Obama Planning On Pardoning Thousands Of Criminals

You liberals need to understand that life is not fair, that we live in a capitalist society. Money influences power, and power controls money; the more money you have, the better you are treated. If you are poor, and black - tough shit. Do the best you can with what you have - it is sufficient! Capitalism, and life itself is incongruent with fairness! See my sig. When you attempt to redistribute, you impede capitalism which floats many boats.

Any exonerations should not be done unilaterally; by pardon. I can see it now: there will be blacks with crack offenses let go while whites with powder offences serve full sentences! Will that make you stupid fucking liberals happy?

The above perfectly sums up the current mindset of the right wing.
If you don't like capitalism - get the fuck out. My statement is a simple truth :eusa_hand:

well lookie here, repukaloids

It’s an odd couple: Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, a leader in the tea party movement, and Democratic Attorney General Eric Holder,

Despite their differences, the pair have formed a united front on the issue of eliminating mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent drug offenders, according to The New York Times.

In 2010, Congress voted to change a 1986 law that disproportionately landed thousands of black offenders in prison for crack cocaine convictions while their mostly white counterparts nabbed with powder cocaine received more lenient terms. The disparity between the sentencing for the two drugs was reduced. The original law was enacted in the 1980s, when crack cocaine became a national epidemic.

As a result, according to The Times, black Americans are disproportionately represented in prisons. Both Holder and Paul want this remedied. Paul is supporting a bill, also supported by Holder and President Barack Obama, which is also sponsored by some of the most liberal Democrats in the chamber, Patrick Leahy of Vermont and Richard Durbin of Illinois.

Libertarian-leaning members of the GOP say hefty prison terms are "an ineffective and expensive way to address crime," The Times reported, and thus the bill also has the backing of other tea party leaders, such as Ted Cruz of Texas and Utah’s Mike Lee.

Paul predicts the bill will pass with support from at least half the Republicans in the Senate.

What does that have to do with Obama releasing thousands of violent predators back into society.

Since when is the criminal justice system subject to racial or ethnic quotas?

Obama and Eric Holder have decided that the courts aren't working the way they like, so they intend on pardoning thousands of criminals in the next couple of years. ]

Didn't the Bunkerville protestors decide that they too didn't like how the courts were working...since they were protesting the enforcement of a valid court order?

If they are releasing non-violent drug crimes.....fine. Weed accounts for most of them, and it should be legal.

This is a step to more freedom by Obama. I agree with it. Less people behind bars = A good thing.
So you want Obama to pick, and choose like who the IRS goes after. If you pardon scores of individuals, then you must pardon all similarly situated, or it is a travesty!

One big problem regarding a large confinement exodus is there are no jobs, and the bait of a lucrative lifestyle is still realized with drugs remaining illicit. If you forgive a crime, it will only encourage more. We need to make all drugs legal, and make these people pursue other avenues of profit. Hopefully they will be forced into a legitimate lifestyle. Those who choose to victimize others alternatively - should be dealt with harshly!
You may think this is fucked up but it's not nearly as fucked up as a country full of knee-jerk mandatory lengthy sentences for non violent offenses. Really the only people who should be upset are cheerleaders for the private for-profit prison industry. The courts have been feeding them a steady stream of inmates for a long time, it's time the pendulum swung back.
Mandatory sentencing guidelines were borne out of the frustration with activist judges either doling sentences deemed too harsh or too lenient.
These guidelines and laws took the discretion of sentencing away from jurists.
IMO, bad law all the way around.
Now, what frightens me is your conclusion that a pendulum even exists and where it will swing.
Would you care to explain just what "it's time the pendulum swings back" means?
Are you implying that NO prison time for those convicted?
Are you implying that you believe rehabilitation works? Because I will tell you that the rate of recidivism is well over 50%.
You had better be careful what you wish for because in some cultures, a prison term is a red badge of courage. Making it easier for convicted criminals to be moved out of incarceration only goes to place the general public in danger.
I do not know why the complaining. Compared to other countries, we coddle our criminals.
Now, here's the deal....You can have your pendulum...But if you become a victim of one of these people, don't go whining to your elected officials.
And if people who no longer care about these stupid laws which make it illegal to protect one's self from becoming a victim of crime start being ignored, you have no right to complain.
Now, this is not a debate over "do you think a guy who gets caught selling a couple of rocks of crack for the third time belongs in prison for life".
My point goes directly to violent predatory offenders who if given the opportunity will victimize others again and again. They are career criminals and deserve the sympathy of no one. Let them rot where they are.

Just answer my questions. That's all. This is not a debate.
We have more people in prison than any other nation on earth. Mostly because of archaic drug laws that do not work

As a taxpayer, I am tired of paying to keep nonviolent offenders in prison. Time to start asking....is that really where they belong?

Where do they belong?
They've been convicted of crimes.
Is it your assertion that they should be set free as though they did nothing wrong? Are you implying that illicit narcotics and their use should be legalized?
On the other hand, if you are willing to stipulate that these people are in violation and are considered criminals then I am willing to entertain ideas regarding creative sentencing.
In other words, instead of putting these people in a prison cell, let them work off their sentence. Let them perform a few years of community service.
I will ask though, how is it that we can guarantee they comply without the the aspect of confinement?
We have more people in prison than any other nation on earth. Mostly because of archaic drug laws that do not work

As a taxpayer, I am tired of paying to keep nonviolent offenders in prison. Time to start asking....is that really where they belong?

Yeah, let's get em out in the streets.....

What do you get when you have more criminals on the streets?

Answer: More crime.
The for-profit prison industry thanks you for your support.

That is not a response. You have offered no proof that the prison systems of the states are for profit.
The question you must answer is, do you believe it is prudent to put the general public at risk by releasing criminals back into society?
Since non-violent drug users will be pardoned and we'll have more prison room, let's at least convict Colin Powell for lying the country into an unjustifiable, unwinnable war. We'll start with Powell and move up from there. We can even waterboard him to find out who gave him those terrible, illegal orders.
Yeah, let's get em out in the streets.....

What do you get when you have more criminals on the streets?

Answer: More crime.
The for-profit prison industry thanks you for your support.

That is not a response. You have offered no proof that the prison systems of the states are for profit.
The question you must answer is, do you believe it is prudent to put the general public at risk by releasing criminals back into society?
Do you support lifetime imprisonment for non-violent drug offenses? If so, then you need to go fuck yourself very hard.
I can see it now: there will be blacks with crack offenses let go while whites with powder offences serve full sentences! Will that make you stupid fucking liberals happy?

You seem eager to invent things and then believe them.

What if someone who was caught with 3 grams of crack is serving a sentence of 10 years while someone who was caught with the same amount of cocaine is serving 2 years? Stipulating no other criminal differences between the two convicts, would it be as outrageous as you want to believe if the crack guy has served 5 years and is let go while the cocaine guy is made to serve his full 2 years?

That is what is actually at issue here. It appears criminals caught with crack are given harsher sentences than criminals caught with cocaine. The DOJ, under Holder, is looking into whether this perception is true, and if it has any racial bias.
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Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world (743 per 100,000 population), Russia has the second highest rate (577 per 100,000), followed by Rwanda (561 per 100,000).[8] As of year-end 2009 the USA rate was 743 adults incarcerated in prisons and jails per 100,000 population.[5][8] At year-end 2007 the United States had less than 5% of the world's population[32] and 23.4% of the world's prison and jail population (adult inmates).[9]

It does not appear that our justice system is working. Build more prisons!

Funny you should mention these other countries.
First, what makes you think those numbers are accurate? Second, China has one the worst records on human rights... I see that country is missing for your list.
I can tell you why places such as Russia and China are do not appear on you list.
Because they don't coddle their worst offenders with prison. They execute them.
Fuck you too...........

What do you expect when you wear your ignorance like it's some kind of a Boy Scout Merit Badge?

Hey now, he worked his ass off to be that ignorant. My God, man, he had to ignore literally dozens of mainstream sites to get here. Have some respect.

Ignorance is not necessarily something to be ashamed of...as long as it's not willful ignorance. Even educated people can be duped occasionally. But when that happens, as a general rule, people learn to be less gullible or naive in the future. I mean, after all, even a dog learns from one interaction with a porcupine or a skunk so that he won't repeat the mistake in the future. But I see this kind of nonsense from Mudwhistle all the time.

What that makes me wonder is whether this can be innocent ignorance or is it something else? My sense is that it's something else. Either it's:

A. partisan stupidity (and I certainly can't rule that out), or it's
B. an attempt to stir the pot, or perhaps it's
C. a ploy to sway opinion by offering what is essentially propaganda.

It's that third option kind of ploy that I find to be so ignorant, because it almost always fails in the end, and it destroys any credibility you might have in the process. So, how does that help someone achieve his or her goal when they serve up a story that's so fundamentally disingenuous as to garner that kind of reaction from people whose opinions you might ultimately fail to sway in this or any other debate? That is truly ignorant because it's self-defeating.
Incarceration in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The United States has the highest documented incarceration rate in the world (743 per 100,000 population), Russia has the second highest rate (577 per 100,000), followed by Rwanda (561 per 100,000).[8] As of year-end 2009 the USA rate was 743 adults incarcerated in prisons and jails per 100,000 population.[5][8] At year-end 2007 the United States had less than 5% of the world's population[32] and 23.4% of the world's prison and jail population (adult inmates).[9]

It does not appear that our justice system is working. Build more prisons!

Funny you should mention these other countries.
First, what makes you think those numbers are accurate? Second, China has one the worst records on human rights... I see that country is missing for your list.
I can tell you why places such as Russia and China are do not appear on you list.
Because they don't coddle their worst offenders with prison. They execute them.

I don't know about you, but count me out for executing non-violent drug users.
Dump their convicted asses on the streets of chicago, detroit and dc.... Let those forward thinking communities reap the benefits ...
I can see it now: there will be blacks with crack offenses let go while whites with powder offences serve full sentences! Will that make you stupid fucking liberals happy?

You seem eager to invent things and then believe them.

What if someone who was caught with 3 grams of crack is serving a sentence of 10 years while someone who was caught with the same amount of cocaine is serving 2 years? Would it be as outrageous as you want to believe if the crack guy has served 5 years and is let go while the cocaine guy is made to serve his full 2 years?

That is what is actually at issue here. It appears criminals caught with crack are given harsher sentences than criminals caught with cocaine. Holder and Obama are looking into whether this perception is true, and if it has any racial bias.

Anecdotal - so take it for what it is worth - but my buddy who is a D.A. says that is exactly what happens. The thinking was that the price of cocaine would keep abuse down, but crack is apparently a lot cheaper so they had to come up with a different deterrent.
I can see it now: there will be blacks with crack offenses let go while whites with powder offences serve full sentences! Will that make you stupid fucking liberals happy?

You seem eager to invent things and then believe them.

What if someone who was caught with 3 grams of crack is serving a sentence of 10 years while someone who was caught with the same amount of cocaine is serving 2 years? Would it be as outrageous as you want to believe if the crack guy has served 5 years and is let go while the cocaine guy is made to serve his full 2 years?

That is what is actually at issue here. It appears criminals caught with crack are given harsher sentences than criminals caught with cocaine. Holder and Obama are looking into whether this perception is true, and if it has any racial bias.

Anecdotal - so take it for what it is worth - but my buddy who is a D.A. says that is exactly what happens. The thinking was that the price of cocaine would keep abuse down, but crack is apparently a lot cheaper so they had to come up with a different deterrent.

If crack is a lot cheaper than cocaine, then it stands to reason that crack will be more accessible to the poor than cocaine. Since blacks are overrepresented in the lower income strata, the result of going along with your D.A. friend's way of thinking would be that blacks would suffer the longer incarcerations disproportionately.
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Anecdotal - so take it for what it is worth - but my buddy who is a D.A. says that is exactly what happens. The thinking was that the price of cocaine would keep abuse down, but crack is apparently a lot cheaper so they had to come up with a different deterrent.
Yeah, bullshit. The thinking was that cheaper crack is more available in poor black communities, so longer sentences put more blacks away for longer while rich white douchebags like politicians and stock traders who go through thousands of dollars worth of powder coke are free to not worry about so many poor black people being on the streets. That is the only reason for the differences in sentencing. It was all racist from the start.

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