Obama proposes $1B for science, math teachers

Are you suggesting that the answer to our failing science and mathematics standing can be solved by nationwide homeschooling?

so you admit the DOE is FAILING the students even with the billions of dollars ALREADY spent on schools.?
So what does Obama suggest, throwing more money at it...cause he has money to BURN

I don't think the DOE is failing because they have not been given the task of educating our students. Around 10% of school funding comes from the federal government. America has historically insisted that Schools be run at the local level. Funding is local, school boards are local, teacher hiring is local
Globally, US students are falling behind foreign students. One thing those foreign schools have in common is that they have more federal involvement in the school system not less

They SHOULD not be given the task of educating our students because they are not constitutionally charged to do so and that is best handled by the lower levels of government, AKA the states and localities.... you honestly think a higher degree of separation from the students and a larger amount of bureaucracy will improve things?? Get serious, troll
Nationwide, States provide 47% of school funding while local governments provide 44% and the federal government provides 10%

Background & Analysis

When it comes time to place the blame for failing schools Conservatives always jump on that 10%

Every penny the states take from the Feds gives the Feds more control. Wouldn't matter if it was 1%, the feds run the show. Think about NCLB, that was a federal program. Did the states have the ability to opt out?? Nope, not if they received a dime of fed $$$$.
What would you suggest us to do to turn things around?

Workers everywhere need to be paid more.

In the 60s you could have a single income family and not have that income come from a CEO. Wages for workers has been basically flat for decades and now parents have to both work and maybe even work multiple jobs. They simply have no time to spend with their kids, which is what needs to happen for kids to excel.

Wages need to go up.

Teachers need to be rewarded.

Problem solved.

Advance yourself... learn more.. become more in demand.. and you will earn more in wages... it should not just go up because you think you need more
What would you suggest us to do to turn things around?

Workers everywhere need to be paid more.

In the 60s you could have a single income family and not have that income come from a CEO. Wages for workers has been basically flat for decades and now parents have to both work and maybe even work multiple jobs. They simply have no time to spend with their kids, which is what needs to happen for kids to excel.

Wages need to go up.

Teachers need to be rewarded.

Problem solved.

Advance yourself... learn more.. become more in demand.. and you will earn more in wages... it should not just go up because you think you need more

in liberal la la land utopia, wages need TO GO UP, just because..and teachers need to be rewarded for doing their JOBS
Workers everywhere need to be paid more.

In the 60s you could have a single income family and not have that income come from a CEO. Wages for workers has been basically flat for decades and now parents have to both work and maybe even work multiple jobs. They simply have no time to spend with their kids, which is what needs to happen for kids to excel.

Wages need to go up.

Teachers need to be rewarded.

Problem solved.

Advance yourself... learn more.. become more in demand.. and you will earn more in wages... it should not just go up because you think you need more

in liberal la la land utopia, wages need TO GO UP, just because..and teachers need to be rewarded for doing their JOBS

No matter how poorly they do those JOBS. ;)
Workers everywhere need to be paid more.

In the 60s you could have a single income family and not have that income come from a CEO. Wages for workers has been basically flat for decades and now parents have to both work and maybe even work multiple jobs. They simply have no time to spend with their kids, which is what needs to happen for kids to excel.

Wages need to go up.

Teachers need to be rewarded.

Problem solved.

Advance yourself... learn more.. become more in demand.. and you will earn more in wages... it should not just go up because you think you need more

in liberal la la land utopia, wages need TO GO UP, just because..and teachers need to be rewarded for doing their JOBS

Teachers need to be rewarded for doing EXCEPTIONAL at their jobs. Everyone should.
Advance yourself... learn more.. become more in demand.. and you will earn more in wages... it should not just go up because you think you need more

in liberal la la land utopia, wages need TO GO UP, just because..and teachers need to be rewarded for doing their JOBS

Teachers need to be rewarded for doing EXCEPTIONAL at their jobs. Everyone should.

Then get your unions out of it and have it all merit based
What would you suggest us to do to turn things around?

Workers everywhere need to be paid more.

In the 60s you could have a single income family and not have that income come from a CEO. Wages for workers has been basically flat for decades and now parents have to both work and maybe even work multiple jobs. They simply have no time to spend with their kids, which is what needs to happen for kids to excel.

Wages need to go up.

Teachers need to be rewarded.

Problem solved.

Advance yourself... learn more.. become more in demand.. and you will earn more in wages... it should not just go up because you think you need more

Oh I'm fine. College educated. Great career in a great industry. Thanks for worrying about me! But this isn't about me. This is about a single mom working two minimum wage jobs trying to make rent and put food on the table. She has no time to help her kids with home work or get them excited about going to school to learn. Now, I know you don't care about her, but still, the best way for her to help her kids is to have more time with them, which means less time working, which would mean more money from work.

It's simple math.

Oh right, we're not good at that.
Advance yourself... learn more.. become more in demand.. and you will earn more in wages... it should not just go up because you think you need more

in liberal la la land utopia, wages need TO GO UP, just because..and teachers need to be rewarded for doing their JOBS

Teachers need to be rewarded for doing EXCEPTIONAL at their jobs. Everyone should.

ok great, send them a letter of praise, give them a plaque, a statue..
see how easy that is and doesn't cost TAXPAYERS a BILLION dollars.
Workers everywhere need to be paid more.

In the 60s you could have a single income family and not have that income come from a CEO. Wages for workers has been basically flat for decades and now parents have to both work and maybe even work multiple jobs. They simply have no time to spend with their kids, which is what needs to happen for kids to excel.

Wages need to go up.

Teachers need to be rewarded.

Problem solved.

Advance yourself... learn more.. become more in demand.. and you will earn more in wages... it should not just go up because you think you need more

Oh I'm fine. College educated. Great career in a great industry. Thanks for worrying about me! But this isn't about me. This is about a single mom working two minimum wage jobs trying to make rent and put food on the table. She has no time to help her kids with home work or get them excited about going to school to learn. Now, I know you don't care about her, but still, the best way for her to help her kids is to have more time with them, which means less time working, which would mean more money from work.

It's simple math.

Oh right, we're not good at that.

And her decisions, actions, efforts, etc got her to where she is... and there are consequences to our actions... and that is not the problem or concern of government, her neighbor, or the guy living on 123 Any St. in Bald Knob Arkansas...

Again.. having PRIVATE charities that you VOLUNTARILY donate to to help people you wish to help, all well and good... but to force everyone (society or the populace) to take over her responsibilities is quite another

Until you can get that thru your thick skull, you will simply not understand
in liberal la la land utopia, wages need TO GO UP, just because..and teachers need to be rewarded for doing their JOBS

Teachers need to be rewarded for doing EXCEPTIONAL at their jobs. Everyone should.

ok great, send them a letter of praise, give them a plaque, a statue..
see how easy that is and doesn't cost TAXPAYERS a BILLION dollars.

Ultimately, you get what you pay for. If you want college educated professionals teaching your students you will have to draw candidates away from other professions

If you want babysitters, pay them like babysitters
Advance yourself... learn more.. become more in demand.. and you will earn more in wages... it should not just go up because you think you need more

Oh I'm fine. College educated. Great career in a great industry. Thanks for worrying about me! But this isn't about me. This is about a single mom working two minimum wage jobs trying to make rent and put food on the table. She has no time to help her kids with home work or get them excited about going to school to learn. Now, I know you don't care about her, but still, the best way for her to help her kids is to have more time with them, which means less time working, which would mean more money from work.

It's simple math.

Oh right, we're not good at that.

And her decisions, actions, efforts, etc got her to where she is... and there are consequences to our actions... and that is not the problem or concern of government, her neighbor, or the guy living on 123 Any St. in Bald Knob Arkansas...

Again.. having PRIVATE charities that you VOLUNTARILY donate to to help people you wish to help, all well and good... but to force everyone (society or the populace) to take over her responsibilities is quite another

Until you can get that thru your thick skull, you will simply not understand

Where is her ex-husband? Parents? Best friends?

If I ever found myself in that predicament, my family would step in. Why are these people so lonely and unloved?

Most schools have homework help and free tutoring is available on the internet. Does this single mother have a facebook account?

No one works two minimum wage jobs forever. She must be doing something wrong.
Advance yourself... learn more.. become more in demand.. and you will earn more in wages... it should not just go up because you think you need more

Oh I'm fine. College educated. Great career in a great industry. Thanks for worrying about me! But this isn't about me. This is about a single mom working two minimum wage jobs trying to make rent and put food on the table. She has no time to help her kids with home work or get them excited about going to school to learn. Now, I know you don't care about her, but still, the best way for her to help her kids is to have more time with them, which means less time working, which would mean more money from work.

It's simple math.

Oh right, we're not good at that.

And her decisions, actions, efforts, etc got her to where she is... and there are consequences to our actions... and that is not the problem or concern of government, her neighbor, or the guy living on 123 Any St. in Bald Knob Arkansas...

Again.. having PRIVATE charities that you VOLUNTARILY donate to to help people you wish to help, all well and good... but to force everyone (society or the populace) to take over her responsibilities is quite another

Until you can get that thru your thick skull, you will simply not understand

And what about the people YOU don't wish to help? Fuck 'em? Or more to the point, fuck the kids? Because, you know, that's what you're doing here. You're saying, since the mom made bad decisions or had bad things happen to her, the kids should be punished. The kids should have less time with their mom, because the mom screwed up.

Look, as I said, I know you don't give two shits about the mom or dad in this scenario. You're only concern is the extra couple of bucks a year you pay in taxes. But stop with the hate for one second and think about it. If you think about this, you'll agree that paying people more would fix this problem. Now, maybe you don't want to do that, in fact, pretty sure you don't want to do that, but you can't deny that it would allow parents more time with their kids which would help the kids in school. That is fact.
Oh I'm fine. College educated. Great career in a great industry. Thanks for worrying about me! But this isn't about me. This is about a single mom working two minimum wage jobs trying to make rent and put food on the table. She has no time to help her kids with home work or get them excited about going to school to learn. Now, I know you don't care about her, but still, the best way for her to help her kids is to have more time with them, which means less time working, which would mean more money from work.

It's simple math.

Oh right, we're not good at that.

And her decisions, actions, efforts, etc got her to where she is... and there are consequences to our actions... and that is not the problem or concern of government, her neighbor, or the guy living on 123 Any St. in Bald Knob Arkansas...

Again.. having PRIVATE charities that you VOLUNTARILY donate to to help people you wish to help, all well and good... but to force everyone (society or the populace) to take over her responsibilities is quite another

Until you can get that thru your thick skull, you will simply not understand

And what about the people YOU don't wish to help? Fuck 'em? Or more to the point, fuck the kids? Because, you know, that's what you're doing here. You're saying, since the mom made bad decisions or had bad things happen to her, the kids should be punished. The kids should have less time with their mom, because the mom screwed up.

Look, as I said, I know you don't give two shits about the mom or dad in this scenario. You're only concern is the extra couple of bucks a year you pay in taxes. But stop with the hate for one second and think about it. If you think about this, you'll agree that paying people more would fix this problem. Now, maybe you don't want to do that, in fact, pretty sure you don't want to do that, but you can't deny that it would allow parents more time with their kids which would help the kids in school. That is fact.

oh get off your high horse...your peoples idea of help, is using the taxpayers who WORK through the force of the Federal Government to help them...so give us all a break
she couldn't AFFORD kids she shouldn't of HAD THEM to start with..waited until she could afford them
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Oh I'm fine. College educated. Great career in a great industry. Thanks for worrying about me! But this isn't about me. This is about a single mom working two minimum wage jobs trying to make rent and put food on the table. She has no time to help her kids with home work or get them excited about going to school to learn. Now, I know you don't care about her, but still, the best way for her to help her kids is to have more time with them, which means less time working, which would mean more money from work.

It's simple math.

Oh right, we're not good at that.

And her decisions, actions, efforts, etc got her to where she is... and there are consequences to our actions... and that is not the problem or concern of government, her neighbor, or the guy living on 123 Any St. in Bald Knob Arkansas...

Again.. having PRIVATE charities that you VOLUNTARILY donate to to help people you wish to help, all well and good... but to force everyone (society or the populace) to take over her responsibilities is quite another

Until you can get that thru your thick skull, you will simply not understand

And what about the people YOU don't wish to help? Fuck 'em? Or more to the point, fuck the kids? Because, you know, that's what you're doing here. You're saying, since the mom made bad decisions or had bad things happen to her, the kids should be punished. The kids should have less time with their mom, because the mom screwed up.

Look, as I said, I know you don't give two shits about the mom or dad in this scenario. You're only concern is the extra couple of bucks a year you pay in taxes. But stop with the hate for one second and think about it. If you think about this, you'll agree that paying people more would fix this problem. Now, maybe you don't want to do that, in fact, pretty sure you don't want to do that, but you can't deny that it would allow parents more time with their kids which would help the kids in school. That is fact.

You cannot reasonably believe that the current programs in place will do JACK crap for folks troubled with a history of "bad decisions". The kids with the crack mom will be no better off if you pay teachers more. The ONE thing PROVEN to work is one on one counseling and mentoring and a DESIRE on the part of the afflicted to CHANGE their lives.

That's where the massive PRIVATE, VOLUNTEER safety net comes in.. Coaching GED students is MORE about mentoring than math. I know.. I've done that. Changing their personal habits to find a way to employment isn't something that Govt excels at.

The idea that $30B more in taxes from the rich is gonna go to the most needy is the WORST kind of faulty faith in Govt and general ignorance of the REAL problems one can find. And it's actually quite destructive to minimize private charity and volunteers while counting on the Govt to do the "hard cases" for you.
You cannot reasonably believe that the current programs in place will do JACK crap for folks troubled with a history of "bad decisions". The kids with the crack mom will be no better off if you pay teachers more. The ONE thing PROVEN to work is one on one counseling and mentoring and a DESIRE on the part of the afflicted to CHANGE their lives.

That's where the massive PRIVATE, VOLUNTEER safety net comes in.. Coaching GED students is MORE about mentoring than math. I know.. I've done that. Changing their personal habits to find a way to employment isn't something that Govt excels at.

The idea that $30B more in taxes from the rich is gonna go to the most needy is the WORST kind of faulty faith in Govt and general ignorance of the REAL problems one can find. And it's actually quite destructive to minimize private charity and volunteers while counting on the Govt to do the "hard cases" for you.

So would you be OK with the government giving a parent a voucher for 20 hours of remedical mentoring from an approved source if their kid makes less than a C? To keep it all 'fair' we could dock the teacher's pay.
No, my position is that lower class sizes and improvement in school security makes a difference, we had some useless mangy fucks who went to Catholic school with me and they got booted out.

Fix the culture, which is the problem, and you dont have to worry about either security or classroom sizes.

Bullshit. Classroom size matters regardless of culture.
There is no such thing as a good union.

And we all know that teachers don't get paid for performance because union contracts don't allow it.

So all of a sudden you're for undermining union contracts with merit pay?

And again we don't need more money we already spend more money per pupil than countries that are kicking our ass academically and it ain't working.

Ok, all unions are bad to you, get the fuck out of here, this is the retarded ass one sided type of thinking that stinking up the whole country. If it wasn't for unions or union type activity you wouldn't have the labor laws you have now and employers would be able to run all the fuck over employees, saying that no unions are good is implying that all union members are fucktards and bad.

Money per pupil varies by STATE since the STATE and LOCAL governments mainly fund schools and don't give that private charter company bullshit because they tried that in Philly and it failed.

And some states that spend less per student do better than states who spend significantly more.

So money is not the issue.

Utah spends the least per student yet we are in the middle of the pack from a testing standpoint. Much of that has to do with parental involvement. The crappy thing about THAT is that most of us are busy enough without having to spend an hour or two every night tutoring the kids.
All we have been doing is throwing money at education and yet we fall further and further behind other countries.

Seems to me it's about time we stop throwing good money after bad at teachers etc and try something new.

By God, you are right. Just put those little bastards to work in the factories. Worked out so well in Dickens time.

The continued antipathy of the 'Conservatives' toward education and science is evident on this and other boards. They are doing their very best to create a third world nation here in America.
All we have been doing is throwing money at education and yet we fall further and further behind other countries.

Seems to me it's about time we stop throwing good money after bad at teachers etc and try something new.

By God, you are right. Just put those little bastards to work in the factories. Worked out so well in Dickens time.

The continued antipathy of the 'Conservatives' toward education and science is evident on this and other boards. They are doing their very best to create a third world nation here in America.

Once again completely full of shit. What we have is scum like you unwilling to properly fund your education depts. Being that greed is what drives democrats the thought of ponying up yourself is out of the question. You need uncle sugar to cover your end.

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