Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh if You Want to Get Things Done

What amazes me is that Barry gives Limbaugh credit for having some kind of power to sway the entire repudlican contingent.

Rush is a fat guy with a radio show nothing more. Why are the Dimmies so threatened by him?
What amazes me is that Barry gives Limbaugh credit for having some kind of power to sway the entire repudlican contingent.

Rush is a fat guy with a radio show nothing more. Why are the Dimmies so threatened by him?

Because they don't have a spokesman of their own in Rush' league and they don't know what to do about it...

Air America bombed and MSNBC is now a big joke.
What amazes me is that Barry gives Limbaugh credit for having some kind of power to sway the entire repudlican contingent.

Rush is a fat guy with a radio show nothing more. Why are the Dimmies so threatened by him?

Because they don't have a spokesman of their own in Rush' league and they don't know what to do about it...

Air America bombed and MSNBC is now a big joke.

I love how the libbies cry about talk radio when the simple truth is that no one wants to hear moonbats whine on the radio about how evil America is.

When put head to head in simple competition, the libby radio shows just plain lost and we all know that there can be no losers in a dimmy world so let's censor the winners and tell them they can't win any more because that's just not fair.
WASHINGTON -- President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration.

"You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.

One White House official confirmed the comment but said he was simply trying to make a larger point about bipartisan efforts.

"There are big things that unify Republicans and Democrats," the official said. "We shouldn't let partisan politics derail what are very important things that need to get done

Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh if You Want to Get Things Done - Presidential Politics | Political News - FOXNews.com

Kut Right From the KOS KLOTH. Egomanic is now going to tell people who to listen too. It's gonna be a shiitty four years. !

It's all part of his plan to revisit the Fairness Doctrine. Give him time. Hussein's arrogance hasn't even begun to show yet. Wait 'til he's been President for awhile.
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Limbaugh is a comedian, why the fuck would anyone take a comedian seriously? I mean, wouldn't that sort of signify an epic fail on behalf of the comedan?

Okay, maybe Lenny Bruce should have been taken seriously sometimes, but I think he was a philosopher-comedian.

Limbaugh is just an ordinary comedian, he's there to make people laugh.

because the left wing lunatic club to whom obamalama belongs has a serious hatred of conservatives, which include Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Ann Coulter, and of course Michelle Malkin. It's as rabid as their obsession with hating George Bush. It's pathological and obamalama just demonstrated it. Can you say fairness doctrine? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

True True. I mean the hate is too strong and apparent, or at least that is what left's make it out to be. To say George Bush was a piece of shit president is one thing, but too put down the whole conservative basis is another.
WASHINGTON -- President Obama warned Republicans on Capitol Hill today that they need to quit listening to radio king Rush Limbaugh if they want to get along with Democrats and the new administration.

"You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done," he told top GOP leaders, whom he had invited to the White House to discuss his nearly $1 trillion stimulus package.

One White House official confirmed the comment but said he was simply trying to make a larger point about bipartisan efforts.

"There are big things that unify Republicans and Democrats," the official said. "We shouldn't let partisan politics derail what are very important things that need to get done

Obama: Quit Listening to Rush Limbaugh if You Want to Get Things Done - Presidential Politics | Political News - FOXNews.com

Kut Right From the KOS KLOTH. Egomanic is now going to tell people who to listen too. It's gonna be a shiitty four years. !

Obama probably shouldn't have said that. When you tell people to not do something, they get curious & more start listening.

At any rate, Rush at times can go off of the deep end, & at other times he makes a lot of sense.

Like today on the stimulus package & regarding bi-partisanship:

Rush rationalized that Obama got 54% of the vote--McCain got 46%. Therefore 54% of that go into Obama's plan of building roads & bridges & the other 46% go into corporate tax cuts, capital gains tax cuts & tax incentives. Why not?
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Like today on the stimulus package & regarding bi-partisanship:

Rush rationalized that Obama got 54% of the vote--McCain got 46%. Therefore 54% of that go into Obama's plan of building roads & bridges & the other 46% go into corporate tax cuts, capital gains tax cuts & tax incentives. Why not?

Because half of the 54% that voted for hussein voted on hope and change, and they're already beginning to see that they've been had and are jumping ship. Reality is setting in, so I'd cut hussein's 54% down to about 25%.
Because half of the 54% that voted for hussein voted on hope and change, and they're already beginning to see that they've been had and are jumping ship. Reality is setting in, so I'd cut hussein's 54% down to about 25%.

Really? You think so? The deadenders never really were very attuned to the national sentiment. Although I'm sure everyone seeing you refer to President Obama as "Hussein" must truly impress your friends and neighbors.

President Obama's first Gallup approval rating since taking office is the highest for a president -- after an election -- at the start of their tenure since Kennedy.

Obama had a 69% approval rating, according to Gallup, on Jan. 21, the day after his inauguration. The only president to have a higher approval since World War II was Kennedy, who had 72% approval rating on Feb. 15, 1961.

Eisenhower equaled Obama's approval at 68%. Since Kennedy, Carter started with 66%, Reagan 51%, George H.W. Bush 51%, Clinton 58%, George W. Bush 57%.

Obama approval ranks near top - First Read - msnbc.com

See also:


And, if you'll note, he only has a 12% disapproval rating... that's the wingnuts and racists. So much for your 25% approval rating.
approval rate always drops as one starts to govern so let's see where approval ratings go (down)
approval rate always drops as one starts to govern so let's see where approval ratings go (down)

no question. If he stays around 60%, he's doing ok. I was merely responding to the numbers just tossed out there and made up from whole cloth since they hadnt even a passing acquaintance with reality. ;)
Bush 1 went from 80% after the Gulf War to 30% by election day. But still came within a Ross Perot of beating Clinton.

One suspects however, that If the economy stays bad and everone thinks it almost certainly will, that those numbers will stat to plummet well beofre the next congressional election in 2010 and let's not forget the approval rating for the last Democratic congress was about half of Bush II's approval rating, and thats not going to increase.
Bush 1 went from 80% after the Gulf War to 30% by election day. But still came within a Ross Perot of beating Clinton.

One suspects however, that If the economy stays bad and everone thinks it almost certainly will, that those numbers will stat to plummet well beofre the next congressional election in 2010 and let's not forget the approval rating for the last Democratic congress was about half of Bush II's approval rating, and thats not going to increase.

Actually, it went up to 90% during GulfI, IIRC. I disagree about Obama's approval ratings "plummeting" if he can't fix Bush's mess in 2 years. Everyone knows it's going to take time. I think it depends more on what type of CONFIDENCE people have in him two years from now.

And Congressional approval ratings don't work the same as presidential approval ratings. Besides, even people who scream, cry and whine about Congress tend to say, in huge numbers, that they will re-elect their OWN congress people.

More likely than your scenario, is that if the repubs who remain in Congress seem obstructionist and simply wrong, the repubs will lose even more seats in 2010. There are a lot of repubs in congress who have already said they're not giong to run again. Those seats will then be opened up to Dems and not protected by incumbency.

You guys would do so much better to actually pay attention to things... regardless of your politics. I always knew when what Karl Rove was doing was going to work... no matter how venal I thought it was.
I know where they're from genius I also know Rush has or had at one time a rebuttal to the charges on the net.

Jillian, the Republicans almost certain can't obstruct much of anything. What happens from here on out is on the shoulders of the Dems and since the real problem is bad regualtions at all levels of Government and they haven't a clue about that they will simply layer on another round of regulations and almost certainly make things worse. An outfit with an approval rating in near single digits for the last two years is unlikely to see an increase of any real proportions however much the alphabet soup media praises them simply because, no one I repaet no one trusts the Alphabet soup media.
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Incredibly stupid for Obama to raise Rush to his level by speaking about him.

didn't Rush make a shitload pot of money when Harry Stupid Reid went after him? Like selling a letter on Ebay or sumpin??? :lol::lol::lol:

Yep, it went for around $500,00 i think ? Which he matched, then donated to charity. He then challenged every politician that signed that stupid petition against him ( all democrats ) to match it with him, but guess what happened ? :lol:
Limbaugh is a comedian, why the fuck would anyone take a comedian seriously? I mean, wouldn't that sort of signify an epic fail on behalf of the comedan?

Okay, maybe Lenny Bruce should have been taken seriously sometimes, but I think he was a philosopher-comedian.

Limbaugh is just an ordinary comedian, he's there to make people laugh.

because the left wing lunatic club to whom obamalama belongs has a serious hatred of conservatives, which include Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and Ann Coulter, and of course Michelle Malkin. It's as rabid as their obsession with hating George Bush. It's pathological and obamalama just demonstrated it. Can you say fairness doctrine? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Freedom of speech...for liberals only.
Obama's working at marginalizing anyone who doesn't toe his line.
Freedom of speech...for liberals only.
Obama's working at marginalizing anyone who doesn't toe his line.

How bout' you, Babble? Since Obama's a "Marxist" (any true Marxist could recognize that he wasn't) what relation do Obama's policies have with approaches to crisis theory?
Oh, yeah. Like Pol Pot wasn't a true communist.

Unlike Limbaugh, you've already been marginalized, bud.
Oh, yeah. Like Pol Pot wasn't a true communist.

Unlike Limbaugh, you've already been marginalized, bud.

Actually, Babble, I offered you an extensive explanation of why Pol Pot was not a communist, but a state capitalist. You simply have no grasp of political economy, and were thus unable to comment intelligently on the matter.

But you know nothing whatsoever about communism, at any rate, as you clearly don't even know what crisis theory is.
Your extensive explanation was simply a denial of the criminal acts of a communist, with the justification that since he was a criminal, he wasn't really a commie.

It was so much bullshit, as all your justifications for illegal behavior are.

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