Obama Prepared To Attack Syria Alone


President Obama has been told by the Brits that they aren't going along with his armed aggression against a state that is no threat to America. What was Obama's response? Word from the White House is that Obama, right or wrong, is prepared to go it alone.

Guess all of that nonsense the Dems said during the Iraq War, himself included, was total BS.


You have to wonder why Obama is so dead set in acting like a cowboy when the whole world is against him.

This is just too friggen ironic.

I hope this is not true, but, its an admin. mouthpiece;

A U.S. official briefed on the military options being considered by President Obama told the Los Angeles Times that the White House is seeking a strike on Syria “just muscular enough not to get mocked.”

“They are looking at what is just enough to mean something, just enough to be more than symbolic,” the official told the paper, giving credence to similar reports describing a limited military strike in the aftermath of last week’s alleged chemical weapons attack.

NBC News reported earlier this week that the administration would launch three days of missile strikes, while CNN cited a senior administration official saying that the White House wanted to conclude any action before the president departs for the G-20 summit next week.

Official: White House seeks Syria response 'just muscular enough not to get mocked' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

biden and obama ragged bush in 08 on the trial ala going to war no power, imperial presidency:eusa_whistle:

Who remembers - "coalition of the unwilling:? Obama , all of the mea culpas, apologies, resets, can't even get a 3 nation coalition together.

He declared Libya a 'national security' interest out of thin air to justify actions there, will he do same here? Slagging the war powers act again to boot?

President Obama has been told by the Brits that they aren't going along with his armed aggression against a state that is no threat to America. What was Obama's response? Word from the White House is that Obama, right or wrong, is prepared to go it alone.

Guess all of that nonsense the Dems said during the Iraq War, himself included, was total BS.


You have to wonder why Obama is so dead set in acting like a cowboy when the whole world is against him.

This is just too friggen ironic.

I hope this is not true, but, its an admin. mouthpiece;

A U.S. official briefed on the military options being considered by President Obama told the Los Angeles Times that the White House is seeking a strike on Syria “just muscular enough not to get mocked.”

“They are looking at what is just enough to mean something, just enough to be more than symbolic,” the official told the paper, giving credence to similar reports describing a limited military strike in the aftermath of last week’s alleged chemical weapons attack.

NBC News reported earlier this week that the administration would launch three days of missile strikes, while CNN cited a senior administration official saying that the White House wanted to conclude any action before the president departs for the G-20 summit next week.

Official: White House seeks Syria response 'just muscular enough not to get mocked' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

biden and obama ragged bush in 08 on the trial ala going to war no power, imperial presidency:eusa_whistle:

Who remembers - "coalition of the unwilling:? Obama , all of the mea culpas, apologies, resets, can't even get a 3 nation coalition together.

He declared Libya a 'national security' interest out of thin air to justify actions there, will he do same here? Slagging the war powers act again to boot?

Yes we know, you want him to be like Bush when he made Qaddafi an allie.
Build infrastructure, fund science and technology.....NOT ANOTHER WORTHLESS WAR WITH SYRIA!!!

Build America!!!

This was lost years ago with the Bush wars.

So now we have the Obama wars. Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria.

BTW, this is all over WMDs.

It's too funny and ironic to believe.

Now you dumb-asses are having to pay for all of the BS you've said about Iraq. This just shows that when you start playing politics with national security you end up painting yourself into a corner when it becomes your turn to deal with a real world crisis.
So both Democrats and Republicans are willing to war-monger? To attack countries that don't pose a direct threat to the US? Color me shocked. :eek:

Sometimes it's like the Bush administration never left office.
So both Democrats and Republicans are willing to war-monger? To attack countries that don't pose a direct threat to the US? Color me shocked. :eek:

Sometimes it's like the Bush administration never left office.

I don't remember Assad making any threats to us like Saddam did.

WTF are you talking about????

President Obama has been told by the Brits that they aren't going along with his armed aggression against a state that is no threat to America. What was Obama's response? Word from the White House is that Obama, right or wrong, is prepared to go it alone.

Guess all of that nonsense the Dems said during the Iraq War, himself included, was total BS.


You have to wonder why Obama is so dead set in acting like a cowboy when the whole world is against him.

This is just too friggen ironic.

I hope this is not true, but, its an admin. mouthpiece;

A U.S. official briefed on the military options being considered by President Obama told the Los Angeles Times that the White House is seeking a strike on Syria “just muscular enough not to get mocked.”

“They are looking at what is just enough to mean something, just enough to be more than symbolic,” the official told the paper, giving credence to similar reports describing a limited military strike in the aftermath of last week’s alleged chemical weapons attack.

NBC News reported earlier this week that the administration would launch three days of missile strikes, while CNN cited a senior administration official saying that the White House wanted to conclude any action before the president departs for the G-20 summit next week.

Official: White House seeks Syria response 'just muscular enough not to get mocked' - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

biden and obama ragged bush in 08 on the trial ala going to war no power, imperial presidency:eusa_whistle:

Who remembers - "coalition of the unwilling:? Obama , all of the mea culpas, apologies, resets, can't even get a 3 nation coalition together.

He declared Libya a 'national security' interest out of thin air to justify actions there, will he do same here? Slagging the war powers act again to boot?

Reading your article, "Not to be mocked" leads me to believe he's trying to save face.

In other words, his tacit response will be just enough to keep keep Putin's proxies at bay so the fuhrer can save face. There are some back door negotiations going on here but I can't help but wonder what Putin wants out of this.

Personally, I hope he just get's on with it and the place boils over so that it will expose what criminals he and the "military/industrial complex" are.

President Obama has been told by the Brits that they aren't going along with his armed aggression against a state that is no threat to America. What was Obama's response? Word from the White House is that Obama, right or wrong, is prepared to go it alone.

Guess all of that nonsense the Dems said during the Iraq War, himself included, was total BS.


You have to wonder why Obama is so dead set in acting like a cowboy when the whole world is against him.

This is just too friggen ironic.

He's an incurable narcissist.
His humungous ego prevents him from inaction.
Twice he drew his red line and twice it was crossed.
He has to do something.

At least W took his time with UN resolution after UN resolution and overwhelming bipartisan congressional support.

King Obama can't be bothered with such trivialities


President Obama has been told by the Brits that they aren't going along with his armed aggression against a state that is no threat to America. What was Obama's response? Word from the White House is that Obama, right or wrong, is prepared to go it alone.

Guess all of that nonsense the Dems said during the Iraq War, himself included, was total BS.


You have to wonder why Obama is so dead set in acting like a cowboy when the whole world is against him.

This is just too friggen ironic.

He's using Reagan's play book.

Reagan scared the shit out of our enemies.

This pugknocker doesn't scare anybody other than American taxpayers.
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and theres this;

Pentagon Can’t Afford Syria Operation; Must Seek Additional Funds

A congressional aide familiar with the congressional leaders’ briefing said Hagel and Winnefeld made clear the Pentagon would need to “work” with Congress to obtain supplemental funding for Syria attacks.

Pentagon Can?t Afford Syria Operation; Must Seek Additional Funds | Washington Free Beacon

more supplemental war funding?:mad:that effing Bush!!

wait a minute..:eusa_eh:
Obama's a fool....or a traitor.

He's been acting as al Qaeda's Air Force and helping them take over country after country.

Now he wants Syria's WMDs to fall into the hands of Iran and al Qaeda.

What a God Damned idiot.
So both Democrats and Republicans are willing to war-monger? To attack countries that don't pose a direct threat to the US? Color me shocked. :eek:

Sometimes it's like the Bush administration never left office.

I don't remember Assad making any threats to us like Saddam did.

WTF are you talking about????

I'm talking about all the things in the Obama administration that are continuations or parallel things from the Bush administration. The Patriot Act, Bush tax cuts, and wars/military interventions in countries that don't pose a direct threat to the US, things like that.

You know, like the way you compared what Obama is saying to what was said while Bush was president as a way to dig at Dems? The irony you spoke of?
I was kind of hoping he'd take Biden and Boner with him. That way, he won't be alone.....

I can just see Biden racing in....plugs flappin in the breeze...

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