Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh if You Want to Get Things Done

If you really want to hear some interesting stuff. There are serious rumors in the talk radio syndication business, that if the liberals shut down people like Rush and Hanity, then the deal is already in the works to send Rush to CNN. Further, Hanity going it alone now is not by chance, but, well planned based on what is expected to happen. There have already been other movements in talk radio. I wish I had links or some articles to quote, but this comes from local people here who do local talk radio and who work for the stations locally who air Rush and Hanity.

Naturally in regard to Rush the big deal is Turner. lol ........... but, he is getting out done by Eox and when it comes down to it, it's all about money!
more revisionist history

Uh, are you talking about my last post?

And those two words seem to be your favorites:

Bullshit and Revisionist.
yes, i was

Care to refute how I'm wrong along with the wiki page? Oh and how the The National Institute of Neurological Disorders is wrong? Because we all know the NIND is "complete bullshit" when it goes up against the all knowing and mighty DiveCon. :lol:
Uh, are you talking about my last post?

And those two words seem to be your favorites:

Bullshit and Revisionist.
yes, i was

Care to refute how I'm wrong along with the wiki page? Oh and how the The National Institute of Neurological Disorders is wrong? Because we all know the NIND is "complete bullshit" when it goes up against the all knowing and mighty DiveCon. :lol:
dont want to waste my time doing the research that you will ignore anyway

posting insults to you is fun, but i know you also enjoy it
yes, i was

Care to refute how I'm wrong along with the wiki page? Oh and how the The National Institute of Neurological Disorders is wrong? Because we all know the NIND is "complete bullshit" when it goes up against the all knowing and mighty DiveCon. :lol:
dont want to waste my time doing the research that you will ignore anyway

Ah making excuses, I love it. Sorry bucko, the whole "wasting time theory" doesn't work here.
Care to refute how I'm wrong along with the wiki page? Oh and how the The National Institute of Neurological Disorders is wrong? Because we all know the NIND is "complete bullshit" when it goes up against the all knowing and mighty DiveCon. :lol:
dont want to waste my time doing the research that you will ignore anyway

Ah making excuses, I love it. Sorry bucko, the whole "wasting time theory" doesn't work here.
its not an excuse, it is a FACT, asshole
dont want to waste my time doing the research that you will ignore anyway

Ah making excuses, I love it. Sorry bucko, the whole "wasting time theory" doesn't work here.
its not an excuse, it is a FACT, asshole

If researching stuff to dispute my posts is wasting time, then why are you wasting your time on a message board if you don't want to participate fully in conversation?
Picking one's nose makes more sense than this thread.

Plus, I don't know how to "anwerer the question."
Just like the libbies in this thread,Obama wants the attention off of himself and on to a distraction...like Rush. Won't work...we are watching you ya empty suit...
WASHINGTON -- President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration.

"You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.

This is just a fact. We are currently living under one-party rule. If anyone wants to go against them, they won't 'get along' with anyone in the Democratic Party. Regardless of whether the stimulus package is a good idea or even if it's even constitutional, that doesn't matter. The Democrats want it, they have the majority, so you might as well suck-it up.
WASHINGTON -- President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration.

"You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.

This is just a fact. We are currently living under one-party rule. If anyone wants to go against them, they won't 'get along' with anyone in the Democratic Party. Regardless of whether the stimulus package is a good idea or even if it's even constitutional, that doesn't matter. The Democrats want it, they have the majority, so you might as well suck-it up.

The problem is,they want the Republicans to back it also,so they have someone to blame later. Thus, the Obama/Rush tantrum...
WASHINGTON -- President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration.

"You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.

This is just a fact. We are currently living under one-party rule. If anyone wants to go against them, they won't 'get along' with anyone in the Democratic Party. Regardless of whether the stimulus package is a good idea or even if it's even constitutional, that doesn't matter. The Democrats want it, they have the majority, so you might as well suck-it up.

The problem is,they want the Republicans to back it also,so they have someone to blame later. Thus, the Obama/Rush tantrum...
yup same thing with that stupid "stimulus bill"
and it would have passed the first time, had big mouth Pelosi not fucked it up by being the partisan bitch she is
too bad none of the republicans actually learned anything from that

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