Obama pushes OT pay for 5 million more American workers

Obama and the rest of you fools don't know a Damn thing about reality, if you think they will end up with more money, I got a bridge to sell ya.
Good, I hope he and missus is planning on using THEIR MONIES. oh he could get the Clintons to pitch in on that too

must buy votes, must buy votes. by offering to GIVE GIVE GIVE. Which is easy for these asses to do because IT'S NOT their monies.

same ole same by these Progressives. because people wouldn't vote for them otherwise. I hope the people woke up when they kicked his party out of Control of Congress and don't FALL and be duped AGAIN
It's just like with obama care, instead of some poor folks working 40 hours a week, the messiah screwed them over and now they can only work 32 hours a week or what ever it is.
While that looks good on the surface, I'd bet that the reality will be different.
Employers, for the most part, do everything in their power to keep expenses to a minimum. One expense that they can reliably control is labor costs. If that proposal would go into effect, I can see employers cutting hours to anyone covered by that proposal. They might hire extra employees to cover the shortfall, but those positions would be part-time, no benefits and lower wages. 20 hours at time and a half plus associated benefits vs. 20 hours at 80% (or less) and no benefits is a no-brainer for the average employer.
Alternately, the employer may just decide to let those hours go unstaffed, and thus make the job harder on those actually working.
While that looks good on the surface, I'd bet that the reality will be different.
Employers, for the most part, do everything in their power to keep expenses to a minimum. One expense that they can reliably control is labor costs. If that proposal would go into effect, I can see employers cutting hours to anyone covered by that proposal. They might hire extra employees to cover the shortfall, but those positions would be part-time, no benefits and lower wages. 20 hours at time and a half plus associated benefits vs. 20 hours at 80% (or less) and no benefits is a no-brainer for the average employer.
Alternately, the employer may just decide to let those hours go unstaffed, and thus make the job harder on those actually working.
Obama and the rest of you fools don't know a Damn thing about reality, if you think they will end up with more money, I got a bridge to sell ya.
Without an explanation you are just noise.
While that looks good on the surface, I'd bet that the reality will be different.
Employers, for the most part, do everything in their power to keep expenses to a minimum. One expense that they can reliably control is labor costs. If that proposal would go into effect, I can see employers cutting hours to anyone covered by that proposal. They might hire extra employees to cover the shortfall, but those positions would be part-time, no benefits and lower wages. 20 hours at time and a half plus associated benefits vs. 20 hours at 80% (or less) and no benefits is a no-brainer for the average employer.
Alternately, the employer may just decide to let those hours go unstaffed, and thus make the job harder on those actually working.
Lol how does that explain the million of people already working over time?
Obama and the rest of you fools don't know a Damn thing about reality, if you think they will end up with more money, I got a bridge to sell ya.
Without an explanation you are just noise.
I see that's why you are in the dictionary under the term "A fool is born every minute "

Again see obama care and what some company's and public sector jobs did go around it.
While that looks good on the surface, I'd bet that the reality will be different.
Employers, for the most part, do everything in their power to keep expenses to a minimum. One expense that they can reliably control is labor costs. If that proposal would go into effect, I can see employers cutting hours to anyone covered by that proposal. They might hire extra employees to cover the shortfall, but those positions would be part-time, no benefits and lower wages. 20 hours at time and a half plus associated benefits vs. 20 hours at 80% (or less) and no benefits is a no-brainer for the average employer.
Alternately, the employer may just decide to let those hours go unstaffed, and thus make the job harder on those actually working.
Lol how does that explain the million of people already working over time?

Are you seriously this dumb? You do know company's pay mine extra for a product if they require us to run production on weekends right?

Its in their operating budget.
Who says Obama doesn't care about the working class? Can you picture any GOP candidate doing this?

Obama proposal would make 5 million more eligible for OT - Yahoo News

This seems like a reasonable action to me. I think the salary threshold is a bit high, but not too far over the top. I would have pegged the threshold at about 40K-45K, but overall I think this action is a reasonable move.
I just see people taken off of salary and put on hourly with a pay cut.
Lol how does that explain the million of people already working over time?
Most of them are hourly employees, and businesses have long been able to factor that into their budget. O's proposal would automagically make employers pay overtime to salaried employees who have never been paid OT. Like I said, it looks good in principle, but implementing it would cause rapid unbudgeted payroll increases that employers would have to scramble to absorb. Bad things tend to happen when a company is hit with unexpected costs - things such as closings, layoffs, a cut in hours, and higher prices.

I just see people taken off of salary and put on hourly with a pay cut.
Thanks - I had overlooked that possibility. It's probably even more likely of a result than what I came up with.
Lol how does that explain the million of people already working over time?
Most of them are hourly employees, and businesses have long been able to factor that into their budget. O's proposal would automagically make employers pay overtime to salaried employees who have never been paid OT. Like I said, it looks good in principle, but implementing it would cause rapid unbudgeted payroll increases that employers would have to scramble to absorb. Bad things tend to happen when a company is hit with unexpected costs - things such as closings, layoffs, a cut in hours, and higher prices.

I just see people taken off of salary and put on hourly with a pay cut.
Thanks - I had overlooked that possibility. It's probably even more likely of a result than what I came up with.
What you're saying is pure speculation. It could happen for some workers, but to assume it would cause some major shift is unrealistic.

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