Obama on the flag? Seriously?

Perhaps it was just an unfortunate trick of the light hitting the 57 stars?
58...remember? He said he had visited 57 and was getting ready to visit another one...

I stand corrected. :lol:

It's discouraging...Obama's foibles were ignored because people were tired of Bush...And here we are covering same ground...again...

WE tried to warn you...here we are again...The flag on display was in poor taste...free speech? Sure...with etiquette seeing as there is a tradition?

Democrats could give a rat's ass...we are being steamrollered over...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjHy2Y--teI]Out Of Control - YouTube[/ame]
A flag is a flag no matter the size...get it yet?

I still find it more acceptable to sign the little one than the display size.

Just my humble opinion....

You wanna fight, or drink a brew to our land of many individuals with all their opinions and baggage? :beer:
Fine with me.

As long as those flags don't fly in public I see no problem with signing them

We were talking of flags on display...flown in public.

I find the where Obama's picture placed in the blue field where the 50 Stars that represent the States (and subsequently the people), to be quite hideous...and wrong.

It's disrespectful.

Yeah, I find it pretty creepy too. Just wrong, in spite of being 'legal'.
I still find it more acceptable to sign the little one than the display size.

Just my humble opinion....

You wanna fight, or drink a brew to our land of many individuals with all their opinions and baggage? :beer:
Fine with me.

As long as those flags don't fly in public I see no problem with signing them

We were talking of flags on display...flown in public.

I find the where Obama's picture placed in the blue field where the 50 Stars that represent the States (and subsequently the people), to be quite hideous...and wrong.

It's disrespectful.

Yeah, I find it pretty creepy too. Just wrong, in spite of being 'legal'.

So that's WHY that groupt took it down...GOOD. I'm glad they did. That flag should be burned at the earliest oppritunity. Flying it is disrespectful of this nation...period.
I wouldn't think it illegal, because technically it's not an American Flag, it's a caricature of Obama in a striped frame.

Definitely poor taste and, IMHO, stupid.

I don't believe it is illegal either.

I would agree it is in bad taste.

I did go to the link that someone provided earlier and it did have a remark there that I think is worth noting. I'm going to paraphrase it first and then go back and find the actual link and quote.

Basically, they said, they are going to continue to sell it, there is nothing illegal about it and it is ironic that those vets who fought for the freedom of speech in this country have an issue with this flag.

The USA Flag with President Barack Obama's face on it. NOTE: We have recently been threatened by people who demand we take this flag down. Some of these people claim to be veterans who fought for our freedom and are offended by it. It is ironic that one freedom they fought for was the freedom of speech and expression. Being an American means you can do and say what you please and that even unpopular expression and speech are protected.

They make a damned good point.


It is, however, a point that they make only when it is directed at conservative opposition. Otherwise, freedom of speech needs to be stifled, i.e. recent Rush Limbaugh comments ref: one outspoken feminist.

The Limbaugh thing was different. His deal was a personal attack on a specific individual. The flag is a general insult to America at large.
OMG!!!! Bush had that put there so he could stomp all over it!!!! Looks photoshopped to me.
You think wrong.

Here we go again...Bush did it, so it's all OK. Sorry, my Mother was right when she taught me that two wrongs don't make a right...but you go ahead making excuses for you messiah. So, you thought it all OK when Bush did it, no doubt.
I didn't say it was okay. In fact I called the woman a dope.

But it wasn't Obama that disrespected the flag....it was Bush.
A flag is a flag no matter the size...get it yet?

I still find it more acceptable to sign the little one than the display size.

Just my humble opinion....

You wanna fight, or drink a brew to our land of many individuals with all their opinions and baggage? :beer:
Fine with me.

As long as those flags don't fly in public I see no problem with signing them

We were talking of flags on display...flown in public.

I find the where Obama's picture placed in the blue field where the 50 Stars that represent the States (and subsequently the people), to be quite hideous...and wrong.

It's disrespectful.

The always innovative TexasFred is providing a very special TEA Party flag for rallies around the U.S. It can be used over and over, and the idea is to use it again and again, which means the TEA parties will live on. Read his instructions below carefully, and get your order in quickly to make sure your flag(s) arrives on time. FYI: some notes that Fred left in the comment section:
Fred and Friends have ordered only 100 flags, and of course will reorder once those are sold. (From Maggie: Fred and friends are putting up their own money to make a quantity of flags available for us. They are taking some real risk here, but hey...we all need a flag for TEA parties, so order as quickly as you can). Fred also says that the pic doesn't do justice to these beautiful flags.

We have to wait for checks to clear, we don’t have a lot of money to put into this and have used what we have to get it set up. Cash or a money order will expedite shipping. A money order will offer you the protection you need too. I understand having worries about sending cash. We don’t have a PayPal account set up for this, PayPal takes out a nice slice of the money before you get yours and we are trying to hold costs to a minimum and pass along a very high quality product to our friends and fellow TEA Party patriots at as low a price as possible. It takes about 10 days to get the flags from the manufacturer, then a couple of days via Priority Mail to get them in your hands, so, we can have them well before the 4th of July! These flags are simply gorgeous, they measure 24″ x 38″ and have lanyard rings. They are very well constructed and I was totally impressed when I saw the finished product. My partner in this venture is ordering quite a few flags as I post this message. We are pretty certain that folks will want one, and I assure you, the REAL flag looks infinitely better than the picture does. Our digital camera sux. We will need your name and mailing address, and a telephone number if you are comfortable with that, included with your order. We have to know where to send the flag. :p We will NOT sell your information, WE HATE SPAMMERS TOO! Your information will remain completely confidential
EDIT: Spammish elements and sales links removed.
Last edited by a moderator:
You think wrong.

Here we go again...Bush did it, so it's all OK. Sorry, my Mother was right when she taught me that two wrongs don't make a right...but you go ahead making excuses for you messiah. So, you thought it all OK when Bush did it, no doubt.
I didn't say it was okay. In fact I called the woman a dope.

But it wasn't Obama that disrespected the flag....it was Bush.

Obama has disrespected the Flag, this Nation, our Constitution, and the American people in so many ways, it's impossible to keep track.
If Bush had fucked a silverback monkey in the White House....oops! Sorry.
You think wrong.

Here we go again...Bush did it, so it's all OK. Sorry, my Mother was right when she taught me that two wrongs don't make a right...but you go ahead making excuses for you messiah. So, you thought it all OK when Bush did it, no doubt.
I didn't say it was okay. In fact I called the woman a dope.

But it wasn't Obama that disrespected the flag....it was Bush.

No, he didn't.

He's standing on a mat (if that is even real). Not on a flag.
Here we go again...Bush did it, so it's all OK. Sorry, my Mother was right when she taught me that two wrongs don't make a right...but you go ahead making excuses for you messiah. So, you thought it all OK when Bush did it, no doubt.
I didn't say it was okay. In fact I called the woman a dope.

But it wasn't Obama that disrespected the flag....it was Bush.

Obama has disrespected the Flag, this Nation, our Constitution, and the American people in so many ways, it's impossible to keep track.

And Ravi is A-OK with that.
I still find it more acceptable to sign the little one than the display size.

Just my humble opinion....

You wanna fight, or drink a brew to our land of many individuals with all their opinions and baggage? :beer:
Fine with me.

As long as those flags don't fly in public I see no problem with signing them

We were talking of flags on display...flown in public.

I find the where Obama's picture placed in the blue field where the 50 Stars that represent the States (and subsequently the people), to be quite hideous...and wrong.

It's disrespectful.

The always innovative TexasFred is providing a very special TEA Party flag for rallies around the U.S. It can be used over and over, and the idea is to use it again and again, which means the TEA parties will live on. Read his instructions below carefully, and get your order in quickly to make sure your flag(s) arrives on time. FYI: some notes that Fred left in the comment section:
Fred and Friends have ordered only 100 flags, and of course will reorder once those are sold. (From Maggie: Fred and friends are putting up their own money to make a quantity of flags available for us. They are taking some real risk here, but hey...we all need a flag for TEA parties, so order as quickly as you can). Fred also says that the pic doesn't do justice to these beautiful flags.

We have to wait for checks to clear, we don’t have a lot of money to put into this and have used what we have to get it set up. Cash or a money order will expedite shipping. A money order will offer you the protection you need too. I understand having worries about sending cash. We don’t have a PayPal account set up for this, PayPal takes out a nice slice of the money before you get yours and we are trying to hold costs to a minimum and pass along a very high quality product to our friends and fellow TEA Party patriots at as low a price as possible. It takes about 10 days to get the flags from the manufacturer, then a couple of days via Priority Mail to get them in your hands, so, we can have them well before the 4th of July! These flags are simply gorgeous, they measure 24″ x 38″ and have lanyard rings. They are very well constructed and I was totally impressed when I saw the finished product. My partner in this venture is ordering quite a few flags as I post this message. We are pretty certain that folks will want one, and I assure you, the REAL flag looks infinitely better than the picture does. Our digital camera sux. We will need your name and mailing address, and a telephone number if you are comfortable with that, included with your order. We have to know where to send the flag. :p We will NOT sell your information, WE HATE SPAMMERS TOO! Your information will remain completely confidential
EDIT: Spammish elements and sales links removed.


That's different. Somehow.
I still find it more acceptable to sign the little one than the display size.

Just my humble opinion....

You wanna fight, or drink a brew to our land of many individuals with all their opinions and baggage? :beer:
Fine with me.

As long as those flags don't fly in public I see no problem with signing them

We were talking of flags on display...flown in public.

I find the where Obama's picture placed in the blue field where the 50 Stars that represent the States (and subsequently the people), to be quite hideous...and wrong.

It's disrespectful.

The always innovative TexasFred is providing a very special TEA Party flag for rallies around the U.S. It can be used over and over, and the idea is to use it again and again, which means the TEA parties will live on. Read his instructions below carefully, and get your order in quickly to make sure your flag(s) arrives on time. FYI: some notes that Fred left in the comment section:
Fred and Friends have ordered only 100 flags, and of course will reorder once those are sold. (From Maggie: Fred and friends are putting up their own money to make a quantity of flags available for us. They are taking some real risk here, but hey...we all need a flag for TEA parties, so order as quickly as you can). Fred also says that the pic doesn't do justice to these beautiful flags.

We have to wait for checks to clear, we don’t have a lot of money to put into this and have used what we have to get it set up. Cash or a money order will expedite shipping. A money order will offer you the protection you need too. I understand having worries about sending cash. We don’t have a PayPal account set up for this, PayPal takes out a nice slice of the money before you get yours and we are trying to hold costs to a minimum and pass along a very high quality product to our friends and fellow TEA Party patriots at as low a price as possible. It takes about 10 days to get the flags from the manufacturer, then a couple of days via Priority Mail to get them in your hands, so, we can have them well before the 4th of July! These flags are simply gorgeous, they measure 24″ x 38″ and have lanyard rings. They are very well constructed and I was totally impressed when I saw the finished product. My partner in this venture is ordering quite a few flags as I post this message. We are pretty certain that folks will want one, and I assure you, the REAL flag looks infinitely better than the picture does. Our digital camera sux. We will need your name and mailing address, and a telephone number if you are comfortable with that, included with your order. We have to know where to send the flag. :p We will NOT sell your information, WE HATE SPAMMERS TOO! Your information will remain completely confidential
EDIT: Spammish elements and sales links removed.

Just as WRONG in my mind.

I still find it more acceptable to sign the little one than the display size.

Just my humble opinion....

You wanna fight, or drink a brew to our land of many individuals with all their opinions and baggage? :beer:
Fine with me.

As long as those flags don't fly in public I see no problem with signing them

We were talking of flags on display...flown in public.

I find the where Obama's picture placed in the blue field where the 50 Stars that represent the States (and subsequently the people), to be quite hideous...and wrong.

It's disrespectful.

The always innovative TexasFred is providing a very special TEA Party flag for rallies around the U.S. It can be used over and over, and the idea is to use it again and again, which means the TEA parties will live on. Read his instructions below carefully, and get your order in quickly to make sure your flag(s) arrives on time. FYI: some notes that Fred left in the comment section:
Fred and Friends have ordered only 100 flags, and of course will reorder once those are sold. (From Maggie: Fred and friends are putting up their own money to make a quantity of flags available for us. They are taking some real risk here, but hey...we all need a flag for TEA parties, so order as quickly as you can). Fred also says that the pic doesn't do justice to these beautiful flags.

We have to wait for checks to clear, we don’t have a lot of money to put into this and have used what we have to get it set up. Cash or a money order will expedite shipping. A money order will offer you the protection you need too. I understand having worries about sending cash. We don’t have a PayPal account set up for this, PayPal takes out a nice slice of the money before you get yours and we are trying to hold costs to a minimum and pass along a very high quality product to our friends and fellow TEA Party patriots at as low a price as possible. It takes about 10 days to get the flags from the manufacturer, then a couple of days via Priority Mail to get them in your hands, so, we can have them well before the 4th of July! These flags are simply gorgeous, they measure 24″ x 38″ and have lanyard rings. They are very well constructed and I was totally impressed when I saw the finished product. My partner in this venture is ordering quite a few flags as I post this message. We are pretty certain that folks will want one, and I assure you, the REAL flag looks infinitely better than the picture does. Our digital camera sux. We will need your name and mailing address, and a telephone number if you are comfortable with that, included with your order. We have to know where to send the flag. :p We will NOT sell your information, WE HATE SPAMMERS TOO! Your information will remain completely confidential
EDIT: Spammish elements and sales links removed.

Where were they flown?
I still find it more acceptable to sign the little one than the display size.

Just my humble opinion....

You wanna fight, or drink a brew to our land of many individuals with all their opinions and baggage? :beer:
Fine with me.

As long as those flags don't fly in public I see no problem with signing them

We were talking of flags on display...flown in public.

I find the where Obama's picture placed in the blue field where the 50 Stars that represent the States (and subsequently the people), to be quite hideous...and wrong.

It's disrespectful.

The always innovative TexasFred is providing a very special TEA Party flag for rallies around the U.S. It can be used over and over, and the idea is to use it again and again, which means the TEA parties will live on. Read his instructions below carefully, and get your order in quickly to make sure your flag(s) arrives on time. FYI: some notes that Fred left in the comment section:
Fred and Friends have ordered only 100 flags, and of course will reorder once those are sold. (From Maggie: Fred and friends are putting up their own money to make a quantity of flags available for us. They are taking some real risk here, but hey...we all need a flag for TEA parties, so order as quickly as you can). Fred also says that the pic doesn't do justice to these beautiful flags.

We have to wait for checks to clear, we don’t have a lot of money to put into this and have used what we have to get it set up. Cash or a money order will expedite shipping. A money order will offer you the protection you need too. I understand having worries about sending cash. We don’t have a PayPal account set up for this, PayPal takes out a nice slice of the money before you get yours and we are trying to hold costs to a minimum and pass along a very high quality product to our friends and fellow TEA Party patriots at as low a price as possible. It takes about 10 days to get the flags from the manufacturer, then a couple of days via Priority Mail to get them in your hands, so, we can have them well before the 4th of July! These flags are simply gorgeous, they measure 24″ x 38″ and have lanyard rings. They are very well constructed and I was totally impressed when I saw the finished product. My partner in this venture is ordering quite a few flags as I post this message. We are pretty certain that folks will want one, and I assure you, the REAL flag looks infinitely better than the picture does. Our digital camera sux. We will need your name and mailing address, and a telephone number if you are comfortable with that, included with your order. We have to know where to send the flag. :p We will NOT sell your information, WE HATE SPAMMERS TOO! Your information will remain completely confidential
EDIT: Spammish elements and sales links removed.


That's different. Somehow.

Were they flown at any Republican party headquarters?

If not, then yes, it's different.
Here we go again...Bush did it, so it's all OK. Sorry, my Mother was right when she taught me that two wrongs don't make a right...but you go ahead making excuses for you messiah. So, you thought it all OK when Bush did it, no doubt.
I didn't say it was okay. In fact I called the woman a dope.

But it wasn't Obama that disrespected the flag....it was Bush.

No, he didn't.

He's standing on a mat (if that is even real). Not on a flag.
No way that is real...

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