty rules changes by the newly elected Republican Senate majority. And liberals will have no choice but to suck it up or admit their recent insanity.

Please tell me you are kidding me HBH? Dumbocrats admit their insanity? :lmao:

You do realize this is the party who has collapsed almost every nation in the world for the past 100 years with their policy of pure, unadulterated ignorance, and they still blame everything and everyone for the failure except themselves, don't you?

You have a better chance of seeing hell frozen over while Jimmy Hoffa is uncovered as a unicorn flies past over head during an alien invasion with the real JFK assassin being announced than you do of a Dumbocrat every taking personal responsibility for anything!

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