Obama Prepared for a Potential Pandemic. Trump Gutted His Work.

We're 8 months into the Biden administration and nothing has changed for the better since Trump left. No new treatments, no better vaccines. Hospitals are becoming overwhelmed and yet I don't see the emergency capacity that Trump built coming from Beijing's bitch. All we get is more fearmongering and mandates from team Biden.
The left can't defend Biden's FAILURE so they deflect to Trump. Watch me bitch slap these fools...

Okay Dems why didn't your hundreds of Dem leaders prepare hmmm? Are you seriously claiming the responsibility for preparing for a global pandemic was on one guys shoulders? Please link us to your Dem leaders sounding the alarm and preparing for a pandemic. Cue the crickets.
We're 8 months into the Biden administration and nothing has changed for the better since Trump left. No new treatments, no better vaccines. Hospitals are becoming overwhelmed and yet I don't see the emergency capacity that Trump built coming from Beijing's bitch. All we get is more fearmongering and mandates from team Biden.

This is better.... right?



democrats are fucking animals.....
What does that have to do with Trump's failure to handle the pandemic after President Obama had laid the groundwork?

From the OP:

Obama and his administration did see it coming, thanks in large part to their experiences with the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) and 2014 Ebola outbreaks. Taking what they learned from those public health crises, the Obama administration sought to prepare Trump and his aides for the next pandemic. The current president, however, spent the first three years of his administration undermining and ignoring those pandemic preparedness efforts; he also ignored warnings from experts during the first three months of the coronavirus outbreak.

Keep in mind that Obama’s handling of the swine flu was borderline criminal. He was fortunate that it wasn’t near as deadly and the infection rate was much lower. Also, many over 60 likely had some natural immunity to H1N1. Almost 61 million were infected with H1N1 in the US with 12k deaths. That is a .02% death rate. According to the numbers provided by the CDC, to date, the death rate of COVID-19 in the US is 5.6%.(630k deaths vs 114m infected) In other words, the death rate of COVID-19 , if you believe the numbers, is 275 times greater than that of H1N1. If COVID-19 had surfaced under Obama’s watch, using these numbers and giving Obama the benefit of the doubt that he would have managed the spread of COVID better than he did with H1N1, 6.3 million people in the US would have died thus far. Yeah, Obama was brilliant because that is what you have been told. The numbers however, don’t lie.
Obama created a playbook for the illegal, immoral, and patently unconstitutional involvement of the US Government into the healthcare of American citizens and Trump ignored it?

Sounds like we should be applauding Mr Trump not attacking him.

Trump has insisted that no one could have seen the coronavirus coming. His predecessor did.​

To really understand how Trump has failed the American people, it’s important to take a look back at how the previous administration handled the threat of a pandemic.

In December 2014, then-President Barack Obama warned that the United States needed to prepare for an upcoming pandemic.

In a speech to members of the National Institutes of Health—which came only a short time after the Ebola outbreak had threatened to spread worldwide—Obama emphasized the importance of building a public health infrastructure to combat the next pandemic.

“There may and likely will come a time in which we have both an airborne disease that is deadly,” Obama said. “And in order for us to deal with that effectively, we have to put in place an infrastructure—not just here at home, but globally—that allows us to see it quickly, isolate it quickly, respond to it quickly, so that if and when a new strain of flu like the Spanish flu crops up five years from now or a decade from now, we’ve made the investment and we’re further along to be able to catch it.”

Then Came the Trump Administration...

The details of what Trump did are in the above link. It's worth reading for those who care about the facts leading up to this pandemic. The Trump administration also famously disbanded the Obama National Security Council team focused on pandemic preparedness.

Fauci, usamrid, and the researchers in the wuhan lab knew it was coming way before any of us.
No one did a good job, before during and now with this new variant, Who has tried harder is not the question. Playing political party over working together for a solution is the culprit.
No one did a good job, before during and now with this new variant, Who has tried harder is not the question. Playing political party over working together for a solution is the culprit.
And the solution now… is vaccinations and masking and boosters
What does that have to do with Trump's failure to handle the pandemic after President Obama had laid the groundwork?

From the OP:

Obama and his administration did see it coming, thanks in large part to their experiences with the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) and 2014 Ebola outbreaks. Taking what they learned from those public health crises, the Obama administration sought to prepare Trump and his aides for the next pandemic. The current president, however, spent the first three years of his administration undermining and ignoring those pandemic preparedness efforts; he also ignored warnings from experts during the first three months of the coronavirus outbreak.

What groundwork did the big eared fag lay,. whining injun?

You can sit now
What does that have to do with Trump's failure to handle the pandemic after President Obama had laid the groundwork?

From the OP:

Obama and his administration did see it coming, thanks in large part to their experiences with the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) and 2014 Ebola outbreaks. Taking what they learned from those public health crises, the Obama administration sought to prepare Trump and his aides for the next pandemic. The current president, however, spent the first three years of his administration undermining and ignoring those pandemic preparedness efforts; he also ignored warnings from experts during the first three months of the coronavirus outbreak.
Maybe he knew and supported Fauci's funding ofgain of function research. Which would make him a part of the pandemic. The one who is screwing the pooch is Biden, he was handed a pandemic on the way out and we are basically starting all over. With hundreds of new cases daily.
Wrong. Only deranged trump supporters believe what you claim. Vietnam had 25 deaths, we had 600,000. That's not excellence.
The prediction was millions dead. If Fauci would've listened to Trump there would've been thousands less die. Now that Biden is in charge, the virus is making a come back.

Trump has insisted that no one could have seen the coronavirus coming. His predecessor did.​

To really understand how Trump has failed the American people, it’s important to take a look back at how the previous administration handled the threat of a pandemic.

In December 2014, then-President Barack Obama warned that the United States needed to prepare for an upcoming pandemic.

In a speech to members of the National Institutes of Health—which came only a short time after the Ebola outbreak had threatened to spread worldwide—Obama emphasized the importance of building a public health infrastructure to combat the next pandemic.

“There may and likely will come a time in which we have both an airborne disease that is deadly,” Obama said. “And in order for us to deal with that effectively, we have to put in place an infrastructure—not just here at home, but globally—that allows us to see it quickly, isolate it quickly, respond to it quickly, so that if and when a new strain of flu like the Spanish flu crops up five years from now or a decade from now, we’ve made the investment and we’re further along to be able to catch it.”

Then Came the Trump Administration...

The details of what Trump did are in the above link. It's worth reading for those who care about the facts leading up to this pandemic. The Trump administration also famously disbanded the Obama National Security Council team focused on pandemic preparedness.

From the OP:

Then Came the Trump Administration

To help the incoming administration be better prepared to fight future pandemics, officials under President Obama took what they learned from these battles and prepared a 69-page playbook. Written by Obama’s National Security Council and finalized in 2016, the playbook detailed strategies for when and how to obtain personal protective equipment, and included recommendations on how the government should move quickly to detect and contain potential outbreaks, secure additional funding, and possibly even invoke the Defense Production Act to compel private companies to produce needed medical supplies.

But the Trump administration ignored the playbook. Instead, as the Associated Press reported, the Trump administration wasted nearly two months that could have been used to bolster the federal stockpile of critically needed supplies and equipment. Federal agencies waited until mid-March to begin placing bulk orders of N95 respirator masks, mechanical ventilators, and other equipment needed by front-line health care workers. By then, it was too late. Doctors, nurses, and hospital administrators have spent weeks pleading for more PPE, ventilators, and medical supplies.

The Trump administration also famously disbanded the National Security Council team focused on pandemic preparedness. In the wake of the Ebola epidemic, officials who worked with Obama realized the need for an international health security infrastructure; they formed pandemic-focused teams inside federal agencies to harness the powers of the U.S. government to prepare for the next outbreak. Instead, the White House dissolved the office in May 2018 and never reinstated it, despite pleas from lawmakers, former government officials, and other experts.

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