Obama Planning On Pardoning Thousands Of Criminals

It is ...But as we all know, we cannot stop criminals from committing crimes.

Especially when the drug trade is the only job opportunity in some neighborhoods.

and why is that? why was that not the case 40 years ago? liberalism has created that sector of society by encouraging out of wedlock births and absent fathers. liberalism has created that sector by paying people for not working when they are capable of work.

rather than gifting money to able bodied men and women, how about making them do city and country clean up work in exchange for their welfare payments? even your hero Clinton favored that approach. Why not now? Too demeaning? ------- and taking handouts from the master is not demeaning??? WTF is wrong with you libs?

It was the case 40 years ago. In fact, it was worse 40 years ago.

1973 had higher unemployment and higher violent crime rates nationwide compared to 2013.
It is ...But as we all know, we cannot stop criminals from committing crimes.

Especially when the drug trade is the only job opportunity in some neighborhoods.

and why is that? why was that not the case 40 years ago? liberalism has created that sector of society by encouraging out of wedlock births and absent fathers. liberalism has created that sector by paying people for not working when they are capable of work.

rather than gifting money to able bodied men and women, how about making them do city and country clean up work in exchange for their welfare payments? even your hero Clinton favored that approach. Why not now? Too demeaning? ------- and taking handouts from the master is not demeaning??? WTF is wrong with you libs?


Because someone has to sell drugs to the wealthy kids
I can't believe some of you people are cheering the fact that drug gangs are going to be free to roam the streets again.
I can't believe some of you people are cheering the fact that drug gangs are going to be free to roam the streets again.
Anyone who perpetrated violence should pay a harsh penalty. You could execute all the repeat violent offenders, and gang bangers as far as I care.
Anyone who perpetrated violence should pay a harsh penalty. You could execute all the repeat violent offenders, and gang bangers as far as I care.
I'm guessing it has something to do with our marijuana laws being completely fucking ridiculous and the "State" finally recognizing that. Finally.

Baby steps.

you're not supposed to notice that white suburban kids don't get arrested for pot, but black urban kids do.

Don't fucking kid yourself.
I watched a good friend's younger sister get hauled off to jail for selling pot in the ladies room of our local bar. The sale was a to County Police undercover officer. To make matters more complex, the bar just happened to be in a drug free school zone. Which according to state law required mandatory jail time. No exceptions.
This was the north jersey NYC suburbs.
So don't hand this reverse race crap to the thread. Stow it.
Not a week goes by where there is a news story about cops busting up drug rings in minority neighborhoods after the residents BEGGED for the cops to get in there and make arrests.
The residents interviewed on the report all say roughly the same thing....."it's about time the cops did something"...
So sick of the fucking race card
I would think that liberals would hate Obama letting these people out of jail. After all, in jail they are fed, clothed, sheltered, and looked after. To top it all off, they are all treated the exact same way. Plus, every day is gay pride day in jail.

Instead, they gave them the boot out into the evil job market where they are left to fend for themselves and try to find a job in an Obama economy and where gays are still looked down upon.

Essentially, Obama has condemned them to starvation and neglect and a life time exposure to bigots.
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I can't believe some of you people are cheering the fact that drug gangs are going to be free to roam the streets again.

Put yourself in the shoes of a statist liberal in Washington.

Do you want sane, rational, critical thinking subjects? Or do you want citizens who are misinformed and who rank 48th in the world in terms of public education and probably in a drug induced trance somewhere?

I think the later are much easier to control, don't you?
I can't believe some of you people are cheering the fact that drug gangs are going to be free to roam the streets again.
If you think imprisoning "drug gang" members has the slightest effect on ready availability of drugs you are naïve, or badly misinformed, or both. The fact is competition in the illegal drug trade is intensive, from the highest levels of production and wholesale trafficking to street-corner distribution. Eliminating participants at any level in the trade simply makes room for replacements who are eagerly waiting to step in.

When the annual "Big Drug Bust" is televised, showcasing a ton of various substances along with an arsenal of guns and a pile of cash, it is pure theater and it doesn't interrupt the normal flow of drugs to street level for more than a day, if that. Every bit of it is readily and easily replaced, including the dozen or more dealers arrested in the "big raid."

There isn't just one drug cartel, there are several -- and they routinely rat on each other. When one is busted another takes its place. When Jim Johnson who hustles crack on the corner of Tenth Street is busted, Jose Gonzales is soon serving Johnson's former customers on the corner of Ninth Street. And John Smith is ready to step in on Eighth Street if Jose is popped.

The simple fact is illegal drugs are more available today than they were in 1982 when Ronald Reagan saw fit to escalate Nixon's War on Drugs. They cost less and availability has never been interrupted for more than a few hours. The cost to the taxpayers for this utterly corrupt and wholly counterproductive charade hovers around a trillion dollars, along with the millions of lives it has taken or ruined.
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Imbeciles...'equality' is a contrived myth, the main problem being that people are UNEQUAL

Equality is no contrived myth.

. Equal pay for women doing the same work as men. We have had that for many years.
. Married women allowed to work, as men are [in my non-US state when I started in the workforce, married women were not allowed to work].So? They cut the noses off of female adulterers in some places too. Why is that our fault?
. Women allowed to be clergy. That's up to the religion, not the state. We don't have state control over religion in this country.
. A Black President...Black people not having to sit at the back of the bus any longer, allowed to select any seat. Sounds like you are still in the 1960s.
. The vote for women...19th Amendment. ...or earlier.
. Gay people allowed to marry.
There was no law to prevent them from it. There was no state recognition of it since people didn't/don't want marriage laws to include it. You don't get to define marriage for everybody else.
Imbeciles...'equality' is a contrived myth, the main problem being that people are UNEQUAL

Equality is no contrived myth.

. Equal pay for women doing the same work as men. We have had that for many years.
. Married women allowed to work, as men are [in my non-US state when I started in the workforce, married women were not allowed to work].So? They cut the noses off of female adulterers in some places too. Why is that our fault?
. Women allowed to be clergy. That's up to the religion, not the state. We don't have state control over religion in this country.
. A Black President...Black people not having to sit at the back of the bus any longer, allowed to select any seat. Sounds like you are still in the 1960s.
. The vote for women...19th Amendment. ...or earlier.
. Gay people allowed to marry.
There was no law to prevent them from it. There was no state recognition of it since people didn't/don't want marriage laws to include it. You don't get to define marriage for everybody else.

No, YOU don't get to define it for everyone else. That's what ya'll are so pissed about. You're not the ones making the definitions and now that definition includes "the gheys". You don't feel special anymore. Boo fucking hoo.
What America really needs are federally controlled meth markets, cocaine convience stores, pot pavilions, and heroin houses......for the people !
before they let these Criminals loose on us they will have people in the jails to sign them for welfare because there isn't enough jobs for us let alone them and the millions of illegal immigrants they plan on giving special treatment over YOU

my gawd save us from these people, and I mean the ones in this administration.
before they let these Criminals loose on us they will have people in the jails to sign them for welfare because there isn't enough jobs for us let alone them and the millions of illegal immigrants they plan on giving special treatment over YOU

my gawd save us from these people, and I mean the ones in this administration.

Welfare is cheaper than prison
before they let these Criminals loose on us they will have people in the jails to sign them for welfare because there isn't enough jobs for us let alone them and the millions of illegal immigrants they plan on giving special treatment over YOU

my gawd save us from these people, and I mean the ones in this administration.

Welfare is cheaper than prison

Quality education is cheaper than both.
before they let these Criminals loose on us they will have people in the jails to sign them for welfare because there isn't enough jobs for us let alone them and the millions of illegal immigrants they plan on giving special treatment over YOU

my gawd save us from these people, and I mean the ones in this administration.

Welfare is cheaper than prison

So is Capital Punishment.....
Equality is no contrived myth.

. Equal pay for women doing the same work as men. We have had that for many years.
. Married women allowed to work, as men are [in my non-US state when I started in the workforce, married women were not allowed to work].So? They cut the noses off of female adulterers in some places too. Why is that our fault?
. Women allowed to be clergy. That's up to the religion, not the state. We don't have state control over religion in this country.
. A Black President...Black people not having to sit at the back of the bus any longer, allowed to select any seat. Sounds like you are still in the 1960s.
. The vote for women...19th Amendment. ...or earlier.
. Gay people allowed to marry.
There was no law to prevent them from it. There was no state recognition of it since people didn't/don't want marriage laws to include it. You don't get to define marriage for everybody else.

No, YOU don't get to define it for everyone else. That's what ya'll are so pissed about. You're not the ones making the definitions and now that definition includes "the gheys". You don't feel special anymore. Boo fucking hoo.
I'm not pissed, you're an emotional basketcase and chronic liar. The majority should decide, not me or you. Most states do not recognize gay marriage and may never. So take your hysterical bullshit someplace else.

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