Obama Planning On Pardoning Thousands Of Criminals

This "other countries think we are barbarians" meme about the death penalty is something anti-death penalty people tell themselves that sounds nice but probably has zero basis in fact. It's something they want to believe and so they just believe it.

"We're as evil as North Korea." That's old school left wing moral equivalency bullshit. We don't execute people for trying to flee the country or for criticizing our leaders.

It's anti-death penalty people stroking themselves.

As for the topic, I do believe there is something seriously broken in our justice system and that there should be at least a moratorium on the death penalty until it is fixed. Too many people on death row have been found to be innocent.

The death penalty is not really working right anyway.

There also appears to be some skewing in drug sentencing that should also be examined and, if an actual problem is found, fixed.
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Did anyone bother to point out to the OP that Obama pardoned far fewer in his first term than did his predecessors, and that's not necessarily a good thing?

Only so he could have something for the left to crow about....

Besides, he let out hundreds during the sequester, so those can't be called official pardons....

He's about to let out possibly thousands of them now
Did anyone bother to point out to the OP that Obama pardoned far fewer in his first term than did his predecessors, and that's not necessarily a good thing?

Only so he could have something for the left to crow about....

Besides, he let out hundreds during the sequester, so those can't be called official pardons....

He's about to let out possibly thousands of them now

He released illegal immigrants during the sequester. He did not pardon anyone.
It should be noted this "Obamaz gonta pardun crimnelz!" rumor is reputedly based entirely on a single anonymous low-level flack.

A single source. The jackass who wrote it didn't even get a confirmation. This is hack jounalism at its worst.

And there is a difference between a pardon and a commutation. Nothing Obama has said or done up to the present indicates he believes crack convictions should be pardoned. He has indicated he believes crack convictions are more harshly sentenced than cocaine convictions. That's a big difference from saying they should be pardoned.

Lots of leaps to bogus conclusions in the flood of topics about this today.
Did anyone bother to point out to the OP that Obama pardoned far fewer in his first term than did his predecessors, and that's not necessarily a good thing?

Only so he could have something for the left to crow about....

Besides, he let out hundreds during the sequester, so those can't be called official pardons....

He's about to let out possibly thousands of them now

He released illegal immigrants during the sequester. He did not pardon anyone.

Released from jail......prisoners in other words.....
It should be noted this "Obamaz gonta pardun crimnelz!" rumor is reputedly based entirely on a single anonymous low-level flack.

A single source. The jackass who wrote it didn't even get a confirmation. This is hack jounalism at its worst.

And there is a difference between a pardon and a commutation. Nothing Obama has said or done up to the present indicates he believes crack convictions should be pardoned. He has indicated he believes crack convictions are more harshly sentenced than cocaine convictions. That's a big difference from saying they should be pardoned.

Lots of leaps to bogus conclusions in the flood of topics about this today.

Keep tellin yourself that numb-nuts......
Only so he could have something for the left to crow about....

Besides, he let out hundreds during the sequester, so those can't be called official pardons....

He's about to let out possibly thousands of them now

He released illegal immigrants during the sequester. He did not pardon anyone.

Released from jail......prisoners in other words.....

To be pardoned, you have to be tried and convicted.
It should be noted this "Obamaz gonta pardun crimnelz!" rumor is reputedly based entirely on a single anonymous low-level flack.

A single source. The jackass who wrote it didn't even get a confirmation. This is hack jounalism at its worst.

And there is a difference between a pardon and a commutation. Nothing Obama has said or done up to the present indicates he believes crack convictions should be pardoned. He has indicated he believes crack convictions are more harshly sentenced than cocaine convictions. That's a big difference from saying they should be pardoned.

Lots of leaps to bogus conclusions in the flood of topics about this today.

Keep tellin yourself that numb-nuts......

I know how much you like to guzzle piss, but I hope you remember it was explained to you that this will most likely result in commutations more than pardons.
We have more people in prison than any other nation on earth. Mostly because of archaic drug laws that do not work

As a taxpayer, I am tired of paying to keep nonviolent offenders in prison. Time to start asking....is that really where they belong?

that is because other nations execute their criminals, especially murderers, the U.S. with our constant never ending appeals process will allow for more criminals in prison and fewer taking the "dirt nap". :up:

We are one of the only first-world countries in the world with the death penalty.

Your post is the opposite of true.
We have more people in prison than any other nation on earth. Mostly because of archaic drug laws that do not work

As a taxpayer, I am tired of paying to keep nonviolent offenders in prison. Time to start asking....is that really where they belong?

that is because other nations execute their criminals, especially murderers, the U.S. with our constant never ending appeals process will allow for more criminals in prison and fewer taking the "dirt nap". :up:

We are one of the only first-world countries in the world with the death penalty.

Your post is the opposite of true.

It probably costs more money to execute somebody than it does to keep them in prison for life.

Keeping them in prison for life is, IMO, worse than executing them, too.

I'd rather be dead than spend the rest of my life in prison.
It should be noted this "Obamaz gonta pardun crimnelz!" rumor is reputedly based entirely on a single anonymous low-level flack.

A single source. The jackass who wrote it didn't even get a confirmation. This is hack jounalism at its worst.

And there is a difference between a pardon and a commutation. Nothing Obama has said or done up to the present indicates he believes crack convictions should be pardoned. He has indicated he believes crack convictions are more harshly sentenced than cocaine convictions. That's a big difference from saying they should be pardoned.

Lots of leaps to bogus conclusions in the flood of topics about this today.

Keep tellin yourself that numb-nuts......

I know how much you like to guzzle piss, but I hope you remember it was explained to you that this will most likely result in commutations more than pardons.

Same same.

Letting loose criminals.

Obama thinks they aren't criminals, so it'll be a commutation of their sentences....
I'm guessing it has something to do with our marijuana laws being completely fucking ridiculous and the "State" finally recognizing that. Finally.

Baby steps.

you're not supposed to notice that white suburban kids don't get arrested for pot, but black urban kids do.

Yeah, it's racist maaaaan.
The article if read, discusses the slow snails pace of the Office of Pardons and the need to implement a better system. How wealthy people recieve more pardons than those without the funds to hire expensive lawyers for representation...

Obama and Eric Holder have decided that the courts aren't working the way they like, so they intend on pardoning thousands of criminals in the next couple of years. Perhaps these criminals will make something of themselves, or they just may start shooting and robbing people.

One can only hope.

Maybe they can give them back their voting rights too.

Liz Goodwin of Yahoo News has just released a report about the executive pardoning system in Washington, and it looks like Obama’s getting set up to start cranking out clemency.

Goodwin reported that a senior official within the administration told her that with the way Obama and Holder are trying to revamp the system that “hundreds, perhaps thousands” of non-violent drug offenders could be pardoned by the President.

The report also said that during his second term Obama has spent time with his Attorney General looking in to the Office of the Pardon Attorney and how it appears to “reflexively reject” many petitions for a pardon. He and Holder are trying to devise a system that can more effectively handle large numbers of requests as a result.

She found that Holder has already composed a memo that describes a “more robust use of the pardon power” as an attempt to reform the criminal justice system, which both men believe to be inherently racist. To help enact their plan, Holder has requested seven new aides for his office and Obama has personally met with the attorneys within the Pardon Office to tell them to end the practice of rejecting pardon petitions so easily.

Obama is no stranger to letting criminals out of jail. Back when Congress failed to reach a deal and there was a temporary shutdown of the government he authorized the release of thousands of illegal aliens, and he’s also repeatedly made the claim that sentencing guidelines are racially biased to punish black offenders more harshly. So one could only expect that with this new streamlined process and nothing to lose by not facing reelection in 2016 that he’ll be passing out pardons as if it were going out of style. Obama And Holder To Pardon ?Thousands? Of Criminals : TellMeNow.com

You need to read this book (assuming you read books, that is).

title With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law is Used to Destroy Equality and Protect the Powerful

The alternative is that you can allow yourself to be manipulated by some politicians who run on a law and order platform. Many of those politicians essentially con people into paying higher taxes to incarcerate nonviolent offenders at a high cost to the tax payer while the families of the incarcerated offenders might just end up on public assistance which costs you even MORE money because the primary breadwinner is not out earning a living, supporting his family, and paying taxes.

So, I say to you that you should make a choice. Either release nonviolent offenders who probably shouldn't be in prison in the first place and save a boat load of tax dollars in the process, or accept the status quo and keep your yap shut about wasteful gov't spending.
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