Obama Planning On Pardoning Thousands Of Criminals

Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world (743 per 100,000 population), Russia has the second highest rate (577 per 100,000), followed by Rwanda (561 per 100,000).[8] As of year-end 2009 the USA rate was 743 adults incarcerated in prisons and jails per 100,000 population.[5][8] At year-end 2007 the United States had less than 5% of the world's population[32] and 23.4% of the world's prison and jail population (adult inmates).[9]

It does not appear that our justice system is working. Build more prisons!

Funny you should mention these other countries.
First, what makes you think those numbers are accurate? Second, China has one the worst records on human rights... I see that country is missing for your list.
I can tell you why places such as Russia and China are do not appear on you list.
Because they don't coddle their worst offenders with prison. They execute them.

I don't know about you, but count me out for executing non-violent drug users.

I neither stated nor implied that I supported such things. We have the 8th Amendment's 'cruel and unusual punishment' clause.
I merely pointed out that the statistics provided may be skewed due to human rights violations and severe punishments meted out in other nations.
Why the knee jerk reaction to my post? Is your cherry picker working that well?
We have more people in prison than any other nation on earth. Mostly because of archaic drug laws that do not work

As a taxpayer, I am tired of paying to keep nonviolent offenders in prison. Time to start asking....is that really where they belong?

that is because other nations execute their criminals, especially murderers, the U.S. with our constant never ending appeals process will allow for more criminals in prison and fewer taking the "dirt nap". :up:

We are one of the only first-world countries in the world with the death penalty.

Your post is the opposite of true.
WHAT?....Your inability to be truthful is evident with that post.
Imbeciles...'equality' is a contrived myth, the main problem being that people are UNEQUAL

Equality is no contrived myth.

. Equal pay for women doing the same work as men.
. Married women allowed to work, as men are [in my non-US state when I started in the workforce, married women were not allowed to work].
. Women allowed to be clergy.
. A Black President...Black people not having to sit at the back of the bus any longer, allowed to select any seat.
. The vote for women...19th Amendment.
. Gay people allowed to marry.
We don't have the money for education or healthcare.........but we always find the money for more prisons
You refuse to address the problem of what to do with convicted felons if prison is no longer an option.
This is one of these "horse to water" issues.
No matter the process, we either spend a ton of money incarcerating people or we spend a ton of money on trying to educate the unwilling.
The problem is the lack of morality in the criminal mind. A criminal will always BE a criminal.
So whether we throw them into prison or offer them a free college education( which has been suggested and even tried) they will always have a propensity to return to criminal behavior.
College behind bars: Cuomo plan expands on programs that give inmates a second chance

I think this is a fairly good idea in theory, but in practice it stinks.
The reason is simple. Let's see, bust your butt scraping together the cash to pay for college, have to hold down a job AND go to school. Or become a criminal, get convicted and receive that education free of charge.
Ok, I'll bite. On one condition. That upon graduation and release from prison, the former inmate pays back EVERY DIME of the cost of the degree.
This way, everybody wins. Deal?
that must be why they wanted more gun control on the people

they plan on unleashing 1000 of criminals on you and where you live

this administration is evil
A 2008 New York Times article[38] points out:

Still, it is the length of sentences that truly distinguishes American prison policy. Indeed, the mere number of sentences imposed here would not place the United States at the top of the incarceration lists. If lists were compiled based on annual admissions to prison per capita, several European countries would outpace the United States. But American prison stays are much longer, so the total incarceration rate is higher. … "Rises and falls in Canada's crime rate have closely paralleled America's for 40 years," Mr. Tonry wrote last year. "But its imprisonment rate has remained stable."

just think how much money we could save if we brought back the whipping post and the stocks. No need for any prisons at all

first offense------10 lashes and 24 hours in the stocks

second offense-----100 lashes and a week in the stocks

third offense------bullet in the brain.

no prisons, very low crime rate, billions saved. Ready RW?

Or even better

We can put an end to those stupid "Three Strikes" rules
Three strikes at a minor offense is still a minor offense

It is us taxpayers who are paying to keep these guys in prison. There are much better ways to spend our tax dollars

It is ...But as we all know, we cannot stop criminals from committing crimes.
that must be why they wanted more gun control on the people

they plan on unleashing 1000 of criminals on you and where you live

this administration is evil

I don't want to alarm you, but I hear a couple hundred will be placed in your neighborhood. Obama has been reading your posts
just think how much money we could save if we brought back the whipping post and the stocks. No need for any prisons at all

first offense------10 lashes and 24 hours in the stocks

second offense-----100 lashes and a week in the stocks

third offense------bullet in the brain.

no prisons, very low crime rate, billions saved. Ready RW?

Or even better

We can put an end to those stupid "Three Strikes" rules
Three strikes at a minor offense is still a minor offense

It is us taxpayers who are paying to keep these guys in prison. There are much better ways to spend our tax dollars

It is ...But as we all know, we cannot stop criminals from committing crimes.

Especially when the drug trade is the only job opportunity in some neighborhoods.
We don't have the money for education or healthcare.........but we always find the money for more prisons
You refuse to address the problem of what to do with convicted felons if prison is no longer an option.
This is one of these "horse to water" issues.
No matter the process, we either spend a ton of money incarcerating people or we spend a ton of money on trying to educate the unwilling.
The problem is the lack of morality in the criminal mind. A criminal will always BE a criminal.
So whether we throw them into prison or offer them a free college education( which has been suggested and even tried) they will always have a propensity to return to criminal behavior.
College behind bars: Cuomo plan expands on programs that give inmates a second chance

I think this is a fairly good idea in theory, but in practice it stinks.
The reason is simple. Let's see, bust your butt scraping together the cash to pay for college, have to hold down a job AND go to school. Or become a criminal, get convicted and receive that education free of charge.
Ok, I'll bite. On one condition. That upon graduation and release from prison, the former inmate pays back EVERY DIME of the cost of the degree.
This way, everybody wins. Deal?
Are you comparing a prison cell block to a college dorm? Like anyone thinks, "Why should I go to college when I can just go to prison?" Rethink that position.

I've even heard Conservatives try to argue that it's just going to teach criminals how to be smarter criminals so that they won't get caught again. That almost sounds logical until you bother to think about it at all. Prisons aren't college campuses. They're prisons with real criminals. A stoner stuck in a prison with a murderer is going to have to worry about a hell of a lot more than just his GPA.
that must be why they wanted more gun control on the people

they plan on unleashing 1000 of criminals on you and where you live

this administration is evil

More gun control on the people? LOL!

Virtually any American can own pretty much as many firearms as he or she wants. They can have rifles, shotguns, semiautomatic rifles, semiautomatic pistols, and revolvers of various sizes, makes, and models. In fact, there are few if any restrictions with the exception of fully automatic weapons which are still legal to own under certain circumstances.
Or even better

We can put an end to those stupid "Three Strikes" rules
Three strikes at a minor offense is still a minor offense

It is us taxpayers who are paying to keep these guys in prison. There are much better ways to spend our tax dollars

How many strikes do you propose we give to a repeat offender? 5? 10? 100?

I don't care

5, 10 or a hundred strikes at a minor offense is still a minor offense
No...That's not practical. BY this logic, you advocate thumbing one's nose at the law.
We cannot have that and expect a reasonably civilized society.
Property crimes are non violent. So how do we deal with these criminals. Let them break into our homes with impunity with no expectation of ever paying for their crimes?
So what's the solution? I come home and find half my stuff missing and go "oh well. Can't put them into jail. RW says no prison time for non violent offenders."
And when crook finally breaks into the wrong house and gets a tunnel bl;own through his head, then what? You come after me because YOU say he's a non violent criminal?
Again, I ask you for your solution.
that must be why they wanted more gun control on the people

they plan on unleashing 1000 of criminals on you and where you live

this administration is evil

Fast & Furious was a bust.

This is the quickest way to set up more gun violence. At the very least they won't be able to get a job, which leads either to more crime or more welfare.

Get as many potential perps on the street as possible.

Plausible Deniability.

Meanwhile, encourage them to vote.....Democrat of course.
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Then the RWNs will put them back in jail when they get the WH .. Oh yeah, they aren't going to get the WH ever again.

Why do you bother posting?
Why not keep people guessing rather than speak( post) and leave no doubt as to your limited intellectual capacity.
Or even better

We can put an end to those stupid "Three Strikes" rules
Three strikes at a minor offense is still a minor offense

It is us taxpayers who are paying to keep these guys in prison. There are much better ways to spend our tax dollars

It is ...But as we all know, we cannot stop criminals from committing crimes.

Especially when the drug trade is the only job opportunity in some neighborhoods.

and why is that? why was that not the case 40 years ago? liberalism has created that sector of society by encouraging out of wedlock births and absent fathers. liberalism has created that sector by paying people for not working when they are capable of work.

rather than gifting money to able bodied men and women, how about making them do city and country clean up work in exchange for their welfare payments? even your hero Clinton favored that approach. Why not now? Too demeaning? ------- and taking handouts from the master is not demeaning??? WTF is wrong with you libs?
Prisons are for people who hurt other people. And the argument that "dope dealers" contribute to harm is made moot by the existence of the tobacco and liquor industries.

There is no question that unconstrained capitalism inevitably will begin to feed on itself, a circumstance which is plainly manifest in the privatized prison system wherein some judges already have been convicted of accepting bribes to imprison minor offenders who under normal circumstances would not, and should not, have been confined. There is something clearly perverse about deriving a profit by punishing others.

The War on Drugs and its inevitable consequences is and always has been a goddam shame and it is getting worse! What Obama is doing is a good thing but it's taken him long enough to get around to addressing this critical issue.
There is no escaping the fact that alcohol, and tobacco are drugs with harmful societal, and individual effects, and should be inclusive to any substance abuse conversation regarding legality.

I agree that profit will equal abuse pursuant to incarceration; greed will thrive. The incarcerated are at a disadvantage; an easy target for injustice - if you want more of something - reward it!

I am unsure what Obama actually is considering - him being a proven lying ideologue? :eusa_pray:

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