Obama Prepared To Attack Syria Alone

try again, pointing out hypocrisy and RANK as it is here is the point, you wanna crack bush, fine he took his shots, now its your messiahs turn and that asshat kerry...in 2004? we need to pass a global test...now? the UN is dysfunctional so we're gonna go it on our own.... .getdafugouttahere:eusa_hand:
So remind me, who did you support when we were attacked on 9/11 and what the hell did he do after that attack.....invade Iraq.

Get the fuck out of here indeed. Call me when Obama does something THAT FUCKING HORRIBLE. how many lives were lost. American lives.

Fuck you.
He actually invaded Afghanistan. The CORRECT country after 9/11/01.

He then started in on countries that fit the profile of his SOTU address and took out a country that posed a threat to one of our allies and ourselves.

Syria, on the other hand, is in the middle of a civil war and posses a threat only to our enemies since both parties ARE our enemies.

We need to just stand back and let them kill each other off.

OBAMA has already done something that horrible and worse.

Fuck you partisan candy-assed hack.

I'm no fan of this president, but it seems to me that anyone who supported Bush invading Iraq has no standing to criticize Obama's foreign policy.
So remind me, who did you support when we were attacked on 9/11 and what the hell did he do after that attack.....invade Iraq.

Get the fuck out of here indeed. Call me when Obama does something THAT FUCKING HORRIBLE. how many lives were lost. American lives.

Fuck you.
He actually invaded Afghanistan. The CORRECT country after 9/11/01.

He then started in on countries that fit the profile of his SOTU address and took out a country that posed a threat to one of our allies and ourselves.

Syria, on the other hand, is in the middle of a civil war and posses a threat only to our enemies since both parties ARE our enemies.

We need to just stand back and let them kill each other off.

OBAMA has already done something that horrible and worse.

Fuck you partisan candy-assed hack.

I'm no fan of this president, but it seems to me that anyone who supported Bush invading Iraq has no standing to criticize Obama's foreign policy.

We have plenty of moral authority.

Obama has to state the reasons that he's attacking them other than just the that Assad used chemical weapons in a civil war, which still has not been proved. What gives us the right to stick our noses in somebody else's affairs? As long as they aren't a threat to us why do we have to step in?

I'll tell you why; Obama is trying to destabilize the region to boost up the price of oil. He's acting like a criminal.

Hard to believe that the Nobel committee hasn't revoked his peach prize already. He's already guilty of helping al Qaeda, The Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran to almost completely taken over the region.

Obama hasn't gone to Congress, the UN, or the people to press his case simply because what he's doing is illegal and immoral.
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We have plenty of moral authority.

Obama has to state the reasons that he's attacking them other than just the that Assad used chemical weapons in a civil war, which still has not been proved.

Where are Hussein's WMDs?
So remind me, who did you support when we were attacked on 9/11 and what the hell did he do after that attack.....invade Iraq.

Get the fuck out of here indeed. Call me when Obama does something THAT FUCKING HORRIBLE. how many lives were lost. American lives.

Fuck you.
He actually invaded Afghanistan. The CORRECT country after 9/11/01.

He then started in on countries that fit the profile of his SOTU address and took out a country that posed a threat to one of our allies and ourselves.

Syria, on the other hand, is in the middle of a civil war and posses a threat only to our enemies since both parties ARE our enemies.

We need to just stand back and let them kill each other off.

OBAMA has already done something that horrible and worse.

Fuck you partisan candy-assed hack.

I'm no fan of this president, but it seems to me that anyone who supported Bush invading Iraq has no standing to criticize Obama's foreign policy.

We will, first, have to wait for him to DO something, won't we?
Maybe he can sell Asshat some tanks
So remind me, who did you support when we were attacked on 9/11 and what the hell did he do after that attack.....invade Iraq.

Get the fuck out of here indeed. Call me when Obama does something THAT FUCKING HORRIBLE. how many lives were lost. American lives.

Fuck you.
He actually invaded Afghanistan. The CORRECT country after 9/11/01.

He then started in on countries that fit the profile of his SOTU address and took out a country that posed a threat to one of our allies and ourselves.

Syria, on the other hand, is in the middle of a civil war and posses a threat only to our enemies since both parties ARE our enemies.

We need to just stand back and let them kill each other off.

OBAMA has already done something that horrible and worse.

Fuck you partisan candy-assed hack.

I'm no fan of this president, but it seems to me that anyone who supported Bush invading Iraq has no standing to criticize Obama's foreign policy.

how so in this context?:eusa_eh:
He actually invaded Afghanistan. The CORRECT country after 9/11/01.

He then started in on countries that fit the profile of his SOTU address and took out a country that posed a threat to one of our allies and ourselves.

Syria, on the other hand, is in the middle of a civil war and posses a threat only to our enemies since both parties ARE our enemies.

We need to just stand back and let them kill each other off.

OBAMA has already done something that horrible and worse.

Fuck you partisan candy-assed hack.

I'm no fan of this president, but it seems to me that anyone who supported Bush invading Iraq has no standing to criticize Obama's foreign policy.

We have plenty of moral authority.

Obama has to state the reasons that he's attacking them other than just the that Assad used chemical weapons in a civil war, which still has not been proved. What gives us the right to stick our noses in somebody else's affairs? As long as they aren't a threat to us why do we have to step in?

I'll tell you why; Obama is trying to destabilize the region to boost up the price of oil. He's acting like a criminal.

Hard to believe that the Nobel committee hasn't revoked his peach prize already. He's already guilty of helping al Qaeda, The Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran to almost completely taken over the region.

Obama hasn't gone to Congress, the UN, or the people to press his case simply because what he's doing is illegal and immoral.

I'll tell you why; Obama is trying to destabilize the region to boost up the price of oil. He's acting like a criminal.

come on Mud, seriously? :rolleyes:
This must be driving the right crazy...they called him weak. Now they cant say that but have to compare him to bush who invaded the wrong fucking country after 9/11.

You look like a fool here op, BUT PLEASE, DONT STOP.


try again, pointing out hypocrisy and RANK as it is here is the point, you wanna crack bush, fine he took his shots, now its your messiahs turn and that asshat kerry...in 2004? we need to pass a global test...now? the UN is dysfunctional so we're gonna go it on our own.... .getdafugouttahere:eusa_hand:
So remind me, who did you support when we were attacked on 9/11 and what the hell did he do after that attack.....invade Iraq.

Get the fuck out of here indeed. Call me when Obama does something THAT FUCKING HORRIBLE. how many lives were lost. American lives.

Fuck you.


:lol: whats the matter? the truth to much for you? I am sorry you're to stupid to boot to see that bush and iraq doesn't excuse obamas/kerrys lack of character, uber-hypocrasy, flip flopping etc.....something you 2 share. So tell me, is being a slobbering sycophant hard work? :eusa_eh:

get back to me when we pass that 'global test'...;)

:eusa_hand:wait, they were for it before they were against it..yea, I remember now:lol:
I'm no fan of this president, but it seems to me that anyone who supported Bush invading Iraq has no standing to criticize Obama's foreign policy.

We have plenty of moral authority.

Obama has to state the reasons that he's attacking them other than just the that Assad used chemical weapons in a civil war, which still has not been proved. What gives us the right to stick our noses in somebody else's affairs? As long as they aren't a threat to us why do we have to step in?

I'll tell you why; Obama is trying to destabilize the region to boost up the price of oil. He's acting like a criminal.

Hard to believe that the Nobel committee hasn't revoked his peach prize already. He's already guilty of helping al Qaeda, The Muslim Brotherhood, and Iran to almost completely taken over the region.

Obama hasn't gone to Congress, the UN, or the people to press his case simply because what he's doing is illegal and immoral.

I'll tell you why; Obama is trying to destabilize the region to boost up the price of oil. He's acting like a criminal.

come on Mud, seriously? :rolleyes:


As a heart-attack.

Obama is conducting a war on fossil fuels. He would love it if the Persian Gulf were to become a war zone and the Suez Canal cut off so oil from OPEC cannot make it to the customers. This would drive the price of oil through the roof. When he was in college he had two pet-peeves. He hated anyone who supported a balance approach to energy and anyone who supported private gun ownership. Now he's trying to make it all happen. This is why they have been cutting back on domestic oil production. He's practically shut down drilling in the Gulf. All he needs is for somebody to cut off oil from the Middle East. He talked for years about a revolution, and cutting off our energy will make it happen, according to Obama.
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