Obama Prepared To Attack Syria Alone

I am thoroughly embarrassed for my country. The world is laughing at us. The administration is totally clueless and more interested in saving face than solving the problem. This president has absolutely no military savvy. His Secretary of State is a traitorous wretch who accused American troops of being war criminals, led anti-war protests and now is leading the charge to get us into an unnecessary war that just might lead to WWIII. God help us.
So both Democrats and Republicans are willing to war-monger? To attack countries that don't pose a direct threat to the US? Color me shocked. :eek:

Sometimes it's like the Bush administration never left office.

I don't remember Assad making any threats to us like Saddam did.

WTF are you talking about????

I'm talking about all the things in the Obama administration that are continuations or parallel things from the Bush administration. The Patriot Act, Bush tax cuts, and wars/military interventions in countries that don't pose a direct threat to the US, things like that.

You know, like the way you compared what Obama is saying to what was said while Bush was president as a way to dig at Dems? The irony you spoke of?

You lumped the Bush tax cuts into that?

I think you're a bit confused.

I was pretty clear that I thought this whole thing is ironic. I guess you think you're the only one who knows why. Right now Obama is doing his best to make sure that Syria's WMDs falls into the hands of terrorist rebels. Getting Saddam was supposed to prevent that. Course thanks to the meddling of Turkey and others the WMDs that Saddam had made it's way up to Syria. So 13 years later they eventually end up where we feared the most, thanks to Barack H. Obama.
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President Obama has been told by the Brits that they aren't going along with his armed aggression against a state that is no threat to America. What was Obama's response? Word from the White House is that Obama, right or wrong, is prepared to go it alone.

Guess all of that nonsense the Dems said during the Iraq War, himself included, was total BS.


You have to wonder why Obama is so dead set in acting like a cowboy when the whole world is against him.

This is just too friggen ironic.
This must be driving the right crazy...they called him weak. Now they cant say that but have to compare him to bush who invaded the wrong fucking country after 9/11.

You look like a fool here op, BUT PLEASE, DONT STOP.

I am thoroughly embarrassed for my country. The world is laughing at us. The administration is totally clueless and more interested in saving face than solving the problem. This president has absolutely no military savvy. His Secretary of State is a traitorous wretch who accused American troops of being war criminals, led anti-war protests and now is leading the charge to get us into an unnecessary war that just might lead to WWIII. God help us.

But you WEREN'T embarrassed when we attacked Iraq?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

President Obama has been told by the Brits that they aren't going along with his armed aggression against a state that is no threat to America. What was Obama's response? Word from the White House is that Obama, right or wrong, is prepared to go it alone.

Guess all of that nonsense the Dems said during the Iraq War, himself included, was total BS.


You have to wonder why Obama is so dead set in acting like a cowboy when the whole world is against him.

This is just too friggen ironic.
This must be driving the right crazy...they called him weak. Now they cant say that but have to compare him to bush who invaded the wrong fucking country after 9/11.

You look like a fool here op, BUT PLEASE, DONT STOP.


try again, pointing out hypocrisy and RANK as it is here is the point, you wanna crack bush, fine he took his shots, now its your messiahs turn and that asshat kerry...in 2004? we need to pass a global test...now? the UN is dysfunctional so we're gonna go it on our own.... .getdafugouttahere:eusa_hand:
Obama's a fool....or a traitor.

He's been acting as al Qaeda's Air Force and helping them take over country after country.

Now he wants Syria's WMDs to fall into the hands of Iran and al Qaeda.

What a God Damned idiot.

America disagreed with you dumb ass. He kicked your ass ....TWICE.

Go Obama and go Democrats.

God bless America!

President Obama has been told by the Brits that they aren't going along with his armed aggression against a state that is no threat to America. What was Obama's response? Word from the White House is that Obama, right or wrong, is prepared to go it alone.

Guess all of that nonsense the Dems said during the Iraq War, himself included, was total BS.


You have to wonder why Obama is so dead set in acting like a cowboy when the whole world is against him.

This is just too friggen ironic.
This must be driving the right crazy...they called him weak. Now they cant say that but have to compare him to bush who invaded the wrong fucking country after 9/11.

You look like a fool here op, BUT PLEASE, DONT STOP.


STFU fag.

You think that Obama throwing a few Cruise Missiles at someone makes him look tough. What it shows is that he doesn't have the courage to commit to anything but it also makes him look like a fool. Russia is calling him a monkey with a hand-grenade. The Brits think he's a fucken tool. The world is pretty much laughing at this amateur.

You don't know what you're talking about. You haven't a clue about military strategy. Probably why you support some dickwad that's only good at causing trouble or starting up civil unrest.

President Obama has been told by the Brits that they aren't going along with his armed aggression against a state that is no threat to America. What was Obama's response? Word from the White House is that Obama, right or wrong, is prepared to go it alone.

Guess all of that nonsense the Dems said during the Iraq War, himself included, was total BS.


You have to wonder why Obama is so dead set in acting like a cowboy when the whole world is against him.

This is just too friggen ironic.
This must be driving the right crazy...they called him weak. Now they cant say that but have to compare him to bush who invaded the wrong fucking country after 9/11.

You look like a fool here op, BUT PLEASE, DONT STOP.


try again, pointing out hypocrisy and RANK as it is here is the point, you wanna crack bush, fine he took his shots, now its your messiahs turn and that asshat kerry...in 2004? we need to pass a global test...now? the UN is dysfunctional so we're gonna go it on our own.... .getdafugouttahere:eusa_hand:
So remind me, who did you support when we were attacked on 9/11 and what the hell did he do after that attack.....invade Iraq.

Get the fuck out of here indeed. Call me when Obama does something THAT FUCKING HORRIBLE. how many lives were lost. American lives.

Fuck you.

President Obama has been told by the Brits that they aren't going along with his armed aggression against a state that is no threat to America. What was Obama's response? Word from the White House is that Obama, right or wrong, is prepared to go it alone.

Guess all of that nonsense the Dems said during the Iraq War, himself included, was total BS.


You have to wonder why Obama is so dead set in acting like a cowboy when the whole world is against him.

This is just too friggen ironic.
This must be driving the right crazy...they called him weak. Now they cant say that but have to compare him to bush who invaded the wrong fucking country after 9/11.

You look like a fool here op, BUT PLEASE, DONT STOP.


STFU fag.

You think that Obama throwing a few Cruise Missiles at someone makes him look tough. What it shows is that he doesn't have the courage to commit to anything but it also makes him look like a fool. Russia is calling him a monkey with a hand-grenade. The Brits think he's a fucken tool. The world is pretty much laughing at this amateur.

You don't know what you're talking about. You haven't a clue about military strategy. Probably why you support some dickwad that's only good at causing trouble or starting up civil unrest.

"Fag"? This ladies and gentlemen is what the right is all about. It really is.

By the way, I was in the service on 9/11 and I know I questioned us attacking Iraq ...IRAQ...because of it. Fucking dumb righty's.
This must be driving the right crazy...they called him weak. Now they cant say that but have to compare him to bush who invaded the wrong fucking country after 9/11.

You look like a fool here op, BUT PLEASE, DONT STOP.


try again, pointing out hypocrisy and RANK as it is here is the point, you wanna crack bush, fine he took his shots, now its your messiahs turn and that asshat kerry...in 2004? we need to pass a global test...now? the UN is dysfunctional so we're gonna go it on our own.... .getdafugouttahere:eusa_hand:
So remind me, who did you support when we were attacked on 9/11 and what the hell did he do after that attack.....invade Iraq.

Get the fuck out of here indeed. Call me when Obama does something THAT FUCKING HORRIBLE. how many lives were lost. American lives.

Fuck you.

You overlooked a few things. Like Afghanstan. But please, go on.
This must be driving the right crazy...they called him weak. Now they cant say that but have to compare him to bush who invaded the wrong fucking country after 9/11.

You look like a fool here op, BUT PLEASE, DONT STOP.


STFU fag.

You think that Obama throwing a few Cruise Missiles at someone makes him look tough. What it shows is that he doesn't have the courage to commit to anything but it also makes him look like a fool. Russia is calling him a monkey with a hand-grenade. The Brits think he's a fucken tool. The world is pretty much laughing at this amateur.

You don't know what you're talking about. You haven't a clue about military strategy. Probably why you support some dickwad that's only good at causing trouble or starting up civil unrest.

"Fag"? This ladies and gentlemen is what the right is all about. It really is.

By the way, I was in the service on 9/11 and I know I questioned us attacking Iraq ...IRAQ...because of it. Fucking dumb righty's.

What job classification, MOS, or rating did you hold. Fucken PAC clerk?????

Just being in the military doesn't mean you know dick about military tactics.

You want to be a smart-ass. You want to get dirty. Well don't cry if you get shit all over you when you start mixing it up when you're in over your depth.
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This must be driving the right crazy...they called him weak. Now they cant say that but have to compare him to bush who invaded the wrong fucking country after 9/11.

You look like a fool here op, BUT PLEASE, DONT STOP.


try again, pointing out hypocrisy and RANK as it is here is the point, you wanna crack bush, fine he took his shots, now its your messiahs turn and that asshat kerry...in 2004? we need to pass a global test...now? the UN is dysfunctional so we're gonna go it on our own.... .getdafugouttahere:eusa_hand:
So remind me, who did you support when we were attacked on 9/11 and what the hell did he do after that attack.....invade Iraq.

Get the fuck out of here indeed. Call me when Obama does something THAT FUCKING HORRIBLE. how many lives were lost. American lives.

Fuck you.

WTF do you think has been happening in Afghanistan for the last 4.5 years, numbnuts.

They're still having funerals here at Ft Campbell just about every week.

President Obama has been told by the Brits that they aren't going along with his armed aggression against a state that is no threat to America. What was Obama's response? Word from the White House is that Obama, right or wrong, is prepared to go it alone.

Guess all of that nonsense the Dems said during the Iraq War, himself included, was total BS.


You have to wonder why Obama is so dead set in acting like a cowboy when the whole world is against him.

This is just too friggen ironic.
Cowboy Obama?

In Obama's rare address regarding Syria he claims to want to "enforce the norm"? Is it a cliche that is likely to resonate or a pathetic plea from an administration that is falling apart?
I don't remember Assad making any threats to us like Saddam did.

WTF are you talking about????

I'm talking about all the things in the Obama administration that are continuations or parallel things from the Bush administration. The Patriot Act, Bush tax cuts, and wars/military interventions in countries that don't pose a direct threat to the US, things like that.

You know, like the way you compared what Obama is saying to what was said while Bush was president as a way to dig at Dems? The irony you spoke of?

You lumped the Bush tax cuts into that?

I think you're a bit confused.

I was pretty clear that I thought this whole thing is ironic. I guess you think you're the only one who knows why. Right now Obama is doing his best to make sure that Syria's WMDs falls into the hands of terrorist rebels. Getting Saddam was supposed to prevent that. Course thanks to the meddling of Turkey and others the WMDs that Saddam had made it's way up to Syria. So 13 years later they eventually end up where we feared the most, thanks to Barack H. Obama.

Hey, you asked me what I was talking about. I didn't say anything about being the only one who knows anything. I was answering your question. In fact, I was agreeing with you about it being ironic that some would have been so opposed to Bush but now support Obama.

I just gave a few examples off the top of my head as to how the current administration is similar to the previous one, since that seemed to be what you were asking about from my original post.
STFU fag.

You think that Obama throwing a few Cruise Missiles at someone makes him look tough. What it shows is that he doesn't have the courage to commit to anything but it also makes him look like a fool. Russia is calling him a monkey with a hand-grenade. The Brits think he's a fucken tool. The world is pretty much laughing at this amateur.

You don't know what you're talking about. You haven't a clue about military strategy. Probably why you support some dickwad that's only good at causing trouble or starting up civil unrest.

"Fag"? This ladies and gentlemen is what the right is all about. It really is.

By the way, I was in the service on 9/11 and I know I questioned us attacking Iraq ...IRAQ...because of it. Fucking dumb righty's.

What job classification, MOS, or rating did you hold. Fucken PAC clerk?????

Just being in the military doesn't mean you know dick about military tactics.

You want to be a smart-ass. You want to get dirty. Well don't cry if you get shit all over you when you start mixing it up when you're in over your depth.


He was the governor general of the guttersnipe guard!
This must be driving the right crazy...they called him weak. Now they cant say that but have to compare him to bush who invaded the wrong fucking country after 9/11.

You look like a fool here op, BUT PLEASE, DONT STOP.


try again, pointing out hypocrisy and RANK as it is here is the point, you wanna crack bush, fine he took his shots, now its your messiahs turn and that asshat kerry...in 2004? we need to pass a global test...now? the UN is dysfunctional so we're gonna go it on our own.... .getdafugouttahere:eusa_hand:
So remind me, who did you support when we were attacked on 9/11 and what the hell did he do after that attack.....invade Iraq.

Get the fuck out of here indeed. Call me when Obama does something THAT FUCKING HORRIBLE. how many lives were lost. American lives.

Fuck you.
He actually invaded Afghanistan. The CORRECT country after 9/11/01.

He then started in on countries that fit the profile of his SOTU address and took out a country that posed a threat to one of our allies and ourselves.

Syria, on the other hand, is in the middle of a civil war and posses a threat only to our enemies since both parties ARE our enemies.

We need to just stand back and let them kill each other off.

OBAMA has already done something that horrible and worse.

Fuck you partisan candy-assed hack.

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