Obama: Only US President to Attack 5 Countries


Free Breast Exam
Oct 10, 2009
Obama, the "Ultimate War President" is the only US President to attack 5 countries & after only 2 years in office. Obama also involved in "Day of Rage" in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Iran & Bahrain.

Pulling the ultimate con, Obama receives peace prize but quietly attacks 5 countries & escalates the Middle East conflicts. Maddow assist in the slight of hand con, claiming that Obama is not pounding his chest so these wars are ok because they are not started by the evil Bush. Obama talks the talk but does not walk the walk.

- Obama Ordered escalated U.S. Military Strikes on Afghanistan.
- Obama Ordered continued U.S. Military Strikes on Iraq.
- Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strikes on Pakistan.
- Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strikes on Yemen.
- Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strikes on Libya.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Egypt.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Iran.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Tunisia.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Yemen.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Bahrain.

Has the USA ever had a more wartime president?
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Killing terrorists and getting rid of dictators.

A good way to roll.
Killing terrorists and getting rid of dictators.

A good way to roll.

yeah, it's worked out so well for the past 40 years.

let's go for another 40.


What we have been doing is backing terrorists..and making some of them dictators.

That's got to change.

In the past we have backed dictators, terrorist & rebels to attack other dictators, terrorist & rebels trying to maintain a balance of power. We have operated under the assumption that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. This has not worked out so well.

For the past 8 years we have changed to direct US action so we will not need to back or rely on dictators, terrorist & rebels to maintain a balance of power. It is now starting to yield is a big way all across the Middle East. The big question is what will it yield? Will our direct action bear fruit or nuts?
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Fact: Bush Had 2 Times More Coalition Partners in Iraq Than Obama Has in Libya

CNBC just reported that Obama's Libya Coalition has fewer countries than Bush's Iraq Coalition

Obama's "coalition of the unwilling" NATO members squabble as no one wants responsibility for bombing Libya

AP reporting that a US military jet crashes in Libya, 2 eject

It looks like we are "going it alone" by democrats definition of Iraq. I thought we weren't that involved in this?

Again more smoke & mirrors from the peace prize winner.
Fact: Bush Had 2 Times More Coalition Partners in Iraq Than Obama Has in Libya

CNBC just reported that Obama's Libya Coalition has fewer countries than Bush's Iraq Coalition

Obama's "coalition of the unwilling" NATO members squabble as no one wants responsibility for bombing Libya

AP reporting that a US military jet crashes in Libya, 2 eject

It looks like we are "going it alone" by democrats definition of Iraq. I thought we weren't that involved in this?

Again more smoke & mirrors from the peace prize winner.

From your linked article:


Libya (F-15)
Make that five countries and counting. That Obama is a hard ass

Still has quite a ways to go before he catches FDR though
Obama, the "Ultimate War President" is the only US President to attack 5 countries & after only 2 years in office. Obama also involved in "Day of Rage" in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Iran & Bahrain.

Pulling the ultimate con, Obama receives peace prize but quietly attacks 5 countries & escalates the Middle East conflicts. Maddow assist in the slight of hand con, claiming that Obama is not pounding his chest so these wars are ok because they are not started by the evil Bush. Obama talks the talk but does not walk the walk.

- Obama Ordered escalated U.S. Military Strikes on Afghanistan.
- Obama Ordered continued U.S. Military Strikes on Iraq.
- Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strikes on Pakistan.
- Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strikes on Yemen.
- Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strikes on Libya.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Egypt.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Iran.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Tunisia.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Yemen.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Bahrain.

Has the USA ever had a more wartime president?

Obama is only obeying the wishes of his Zionist masters who put him in office and who control him.
Obama, the "Ultimate War President" is the only US President to attack 5 countries & after only 2 years in office. Obama also involved in "Day of Rage" in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Iran & Bahrain.

Pulling the ultimate con, Obama receives peace prize but quietly attacks 5 countries & escalates the Middle East conflicts. Maddow assist in the slight of hand con, claiming that Obama is not pounding his chest so these wars are ok because they are not started by the evil Bush. Obama talks the talk but does not walk the walk.

- Obama Ordered escalated U.S. Military Strikes on Afghanistan.
- Obama Ordered continued U.S. Military Strikes on Iraq.
- Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strikes on Pakistan.
- Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strikes on Yemen.
- Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strikes on Libya.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Egypt.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Iran.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Tunisia.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Yemen.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Bahrain.

Has the USA ever had a more wartime president?

Shut the fuck up, you pacifist!
Make that five countries and counting. That Obama is a hard ass

Still has quite a ways to go before he catches FDR though

It's not quite the same when all the Axis countries declare war on you first.

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