Obama proposes $1B for science, math teachers

In other words he wants to give a one billion of our tax dollars as a kickback to the teachers unions. Doesn't this country already pay these colleges enough through sky high tuition rates already? If those private and state run institutions want to pay their professors more, let em, and let it come off their budget, not ours.
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Yeah god forbid you have to make sure your kids learn.

If you don't want to take care of your kids you shouldn't have had them

Hey asshole, this modern world of ours has turned into a time robbing monster. I can tell from your naive notions about home schooling that you haven't a clue about middle class stresses and I suspect you don't have kids either.

I don't have kids because i never wanted them but if I did have kids I wouldn't expect not to help them with their schoolwork and you got nothing on me when it comes to stress.

LOL, that's what I figured. See if anyone wants to pay attention to your views on this subject now.
Hey asshole, this modern world of ours has turned into a time robbing monster. I can tell from your naive notions about home schooling that you haven't a clue about middle class stresses and I suspect you don't have kids either.

I don't have kids because i never wanted them but if I did have kids I wouldn't expect not to help them with their schoolwork and you got nothing on me when it comes to stress.

LOL, that's what I figured. See if anyone wants to pay attention to your views on this subject now.

Hey as long as my money gets spent on your brats I do have a say.

If you don't want to hear then forgo your federal tax deduction for your kids and pay for them yourself.
I don't have kids because i never wanted them but if I did have kids I wouldn't expect not to help them with their schoolwork and you got nothing on me when it comes to stress.

LOL, that's what I figured. See if anyone wants to pay attention to your views on this subject now.

Hey as long as my money gets spent on your brats I do have a say.

If you don't want to hear then forgo your federal tax deduction for your kids and pay for them yourself.

You're perfectly entitled to SAY whatever you want. I just don't think that anyone with kids will see that you have much credibility.
LOL, that's what I figured. See if anyone wants to pay attention to your views on this subject now.

Hey as long as my money gets spent on your brats I do have a say.

If you don't want to hear then forgo your federal tax deduction for your kids and pay for them yourself.

You're perfectly entitled to SAY whatever you want. I just don't think that anyone with kids will see that you have much credibility.

I have more credibility because unlike you I can look at the situation objectively which you obviously can't do.

And face it it's people like me who have to pick up the tab for you and your brats because I don't get to take tax deductions for pumping out kids I don't want to take care of like you do. For Christs sake you're whining about having to help your kids with their homework and you want more of my money so you don't have to.
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Hey as long as my money gets spent on your brats I do have a say.

If you don't want to hear then forgo your federal tax deduction for your kids and pay for them yourself.

You're perfectly entitled to SAY whatever you want. I just don't think that anyone with kids will see that you have much credibility.

I have more credibility because unlike you I can look at the situation objectively which you obviously can't do.

And face it it's people like me who have to pick up the tab for you and your brats because I don't get to take tax deductions for pumping out kids I don't want to take care of like you do. For Christs sake you're whining about having to help your kids with their homework and you want more of my money so you don't have to.

No, it's people like me who pay for my kids. I paid into the system for almost 30 years before having any and if our banking wizards and corporate schmucks have their way, I'll be paying long after they're done because I won't be able to retire until 75.

If you don't want anybody to take care of you and the home, just keep encouraging people not to have kids.
No I'm suggesting that throwing money at teachers will not change anything.

If an average person can outperform a so called professional educator then it's not money that's the problem but the teachers themselves.

Your average person outperforms professional teachers stats are nonsense

Give your homeschool parent a student who refuses to listen and has parents who don't give a shit about education and see what results homeschooling gets

Homeschool kid obviously have parents who care about their education and generally come from upper middle class families. Children of accountants, engineers, doctors, professors and small business generally do well in classes. These kids will perform well regardless of whether it is homeschool or public school


And if the problem is as you say the students and not the teachers then maybe we should throw a billion dollars at the kids not the teachers.

Or maybe we should track kids like we used to instead of trying to tell kids that everyone should go to college.

You need proof that student demographics in a school system affect performance?

By throwing it at the teachers, you are throwing it at the kids. With teachers you will get what you pay for. If you want the best and brightest students to enter education you had better pay like they are the best and brightest

Or maybe we should pay teachers based on how well they help student succeed based on what they are given instaed of how students do against an arbitrary test
I'm amazed that Im saying this, but Kudos Flaylo for being reasonable in this discussion. I don't know why this is different, but you aren't usually this civil in threads. I just wanted to say I appreciate it.

Yep, we need lots more of this. :eusa_angel:

I agree. I wish more people would realize we aren't enemies but fellow citizens with different ideas of what we should be focusing on as a society.

I'll tell you what....you'd see a hell of a lot more civility from the Democrats on here if the Conservatives would lay off the "Communist/Marxist/the only reason you're Dem is because you're a Leech" bullshit.

No one likes to be treated like shit. Conservatives and Democrats are always going to have Ideological differences....there's no doubt about that. but we shouldn't be enemies.
You're perfectly entitled to SAY whatever you want. I just don't think that anyone with kids will see that you have much credibility.

I have more credibility because unlike you I can look at the situation objectively which you obviously can't do.

And face it it's people like me who have to pick up the tab for you and your brats because I don't get to take tax deductions for pumping out kids I don't want to take care of like you do. For Christs sake you're whining about having to help your kids with their homework and you want more of my money so you don't have to.

No, it's people like me who pay for my kids.

Not really because you take tax deductions that the government gives you for your reproductive choices. It's people who don't get those deductions because they don't want kids that subsidize you.

I paid into the system for almost 30 years before having any and if our banking wizards and corporate schmucks have their way, I'll be paying long after they're done because I won't be able to retire until 75.

Again if you didn't have kids you obviously can't afford and don't want to take care of you'd be able to retire sooner. it's no one's fault but your own.

If you don't want anybody to take care of you and the home, just keep encouraging people not to have kids.

So you had kids so someone could take care of you? Man that's selfish. I am saving so I can take care of myself. It's people like you who want to take more of my money that's making it harder for me to save not some banker.
Your average person outperforms professional teachers stats are nonsense

Give your homeschool parent a student who refuses to listen and has parents who don't give a shit about education and see what results homeschooling gets

Homeschool kid obviously have parents who care about their education and generally come from upper middle class families. Children of accountants, engineers, doctors, professors and small business generally do well in classes. These kids will perform well regardless of whether it is homeschool or public school


And if the problem is as you say the students and not the teachers then maybe we should throw a billion dollars at the kids not the teachers.

Or maybe we should track kids like we used to instead of trying to tell kids that everyone should go to college.

You need proof that student demographics in a school system affect performance?

By throwing it at the teachers, you are throwing it at the kids. With teachers you will get what you pay for. If you want the best and brightest students to enter education you had better pay like they are the best and brightest

Or maybe we should pay teachers based on how well they help student succeed based on what they are given instaed of how students do against an arbitrary test

So tell me if you get what you pay for then how come our students did better when there were fewer teachers and they were getting paid less.
Yep, we need lots more of this. :eusa_angel:

I agree. I wish more people would realize we aren't enemies but fellow citizens with different ideas of what we should be focusing on as a society.

I'll tell you what....you'd see a hell of a lot more civility from the Democrats on here if the Conservatives would lay off the "Communist/Marxist/the only reason you're Dem is because you're a Leech" bullshit.

No one likes to be treated like shit. Conservatives and Democrats are always going to have Ideological differences....there's no doubt about that. but we shouldn't be enemies.

I would argue that you'd see much more civility from Conservatives if Progressives acted more civil as well.
All we have been doing is throwing money at education and yet we fall further and further behind other countries.

Seems to me it's about time we stop throwing good money after bad at teachers etc and try something new.

So you believe we have an adequate supply of science and math teachers?
The bottom line is, the interest isn't there. We can invest 10 billion dollars but how will that get American kids more interested in math and science?

The money is to provide teachers with a bonus for achieving excellence. You know, like in the private sector. Either you want teachers to become drones, with centrally planned curriculum, or you want to provide incentives when results are achieved.
The bottom line is, the interest isn't there. We can invest 10 billion dollars but how will that get American kids more interested in math and science?

The money is to provide teachers with a bonus for achieving excellence. You know, like in the private sector. Either you want teachers to become drones, with centrally planned curriculum, or you want to provide incentives when results are achieved.

how about a plaque, isn't that what MOST people get..
Obama throwing our tax dollars around for votes, all it is
I have more credibility because unlike you I can look at the situation objectively which you obviously can't do.

And face it it's people like me who have to pick up the tab for you and your brats because I don't get to take tax deductions for pumping out kids I don't want to take care of like you do. For Christs sake you're whining about having to help your kids with their homework and you want more of my money so you don't have to.

No, it's people like me who pay for my kids.

Not really because you take tax deductions that the government gives you for your reproductive choices. It's people who don't get those deductions because they don't want kids that subsidize you.

I paid into the system for almost 30 years before having any and if our banking wizards and corporate schmucks have their way, I'll be paying long after they're done because I won't be able to retire until 75.

Again if you didn't have kids you obviously can't afford and don't want to take care of you'd be able to retire sooner. it's no one's fault but your own.

If you don't want anybody to take care of you and the home, just keep encouraging people not to have kids.

So you had kids so someone could take care of you? Man that's selfish. I am saving so I can take care of myself. It's people like you who want to take more of my money that's making it harder for me to save not some banker.

Maybe you should just admit that you were wrong before you make a complete ass out of yourself. Ooops, too late.
No, it's people like me who pay for my kids.

Not really because you take tax deductions that the government gives you for your reproductive choices. It's people who don't get those deductions because they don't want kids that subsidize you.

Again if you didn't have kids you obviously can't afford and don't want to take care of you'd be able to retire sooner. it's no one's fault but your own.

If you don't want anybody to take care of you and the home, just keep encouraging people not to have kids.

So you had kids so someone could take care of you? Man that's selfish. I am saving so I can take care of myself. It's people like you who want to take more of my money that's making it harder for me to save not some banker.

Maybe you should just admit that you were wrong before you make a complete ass out of yourself. Ooops, too late.
I'm not wrong at all. You the one who is whining that you have to take care of your own brats
All we have been doing is throwing money at education and yet we fall further and further behind other countries.

Seems to me it's about time we stop throwing good money after bad at teachers etc and try something new.

So you believe we have an adequate supply of science and math teachers?
The student teacher ratio is lower than it was when our schools were performing better so it is obvious that there are enough teachers.
All we have been doing is throwing money at education and yet we fall further and further behind other countries.

Seems to me it's about time we stop throwing good money after bad at teachers etc and try something new.

So you believe we have an adequate supply of science and math teachers?
The student teacher ratio is lower than it was when our schools were performing better so it is obvious that there are enough teachers.

What does that have to do with science and math teachers?
So you believe we have an adequate supply of science and math teachers?
The student teacher ratio is lower than it was when our schools were performing better so it is obvious that there are enough teachers.

What does that have to do with science and math teachers?

Are you that dense?

Are you saying that there are less science and math teachers than there were when US schools were the best in the world?

Throwing money at the problem will not help. Reducing the ratio of students to teachers has not improved our schools' performance has it?

So why do we need more teachers?

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