Obama Prepares To Prove You Don't Have To Have Class & Dignity As President

What a load of horse shit. You voted for a Cheeto in Chief. You aren't qualified to use the words grace, humility, dignity, or especially class.
Sorry, I didn't vote for Hillary.

No. You voted for a pedophile whose daughter gives him lap dances.
You're sick.
President Obama praised Bush for how gracious Bush was on his way out, being respectful and extremely helpful as the mantle was passed. Yeah, that was Bush, a man of class and dignity....

Report: Obama Will Likely Take Shots At Trump In Farewell Address

"One “Obama loyalist” claims that Obama will give “admonitions about the challenges we face moving forward,” which CNN’s John King report “will likely be squarely aimed at President-elect Donald Trump.” Among other things, King notes that Obama hype the importance of America’s diversity during the address.

Obama has previously hinted that he may disregard the example set by his predecessor, former president George W. Bush, and speak out during Trump’s presidency."

Much like the Golden Globes, I will not be watching what the Narcissist in Chief has to say on his way out. I care about as much what as he has to say as I do what Meryl Streep had to say.
you're joking with this right?? A partisan reporter puts out a headline that assumes Obama will take a jab at trump during his farewell speech and you think that's news? Obama has been supportive and gracious during this transition, which is pretty amazing given the fact that Trump and crews primary focus is to repeal Obamas signature piece of legislation. Even Trump has complimented and Praised Obama for how he has acted during the transition.

And as a Trump supporter, how can you even pretend to care about things like class and dignity??
Serious question,,,,,Do you expect Obama's final speech to be absent of jabs at the new POTUS?...
Please stop ignoring the realities of past performance.
I seriously doubt Obama will resort to petty insults like trump does on a daily basis, just look at his twitter... I expect Obama to express gratitude for his time in office, and give warnings/advice to Trump to express what he would hope to see from our next president. I have no doubt that people like you will jump all over him for that, but I guess that's all part of the game.
Wow. You've spouted that so much till you convinced yourself, didn't you?

Truth hurts like a bitch, I guess:

Only a bitter, twisted, sore-loser, butt-hurt, intolerant snowflake can post a picture of a daughter sitting o her dad's lap and call him a pedophile - as long as he is a Conservative - while defending / supporting the WHITE BILL COSBY and the woman who not only ENABLED his perverted sex crimes for DECADES but also who vilified, demonized, bullied, intimidated, and silenced his victims.

PRESIDENT Clinton lied his ass off in front of the whole world, was the 1st sitting President to ever have to give testimony in a trial in which he was the accused, was exposed for his sexual deviancy - had to pay 6 figures for it to go away, was found in contempt, and lost his license to practice law - and was Impeached - all over his sexual harassment / assault of a woman.

The Exploits of the WHITE BILL COSBY & the ENABLER are well documented.

Tell me, Bulldog, do you have a daughter? I hope not, especially if you get excited seeing a daughter sit on her father's lap and immediately think 'Lap Dance'!
Dude , you guys have Trump! You are never to question anyone's class ever again !!!
I will agree he doesn't sound as presidential as previous presidents. I've come to believe I'll take success over a mastery of English rhetoric. He may be the best president we have had in decades. Certainly, I expect him to be better than Obama. He hasn't even had his first day and he has had more positive results that Obama did in 5 years!
What a load of horse shit. You voted for a Cheeto in Chief. You aren't qualified to use the words grace, humility, dignity, or especially class.
Sorry, I didn't vote for Hillary.

No. You voted for a pedophile whose daughter gives him lap dances.
You're sick.

I'm not the one who happily agrees when someone says his daughter is a nice piece of ass. Trump is.
Are you a bit obsessed with sex? It appears so.
Serious question,,,,,Do you expect Obama's final speech to be absent of jabs at the new POTUS?...
Please stop ignoring the realities of past performance.
As pointed out, Bush was extremely gracious and respectful to Obama as the transition was made. Stop trying to justify Barry's poor behavior.
Trump has complimented Obama on how he and his team has handled the transition. Remember when Trump sat next to Obama less than two months ago and called him a great man?
Serious question,,,,,Do you expect Obama's final speech to be absent of jabs at the new POTUS?...
Please stop ignoring the realities of past performance.
As pointed out, Bush was extremely gracious and respectful to Obama as the transition was made. Stop trying to justify Barry's poor behavior.
Trump has complimented Obama on how he and his team has handled the transition. Remember when Trump sat next to Obama less than two months ago and called him a great man?
Words are cheap. Let's see his legacy in four years.
I'm not the one who happily agrees when someone says his daughter is a nice piece of ass. Trump is.
No, you're just the one who sees a daughter on a father's lap and immediately thinks 'Lap Dance'...
Serious question,,,,,Do you expect Obama's final speech to be absent of jabs at the new POTUS?...
Please stop ignoring the realities of past performance.
As pointed out, Bush was extremely gracious and respectful to Obama as the transition was made. Stop trying to justify Barry's poor behavior.
Trump has complimented Obama on how he and his team has handled the transition. Remember when Trump sat next to Obama less than two months ago and called him a great man?
Words are cheap. Let's see his legacy in four years.
The first African American president will be foundly remembered in history. The small stuff that the partisans bitch about will fade away, I imagine it will be very frustrating for you
What a load of horse shit. You voted for a Cheeto in Chief. You aren't qualified to use the words grace, humility, dignity, or especially class.
Sorry, I didn't vote for Hillary.

No. You voted for a pedophile whose daughter gives him lap dances.
You're sick.

I'm not the one who happily agrees when someone says his daughter is a nice piece of ass. Trump is.

You are an asshole.
WOW! The Liberals in here get all puffed up over the suggestion that their Messiah may do again that which he has done in the past? (See State of the Union Address 2010)

And they have the audacity to say we "worship" Trump, when it appears the they have altars to Saint Obama in their bedrooms.

Oh the irony!
The first African American president will be foundly remembered in history. The small stuff that the partisans bitch about will fade away, I imagine it will be very frustrating for you
Helping the Muslim Brotherhood overthrow ally Mubarak and take power.

Helping al Qaeda - murdering terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans - overthrow a ruler who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa and take over Libya.

Betraying and trying to oust Israel leader Netanyahu.

Trying to overthrow a 4th world leader - Assad - because he got embarrassed by his failed 'Syrian Red Line'

Funding, supplying, arming, training, protecting, and starting 2 UN-Constitutional, UN-Authorized personal wars to help Al Qaeda and ISIS...

Using an International Arms Dealer to arm Al Qaeda and ISIS


Illegally violating the FOIA 77% of the time

Fast and Furious
- The 1st US AG in history to be Censured because of crimes the Obama administration protected him from

Hillary E-mail-gate & using an alias to e-mail her while claiming he knew nothing about it

More successful attacks on US soil than Bush

More murders of Americans by 'refugees' and illegals and terrorists and Mexican Drug cartels

The Disastrous, collapsing ACA...Lie of the Year

Nobel Peace Prize .. despite 2 Un-Authorized / Illegal Wars and his own personal Drone Assassination Program
and on and on..... Yes, Barry will be fondly remembered in history...by Liberals.

The first African American president will be foundly remembered in history. The small stuff that the partisans bitch about will fade away, I imagine it will be very frustrating for you
Helping the Muslim Brotherhood overthrow ally Mubarak and take power.

Helping al Qaeda - murdering terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans - overthrow a ruler who was helping the Coalition fight terrorists in Northern Africa and take over Libya.

Betraying and trying to oust Israel leader Netanyahu.

Trying to overthrow a 4th world leader - Assad - because he got embarrassed by his failed 'Syrian Red Line'

Funding, supplying, arming, training, protecting, and starting 2 UN-Constitutional, UN-Authorized personal wars to help Al Qaeda and ISIS...

Using an International Arms Dealer to arm Al Qaeda and ISIS


Illegally violating the FOIA 77% of the time

Fast and Furious
- The 1st US AG in history to be Censured because of crimes the Obama administration protected him from

Hillary E-mail-gate & using an alias to e-mail her while claiming he knew nothing about it

More successful attacks on US soil than Bush

More murders of Americans by 'refugees' and illegals and terrorists and Mexican Drug cartels

The Disastrous, collapsing ACA...Lie of the Year

Nobel Peace Prize .. despite 2 Un-Authorized / Illegal Wars and his own personal Drone Assassination Program
and on and on..... Yes, Barry will be fondly remembered in history...by Liberals.

You ever hear adults talk to Charlie Brown? Thats exactly what your post sounds like.
It's one of most stupid traditions this country has that former presidents are supposed to disappear.
You ever hear adults talk to Charlie Brown? Thats exactly what your post sounds like.
It's not surprising - most snowflakes have learned to tune out the facts and truth they don't want to face / hear.
It's one of most stupid traditions this country has that former presidents are supposed to disappear.
Obama is demonstrating why it's such a good idea - having a bitter asshole around who seeks to disrupt progress just to save his own legacy only hampers, not helps, the newly elected administration from doing what is best for the country.
President Obama praised Bush for how gracious Bush was on his way out, being respectful and extremely helpful as the mantle was passed. Yeah, that was Bush, a man of class and dignity....

Report: Obama Will Likely Take Shots At Trump In Farewell Address

"One “Obama loyalist” claims that Obama will give “admonitions about the challenges we face moving forward,” which CNN’s John King report “will likely be squarely aimed at President-elect Donald Trump.” Among other things, King notes that Obama hype the importance of America’s diversity during the address.

Obama has previously hinted that he may disregard the example set by his predecessor, former president George W. Bush, and speak out during Trump’s presidency."

Much like the Golden Globes, I will not be watching what the Narcissist in Chief has to say on his way out. I care about as much what as he has to say as I do what Meryl Streep had to say.
Jumping the gun a bit, aren't you.

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