Obama on cusp of winning Iran nuclear vote


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Now one must wonder what the democrats were offered to change their vote. This is pure American political BS. Nothing in the "agreement" has changed so why are the those opposing the deal changing their vote? Only one real reason, pay off. The corn husker kick back is alive and well.

This "agreement" will be hailed as a great accomplishment meanwhile it will be like a boil on your ass. Put a little ointment on it and it feels a little better yet it is just getting worse waiting to burst. Nothing good can come out of appeasing a sworn enemy who has already told us what they will do with the money, military build up and they will continue to fund terrorism. WTF is Obama trying to get the US military complex into business with Iran? But as usual when the boil pops Obama will be long gone and it will be blame on others.

Obama on cusp of winning Iran nuclear vote - FT.com

High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email [email protected] to buy additional rights. Obama on cusp of winning Iran nuclear vote - FT.com

Democratic aides in Congress say party leaders are working hard to convince undecided members to support the deal and are still wary that new revelations could alter the political debate in Washington, but they are growing increasingly confident that the agreement will survive.
Now one must wonder what the democrats were offered to change their vote. This is pure American political BS. Nothing in the "agreement" has changed so why are the those opposing the deal changing their vote? Only one real reason, pay off. The corn husker kick back is alive an well.

This "agreement" will be hailed as a great accomplishment meanwhile it will be a boil on you ass. Put a little suave on it and it feels a little better yet it is just getting worse waiting to burst. Nothing good can come out of appleasing a sworn enemy who has already told us what they will do with the money, military build up and they will continue to fund terrorism. WTF is Obama trying to get the US military complex into business with Iran? But as usual when the boil pops Obama will be long gone and it will be blame on others.

do you have any proof that Obama offered these Democrats more money that the Jew Lobby was already offering?

Hey, here's a simpler explanation.

This was the best deal we were going to get, and everyone, including the posturing Republicans, knew that. That's why the Posturing Republicans did a pre-approval of the deal that would allow Obama to veto any future objections.

You see, five other countries have already agreed to this. These five countries can carry out this deal without our help. It's not really like we have much of a choice on this, other than to go along with their plan.

The Zionists might not like it, but honestly, fuck those guys.
Now one must wonder what the democrats were offered to change their vote. This is pure American political BS. Nothing in the "agreement" has changed so why are the those opposing the deal changing their vote? Only one real reason, pay off. The corn husker kick back is alive an well.

This "agreement" will be hailed as a great accomplishment meanwhile it will be a boil on you ass. Put a little suave on it and it feels a little better yet it is just getting worse waiting to burst. Nothing good can come out of appleasing a sworn enemy who has already told us what they will do with the money, military build up and they will continue to fund terrorism. WTF is Obama trying to get the US military complex into business with Iran? But as usual when the boil pops Obama will be long gone and it will be blame on others.

do you have any proof that Obama offered these Democrats more money that the Jew Lobby was already offering?

Hey, here's a simpler explanation.

This was the best deal we were going to get, and everyone, including the posturing Republicans, knew that. That's why the Posturing Republicans did a pre-approval of the deal that would allow Obama to veto any future objections.

You see, five other countries have already agreed to this. These five countries can carry out this deal without our help. It's not really like we have much of a choice on this, other than to go along with their plan.

The Zionists might not like it, but honestly, fuck those guys.

The best deal is worse then no deal when dealing with terrorism. All I need as proof is that they changed their vote. Nothing else has changed. This is a vote on Obama's legacy. Letting a sworn enemy, an enemy that has sworn to continue to fund terrorism against us just does not make sense. Except to try and preserve some sort of legacy for Obama and I am afraid that legacy will be a suitcase nuke.

It is the best deal Neville Chamberlain Kerry and Obama can get.
Chalk up another victory for Obama and another defeat for Republican fear mongering
The best deal is worse then no deal when dealing with terrorism. All I need as proof is that they changed their vote. Nothing else has changed. This is a vote on Obama's legacy. Letting a sworn enemy, an enemy that has sworn to continue to fund terrorism against us just does not make sense. Except to try and preserve some sort of legacy for Obama and I am afraid that legacy will be a suitcase nuke.

It is the best deal Neville Chamberlain Kerry and Obama can get.

Guy, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Ronnie Reagan called Osama bin Laden a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians trying to teach Afghan Girls how to read. He only became a "terrorist" when he was knocking down buildings filled with corporate types.

So let's stop the whining about "Terrorism", shall we?

This is a good deal in that it gives us grounds to take action if Iran cheats. It's a good deal in that it gives us the ability to inspect Iran's activities.

The Jew Lobby isn't worried IRan will get a nuke. They've been claiming Iran is on the cusp of getting a nuke since 1992, and Iran is no closer now than they were then.

The Jew Lobby is worried Iran will work its way back into polite international society. That they will have to encounter Iranian Diplomats at UN Functions discussing what to do about the Middle East.
Chalk up another victory for Obama and another defeat for Republican fear mongering

Considering it seems the vote is barely veto proof, it's not much of a victory, is it?

It also means a dozen or so democrats think the deal smells.
The best deal is worse then no deal when dealing with terrorism. All I need as proof is that they changed their vote. Nothing else has changed. This is a vote on Obama's legacy. Letting a sworn enemy, an enemy that has sworn to continue to fund terrorism against us just does not make sense. Except to try and preserve some sort of legacy for Obama and I am afraid that legacy will be a suitcase nuke.

It is the best deal Neville Chamberlain Kerry and Obama can get.

Guy, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Ronnie Reagan called Osama bin Laden a "Freedom Fighter" when he was killing Russians trying to teach Afghan Girls how to read. He only became a "terrorist" when he was knocking down buildings filled with corporate types.

So let's stop the whining about "Terrorism", shall we?

This is a good deal in that it gives us grounds to take action if Iran cheats. It's a good deal in that it gives us the ability to inspect Iran's activities.

The Jew Lobby isn't worried IRan will get a nuke. They've been claiming Iran is on the cusp of getting a nuke since 1992, and Iran is no closer now than they were then.

The Jew Lobby is worried Iran will work its way back into polite international society. That they will have to encounter Iranian Diplomats at UN Functions discussing what to do about the Middle East.

PM in North: Khamenei makes it clear Iran will continue to fund terrorism

So lets give them 120 billion and let them inspect their own nuclear sites. Great idea, guy.
Chalk up another victory for Obama and another defeat for Republican fear mongering

Considering it seems the vote is barely veto proof, it's not much of a victory, is it?

It also means a dozen or so democrats think the deal smells.

As I said from the beginning, I wonder how much it cost the tax payers to have those democrats lose their sense of smell.
American conservatives, Israeli conservatives, Iranian conservatives - all united in their opposition to a nuclear deal for the same reason, their political positions depend on being able to scare their own people.
This is a good deal for the US. We can now supply Israel and Iran with arms and let them fight it out. All we need to do now is to undercut the Russians on price.

Russian state arms producer Almaz-Antey in June said it would supply Iran with a modernized version of the S-300, among the world’s most capable air defense systems, once a commercial agreement was reached.

“The text of the contract is ready and our friends will go to Russia next week to sign the contract,” Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan was quoted as saying by the Fars news agency.

Russia says it canceled a contract to deliver S-300s to Iran in 2010 under pressure from the West. But President Vladimir Putin lifted that self-imposed ban in April following the interim nuclear deal between Iran and world powers.
American conservatives, Israeli conservatives, Iranian conservatives - all united in their opposition to a nuclear deal for the same reason, their political positions depend on being able to scare their own people.

And those in favor are scaring us that the world will end if there is no agreement. Both sides use fear. We know what Iran will do, they told us.
Finally Peace in our time, well except for state sponsored terrorism and all.
Chalk up another victory for Obama and another defeat for Republican fear mongering

Considering it seems the vote is barely veto proof, it's not much of a victory, is it?

It also means a dozen or so democrats think the deal smells.
Once again the "lame duck" President wins and the Republican led congress sits back and fumes
Chalk up another victory for Obama and another defeat for Republican fear mongering

Considering it seems the vote is barely veto proof, it's not much of a victory, is it?

It also means a dozen or so democrats think the deal smells.
Once again the "lame duck" President wins and the Republican led congress sits back and fumes

Once again the "lame duck" President wins

and the country loses, thanks to Harry Reid and his sheep.
Chalk up another victory for Obama and another defeat for Republican fear mongering

Considering it seems the vote is barely veto proof, it's not much of a victory, is it?

It also means a dozen or so democrats think the deal smells.
Once again the "lame duck" President wins and the Republican led congress sits back and fumes

Once again the "lame duck" President wins

and the country loses, thanks to Harry Reid and his sheep.
The world wins and only the Republicans sit on the sidelines whimpering
American conservatives, Israeli conservatives, Iranian conservatives - all united in their opposition to a nuclear deal for the same reason, their political positions depend on being able to scare their own people.

And those in favor are scaring us that the world will end if there is no agreement. Both sides use fear. We know what Iran will do, they told us.
No one is trying to say the world will end, they are just saying what you should have already known, we were on a path to eventual war with Iran that promised to be costlier, bloodier, more prolonged and more futile than Iraq.
Republicans had eight years to negotiate a deal with Iran.....they didn't even try

Obama was able to get Iran to come to the table while Republicans mocked the idea of actually negotiating

Obama, along with the other major world powers, worked out a deal. Like, most deals, each side does not get everything they wanted......but it is the best deal on the table

Walk away and it means Iran continues on its current path to develop a weapon
Walk away and it means Iran continues on its current path to develop a weapon
Republicans had eight years to negotiate a deal with Iran.....they didn't even try

Obama was able to get Iran to come to the table while Republicans mocked the idea of actually negotiating

Obama, along with the other major world powers, worked out a deal. Like, most deals, each side does not get everything they wanted......but it is the best deal on the table

Walk away and it means Iran continues on its current path to develop a weapon

What make you believe they are going to stop their current path to develop a weapon?

They said so?

and you believe them.

The day, or the day after, the deal was agreed on, one of the top mullahs was chanting 'Death to America"

You believe them.

Common sense says not to.
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Chalk up another victory for Obama and another defeat for Republican fear mongering

Yeah, right. Just like Clinton's deal with north korea prevented them from getting nukes. I cannot believe how stupid some people can be.

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